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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 15, 2022 19:52:14 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


Callan was much too good for her. She realized this as she squeezed tight against his body, his arms wrapped around her, as he spoke his soothing words. She wanted to believe those words. But she knew he was disappointed. She was disappointed in herself, so how could he not be. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. “I suppose you are right.” She paused, “But why now…” She knew there was no good that would come from the question, still, she asked it all the same. Maybe it was the years of experience that he had which allowed him to take this so calmly, or maybe he was simply a better person than she was. She wasn’t sure that she would have afforded him the same patience had their roles been reversed.
She heard the zip, just as clearly as Callan did. And for a brief second, she imagined the view from the point of the psychic Pokémon. Oh, how foolish a scene it must’ve been to see. Luckily it seemed it had the clarity to not walk in on them.
She didn’t want Callan to let go. But he did, offering to fetch some tea. She nodded. “Yes, I would like that very much.” And as he would leave. She wiped away the tears which had begun to form, before running a hand through her hair, partially frustrated with the state she was in, partially trying to tidy up and hide the mess that she was from Callan. She also moved about a bit, making herself just a tiny bit more comfortable on the sofa.




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POSTED ON May 16, 2022 14:17:14 GMT
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Callan wasn't sure how to answer her question. "Do you mean why did I stop, or why did I start?" Callan asked in return, as he slowly rose up to make the tea for her. He opened the door to the kitchen in the studio, where Eurea had been waiting, she could sense something was off about her master, Callan offered a weak smile, there wasn't much she'd be able to do about it to console him.

Callan leaned into the desk by the kettle, filled it with water, clicked on the pot to set it to heat up.

Just rote actions to keep him busy and not try to concern himself with feeling anything, he had felt worse, this was nothing in comparison. It was a mishap, she didn't mean anything by it. She couldn't have known anything about the experience, yet she still did her best for him.

Teabags in the cups, gently pour, let steep for three minutes.

She could sense he was a failure, that was why she stopped. She could sense the desperation, that was why she stopped. He was a recusant, a predator, he shouldn't have dated someone so young. Was he attracted to her because of misspent youth? Did he try to capture the feeling of being young, because he was reclaiming something stolen by him from his daughter?

Don't say that. It took physical force to withhold himself from hammering his head into the counter.

Sugar, milk, small spoon, stir. Black tea in halogen yellow light, slowly blanching from the color of the milk until it was a muted brown. A cretin with two legs walks back returns to the sofa, where Elinor huddled herself into a warm corner. I did this to her. If only he could paint the shades of his failures so vividly into his guitar, as how it felt in his mind.

Callan gently placed a cup for her, just warm enough to cut back the air conditioning, not hot enough to burn the touch. "Here you go dear." He said, sitting himself down beside her. He needed to be the adult here, but words failed him at the moment. Perhaps silence suited the feeling better, as he sipped his tea, his eyes downcast on the ground. He probably looked pathetic, that was because he was.

All the neon lights and interviews, all the praise and accolades, all the radio hits, and here he was a self pitying mess because a girl rejected him. He sipped his drink, before turning towards Elly. "I'm sorry love, I think I got hit hard by an emotion bomb on the other room." He began. His eyes wandered.

While the emotions were fresh. He turned towards Elinor.

"Would you like to hear some music?"

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Elinor Anderson
raspberry gum
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 7:10:59 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


She meant neither, her words had simply been a question to herself of why the truth would have to be learned right now. Why could she not just have let him have his fun, maybe she probably would’ve had fun too. But here she was. Being denied what was only natural for her body to participate in by some roadblock of the mind. Still, she did not answer his question, she found the words stuck in her throat.
As she sat there on the sofa, rummaging her mind for answers while waiting for Callan. She came to wonder if this was a bit of the hedgehog’s dilemma at work. Having been taught to see each relationship as a potential transaction, maybe she had come to subconsciously fear being in a relationship that wasn’t equal in power since she had just barely escaped the chains of her parents, maybe that was why she’d responded so strongly to the mere notion of handing over her freedom to Callan.
The thoughts were many, the reasons even more. Yet she couldn’t find the answer she looked for within the confines of her mind. Still, not once did Callan come to her in a bad light. Not a thought blemished the picture she had of him. It wasn’t the fault of Callan, no, she was to blame for all of this.
She sent him a smile “Thank you.” She reached out for the tea. Gently taking the cup and taking a sip of the tea. It was warm, but not too hot. Once again he proved how considerate he was. Had she been home, she’d been made to wait longer or dare test the waters with her lips.
Callan admitted to being by a bomb of emotions. Well, he would not be alone. They were both humans after all. She moved closer to him. Quietly snuggling up against him, hoping to offer him some comfort. “I think we’ve both been hit by the same bomb.” She admitted. Her voice was meek as she admitted it.
“I’d love to hear your music.” It was one of the many reasons for this date after all. Maybe the Music would even heal some of the emotions they were both feelings.




