chaos [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 31
Lumoise City, Kalos
Techwear Designer
if you're not with me, what does everything mean to me?
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Astor Heroux DOLLARS
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Astor Heroux
chaos [m]
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2022 0:59:44 GMT
Astor Heroux Avatar

”Hmmmm… You think we should be suave? Or should we be, like…cocky? An ‘in your face’ kinda arrogant?”[break][break]

As odd as the matchup was, he couldn’t exactly complain about his partner of choice to his face when he was the one that bothered her about it. The gig was free money, anyways— and free money that she was basically getting for little to no effort at all.[break][break]

Getting paid for moral support.[break]
That was the deal, here.[break][break]

”...Maybe a ‘lil footwork?”[break][break]

Some squeaking of shoes against the finished floor.[break]
Then came some—... Clattering noises? Something like that?[break][break]

Whatever it sounded like, he moved his arms while planting the toe of his foot into the ground beneath him with the aforementioned squeak, briefly leaning onto his knee and snapping back again; the momentum of it all bringing him into a swift spin before before he ultimately swung his leg around and rolled himself onto the floor.[break][break]

He paused as is mentally replaying what he’d just done in his head before sighing and just…dropping onto his chest.[break]
Literally just laid there.[break][break]

”...Man, I dunno where to go with this—”

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january 31st
po town, alola
looked to the sky for a sign
52 height
52 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
159 posts
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TAG WITH @ariadne
chaos [m]
POSTED ON May 31, 2022 2:22:18 GMT

now this was an odd duo. [break][break]

she's met him before, once or twice. or a few times, actually. nice guy. a little eccentric, a little.. odd, but a nice guy. what confused her was how he decided to call her - her - of all people to a job that involved dancing. someone with two self-proclaimed left feet, but who is she to complain when it's good money? [break][break]

thankfully, now she has a hatterene at her side to be her eyes (through the use of psychic abilities, thankfully). she hums, softly, watching as a man (very ungracefully) lowers himself onto the ground, unceremonious in every sense of the word. still, there's something to be said about how amusing he was. it brought a smile to her face, at least. [break][break]

she kneels down, elbows against her knees leaning her cheek against her hand and, with an amused snicker says "it doesn't technically even need to be a dance" with a confident smile on her face. "it just needs to be something dazzling, nice to look at. something that'll make you see it and go--" she raises her hands, open palmed and shaking them in the air. woo. jazz hands "wauw, sparkle sparkle, what a show. that kind of thing~."

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March 31
Lumoise City, Kalos
Techwear Designer
if you're not with me, what does everything mean to me?
17 posts
Astor Heroux DOLLARS
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Astor Heroux
chaos [m]
POSTED ON May 31, 2022 3:35:55 GMT
Astor Heroux Avatar

”Nah, yeah, but with shit like this, ya wanna make a statement, man…!”[break][break]

For a moment, he threw his arms and hands up as much as they could from the angle he laid at before dropping them back onto the floor within an unceremonious manner. He hummed through the vents of his mask for a small while in thought, eventually shifting and pulling himself enough to at least roll over and onto his back. He continued to sprawl his arms and legs out, though.[break][break]

”I wanna give ‘em the old, sparkle, sparkle, wauw!’ man! I really do!” he continued on pursing his lips beneath the mask while absentmindedly tapping the back of his hands against the varnished flooring in a soft, yet quickened pitter patter. ”Give ‘em all the good old razzle dazzle and stuff, but like—... I dunno. Even if it gotta be a dance, it’s gotta be a dance, y’know? It’s a choreography! This is what they asked for, ain’t it?”

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january 31st
po town, alola
looked to the sky for a sign
52 height
52 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
159 posts
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TAG WITH @ariadne
chaos [m]
POSTED ON May 31, 2022 5:30:59 GMT

"a statement, huh?" she cocks her head - what kind of statement could be made, then? surely it would vary from coordinator to coordinator. honestly, she doesn't get why they don't just do this themselves, but maybe it's just her being old fashioned. who knows. so she hums, and gives a small shrug of her shoulders. [break][break]

"how about we figure out music to dance to first, then?" she tilts her head, pulling her phone from her pocket, keeping a hand on her hatterene's appendage to be able to see the screen "any sort of vibe we wanna go for?"

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played by


March 31
Lumoise City, Kalos
Techwear Designer
if you're not with me, what does everything mean to me?
17 posts
Astor Heroux DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @astor
Astor Heroux
chaos [m]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 20:05:58 GMT
Astor Heroux Avatar

He thought about it for a moment, humming as his mask displayed what could only be a pair of squinting eyes.[break][break]

”I mean…if it’s a cool routine, then something…cool?” He shrugged with some degree of uncertainty, turning back towards the mirror again while crossing his arms. His foot tapped against the varnished floors beneath him softly in thought. ”I guess maybe gritty and badass, too, if that makes sense? If not that, maybe some kinda hip hop thing?”[break][break]

Or maybe not, honestly.[break]
He liked to think he was flexible, anyways.