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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2019 20:54:21 GMT
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the mightyena found relief on the grassy terrain. before he could even get a chance to catch his breath, he hears a quick order from his trainer as soon as the new opponent takes the roserade's place.

"ice beam!"

the shout almost drowned cait's orders. kyle knew the moment that his mightyena landed the last tackle that it wouldn't last long in the battle field anyways. he needed a quick attack in, using the time where the other pokemon launches its own move as an opening.

despite the name kyle called it, it wasn't quite how the move was performed.

ice encrusted his maw in no time, having some of the chill left after having performed the move earlier. a hyper beam was launched afterwards, forcing itself through the ice fang. properties of the ice-type move intertwined with the powerful move, bringing about a cold hyper beam towards the tropius at the moment it launched its leaf storm. he'd force himself to change its direction as the tropius moved, though the effort to do it would be his undoing.

burning fur, the residual damage from the leaf storm and the fatigue from hyper beam would eventually cause the fall of the mightyena, but not before it managed to successfully pull off the move.

there was no response from kyle as he recalls the dark-type back to its ball, besides call another pokemon out. he barked an order as he released the chosen pokemon up above the ground.


a shiny alolan ninetales pops out, coating kyle's side of the battlefield with a thin veil of translucent light. he lands unharmed by the toxic spikes. temperatures start to rise at his presence. although the sunny day kept it from being snowy, snow warning also kept it from being too sunny.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2019 21:18:01 GMT
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"dodge it!"

her tropius stared in alarm at the manifestation of what appeared to be an ice encrusted hyper beam. he was forced to heavily rely upon his underlying ability to gain the momentum needed to avoid the entirety of the blast. the chill that permeated the air caused the great beast to tremble as he was faced with the alola ninetales - the creature bringing with it a safe guard.


cait frowned at the sight of the fairy, aware that it presented her tropius with a challenge. her gaze then shifted skyward, the introduced weather blotting out sunny day

'his experience with ice-types is basically non-existent, too. but i'd rather him learn now as opposed to later.' 

cait contented herself with allowing the dual-type to inflict as much damage as possible within the time allotted. 

"air slash!"

her pokemon remained airborne as he flapped his great wings, sharpened blades of power thrusting themselves toward the petite fox.

"again," she hollered.

another air slash followed, the time between each move's execution relatively brief.    

. toxic spike is no longer viable 
. sunny day is no longer in effect
. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2019 0:06:40 GMT
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"get ready."

the ninetales knew what the words meant exactly. a dark aura would surround the frame of the dual-type with nasty plot affecting his systems. senses would sharpen as his attention would be trained on the tropius entirely. he was ready to attack, but was taken off-guard by kyle's next command.

"shields up."

while the effects of his own snow warning was waning, the temperature of the vicinity closest to him still has the effects of the cold. the ninetales could still conjure the screens. it would be weaker, but having a boost to his abilities would power up the barriers made.

and then the air slash would hit through the aurora veil.

the effects of the move were less serious than if it were to hit without the screens. the alolan ninetales would face the brunt of the attack head on, but would emerge standing strong on his legs still.

he would stare at the ninetales for a moment, before turning to cait. "your move," he mentions.

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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2019 4:13:37 GMT
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the ninetales easily bolstered both its potential and a defender, the young woman left genuinely intrigued by the sight of the veil at the moment of its creation. it would indubitably prove difficult to fell the creature because of it.

'i might as well start whittling it down now.'

tropius," she said. "air slash. give me another two."

her flying-type flapped his powerful wings, strong gusts of air summoned before they transitioned into that of sharpened blades forged by wind. the attacks were promptly thrust toward the petite fairy, the sickle-shaped force crossing the distance between its summoner and its target within a handful of seconds. 

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2019 19:45:13 GMT
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kyle would have waited for her to make mistakes for him to capitalize on, but he did not exactly want to give cait the same opportunity. while winning wasn't the main goal, he would like it if he wouldn't look too much like an amateur at this.

air slashes would pass through the screens before they hit the ninetales, lowering their effective damage towards kyle's pokemon. grassy terrain would soon soothe some of the pain from it afterwards. kyle was thankful for cait for setting up something he couldn't have otherwise.

