bull in a flower shop

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 13, 2022 22:13:04 GMT
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"Flowers, flowers... where's a good place to get flowers?"

Caspian wanted to get flowers for the gang's favorite girls: and . The boys worshipped them, or so he imagined they did. And they always worked so hard for them. So, he wanted to get the gals some flowers.

His phone showed a place in Petalburg that seemed to have good reviews: Fiorelli Floristry.

So, taking a short flying taxi ride over, Cas found himself entering the flower shop. It smelled wonderful, full of different blooms and knick knacks he'd never seen before. Of course, his curiosity got the best of him as he quickly walked around and —

Fell on his face with a loud expletive.

"Aw, shit!"
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 13, 2022 22:34:38 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
Elisabeth had been focused on rearranging the potted orchids in her greenhouse when a loud crash and swear caught her attention. She swiveled towards the front of the little shop, where a young man had fallen face-first on the wooden floor.

Never a dull moment, she thought to herself wryly as she wiped her hands on her skirts. At least he didn't crash into the perfume counter.

"Are you all right?" the florist asked smoothly, making her way over to kneel down beside him. She resisted the urge to flood him with questions; someone with a head injury probably could only handle so many of those.

The blonde pressed a hand on his forehead, frowning. He thankfully seemed conscious, or so the unhappy cursing indicated. With this close proximity, she took the opportunity to look at her clumsy patron up close. Dressed casually, the white-haired stranger must have been in a hurry -- or so she guessed, anyway, from the way he had so brutally tripped over her entryway.

"Can you stand?" Elisabeth asked after a moment's pause, this time extending a hand to assist him if he wished.

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 1:04:57 GMT
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Caspian felt his face aching, specifically his nose. And, as he slowly sat up, he felt like it was beginning to run. Until he touched it. Crimson stained his fingers, the telltale sign of his nose bleeding.


He looked up when he heard a feminine voice call out to him, the appearance of a woman coming into his vision. He opened his mouth to speak, but he paused as her hand touched his forehead.


"Please don't call the cops on me, Miss. I promise I wasn't trying to cause trouble, I swear," Caspian begged, not bothering to answer any of her questions as he reached out and held onto her arm.

But, he looked at the hand she extended to him and took it, standing up while covering his nose with his other hand. Not a pretty sight for a pretty face like his, that was for sure.

"I'm sorry. I just got excited..."
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 2:37:25 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
An utterly perplexed expression met his as Elisabeth helped pull to his feet. "Why would I call the cops on you?" she asked, an eyebrow lifted. "Is it a crime to stumble into flower shops now?" Besides, she despised police as a general rule. The less law enforcement attention she drew, the better.

Blood trickled down the stranger's face, and Elisabeth calmly withdrew a handkerchief from the satchel that hung at her waist, handing the token over for him to use. The embroidered roses in the corner peeked out from her fingertips, slightly visible as she extended it towards him. "Sit," she ordered, drawing him over to a nearby chair situated by her kitchenette.

A somewhat bemused laugh left her lips as the florist studied his expression, unable to figure out why exactly it seemed so sullen. Was she that intimidating, she wondered? Or was he that unused to looking foolish in front of strangers?

"Let's make sure you haven't hurt your head too hard. What's your name?" As if bestowing a peace offering, she put a hand to her heart and said, "Mine is Elisabeth. It is nice to meet you, although I'd prefer it be under better circumstances."

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 3:11:58 GMT
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Caspian blinked, clearly as confused as she was. He had just assumed she saw a guy like him walk in and would be suspicious. So...

"I get the cops called on me a lot. Hell, one of them has a thing for me, I swear. I think it's because I'm all big and stuff. I promise, I'm just here to buy some flowers."

His mind drifted off to the grocery store incident, running into and how she quite literally jumped over all the displays to chase him out of the store. A shudder ran through him as he remembered the snapping of her LYCANROC at his heels.

A handkerchief was handed to him, dainty in his large hand. A small pang of guilt coursed through him as he brought it to his nose, shoving it up one nostril ungracefully to try and stop the bleeding. He did as he was told and sat down, looking at the kind flower lady.

"I've had a concussion before. I know I'm not dazed or nothing. But, name's Caspian. Go by Cas," he answered, his voice sounding a bit nasally and strange from his stuffed nose.

"Miss Elisabeth. I'm sorry for falling in your store. I didn't break anything, did I? You see, we got these two girls that help out in our group a lot. I wanted to get them some flowers, and your shop popped up. But I caused some trouble instead..."
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 3:22:06 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
A flash of understanding flickered across Elisabeth's face at his explanation. Another Rocket, possibly? Some criminal element. Or at least, someone used to being perceived as one.

"I'm not going to call anyone, except possibly a doctor. Are you sure you're fine?" He seemed rather confident on the subject of concussions, and admittedly, Elisabeth didn't know much about them herself. The man seemed lucid, anyway.

Although he looked very sulky about blocking the bloodflow from his nose. As absurd as the situation was, it was the tiniest bit difficult not to laugh at his pouty, swollen face. It seemed so at odds with his otherwise strong and intimidating appearance.

