Ishukan Communication [Gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 16:14:29 GMT
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tropius appeared to have taken offense to whatever had just been said, the pokemon's facial features betraying both his discomfort and his mild annoyance over the sound-based attack. 

tropius," cait hollered, her voice reaching the great beast. "solar beam."

despite being weakened by the canine, the pokemon managed to easily draw from the sunny day's light and summon forth the power needed to spew out the potent ray of energy. the attack was aimed directly at the mightyena and would be followed by yet another solar beam. tropius's assault was merciless as he obeyed his mistress's will, the dual-type's intention of forcing the dog to either dodge or endure the mighty and energy-based move obvious.

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 17:50:42 GMT
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the thing about using sound based moves is that one doesn't have to direct it as seriously as one does with moves like hyper beam. they covered a huge area, which meant less effort on aiming moves and more on other things.

"uproar! and keep moving while doing it!"

an open hand was raised partly as the instruction started. by the time kyle chooses to close it, it would mean that the mightyena can stop the barrage of noise he releases prematurely.

the distance of the tropius from the field helped the mightyena dodge the beams as they closed in. it also made the mightyena appear smaller on the opposing pokemon's point of view, and allowing with quick footwork, would make it difficult to aim.

the first solarbeam takes the mightyena by surprise, narrowly dodging but grazing his side. the following one, however, misses as the dark-type starts move and get acclimated with the battlefield. he inhales deeply, before releasing a deafening noise that drowned every sound in the area, including instructions from both sides.

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POSTED ON Mar 19, 2019 11:11:57 GMT
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her grass-type was effectively deafened to her instructions due to the mightyena's uproar, but cait appeared mostly unperturbed by this development; she had instructed her pokemon in the ways of self-efficiency, after all.

we'll just see how he manages."

the tropius's ears were positively ringing now, the canine's noise leaving him both pained and frustrated as his head throbbed and ached. he returned to his great orb of light, closely circling it whilst producing a vibrant green glow. synthesis - this particular healing method having been strengthened by the presence of sunny day - soon healing a vast majority of his wounds; a good amount of the damage that had been inflicted thus far having been undone. 

tropius grew bold and descended once his headache had cleared, the flight-worthy beast intending to increase his chances by swooping low and leaving an air slash in his wake as he sought to pass over the mightyena's head by roughly a meter or two.

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POSTED ON Mar 19, 2019 18:16:50 GMT
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kyle already closed his hand to signal the end of the uproar, though it took the mightyena a while before he managed to slide a quick glance at his trainer. eventually, the sounds stopped.

kyle assesses the situation during the time he awaits the mightyena to take notice of him. the recovery of the tropius under the sun only signified the reliance of the pokemon with the sunny day. he had thought that it only used its presence offensively, which kyle can adapt to, but defensive plays would leave them unable to move forward from the battle. his mightyena weren't exactly powerhouses to force their way through them.

he needed to get rid of it somehow.

the ambiance eventually returns as the racket ends. it only marked the start of kyle giving orders to his pokemon, however.

"shadow ball here."

echo stops from his tracks as he stands firm and faces the tropius. an orb of energy forms on his mouth, firing it at the pokemon as it glides through. it collides with the air slash, a small explosion happening as the two attacks clashed. smoke from the collision lingered, but kyle knew that his mightyena was still fine within it.

"and another one up there."

a shadow ball is fired towards the makeshift sun. the darkness from the attack swallows the intense sunlight as the two orbs neared each other. should the two collide, kyle would assume it should be enough to get rid of it.

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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 2:29:59 GMT
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cait's brows raised high upon her forward at the young man's attempt. the shadow ball flew toward the orb of light and would indeed impact it directly due to the mightyena's uncanny aim. it's great light flickered for only a moment but nothing else of significance had occurred, its heat and the intensity of its light continuing to pour out in abundance. 

"praise the sun," she drawled, her smile broadening out. "
a bit of shadow can't blot it out - not really.

her tropius returned to hovering before her, the large creature openly relishing the powers that the
 sunny day had provided him. 

it won't be that easy, i'm afraid," cait remarked, glancing toward the sunny day. "let's hope your pokemon can manage against such a thing. my team are very much fond of the light, after all."

the dust begins to settle and the freckle-faced gym leader raises a hand and calls out. 

to me, tropius!

she gestures to another pokemon to come forth as her tropius happily settles behind her. as his leafy appendages neatly fold themselves, a florges would take his place. 

