i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 19:15:18 GMT
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the classroom is larger than any bobby has been in before. it reminds her of pictures she'd seen of college lecture halls -- a large space in the front facing curved rows of seats. walking in feels less like entering a place of learning and more like stepping onto a stage.

especially with the way the crowd of children buzz. some whispering to the kids next to them and others screaming all the way across the room to get their friends' attention. it only quiets slightly when the teacher who led bobby and her partner in claps several times.

"okay kids! let's focus up! we've got guests today and i expect you to be on your best behavior!" the woman shouts over the din of the classroom. finally true quiet begins to settle in -- or at least the closest thing to it. bobby can still hear a few whispers running through the room.

"why don't you introduce yourselves?" the teacher asks, looking at the pair of rangers. her voice is friendly and bright. bobby hates her. she hates being talked to like this. like she's here out of anything but obligation.

nonetheless she steps forward and puts on her best smile. a big, liar's mask that dimples her cheeks and makes wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

"hey everyone! i'm cadet karp with the ranger corps. it's nice to meet you!"

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 2:06:04 GMT
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annalise thinks it's kind of funny that this is her second mission with a less desirable cadet — both in the ha ha funny way and the funny weird way. first, she protected tirtouga hatchlings with ivan, the cadet from sinnoh on probation. and now she's playing pokemon ambassador with @bobby, the girl on probation as a cadet.[break][break]
as the teacher begins to speak, her voice resounding through the lecture hall full of energetic kids, annalise fiddles with a gem on one of her acrylics and wonders if it would be a good idea to introduce roberta to ivan. maybe they'd warm up to being hoenn rangers if they had someone they could be in solidarity with, even if the driving force is, well, being punished. [break][break]
or would they just get more, like, isolated? her brows furrow unconsciously, her mind wrapped around this idle question.
the teacher asks them to introduce themselves and her face relaxes into a sunshine-bright smile. annalise turns her head to regard roberta as she steps up first to introduce herself, warm and energetic as she greets the crowd. the kids love her, clapping and banging on their desks with enthusiasm.[break][break]
annalise waits for the teacher to wrangle the audience, then steps forward herself. "hiii guys, i'm cadet henderson!" [break][break]"as my partner said," she gestures towards her. "we're part of the ranger corps. we're super excited to be here and teach you a little bit about what we do. and i'm sure you guys are excited to meet our pokemon ambassadors and see a battle demonstration — "
she can hardly get the words out over the roar of excitement from the kids in front of her. concealing a laugh behind her hand, she turns to roberta and speaks low while the teacher fights for control of her class, "do you wanna start off with conservation? or just, like, any cool ranger facts you know would be super good right now."
annalise turns back to look at the class as they quiet down, offering only a stolen glance roberta's way to let her know it's her time to shine.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 14:34:11 GMT
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the enthusiasm from the kids is grating. bobby can't say she cares for much of anything children have to offer; but if she could, the way they express themselves in moments of excitement definitely would not make the cut. it takes great effort to keep from scowling at the class as they make a racket in response to her perfectly bland introduction.

it doesn't help that the teacher has to shout overtop the noise to get them to settle down. if this is the cycle a classroom lives in indefinitely (noise begetting noise) bobby can't say she minds too much having missed out.

henderson, on the other hand, seems to be thriving. not only does she manage with cloying sincerity to double the energy of bobby's faux cheer, she leans into the energy of the room itself. she knows the audience she's playing to and takes them from slapping their desks to outright squealing with delight in just a few well-chosen words. bobby's smile strains all the more for her talented management of the crowd.

barely a couple minutes into their presentation and bobby finds herself already beginning to stew in her irritation. over the fact that she's here. that she's a ranger at all.

as if sensing the rapid decline of her mood, henderson offers her an olive branch. an invitation in the form of a sweet, conspiratorial whisper. it's wasted on bobby.

"how about i just follow your lead," she replies in her own inside voice. her tone is polite, but beginning to groan under the weight of the subtext. Beneath her smile and friendly tone is a silent demand: 'don't you dare make this my fucking responsibility'.

"i'm still so new, maybe it's best i step in once we start talking about the pokemon."