"ice beam."

one ice beam was shot at the tropius as he stayed airborne. a freezing ray would find their way towards the flying-type. kyle suspected it wouldn't be as agile as it was earlier, when the sun was at its brightest. another followed right afterwards to finish the job if the earlier one has failed to do so.

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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2019 5:13:21 GMT
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tropius released a bellow of pain the moment the ice beam directly impacted his midsection. a thick layer of ice spread like a form of cancer and covered his flesh until he was covered entirely by ice - his shouts of alarm abruptly cut off. he dropped from the sky like a rock, unable to do much else as he was robbed of both his consciousness and his ability to fly in one turn. 

catch him!

her female meowstic and her harem of two male meowstic took charge, their ears unfolding as they summoned forth the powers needed to ensure that the frozen tropius was safely removed from the battlefield. 

get him to vileplume. she'll be able to fix him up," cait instructed. 

'that's three,' she thought. 

her breloom and florges fidgeted nervously behind her, the sight of the ninetales indubitably an intimidating one for the pair. 

'and my options are sorely limited.'

she clicked her tongue, appearing to puzzle over whom to select next as she eyed kyle.

"that ninetales is pretty impressive. where did you get your hands on one?

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2019 1:01:00 GMT
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kyle watches as cait gets her pokemon out of the field. he feels bad for the pokemon, considering he wants his own banana dino sometime in the future. he tasted its fruit once and he liked it.

he is ready for when cait calls another pokemon out to replace the tropius' place, but is prompted with a question instead.

"somewhere near fortree last winter, if i remember correctly," he answers, eyes on the ceiling as he tries to recall the events. "there was a bunch of them. i like to think that he's the leader or something too."

he quickly shifts his attention to the pokemon they're talking about. "oh, right. refresh the screens, please."

although snow warning does not completely cover the whole place in an overwhelming blizzard, the aurora veil still manages to manifest through the cold. safeguard is also refreshed. the break from the battle also allows grassy terrain to relieve the ninetales from damage taken from the previous match up.

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2019 12:18:19 GMT
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cait's green-eyed gaze remains fixated upon dazzling ninetales for several beats before she nods.

i remember," she said. "i didn't realize you were there, kyle.

she allowed herself a small smile as the memory resurfaced. 

it feels like its been ages since then. i was barely an officer last winter."

'and look at me now.'

cait's gaze shifted until it settled upon one pokemon in particular. she gestured for her psychic-types to assist in escorting them onto the field, the oval-shaped figure soon hovering several inches from its stone surface as she was placed before her mistress. 

ferroseed," she said. "analyze."

the dim eyes of the creature acquired a dim glow as she assessed the ninetales. 

gyro ball."

gyro ball was a move that cait heavily relied upon to more easily dismantle teams that were heavily speed-based. her pokemon would gauge the potential of her respective foe prior to attacking; the raw power of the attack heavily dependent on how slow she was in comparison to her opponent.


and the difference between kyle's ninetales and ferroseed was so significant that gyro ball presently exuded an immense amount of power - one which was comparable to that of a hyper beam


ferroseed was transformed into a spinning and vibrating orb of silver that remaining stationary before abruptly lurching toward the fairy. 


whether she failed or succeeded in her first attempt, the ferroseed quickly returned to administer another harsh blow. 

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2019 9:49:08 GMT
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a smirk comes to his expression "look at you talking. i'm currently 'barely an officer', ya know?" no resentment was present on his tone, however.

he sees the ferroseed replace the tropius. he supposed it was an obvious choice against his alolan ninetales. kyle knows what happens next if he does not switch his pokemon out.

"well, i still need my ninetales so..."

the alolan ninetales is recalled back to his pokeball. he quickly releases another mightyena to replace him, a sorry look flashing over kyle's expression.

"this is for when you kept me up all night back then. sorry, bud."

the mightyena stares at his trainer at disbelief before being hit by the gyro ball. the impact launches him up in the air before landing with a soft thud by the grass. soon enough, the dark-type returns back to its ball.

it was fine, albeit cold. he felt bad since echo already was injured beforehand. foxtrot, on the other hand, was still healthy and uninjured. the said mightyena replaces his brethren on the field, with safeguard protecting him from hazards.

"lunge forward. fire fang."

as soon as the ferroseed finishes the move and experiences the drawback of spinning very fast, the mightyena would cover his fangs with flames and take a bite out of the dual-type.