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[newclass=.complanet-post]color:#444444;background-color:#eeeeee;padding:30px;font:10.25px Hind; letter-spacing:.25px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 18, 2022 11:13:52 GMT
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Callan chuckled, taking a sip of his tea before placing it down. He wrapped a hand around her to give her access to his chest as he leaned his cheek against her hair. "It's a bad habit of mine, one I haven't been able to kick." He replied. He'd like to thing most people were like that, but he had his doubts. Regardless, with her snug against him, he found it difficult to get up and grab his guitar. "I'll be back one sec."

He said, slowly getting up and moving over to one of the sides. A set of guitars lined the wall, each one a decent range. They were rentals, for use in production. Callan didn't bring his own Stratocaster today, but he'd be able to make any guitar work and sing the way he wanted it to. He took down the Ibanez PIA from the rack, finished in its immaculate light blue and gold finish, he'd always loved these guitars, but he was much more accustomed to his own. His Strat had been with him since his teens, he had no intention of swapping it around.

Callan moved back tosit next to Elinor, scooting close before. This one did not need to be plugged into an amp, producing its own power. He tuned it, carefully switching the guitar's chords to be able to fit the piece of music. "I was originally going to play some of the songs from the album but, I figured we could listen to something gentler first."

Callan pressed his fingers against the chords, a calm washed over him. His thumb pressed against the E string, the coarse fibers dug into well weathered, but still dextrous, fingertips. It was like the pages of a library unfolded in his head, thousands upon thousands of riffs constatnly vying for his attention. Happy, sad, melancholic, abyssal, technical, gentle, simple, pop, metal, rock, funk, blues, jazz-- his mind raced through the maze of neurons, it didn't take too long, as he began to pick, weaving an emotion into music.


While he was never particularly into orchestra, he did sometimes pick bits and pieces from compositions. Since Elinor was into classical, he picked something that could have just been easily as been played on piano. "This is from one of my favorite movie soundtracks. I've never actually seen the movie though." He smiled, "What type of classical music do you typically enjoy listening to?"

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Elinor Anderson
raspberry gum
POSTED ON May 19, 2022 9:07:38 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


It seemed they both had baggage to deal with. As she sat there, Callan still by her side, something told her that they could get through this. And they would if she could keep her impatience in tow.
Callan decided to fetch his Guitar. She allowed him to do so, though quickly sensing the lack of his presence. Luckily he rejoined her soon enough. Now carrying, what she had to admit, was a rather fine-looking guitar. Though she knew not the make nor its name.
Still, neither mattered, what was important was that Callan sat beside her once more. This time he was about to show her what they had spoken about on their first date. He had already admitted what sort of music he made, so it came as no surprise when he offered to play her something gentler to ease her into it. And she didn’t mind. After what had just happened, maybe going slow was the right choice.
And as she sat there, listening and watching. She noticed the sudden change in Callan. As if some calmness washed over the before-so-distraught man. And as he worked his magic, the sheer focus he put into the performance stole the very air from her lungs. It was hot, not in an animalistic way as what she had experienced before. But in a way that conveyed comfort, and a promise that she would be safe in his care.
And then the performance ended. She smiled and gave a small clap, as one does when an artist performs excellently. “I am afraid I didn’t recognize the song. But if the movie is as good as what I just heard, it’s definitely something that needs to be on my watch list.” She stated before she could go on to answer Callan’s hard-hitting question.
A blush washed over her, she looked away as she tried to hide it, but realized it was futile, besides Callan had already seen enough of her for there to be no reason to be blushing over her taste in music. “I know this might make seem very basic. But Vivaldi’s Four Seasons has always been one of my favorites, the way it paints the seasons of the year, so intrinsically different that you are never unsure which season you are listening to, and at the same time, it doesn’t fall into the trap of making Autumn and Winter sound completely bleak and sorrowful.” And as she spoke, she wondered if Callan knew that sort of music because it didn’t seem like he frequented the circles were appearing posh even with musical taste, was a thing.
She took another sip of the tea. Awaiting Callan’s reaction.