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 23:45:31 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar




"hm?" annalise glances at her partner, nodding her head agreeably at her request. "yeah, sure!"[break][break]
it's true, @bobby is new, but annalise thought that maybe if she had the opportunity to speak about cool ranger stuff, she might accidentally plant a seed of interest in herself. she won't push her to do something uncomfortable, not when she wants her to have a good impression. when the class quiets, she steps forward to speak again, giving her partner reprieve from pretending to care.[break][break]

"conservation is our top priority as rangers. floods, forest fires, and city expansions all push wild pokemon out of their homes. it's our duty to rehabilitate displaced pokemon and relocate them to protected areas around hoenn." [break][break]if it sounds rehearsed, it's because it is. she continues for quite a while on conservation, then to anecdotes about missions she's been on herself, then to explaining poaching in kid-friendly terms to her wide-eyed audience.
"and now, since you guys have listened so well so far, cadet karp will show you some of the pokemon she works with," she announces with a smile and a sweeping gesture of her arm. [break][break]turning away from the crowd, she reaches for the unopened water bottle she'd left on the floor, cracking the cap with a twist. this time, there's no compromising on who'll speak — annalise busies herself by bringing the mouth of the bottle to her lips.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 14:02:57 GMT
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henderson steps forward and bobby lets out a pleased hum. good. it may be a bit difficult for her to keep a handle on the elite rangers (a bit dangerous, too, given their power over her predicament) but she'll be damned if another newbie like herself bosses her around.

newbie is right, too. what henderson has to offer is probably better than bobby could have summoned up, but it's still just a cute collection of soundbites. bobby half-listens with a smile more snide than sunny while the other girl gives her paint-by-numbers introduction to a rangers' duties.

when she's done speaking, bobby joins the class in a round of applause for her speech and does her best to look genuinely impressed when henderson turns around and passes her the proverbial mic.

the bold brusqueness of henderson's decision to immediately pick up her water bottle isn't lost on bobby. clever brat.

"hello again everyone!" she says as she walks back out, giving a friendly wave with both hands, "if we're being honest i may have fibbed a little, and cadet henderson is too sweet to correct me."

bobby leans in and switches to a stage whisper.

"i'm only a trainee, so my part of this show might not be as polished as hers. is that alright guys?"

a murmur runs through the class at that, a mix of confusion over the terms no doubt but also a handful of braver voices that pipe up with a "no problem" or "that's alright". bobby shoots them all a performatively grateful look before reaching down to the pokeballs at her belt.

"so, are any of you familiar with raticate?"

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2022 21:41:27 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar




annalise quirks a brow as @bobby admits to the class that she lied a little bit about something. she even includes her as a conspirator, calling her too sweet to correct her. lowering the water bottle from her mouth and slowly screwing on the cap, she gives roberta her full attention as she leans towards the audience and —
admits she's only a trainee.
um, okay, is her only thought as the crowd rumbles with confusion. it feels unnecessary to make the distinction at this point — saying you're a cadet gives you grace enough to stumble over your words — but maybe the white lie had been gnawing away at her. [break][break] but, she is right. annalise would never correct her rank. at least not in public and certainly not in front of a class full of children. she's trying to foster comradery, not foist a divide between them by humiliating her. if calling herself a cadet during a speech makes her comfortable, that's okay. if she wants to admit she's a rookie, that's okay!
the confession ripples through the class, swallowed up by the sight of roberta reaching for the poke balls at her belt. at once, it seems they forget about it completely, the room bubbling with affirmation at her question. [break][break]in a city like slateport, it isn't surprising that many of their voices chime in energetically. there's a few shakes of the head in the crowd. some screw their faces up in exaggerated disgust.
with a little encouragement from roberta, annalise is certain they'll warm up to her raticate, even if only a little.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


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[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2022 22:34:14 GMT
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the reception by the class is about what bobby expected. thankfully that proves true for all their reactions. the attempt at coming down to their level and admitting to a little fib allowed a bolstering of her position so the reaction to the mention of raticate was softened a bit. she's already got them rooting for her by exposing a weakness so they're not going to tear her down for her choice in pokemon.

nonetheless it's hard to keep up that plastered on smile of hers in the face of some of the negativity on display. raticate are cool and cute pokemon worthy of just as much respect as any other. even children should know better than to judge a book by its cover.

bobby resolves to make that understood as she unhooks a pair of pokeballs from her belt.

"i'm happy to hear you know a bit about them already," she tosses the pokeballs before her to release dilly and dally. both raticate immediately take to sniffing the air curiously.

"these are my friends, dilly and dally. they're both raticate, but you'll notice they look different from one another! this is because of the places they originate from." she gestures to first dilly and her brown coat, and then dally with her black, "you can see that their colors are the first big difference, but can you name any others?"

there's a cacophony of shouted answers. bobby does her best not to look annoyed as she points to a few students in turn and repeats their responses.

