013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:03:35 GMT
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heir evening was booked. upon his suggestion, arian decided to call upon to partake in doing a film with him. the genre? an odd combination of horror and romance. the director had quite a...strange taste.


arian had already been on set. currently, he was having his make-up done. scrolling upon his phone, the lilycove gym leader wondered if would even show up. hopefully he didn't scare her too much. she had a week in advance to prepare. she was the leading lady in this short film after all.


the movie they were set to do was called "a love to kill". the film stars a handsome man who takes interest in only average women so that he may murder them as a way to expel his "urgers". the girl in question ( ) is different from his usual prey. she's not easy to obtain, no woman has ever resisted the handsome killer's charm before. she was different, and he wants to know more about this girl.

all while infighting with himself and wondering if he's in love with her or in love with the thought of killing her, he comes to learn that she's been inflicted with an illness that's soon to take her life before he can. now he's in a race against time: does he fall for the girl or take her life before the illness can? as the killer deals with his inner thoughts, he has to dispose of those closest to her to mend his urges.


arian's the handsome killer. cait is arian's modernly average, dying cinderella. the scene they were to be doing together would be explained the moment she arrived on set.

party: ? ? ?
mission: a star is born[break]
notes: haha, what the fuck?

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:23:31 GMT
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cait rushed into the makeup room roughly half an hour later, the grin she bore a combination of apologetic and sheepish as she took her seat upon the adjustable and cushioned leather chair. 

"i'm so sorry, arian. i completely forgot to set my alarm last night."

it had taken several calls to stir her from her slumber, the young woman having been forced to scramble to make it onto set once she had rose from her bed. the filming was delayed because of it, but the director hadn't been unpleasant nor soured by her misstep when he greeted her at the entrance; merely suggesting that she join her co-star and get dressed for her part. 

i didn't mean to make you wait.

her hair had remained in its usual state - curly and bouncy - but its color had been heavily altered. she had been expected to transition into a brunette for this particular role, and even her freckles were now heavily smothered beneath a thick layer of make up. cait appeared remarkably different when she didn't bolster her unusually colored mane of deep green, the director requesting that she appear relatively average as opposed to 'eye catching'. 

i look so different," she remarked, staring wide-eyed at her own reflection.

a young man walked up with a small plastic case in hand. 

"your contact lenses, ma'am."

oh - um - can you put them in for me, please? i've never...

"of course."

her eyes were darker now, the lenses causing them to bolster a brown shade.  

what do you think?"

cait looked at arian, her grin full of teeth as she excitedly awaited his appraisal.  

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:40:11 GMT
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esmerizing. arian, stunned, stared at the newly reborn cait. "you look..." different wasn't even the right word. how should he answer? "...stunning." that's the right word, right? arian was stunned to begin with. to call her beautiful would've made it seem as if she weren't perfect already. arian, returning a sheepish grin, ecstatically said, "this is gonna be one heck of a film!"


the director came to intercept their conversation. telling the duo of the scene that they were to be doing, and should have read, "filming will begin soon so now it's time for you two to get in your costumes. the scene to be filmed is one that's heart-wrenching, scary, and maybe a little confusing for cait's character." looking toward cait, "arian, the killer a.k.a. 'johnathan', just came into your hospital bedroom. where you lay upon your deathbed. johnathan is covered in blood and has a bloody knife in hand. johnathan just got done killin' your doctor in front of you, i'm talkin'..." he'd make the gesture of one having their throat slit "...before he has the chance to tell you that you're far from saving--yer dead, finished, finito, life over."


what an explanation. the director continued, "you've known for awhile that johnathan was a killer, how? doesn't matter, it's a short film. we can't cover everything sweet cheeks. you're not surprised by what he's done because, for some unknown reason, ya' love'em." turning to arian, he'd explain his character, "and you love her. you stand in front of her bloody, the knife meant for cait is in your hand and covered with the doctor's blood, you've kept your identity as a killer a secret for so long that, all for this girl, you became sloppy and careless. your heart is a wreck. she's going to die, and you've never loved anyone as much as you've love this girl. there's so much you want to tell her and it's hard because you don't have much time!" clapping his hands together, he'd leave them with a this, "give me a scene that'll send me into a heart attack."


and so he left them to their vices. "well, that was terrifying." arian chuckled nervously. "i'll be sure to cut my ties with this director for future shoots and endeavors." covering his mouth with the palm of his hand, arian whispered, "between me and you, he scares me."

party: ? ? ?
mission: a star is born[break]
notes: haha, what the fuck?