[newclass=.complanet]width:365px;border:solid 10px #f9f9f9;text-align:justify;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px rgba(22,22,22,.2);margin:20px 0px 5px 0px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 20, 2022 14:09:45 GMT
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Callan bowed his head, well as much as he could when seated, grinning, as she clapped. "Far too kind, Lady Elinor." He chuckled, as he rested the Ibanezdown gently against his lap, listening to her taste in songs. "Oh, I've not listened to it before, let me look it up."

Callan scooched himself to grab his phone, opened Youtube, and found Vivaldi, Four Seasons... only it was about 49 minutes long. "Hmm... maybe just the Winter part." Callan replied, placing it down on the table, and hit play. He gently leaned onto Elinor's head as the music played.

The power of the electric violin cut through so immediately and viscerally, that he had a hard time believing that Vivaldi wasn't a born metalhead. Whoever this man was, his composition was beautiful, and already he could feel his fingers tap invisibly against the strings as he listened. "It's like a violent snowstorm." He commented, as he continued to listen.

By the time it ended, Callan found himself inspired. "That was wonderful." He said, "I study a lot of musical theory, but I suppose I never paid much attention to Vivaldi. But I might start listening to more classical." Callan tuned his guitar, counted to four in his head, and let his fingers shred the guitar in place of a violin.


As he finished, Callan rested his hand for a moment. "I love it, there's so much there that you can't find in modern music." Even if the building blocks were the same, there was something so much more complex about it that he wanted to bring into the industry. It wasn't just about becoming popular, it was about giving the world something more than just mainstream hits.

Callan paused, "Would you like to listen to some of my own songs?" He asked, "I have this one coming up for release soon."

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Elinor Anderson
raspberry gum
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 15:51:48 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


Callan played along, as the artist he was. Maybe he did so in jest, but her applause was genuine. Even if it seemed a small feat for him, this was the difference between years of experience in a particular skill.
She was only mildly surprised when Callan admitted to having never listened to the music. Classical music like that was from a bygone era only truly experienced outside high-class circles in remixed form and historical drama as ambiance.
She leaned closer to him as he found the song. His reaction had been the very same she had had when her parents made her listen to it. But she had come to appreciate the length. While short songs were nice, they didn’t tell a whole story unlike this. But then again, she supposes this could be considered a four-part album rather than a single song.
Anyhow, the song played, and Callan gently leaned onto her head. Resting as he listened. She too enjoyed both the music and the closeness. Callan commented on the song. Elinor wanted to nod as she so often did, but found herself unable to do so as she didn’t want to disturb Callan’s rest. Instead a simple “Mhmm” escaped her.
It was clear to her that by the time the song finished. Callan’s muse had visited granting him inspiration for the music to come. He even admitted to having a taste for the genre awoken within him. She watched him with great interest as he tuned his guitar, then did a count before letting his fingers shred the guitar. What emerged was equal parts Vivaldi’s composition and Callan’s personal touch. At first the sound of deafening overwhelming in its splendor and want for presence. But as her ears adjusted, it became more nuanced. And so, by the end, he had won her over.
So when he offered to play one of his songs she could do naught but nod excitedly and proclaim. “Yeah, I would like to listen to as many songs as you’d be willing to perform!” Maybe her expectations had been skewed by his masterful rendition, but time would tell. All she could do for now was sit closely to Callan and watch and listen while he did his musical magic.




[newclass=.complanet]width:365px;border:solid 10px #f9f9f9;text-align:justify;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px rgba(22,22,22,.2);margin:20px 0px 5px 0px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.complanet-top]color:#eeeeee;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1.25px;background-color:#999999;border-radius:3px 3px 0px 0px;padding:15px;font:8px Rajdhani;font-weight:800!important;[/newclass]
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Supernova Shredder
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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POSTED ON May 21, 2022 15:43:02 GMT
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Callan didn't show it, but his breath relaxed significantly once he realized Elinor didn't mind the sound of the electric guitar. It was a harsh instrument, especially when one intentionally distorted the instrument for effect, but it was something that still represented a big portion of his life. As he eased into the performance and ended his impromptu rendition.

Callan turned towards her, looking into her eyes, "Okay... well..." His voice was slightly rattled with trepidation. What if she didn't like it? He was a metal head, that was for sure, he wanted this to be accessible to others, he wanted to make the public love the music that he loved. And this track, these riffs, were parts of his soul that he poured out into the world, waiting for judgment, and Elinor would be the first to listen to it. "This is a little bit different from orchestra."

Right... no excuses, no words, he wanted a raw reaction, painful or no.