"grassy terrain, florges," she directed. 

what appeared to be a red-maned florges waved her arms, the field soon exuding a prominent green glow as her powers seeped into stone. 

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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2019 19:14:11 GMT
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"don't you have modelling to do?" he reacts to her taunts. 'praise the sun' isn't exactly the best thing he heard from her, although it may just be the worst one yet. "shouldn't you be finishing the fight instead of stalling out like this?"

regardless of the annoyed tone of his words, a smirk found itself on his expression.

without the tropius in the air, the sun wasn't so threatening. the grassy terrain from the florges also gives him an opening, although the type matchup wasn't in his favor by any means. still, it doesn't hurt to try an idea out.

he recalls the mightyena and brings out his previously injured mightyena.

delta feels the relief as soon as he hits the grass. his bruises would recover, albeit slowly. any type of recovery was welcome when his mightyena did not have any means to sustain himself. it wasn't the only reason he brought out his mightyena, however.

"we're going to have to use attract, delta."

the mightyena then proceeds to seduce the flower from afar cause he's handsome as fuck.

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2019 0:38:11 GMT
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her pokemon wavered once struck by attract, her mental faculties effectively broken down by the mightyena's arrogant display. a noise that wasn't at all dissimilar to a giggle slipped free, the pokemon left a tittering mess as a result of spell placed upon her. cait scowled disapprovingly, but she was ultimately aware that the florges wasn't at fault for her ailment. 


"i told you that this wouldn't be easy, kyle," she warned. "and i won't be surrendering my badge to the undeserving. modeling appointment or no."

her breloom chuckled at the sight of the lovesick creature, though tropius didn't derive much amusement from the wobbling. 


she momentarily snapped out of her infatuated state of mind, her mane aglow with power as she summoned forth a petal blizzard that rushed toward the mightyena in a massive wave of heart-shaped petals that had taken on a crimson shade. 

florges clutched at her head again, a surge of guilt coming over her as she realized she had made an attempt to harm her beloved. 

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2019 4:12:43 GMT
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"oof." he gives her dress one last glance before he releases a chuckle. "guess i'm doing you a favor. use this match as an excuse so they won't see you in that getup."

attract had always been a gamble. gender wasn't usually as obvious as any other pokemon trait. he usually lets delta identify it for him, although in this case, he got lucky that cait sent out a female-only species.

"we're stalling, delta. protect."

stalling or not, it was the only choice that the mightyena has. the recovery from grassy terrain was going slowly, and a direct hit from the petal blizzard would surely knock the dark-type out.

the mightyena erects a barrier around himself, the minute healing that the terrain gave enabling him to regain the strength to get the protect to last for the duration of the attack. the dome would soon be covered with petals that, while unhurt, the mightyena would find himself buried on it.


delta bursts out of the pile, and like a shoujo love interest, gets a backdrop of pink petals as he shows off his swagger to the florges.

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2019 9:43:47 GMT
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cait's brow twitched and her painted lips trembled in response to the verbal jab. 

"that's it. that's it. get her out of there!"

the words were snarled and the breloom was made to corral the dizzied florges. 

no one," she seethed. "and i mean no one talks shit about my wear - my attire - my anything. do you hear me kyle lopez? or do the ears on that raggedy hood of yours not work properly?

she snapped her head toward her pokemon and raised her voice. 

roserade," she hollered. 

the pokemon gladly took the florges's place, an arrogant gleam in his eye.

let's deal with that switching out of yours first," cait remarked, a malicious smile taking shape. "toxic spikes.

a dark orb of vibrant purple manifested before the grass-type prior to it separating into smaller versions of itself that was generously spread throughout kyle's portion of the field.

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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2019 13:44:59 GMT
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"it's just a dress. no need to get fussy about it."

there was no ounce of guilt in his expression.

he had done it. he wasn't exactly sure how, but he did. cait was mad for some reason. he supposed it was a woman's trait to overreact on everything as every other female friend he got close with did so. the dress was just impractical, and he couldn't see the appeal in it whatsoever. oh well.

"that makes it better for me, actually."

the healing done to delta was not the best, but it would help later, if he does decide to use him again. the mightyena gets recalled to its ball the moment cait gets her roserade to deal with switching. a direct attack would have guaranteed to knock delta out without his protect, but thankfully, cait did not go for that.