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 10:58:22 GMT
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"and i can't believe he just called me 'sweet cheeks'," she whispered. 

the following smiles they shared were bright and genuine despite their dealings with the oddball director.  

you look pretty dapper - despite the whole 'killer motif' you got going on right now."

cait tittered softly as she was escorted to her dressing room. it was a bit cramped, but she made do, the girl peeling off her layers in favor of donning a thin hospital gown. thankfully, she was allowed to keep her undergarments on beneath the shockingly white material. 

'i guess i'm suppose to look like an angel.'

she glanced at herself in the mirror, the attire she wore a size too big to make her appear smaller than she actually was.

'at least i didn't have to lose any weight for this kind of role.'  

get ready to die, baby girl," she crooned.

the set where they'd shoot the final scene of their short film had been dressed up to appear no different from a hospital room. cait eyed it with a curious look in her eye before she was made to tuck herself into the bed. she peered up at the multiple cameras that had been placed and the lighting that had been purposefully dimmed. 

'ambiance - they call it ambiance.' 

the gym leader shut her eyes and sought to get into character, delving into that mindset of a girl that was at peace with her circumstances. her 'doctor' ambled into the scene as she did so, an easygoing look upon his face despite him boasting attire that was positively soaked with 'blood'. cait grinned at him and he'd return the look before adopting a crumpled position upon the floor. 

'remember your lines,' she thought. 

flecks of blood covered her bed sheet, and a dash of crimson was splattered against her own cheek before the artists hastily retreated to allow the actors room to begin playing out the scene. 

'looks like everyone's taking their places now.' 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 11:18:28 GMT
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bashful expression. he was surprised by her declaration of calling him 'dapper'. "t-this is no different from my everyday attire!" arian retorted. and then they were off.


the changing process was simple. he'd already been prepped compared to cait. during his wait, he was merely practicing and rehearsing his lines. this is no different from doing a commercial or being on a talk show. arian was well-renowned throughout lilycove for various promotional shoots and being the face of the casino.

though he may be used to the camera. he wondered if cait had this. "what am i thinking..." a grin sprawled unto his face. it, then, shifted to a sinister one, "of course she has this." showtime. once the blood had officially been plastered upon arian, he made way toward the set.


before their scene was to begin. he'd wink toward the average beauty, whispering, "break a leg." good luck. as if the duo needed it.


and with the set growing quiet. all that was left was for the director to yell, "action!" arian stood over the doctor's body, then, stepped over it. slowly walking toward the dying the girl. he stood there, with pain as his expression. staring at the average beauty barely hanging on by a thread, "i..." johnathan hesitated to speak. he wasn't sure how to express his feelings. "my name is johnathan, and i..." he hesitated, "...i'm a murderer." he tightly gripped the knife, "and it's because of meeting you...i became sloppy, confused, and i'm..." the blonde never broke eye contact with the girl, all while finally saying, "i'm in love with you."


it hurt to say that. it killed him inside. a tear within his left eye began to well-up, "and you're the first person--the first girl--i've never wanted to harm before. and that infuriates me..." he bit his tongue. he gripped his knife tightly. what did she have to say for herself for breaking johnathan. it was her job to repair him for the mess she caused him to be, was it not?

party: ? ? ?
mission: a star is born[break]
notes: haha, what the fuck?

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2019 11:43:32 GMT
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despite this being naught more than a facade, cait found the intensity present within arian's gaze to be utterly bewitching. 

'but you're not cait anymore. and he's not arian,' she admonished. 'you're beth now - and that's johnathan.' 