Callan connected his phone over to the audio system within the room, it would cover them entirely as if it were a concert. Hopefully the colume would be enough to offset his guitar. "Let me know what you think?" He chuckled, "This one is called Synergy, it's a song Adrian and I worked on, I think it's one of our best." The system played a set of eight blips, as Callan readied his fingers.

And he let it shred.


Callan was enthralled in the music, completely lost in it. The angry, vicious, yet highly technical guitar riffs that changed up over time. The playing wasn't perfect, given that he hadn't had enough practice for a live session yet, but missed notes were barely there, the music was a torrent of aggression and melody. For Callan, it was cathartic, he was ripping his fingers into the groove Adrian's screams, as if his partner were just there in front of him. As the last few screams by Adrian's vocals finished, Callan exhaled a breath. The music sloowly washed out of him.

He sucked in a breath as he turned towards Elinor. "How'd you find it Elly?"

| Synergy - Dance Gavin Dance | Cover - Mikerisms

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Verdanturf Ranger Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Elinor Anderson
raspberry gum
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 8:46:42 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


She noticed the rattle in his voice. She figured he was nervous. Even if he had no reason to be. She would accept his music, maybe not like it, but she would accept it as something not meant for her. He kept speaking, warning her that it was a little different. But then as if he realized that he didn’t want an already colored reaction, he paused, as he connected the phone to the audio system. Once done he told some more info, nothing which would color her view, but meant to stall before he finally pressed play.
Elinor closed her eyes and let the music be the only thing she would experience right now. Maybe it had been a mistake. The anger and viciousness of the music hit her otherwise so delicate eardrums with their ear-shattering intensity. At first her brows furrowed as if in pain. But as she got used to the sound, and the screaming song, her face would ease into a more neutral experience.
The music came to an end. Her ears could finally find peace. She allowed her eyes to open once more as she turned her attention to Callan, just in time to hear him ask the question. “Well… Uhm…” She wasn’t sure how she should word it in a way that wouldn’t disappoint Callan. But at the same time, she knew lying would disappoint him more. “I think it will take some getting used to. I like the guitar work and the parts where the text is sung more naturally. But I have to admit I am not a fan of the screaming.”
She looked hopefully towards Callan, wondering if she had just stepped on something Callan was very proud of.




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POSTED ON May 24, 2022 3:49:25 GMT
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Callan nodded, he had expected that she wouldn't be particularly into metal. "Yeah I imagine it's definitely one of the genres that are more of an acquired taste." Callan smiled. It was something he was used to, he was grateful for it.

"The screams are pretty hard to deal with for the average music listener I imagine, but I personally think of it just like an instrument. It's a nice way to express anger, hatred, frustration, all these pent up emotions inside of us that don't have a pretty way of coming out."

Callan pauses, "It's the appeal of metal for a lot of people, I think. For me though, since I come from the perspective of making the music, I just think of it like spicy food, most people don't enjoy spice by itself, but if it's well made with decent spices and seasoning, those who enjoy spicy food will love it." Callan took a sip of his tea before continuing, "I think that Adrian's vocals are balanced out by the screaming, since it makes the sung parts all the sweeter."

Callan paused, "Hmm... how about a different song then? I think you should be familiar with this one."


"Happy birthday dear." He smiled. As if on queue, Eurea, his Gardevoir, walked into the studio, a small cake with layers of cream and chocolate sponge, topped with cherries and a single candle. It placed the cake between the sets of tea, as it clapped politely. Callan gently kissed her forehead, "Hope the cake is to your liking, I'm sure it's not as good as the ones you've had at home."

The candle blazed its lone vigil, waiting to be blown out.

| Happy Birthday! | Cover - Ichika Nito

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POSTED ON May 24, 2022 14:34:19 GMT
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Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


Callan seemed to understand. It wasn’t his first rodeo introducing someone to the genre, that was clear. She listened to his explanation, it was very interesting to hear his thoughts from an inside perspective. And she had to admit.
“I have to admit. When you put it like spices it makes a lot of sense. And you are definitely right about it. Maybe now with that in mind, I might appreciate it even more on a second listen” She suggested. But Callan had other plans it seemed.
She couldn’t hide confusion as Callan suggested she knew this one. She looked at Callan as she listened, and it took far too long before it dawned upon her. But then a smile, true and wide spread upon her lips dwarfing any smile which had been there before. Her cheeks reddened as well when he congratulated her. And the final falcon punch of the day hit her straight on when the Gardevoir walked in with a cherry-topped cake.
The following kiss on the forehead set off a reaction of emotions. Happy emotions, but emotions nonetheless. Memories of the countless birthdays her parents had forgotten, only to be followed by half-arsed attempts at making it up to her with gifts. The only one who usually remembered had been Geena, who would give her a cake just like the one Gardevoir walked in with, coincidence, maybe but a happy one.
“It’s Perfect.” She stated. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Tears of happiness gently ran down. She gave an appreciative nod to the Gardevoir. She moved in to give Callan a kiss and a deep hug if he’d accept those gifts from her. It was the only thing she could give to return the happiness which he had given her.
Once the kiss reached its end. She’d look into his eyes and ask. “How’d you know it was my birthday soon?” Two days from this date, to be precise. Alas, In her happiness, she completely forget her social media accounts displayed the info readily available for all to see.




