Honey Hunt [M/O]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 23, 2022 20:16:46 GMT
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Lancer the Beedrill watched silently as its master lathered another coat of honey onto the bark of an oak tree. This was the fifth layer, if he was counting correctly, and at this point he was starting to wonder if Oscar was going insane. Oscar probably was, but that was unrelated to this particular endeavor--he knew exactly what he was doing. Oscar reaffirmed this as he noticed his Beedrill's look of concern.

"What's that face for? You've never been honey hunting?" Lancer tilted his head, indeed having never heard of such a thing. Oscar explained as he lathered on the sixth coat, "So like, you smother a tree with a fuck ton of honey--and I mean a fuck ton, then you wait until pokemon come to eat the honey and WHAM catch them while their eating. Thing is I know a super special trick, if you lather enough honey whatever pokemon that comes to eat it up will get stuck to the tree. Makes it easy to catch them." 

Lancer looked down, he supposed that made sense--but why were they out catching pokemon? Didn't they have better things to do? Were they not above this now? Oscar sensed Lancer's lack of enthusiasm and 'tsked' at his grumpy companion. "Now don't be that way. Sometimes it's good to get back to basics, besides we'll need a lot of pokemon for uh--y'know the thing." Oscar put his comically oversized paintbrush aside and closed up his empty honey jar. "That should do it, okay let's hide and wait!"

Oscar trotted away to a nearby bush, diving in to conceal himself. Lancer looked between his master and the bait tree, sighing as he realized he was not getting out of here until Oscar was satisfied. He flew into the very same bush, and waited along side his master for a target.
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June 29
Blackthorne City
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Oliver Shrakes
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:47:56 GMT
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Oliver Shrakes was on patrol. Again. This time, in Petalburg Woods. Pretty familiar territory. While he had his Dragonite with him, he had Weepinbell and Breloom out this time. So far, nothing of note had happened, but something was bothering him. He had seen tracks, but nothing that would suspect poachers. The blazing red and black haired young man noticed his two grass types drifting away. Following them, they soon found a literal honey trap. Well, not exactly unethical or anything. Certainly good that they weren't in Johto, by Blackthorne. Still...this was an awful lot of honey. Ollie had to do a light thwack on the back of Breloom's head. Who glared at him. "It's not your's. And this is a trap to catch Pokemon. Not illegal or anything, so let's continue on, yes?"

Both of his Pokemon started to beg him to have a taste. The ranger just stared at them, and attempted to drag them both away. Problem was, they were resisting...hard. Was that honey laced with something?

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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 18:30:19 GMT
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Only five minutes had passed, and Lancer was already getting antsy. By the time a pokemon finally came into view, he was ready to leap out and thrash them right away. Oscar held him back though putting out his arm to block the charge. "No no no not yet, gotta wait until the trap is sprung."

Lancer vibrated, impatiently waiting for some sort of action. Oscar was not too far behind mentally, as he began to curse under his breath as the weepinbell took its time coming toward the tree. Then the breloom appeared, and Oscar had to roll in his lips to keep himself from screeching with glee. He grabbed Lancer by the shoulders and whispered, "See? I told you this would work! I told you!"

Lancer was surprised, he did not expect the lure to be so--effective. The idea of beating down two trapped pokemon perked him up, and he leaned in as the dup came closer and closer to their doom. Of course this was proven too good to be true, as a trainer soon rushed forward and berated his pokemon for being lured in by the honey. Oscar's grin cracked into a grimace, his hopes and dreams dashed as quickly as they formed. Just his luck, the first pokemon lured in were already owned!

The trainer was trying very hard to get his pokemon to move on, but the two greedy plants refused to budge. As they moved closer to the tree, Oscar's eyes widened. If they go for the honey his trap will be ruined! He very suddenly leapt out of the bushes, "Step away from that tree! I paid good money for that premium honey and if they take a single lick I'm gonna make you pay for it!" Lancer came out as well, not displaying even half of Oscar's fury. He seemed annoyed, and seemingly assured that this was a dumb idea.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
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Oliver Shrakes
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 1:05:09 GMT
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Clad in his ranger uniform, his boots gave him really good traction. And Oliver's own conditioning allowed him to slowly pull his two Pokemon away. But the stronger one was Breloom. The bad boy ranger and his Pokemon stopped when rustling was heard, and a man and his Beedrill lept out of them. All three of them looked at the man blankly. The guy had stark white hair, kind of a gothic look, slender build, and kinda hot. And also angry. The Beedrill seemed less impressed, and bored. But also looked well taken care of. "One, if you have a reciept or the original container, that should be quite obvious. Second...WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!"