"Caspian," she repeated pleasantly. "Then we're officially acquainted. Would you like some tea? Or perhaps something to eat?" Changing from shopkeep to hostess felt natural, and she was willing and able to answer either request as soon as he gave the word. It was a slow day, at least -- current circumstances notwithstanding.

"No harm done," she reiterated breezily as he fell back into a deluge of apologies. "And if anything broke, I'm certain I could live without it for a little while. There's nothing here so precious that I would be too cross about it breaking." A sly smile graced her lips as she turned to him and said, "Besides, I don't offer a discount for apologies, so you needn't feel compelled to speak so many."

Instead, she found a different avenue worth pursuing: "Tell me about the women you'd like to buy flowers for. Perhaps I can help you decide on something you like."

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 3:40:03 GMT
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Caspian seemed to physically relax when she convinced him that she wasn't going to call anyone. Aside from the doctor, perhaps, but even then, he wouldn't let her do that. He caused enough of a stir.

"No ma'am, I can handle something like this without a doctor. Thank you though. I'll be fine once I take this out of my nose."

He was stubborn. Some would call him a bull at times, for his strength and his inability to be moved. Unless... it was food.

Which was exactly what Elisabeth provided.

"Food? I mean, um... if you don't mind. I like both of those things," he said, trying to dampen his excitement of the prospect of filling his stomach.

His mission was definitely off course now.

"Oh, please. I wouldn't want you to offer me a discount. If anything, I'd ask you to charge me more!" Caspian insisted, which probably made him sound like a complete psychopath.

But, thankfully, Elisabeth directed their conversation to the ladies of the Verdanturf gang. That was easy.

"Miss Jessie is the boss's lady. They're raising an abandoned baby together. She's one of the kindest, sweetest souls I've met. Hell, if he didn't ask her out, I would have. She's very pink. Like, pink hair and all. Girly too. Likes cute things."

He tapped his chin.

"I don't know Miss Nina as well. She's a bit newer to the group. I feel like she's a bit awkward with us and doesn't know quite where she fits in yet. But, I see her with Miss Jessie a lot. She seems a little bit shy, but she's also a badass. Got the scars and stuff to prove it too."
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 3:55:18 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
"Rest assured, I don't discriminate against clumsy people at my establishment. There is no extra fee for bloody noses." So many brand new sentences Elisabeth was finding herself speaking today.

It pleased the blonde, however, that he'd let her get him something to eat and drink. The tea kettle was set to boiling, and a set of porcelain tea cups and saucers adorned with Ledyba and Ledian accents were placed in front of him, filled with freshly brewed tea that smelled faintly of floral notes. "Good for inflammation, rosehips," she commented in explanation.

A tin of sugar-dusted cookies adorned with crystallised flowers was placed beside him on the table, baked just this morning. "Have as many as you like," she said. "We haven't sold as many of these as I anticipated today. Before you argue with me, they'll go stale otherwise. You're doing me a favor by eating them."

She listened patiently as he described and with obvious fondness and enthusiasm, the florist emitting out a patient hum as she processed his words.

"Did you know that some people use flowers as a sort of secret language?" she said, leaning forward across the table. "It's one reason lovers give red roses -- it's a symbol of love."

Her eyes met his as she continued, "If you aren't sure what flowers to get these women, maybe instead think of what it is you'd like to say to them. I'll gladly help translate that to a bouquet for you. Of course, I'd have you look at the flowers first to make sure it matches what you have in mind."

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 15:40:12 GMT
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Caspian nodded obediently, like a child, as she told him for perhaps the millionth time not to worry about his nose bleed, fall, and breaking anything. His apologies ceased for the time being as red and black spotted tea cups were set on the table.

The smell of the tea wafted to his nose, a pleasant floral smell that brought him back to his childhood in Kalos. Only briefly did he settle there before he took the cup, which seemed all too small and delicate in his hands.

"You sure know a lot about flowers and stuff, Miss Elisabeth," he said as he blew the top of the tea to cool it.

Caspian took a sip, tsking as the hot liquid burnt his tongue. Too hot. He set the cup down as she presented the cookies, insisting that he take as many as he wanted with no remorse. He'd, in fact, take the whole tin if she didn't watch out.

Popping one of the cookies in his mouth, he hummed as he snacked, his head moving back and forth in a pleased motion.

"A language? Flowers? Really... I just thought people were really into roses. So, you think maybe I should make some kind of message with the flowers I give them?" he asked, cookies bunched in the side of his cheek as he spoke.

Taking the handkerchief out of his nose, Cas set it aside now that his nose stopped bleeding.

"I think I have a couple of ideas..."
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 14, 2022 21:07:37 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
Despite herself, Elisabeth couldn't stop laughing and shaking her head at the absurd things said and did. Far from being annoyed at the way he polished off the tin of sweets, Elisabeth watched with a faint sense of amusement.

Why was this so funny? The tiny cup in his enormous hands and way he inhaled the dainty cookies just entertained her endlessly, as did the polite way he spoke despite his klutzy demeanor.