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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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POSTED ON May 25, 2022 15:54:57 GMT
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The way her eyes lit up, the way she teared with joy, that was everything he wanted and more. There was nothing that he could say that could express it, only that there was a lump in his throat, as if he could feel some momentous thing he had done for her. Even if it was just a song, and a cake, what she looked like in his eyes was as if she had been saved from something.

Callan embraced her, eagerly, fully, placing the guitar to the side as she hugged him, as he wrapped tight against her. Callan pressed his lips to hers as his arms squeezed tight behind her, pulling her bare chest to his body while wrapping her back tight with the makeshift blanket that was his jacket. He hummed in pleasure as he took in her smell and her taste again, gently licking against her lower lip as she gently pullled away. He looked luridly into her eyes as she spoke. Tears gently flecked against her eyes, Callan used a thumb to wipe it away, as hemoved to stroke her hair.

"Oh... I followed you on Social Media, I had a hunch." He smiled. "I... didn't expect you to be this happy though... I'd have thought you would have had a better birthday. I'm very glad about it." He gnetly pulled her into his chest wrapping his arms around her to allow her to rest there. He wanted to stay like that for eternity.

| Happy Birthday! | Cover - Ichika Nito

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Elinor Anderson
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POSTED ON May 25, 2022 19:07:04 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar



Control is an illusion to ease the pain that is life.


Elinor had never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would ever find herself with a man this caring. And yet, here she was Callan wrapping around her in a loving embrace, kisses exchanged. He had done more than he needed to, he had gone above and beyond and for that, she was more than grateful.
She would have to keep the knowledge that he followed her on her SoMe channels in mind whenever she made posts. But for now, such thoughts couldn’t be further from her mind. Still, he seemed a bit confused at her joy, maybe he was overwhelmed. As she found rest in his arms, deciding to stay like this forever. She figured.
“Oh, this is definitely in my top two birthdays I’ve had,” Elinor admitted, as she snuggled up against him. She snuggled further up against him if that was even possible at this point. “And I am sure you are wondering how that’s possible. But let’s just say my parents have never been big on birthdays.” She quietly spoke.
She was ready to elaborate if Callan desired it. But for now, she was content with snuggling, and while doing so her thoughts returned to what they had originally come here to do, and she wondered if they should try again. It was the least she could do for the man who had made such an impression on her.




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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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an anxious object
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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POSTED ON May 27, 2022 4:45:50 GMT
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A great wave of euphoria rushed through him as he squeezed her tight against his chest. And along with it, a tinge of sadness, now that he had heard her story.

"No child deserves to not have something to celebrate every year." He whispers. He couldn't fathom it, how could a parent not celebrate the one reminder that their child was with them? How could they not celebrate their greatest gift to the world?

"Now I'm curious what the top birthday is." He replied, smiling as he brushed against her strawberry blonde locks. "But I'm sure, there's always next year, and more memories to make."

Callan smelled her scent, pulling her into his gaze, as his fingers locked against her hair. It was building inside him again, he felt his heart pulse into his lungs, the blood flowing into his head as he brushed his lip against hers, and removing the jacket form her back to expose her lithe body to him.

He hadn't the opportunity before to actually look at her fully, this time, he sucked her in, his eyes trailed down her neck and against her petite curves. Rough, calloused fingers rolled up towards her hips, then waist, then against her chest, as his thumb teased against the hardening spots. "I want you." He whispered. As he began to kiss down her neck, sucking in her smell. "Let's make this your number one birthday."

[Fade to Black]

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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an anxious object
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 17:21:14 GMT
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Callan sliced into his cake as he listened, his eyes meandered between his food and Elinor, before ultimately deciding that it was better to give his full attention to her as she spoke. "Is that how you first got interested in Pokemon battling?" He asked, even though she had never battled him, he could already tell she had a talent for it. There was a glint in a trainer's eyes that was hard to mistake.

"It sounds to me like she loved you very much." Callan replied. "Do you still keep in touch with her?"

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