"fire fang."

the instruction comes as kyle releases his fourth mightyena of the match out. poison seeps from his paws as soon as he steps into the field, and without wasting any moment, the dark-type comes rushing forward despite the status condition. poison fuels the adrenaline that comes with being put in a corner as soon as he gets into the fray.

quick feet activates. alpha quickly makes it towards the roserade with fangs ablaze in no time, pouncing after a hastened sprint as he aimed to sink the sunny day-empowered fire fang.

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 2:08:19 GMT
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roserade released a noise of great pain, his handsome features scrunching up to form into a tight grimace as the delicate flesh of his right arm was mercilessly bit into by a row of emblazoned fangs. 

stand firm, roserade."

the pokemon struggled to endure the hot pain that lanced throughout his now severely damaged appendage. his eyes narrowed and his gaze became positively withering as he snatched his singed limb from the mightyena's grip - though he'd suffer from fresh scrapes and tears as his green flesh gave way to sharp ivory. 

"giga drain."

from his bouquets came forth green tendrils pointed with spikes that would almost eagerly thrust themselves at the canine. 

"another," cait urged. 

more spikes emerged, the energy of green stabbing in the direction of the beast. 

. toxic spike in effect 
. sunny day in effect
. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2019 18:14:34 GMT
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"burn everything."

the mightyena would increase the output of his flames, enough to put the combustible creature on fire. the giga drain hit, which extends the roserade's staying power for a bit. kyle attributes another source of longevity for this. he eyes the grassy terrain, the same magical field that lessens the pains from the poison from them mightyena.

"shake them off. fling him. then chase"

the fangs would attempt to yank the roserade away from him with a jerk not long after the attack hit, trying to toss it in the air and away from the grassy terrain. its passive healing and the boost its move would receive while the roserade was in contact of the terrain were troublesome.

as per kyle's instruction, the dark-type went for it should it be tossed, an easy feat should the pokemon not be as invulnerable to flames as he thought grass-types were. running after it, alpha would pounce as soon as he hears the next words from kyle.

"go for it. smash."

alpha would barrel himself towards the roserade midair afterwards, using his momentum from quick feet to send him away with a great force.

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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2019 10:12:59 GMT
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"rose," roserade shouted, alarmed. 

the pokemon found himself being mercilessly tossed towards the sky, the mightyena managing such a task with ease. 

'that's not good. he's - '

cait gritted her teeth, aware that another attack could potentially fell the grass-type if it landed. despite the overall success of giga drain, the energy garnered wasn't enough to keep him battle ready due to just how damningly potent the previously administered fire fang was. 

weather ball! now!"

the command came out in a rush as kyle prompted his canine to lunge forth and smash into cait's airborne counterpart. roserade jerked his limbs toward the sky, the attack rushed and unable to collect as much power as a direct result. still, the orb of gathered energy grew hot as it soaked in the warmth of sunny day before being thrust toward the lunging mightyena. 

. toxic spike in effect 
. sunny day in effect
. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2019 15:07:21 GMT
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the roserade makes a last stand. it was hurt, and it was about to fall if he correctly judged from appearances. the weather ball was likely a last ditch move to damage the mightyena before it falls down.

"ice fang!"

the trajectory wasn't going to change. the only thing the mightyena could do was to intercept the move with his own. covering his fang with frost, ice would grow around his maw until they extended the reach of his fangs.

the bite would connect with the weather ball, ice melting as it dropped the temperature of the attack. while it would obliterate those within the reach of its bite, embers from the move still dispersed the moment the fangs pierced through it, putting parts of the mightyena's fur on fire.

now literally on fire, the collision would go through in a fiery tackle.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2019 18:00:55 GMT
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roserade was very effectively felled by the flame, the mightyena that had been thoroughly drenched by it successfully ramming itself into the bipedal pokemon. the grass-type was sent sprawling and was left both partly singed and far too wounded to continue onward with the battle. when it became obvious that he could no longer partake in the conflict cait arranged for the roserade to be removed from the stone circle by one of her psychics. 

tropius. it's your turn again."

once roserade had been taken, her tropius returned to his original place upon the battlefield.

"take flight and use leaf storm."

the grass-type unfurled his wings and drew power from the grassy terrain before loosing the leaf storm, the barrage of sharp foliage rushing toward the mightyena in a massive wave of green. once released, tropius happily returned to his place in the sky, the pokemon refreshing the sunny day with another.   

. toxic spike in effect 
. sunny day in effect
. grassy terrain in effect

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