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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2019 22:12:01 GMT
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"dodge, baby girl!"

despite her mistress's prompting the ferroseed is unable to avoid the fire fang, the attack filling the innards of the mightyena's maw with an unhealthy amount of iron barb as a result. 

'i could - ' 

cait shook her head and instead urged her pokemon to remain offensive.

gyro ball!

the pokemon began to spin once again, caring not if her barbs tore at the mightyena's mouth nor potentially damaged its prominent canines. 

give it to 'em twice.

her pokemon lurched forward, having succeeded in analyzing the disparity present within their speed before acquiring the energy needed to attack with a tremendous amount of force. 

. iron barb has been triggered. 

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2019 16:03:51 GMT
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the thorns hurt the mightyena. he wasn't sure if they were even bleeding, or if the wounds simply cauterize themselves quickly with fire fang. regardless, kyle focuses on the bigger picture.

"keep it burning," he orders.

the rotations made does not help the ferroseed. as the ferroseed kept spinning, the high temperatures only kept spreading all throughout the pokemon. the steel protecting it would be its downfall as the pokemon overheated under immense flames.

the mightyena weren't called the bite pokemon for nothing. the grip does not weaken despite the attack. the metals covering it eventually soften with the fire, until foxtrot decides to toss the burnt ferroseed in the air.

the fire would subside for a while after the ferroseed was flung away from him. his maw eventually showed blood dripping, although the dark-type does not seem to mind the pain despite the heavy breathing it did.

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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2019 16:16:18 GMT
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ferroseed landed before the mightyena's paws with a thud, her metal exterior appearing painfully hot as she stared stoically at nothing in particular. the sight of her in such a pitiful thought reminded cait of something - 

'oh. i almost for - '

cait suddenly shielded her face, the pokemon having taken advantage of her fading consciousness by imploding with little to no warning while she was mere inches away from the dark-type. self-destruct engulfed the entire mid-section of the field, the power exuded hot and terribly potent. once it faded entirely it revealed a smoldering ferroseed who was incapable of continuing onward with the battle.

'that's a real shame,' cait thought, frowning slightly. 'at least she went out with a bang.' 

that left her with only two now - the remaining pair appearing slightly unsure of their chances. 

. iron barb has been triggered. 

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON May 7, 2019 16:44:57 GMT
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with his fangs mostly damaged by iron barbs, it wasn't like kyle could keep utilizing his mightyena until they heal anyways. objectively, nothing of value was lost, although he does feel bad about his pokemon.

he recalls the mightyena back to its pokeball right after the explosion.

kyle ponders on the next pokemon. he knows cait's last two pokemon while he still has three. she has no knowledge of his last one though, which he could use to his advantage as a safety net.

he decides to simply use his ninetales once again.

the ice-type replaces the mightyena on the field. its presence strengthens the ongoing snowstorm as the sunny day eventually fades without anyone refreshing its effects.


a simple command gets the dual-type to put up both aurora veil and safeguard again, keeping them ready for the next matchup.

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POSTED ON May 28, 2019 11:37:02 GMT
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her pokemon stepped forward; hesitation presently creased at her pretty features but she was still very much eager to obey her mistress's will. once situated before the alfric she'd eye her mammalian counterpart, the corners of her lips turned downward as she assessed her foe. 

'there's not much of a chance of winning this,' cait thought. 'but we're going down fighting.' 

the florges stiffened prior to receiving an order, preparing herself both mentally and physical to conjure up the energy needed to combat her chosen foe. 

petal blizzard," cait prompted. 

a plethora of pale yellow petals emerged from the florges's prominent mane, the powerful attack soon thrusting itself toward the alolan ninetales. 

. grassy terrain in effect

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POSTED ON May 29, 2019 19:44:01 GMT
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the barrage of petals was a destructive force under the effects of the terrain. thankfully, the aurora veil had mitigated the damage it dealt towards the ninetales, who simply braved through the attack.

"we don't need the grassy terrain anymore. freeze-dry."

accompanied by the cold brought upon by his presence, the ninetales drops the temperature of the battlefield. a wave of comes from the dual-type, dry freezing and ultimately getting rid of the life of every blade of grass on the terrain.

the environment wasn't the only target of the attack, however.

ice crept from the grassy terrain and onto the base of the florges. the freeze-dry did not discriminate on its targets as it brought the entire battlefield to a freezing winter.

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