Ollie had no patience with stupidity. So much so, that he's willing to let even comrades to sink if they purposely risked the mission/job at hand. At this point, he was almost done, so he yelled at the man. Taking in the distraction, Breloom actually attackd its trainer with a Sky Uppercut. Being newer in his team, it didn't know Oliver that well. The ranger easily dodged it, grabbed the plant's tail, and slammed it back down hard. Knocking it out. "And you need a time out..." Taking out a Pokeball, Oliver returned the disobediant Pokemon. Looking back at his Weepinbell...well, he looked sheepish and was cuddling up to his right calf now. Nodding in satisfaction, he turned his head back towards the stranger, seeing if he had any kind of response.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 16:47:42 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow as the trainer barked back, almost immediately cooling down as he watched the poor bastard wrestle with his Breloom. It at least gave Oscar a chance to get a closer look at the guy, judging from his age and outfit he seemed to be a ranger. Perhaps a rookie? Nah, Oscar learned never to underestimate the League when it came to age. They employee children as gym leaders after all.

Oscar watched the fiasco with thinly veiled amusement, only speaking after the ranger had subdued his insubordinate pokemon. "Well that was impressive. Do you pokemon normally attack you over honey?" Oscar posed the question, but he did not give the ranger a chance to answer it before shrugging and continuing on. "Anyway the honey is in tact so no harm no foul. Let's just forget this happened and--"

Oscar heard some nearby brush rustle, causing him to become rigid and panicked. He began to hiss at the ranger, "Fuck, get in the bush get in the bush get in the bush! GET IN THE BUSH!" Oscar dove back into his hiding place, leaving Lancer staring at the ranger. It might appear is if the Beedrill was not going to support his master's antics, but after a moment it would aggressively point toward the same bush as it glared in the ranger's direction.

Meanwhile something very large was quickly approaching...

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June 29
Blackthorne City
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Oliver Shrakes
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 1:16:46 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
"Thankfully no. Seems I need to work with Breloom and Weepinbell a bit more...they're relatively new additions. It was slightly embarrassing. Inteleon had been easy to figure. Sheildon was just a cutie and gladly obeyed him, and Sharpedo, while aggressive, seemed to like to play in his off time, and was only rowdy when he was pent up. Braviary and Dragonite he had since he was a kid/younger adult, so they knew him well enough. The man seemed at least mildly impressed, and was ready to forget the whole thing. Something Oliver was for as well. Only...the brush rustled, and the man started to freak out. It was...actually kind of amusing. Even more so when the Beedrill glared and pointed at the bush.

Oliver walked leisurly into the bush and sat cross legged, putting Weepinbell in his lap. The size of the rustling could be deceiving...but he guessed he'll see.

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Heahea City
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oscar clayton
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 1:30:20 GMT
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As the ranger joined him inside the bush, Oscar leered excitedly at his honey trap. Whatever was approaching was making quite a ruckus, Oscar could hardly contain his anticipation. Lancer slid next to his master, twitching as his aggression hit its limit. If he did not get the chance to stab something within the next few minutes he was gonna go ballistic. 

It felt like ages, but eventually the creature emerged from the brush. It's enormous form cast quite the shadow, and as it came into view Oscar would squeal quietly. It was a Snorlax, a very healthy looking one at that. Oscar chuckled quietly, "Oh-ho-ho fuck yeah." The fat bastard got right to work on the honey, licking it up as if it were a fucking sucker. At long last the trap was sprung.

