july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
swim [m]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 2:58:07 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] "good to finally meet you too!" annalise says with a grin, clasping her hands behind her back. [break][break]the reserved expression on @laskt 's face gives her the vibe that he's the type to want to focus on business without the fluff — whether that's because of his probation status or a facet of his personality, she isn't sure. she tips her chin to follow the gesture of his hand, squinting against the afternoon sun at the wingull circling overhead. a few daring ones occasionally swoop low, but their pokemon have withered much of their boldness. [break][break] "same." the status report she gives him is perfunctory compared to his, but why waste her breath to say the exact same thing?[break][break] "i think once our little tirtouga babies get, like, closer to the tide, we'll see more desperation out of these guys." she points up at the offending birds as she says "these guys". [break][break] the conversation lapses as annalise turns her head away to check up on her chesnaught. the grass-type seems transfixed on the little turtles trekking across the sand, so she calls out to him to break him from his reverie. he lifts his head with a blink, then higher to the water-types overhead. lifting an armored arm, the spines glow green a moment before a warning pin missile is fired, scattering the flock. [break][break] annalise fixes her attention back on the other ranger, a curious gleam in her blue eyes. "so, how's hoenn been for you? it must be a lot different than, um —" her brows knit, and her lips press together thoughtfully. "where'd you transfer from, again?"[break][break] [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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