"I was fond of gardening from an early age," Elisabeth said instead of voicing her thoughts aloud, glancing over at the fields of flowers flourishing outside her backdoor window. "I suppose we all have hobbies. I just turned mine into my work."

As the much-maligned handkerchief was placed on the table, Elisabeth subtly sheathed a hand with one of her gardening gloves to remove it from the dining area, letting it soak in the running water of her sink to wash out the stains. She listened intently as Caspian continued in his line of thought, leaving it behind in a water-filled bowl on the counter as she resumed her place by his side.

Sipping at her own tea cup, she encouraged him, "Go on. What ideas do you have in mind?"

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:44:23 GMT
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Caspian was in the midst of polishing off the tin when she started laughing. A few crumbs stuck to his face as he looked up at her, raising his eyebrows.

"Whaf?" he asked, a couple of cookie crumbs coming out of his mouth.

He was an absolute disaster. Nevertheless, he took the tea, now not as hot as it had been, and sipped from the cup. He sighed, as though it was a refreshing drink.

"I guess so. If you enjoy it enough and don't get bored of it from work, why not?"

His hobbies? He wasn't sure what he'd classify as his hobbies. Arm wrestling? Working out? Going out to bars and clubs and getting absolutely crunk?

Probably not a great way to turn those into work...

"Okay, so... I was thinking since Miss Jessie's been with us and keeping us in line, her flowers could mean thank you. She does a lot, and she deserves it.

"Miss Nina's could be a welcome. Or a friendly gesture. Something nice, you know?"
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 20:07:46 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
"Gratitude and welcome," Elisabeth echoed thoughtfully, leaning back in her seat. The obvious answer to the first was a Gracidea, but even now, the flower was preciously rare -- even for her.

Thankfully, other options presented themselves.

"Peach roses are a fine expression of gratitude, especially for someone you work with," Elisabeth said, tapping a finger against her tea cup's saucer. "Or pink ones, though those also convey a meaning of femininity and grace. So it depends on the recipient."

Counting on her fingers, the florist recited: "Sweet peas are a way of saying thank you for a particular event, if there is a certain incident you have in mind. If those don't suit, yellow lilies serve as a staple for any occasion."

Thinking on , Elisabeth furrowed her brow as her mind sifted through various options. Welcome had many various meanings.

"Would you like your welcome to be a sign of friendship? If so, yellow tulips express feelings of friendship and joy. The iris is more sentimental, saying you find your friendship with the recipient particularly meaningful."

It was possible his was a more distant acquaintance, however. In which case other choices might be more practical.

As if puzzling through a uniquely difficult problem, Elisabeth frowned only for her expression to brighten suddenly: "Oh! Wisterias. They're a gorgeous colour, too -- a lovely lavender-blue. They are flowers of patience and longevity, but many also view those of this shade as a flower of welcome."

She had spoken so much it occurred to Elisabeth she hadn't even given time to reply. Exhaling at last, and realising to her mild embarrassment she had rambled at unusual length, the florist turned to her customer and waited to hear his thoughts.

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 15:22:01 GMT
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Elisabeth's sudden barrage of suggestions overwhelms poor Caspian's mind. She was thorough in picking out certain flowers and their meanings, even down to the color, but she also went so fast that he almost forgot what she said as soon as she went to the next one.

"Woah... s-slow down!"

His head was spinning. How could flowers, stuff that grew from the ground and smelled good, mean so much? It made no sense to him. Was he barbaric?

"You said something about pink. I think that would be fitting for Miss Jessie. She's very pink, and I think that she'd like those a lot."

Okay. One person down. One more to go.

The last flower... wistsomethings.

"The last one. That started with a "w." Wistsomething? I think those could be good too. I think."
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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Elisabeth Fiorelli
bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 4:21:41 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
Oh, dear. She'd gotten a bit rambling with this, hadn't she?

Elisabeth held her tongue politely as sorted through his thoughts, ultimately settling on the pink roses and-- "Wisteria," the florist repeated, a trace of amusement returning to her lips. "Both excellent choices, I think."

She arose from her seat to walk into the greenhouse, searching for samples of each to return with in hand. The petals of the rose blushed the soft pastel hue of a dawn-tinted sky, while the wisteria possessed the misty-purplish tincture of the twilit hour.

"Do they match your expectations?" Elisabeth asked kindly. "If not, I can find another. Otherwise, I can prepare the bouquets for you -- either to be delivered by my staff, or in-person by you if you'd prefer."

A stack of lilac-scented cards were procured from her satchel and placed on the table next to a ballpoint pen.

"You can even write personal cards, if you like. I can place them into the heart of the arrangement."

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bull in a flower shop
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2022 16:07:37 GMT
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Caspian waited as she walked off, to get the flowers he presumed. He finished the rest of the tea she offered with a tip of the cup and a large gulp, sighing loudly and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

She returned with two flowers, one pink and the other a lavender color. He looked at them, almost afraid to touch them with his large and boisterous hands.

"Woah, they're neat! Yeah, I think these are great. Thanks."

She explained that he could also leave a note. A note, huh... Caspian tapped his chin before deciding he should.

"I'll write something. If you don't mind, I'd like to hand deliver them too..."