Oscar jumped out of the bush, pointing to the feeding snorlax. "Lancer now!" Lancer dove so quickly that he seemed like a blur, his excitement to satisfy his bloodlust nearly doubled his agility. The surprised snorlax tried to turn, but the sticky honey had his belly stuck to the tree. He would be unable to dodge Lancer's Brick Break. Oscar looked to the ranger, "Well are you gonna sit there or are you gonna help me wrangle this snorlax!? I mean, if you wanna. I won't judge. Much."

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June 29
Blackthorne City
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Oliver Shrakes
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 0:21:05 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
A Snorlax walked out of the green masses. Well, he hoped this guy brought a lot of honey. Speaking of, it looked like the guy was absolutely excited to see it. Almost too excited. Like seriously? Well, whatever, the Ranger just sat there and watched as he jumped out of the bush, pointed at the Snorlax, and ordered his Pokemon to attack. The Snorlax was surprised, and seemed like it was stuck to the tree. If it's too good to be true, it usually is. The man did look at Ollie. Ollie looked back. The comment made him smile. "Of course not, that would be unsportsmanlike. Besides, you get a fine if you're caught double teaming a wild Pokemon to catch it. And I enforce that rule. So go ahead and judge, I won't say anything." While he did stand up, with Weepinbell in his arms, he did give the guy a shit-eating grin. It wasn't exactly a well known rule, and a difficult one to enforce. There were exceptions, including defense of life. The fine itself wasn't terrible. A slap on the wrist really. Whatever, the guy was clean far as he can tell, even if he did kind of insinuate that he wasn't above some hunting/capturing tactics. His Weepinbell was at the ready though, should anything happen.

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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 2:14:52 GMT
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Oscar narrowed his eyes at the ranger, their dynamic solidifying then and there. He would hence forth see this cocky upstart as a rival, guilty of the crime of being an upstanding member of society. Lancer paid no mind to their conflict, whacking the Snorlax in a flurry of enraged strikes. The Snorlax strained, desperately trying to detach itself from the tree and escape. Even so, it would stop its struggle to take some licks from the tree. It could not escape on an empty stomach after all.

Oscar detached a pokeball from his belt, turning around and throwing it in a fluid motion. It should be an easy catch, Lancer had been relentless in its assault. Surely the Snorlax had very little vitality to spare. He watched as the ball reached its mark flawlessly, and kept his eyes glued to the ball as it opened and fell to the ground harmlessly. 

It took a moment for Oscar to process what happened, and when he did his stoic expression turned panicked. "What the fuck? Is the ball defective?" He tried again with another ball, but it too fell to the ground without so much as attempting to catch the Snorlax. Oscar twitched, "What the fuck is going on?" Suddenly a voice rang out from the brush. "Sleepy!? Sleepy where are you!? You know better than to run away!

A young girl emerged from the dark, and nearly fainted when she came upon the scene. Oscar probably would have defended himself, if he had not ran the fuck away as soon as he heard the voice. Of course the damn Snorlax was owned, WHY WOULDN'T IT BE!? Consequently though, the ranger was left alone to deal with the shocked trainer.

Well, Lancer was there. But as soon as he connected the dots he too would hurriedly fly away to escape repercussions for his actions.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
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Oliver Shrakes
Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 15:40:54 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver started to chuckle. Accidents happen. And it seems like this Snorlax was already taken. And was about to say as such when they heard the yelling. And out came a young girl. Instead of being a man and owning up to his mistake and taking responsibility, the other man ran like a coward. Sighing, he took out some medicine and started to treat the Snorlax. While he was doing so, he explained what had happened. Of course, she was still upset, but was doing fine since the "nice ranger man" was helping her Snorlax. Luckily, the medicine worked wonders, and he cleaned the honey off the Pokemon's belly. The Snorlax, while shaken, saw that he didn't join in, and since he treated the big guy, wasn't afraid of Ollie. And patted his head. After a quick show off of his Dragonite, and a small flight with the young lady, things got smoothed over. After some caution, to both lady and Pokemon, they were off on their way with uplifted spirits. Oliver did feel a little sorry for the guy though...here he put all his effort into making a trap for a Pokemon, only to get two owned Pokemon to fall for it. Well, it was what it was, and the ranger just kept on going.

Mission Complete

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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 30, 2022 5:47:59 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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