"i know," she rasped.

beth blearily peered up at the man, her lips appearing slightly parched as she opened and closed them. she clutched at the wrinkled and stained sheets of her bed, tired and outwardly unconcerned with her doctor's abrupt end.

i know," she repeated.

a tiny smile tugged at the corner of cracked lips, the plain-faced girl appearing strangely content. her following actions were kept purposefully slow and methodical as she reached toward his face. the camera would capture her hand as it gently caressed his cheek, her delicate fingers smearing wet crimson upon both his flesh and her own as a result of the tender action. 

i wanted to tell someone. any - urgh!

bethany released a cough that caused her seize for a moment before she became almost frightfully still, her arm falling limply to her side.

but i couldn't. i couldn't do it. not to you, johnathan."

the grin she wore was a heart-wrenching combination of weak and tender. 

and i'll be punished for it," she said. "when i pass - i'll be damned for my inaction; but that's... alright."

she blinked up at him, her breaths growing increasingly shallow as she felt her body weaken.

because when it's your turn - i'll be waiting for you. we'll go wherever the damned go and we'll be together," she promised. 

cait tried reaching for him again but could manage it.

kiss me?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 1:02:40 GMT
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s he listened. he turned to the side. he couldn't look, he didn't want to look. all he could do was listen, but everything became inaudible. it was as if he didn't wish to hear the weakness in her voice, for if he did he could, then, see.

though, in an instant, all that she said; everything that she spewed of having known his identity to who he was and what he did. she still allowed him to continue his heinous acts? was she insane? exasperation, for a second, showed his anger with her. but it all became one big remorse. to have put her through this. he looked to his knife, to the doctor whose blood painted the marble flooring, and then to her...he was not long for this world.


johnathan released the weapon he clung to for so long. and as it fell, the knife which symbolized who he was, he no longer was one long for this world himself. "...we'll see each other very soon then, bethany." slowly he walked to her side. the palm of his hand, slowly, made its way to brush the strands of hair which hid her beauty. leaning in, their kiss, with which both longed for, was in near process of sealing. only for that moment to be ruined by the sound of...




such a noise caught johna--arian--by surprise! "oh! what? but we were just getting to the best part!" arian cried. the director, replying, "we got all we need! you'll be compensated handsomely for this of course, the both of yous!" turning to face cait, he'd say, "well that's a bummer," arian groaned, offering cait a hand to help her up.

party: ? ? ?
mission: a star is born[break]
notes: haha, what the fuck?

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 7:52:16 GMT
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cait had eagerly anticipated the kiss - only for their attempt to be brought to an abrupt end.

'oh. bullshit.' 

she was lightly pouting by the time she accepted her comrade's hand and removed herself from the bed. the 'deceased' doctor popped up beside them and happily walked off, visibly satisfied that he no longer needed to play the part of the 'dearly departed'. 

"tell me about it," she groused. 

her pout was quickly replaced by a hinted smile, the young woman offering arian's hand a gentle squeeze before releasing her grip upon him.

you better get washed up, arian," she said, eyeing his purposefully mussed outfit. "you've got something on your face."

she lightly teased him about her palm print of crimson that had heavily smeared his cheek. 

maybe i'm a little bit happy that we didn't kiss," she remarked, her grin broadening out some. "you'd probably mess up my makeup.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 16:42:13 GMT
arian coin Avatar


uh, wha--" an odd touch was felt. before arian could react, cait intercepted his train of thought. touching his cheek. he'd flail, "w-what?! that's so mean!" he retorted. in the midst of his playful whining arian's stomach rustled. it was so loud that even a loudred couldn't match his hunger.


"after this, let's go grab something to eat it. maybe some pokedonald's? i love their big pokes! they have a special sauce that'll leave you in a coma for an entire day; especially if you eat them with their large, salted fries." his mouth gathered saliva from within at the thought. he took hold of 's hand, and said, "allow me to be your escort for the evening to a wonderful outing of fast food and regrets," he'd add, "after we get this make-up off and stuff." a playful wink worked in tandem with a sheepish grin.

party: ? ? ?
mission: a star is born[break]
notes: let's go :PepeHands:

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013. a love to kill [ mission | a star is born ]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2019 22:56:14 GMT
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"you're such a baby, arian."

she offered him a light and playful shove as she tittered softly in reaction to his antics. her face felt a bit warm as he took hold of her hand, the  gesture affectionate and very much welcomed.

but i'm down," she said. "i'm actually starving. i didn't get to eat this morning.

a batch of greasy fries sounded amazing, and cait wondered if whatever establishment they happened across had a somewhat decent selection for vegetarians. 

'i'll make do with a salad.' 

c'mon. let's get back to the changing rooms and wash up.

eager to remove her patient's attire and clean her face, she'd walk off set with her co-star, her smile a brilliant one. 

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