"that's right! dally is bigger than dilly! that's because alolan raticate tend to live in urban settings and hoard food, while kantonian raticate are more active hunters and foragers out in the wild! alolan raticate can be really picky too, even though some people think they're gross it's actually a major boon in alola to have one regularly stop by your restaurant. it proves your food is really good!"

"but you'll notice both of them have these big beautiful teeth. that's what i love most about them, can you guess why?"

she kneels down by the raticate and shoots a big smile to the crowd of children, baring her own slight overbite -- the large front teeth that make it more prominent -- with the same pride as her pokemon.

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,630 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 20:42:08 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar




@bobby is good. the audience is captivated by her raticate exhibition as she balances fun with education. annalise wears an amused smile throughout, learning quite a bit about raticate herself. she can tell her partner really cares about her pokemon — it shines through in her speech.
if being a ranger doesn't stick, she could totally be a professor.
annalise waits for roberta's showcase to conclude before stepping up to the plate. she takes one ball off her belt, letting it expand between her thumb and fingers. the audience murmurs, eyes hungry for more pokemon. with a flick of her wrist, the poke ball flies through the air, cracking open at the apex of its arc and emitting a bright light. [break][break]"this is cotton candy, my altaria!" she announces as her altaria materializes, spreading cotton-coated wings to catch herself as she glides over heads and desks. as she wheels around the lecture hall to return to her trainer, annalise continues, "as i'm sure many of you guys might already know, altaria is native to hoenn! they're a bit reclusive — they prefer to live in forests and mountains away from people — buuut they're known for their kindness and their amazing singing."
her altaria lands beside her, feather-light aside from the tap of talons against the hardwood. she pats the top of the bird's head, smiling reassuringly at her companion as dozens of eyes stare holes in the flying-type. "can you give them a little song, cotton candy?"
cotton candy hums a song as annalise busies herself with getting her other poke ball. it's not a full on sing attack, but it's soothing and melodic all the same. as the humming fades out, annalise releases her tyrunt onto the ground in front of her. the dinosaur blinks at the harsh overhead light, letting out a little grumble. the room gasps.
"this is gumball the tyrunt! according to people a lot smarter than me," a giggle colors her speech. "his species was found in kalos about a hundred million years ago! this little guy was revived from a jaw fossil recently, so he's still kinda getting used to modern life."
she pulls a treat out of her pocket to distract gumball from the lights and sounds of the classroom. he gladly turns away from the audience to catch it with a snap! between powerful jaws.
"shall we start the battle demonstration?" annalise asks, turning to look at roberta for confirmation. the class roars, energetic. their teacher steps in and reminds them not to get too excited — this is going to be some light battling, not a high-stakes tournament match. she tells her now-somewhat-disheartened class that she'll need this room to be in good enough shape to teach in in a few minutes when the presentation ends,
annalise glances up at the clock on the far wall. a few cool-looking attacks and they'll be able to wrap up.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


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[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 17:25:01 GMT
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bobby is more than happy to take her step back when it's annalise's turn. unlike her well-behaved and courteous partner, bobby tunes out while annalise talks. she crouches down by dilly and dally and gives them scratches under the chins and carefully smooths their whiskers out while they chitter away at her. annalise's presentation registers only as much as a tv running in the background.

that is until she realizes she's been spoken to directly.

"ah, yeah, the battle demonstration," bobby pipes up with a smile, voice airy and not at all trying to hide her previous distraction, standing and brushing off her uniform pants as she does, "i'm ready whenever you are!"

dilly and dally take up positions in front of her at the word 'battle' and bobby runs an eye over her competition. the altaria is beautiful in voice and appearance, but it's still a dragon. and not alone, either. the tyrunt looks a bit dumb but its jaw is intimidating.

well, she'll just say she's happy this is just a short show match. raticate are amazing, her raticate are the best, but at the end of the day they were trained for helping her swipe shit and occasionally beat up a growlithe or two.

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2022 18:17:50 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar




"okay, let's go!" annalise's pokemon snap to attention. gumball sizes up dilly and dally in turn, looking at them like a pair of rotisserie chickens. he paws at the ground impatiently with a clawed foot. cotton candy hops up and flutters into the sky, out of reach of any bone-shattering rat teeth.
cotton candy flaps her wings, stirring up a weak hurricane. a few front row students slam their palms down on the papers in front of them to keep them from being blown off their desks. if it hits @bobby's raticate, it will feels more like an unpleasant breeze than a natural disaster.
gumball is not a great pretender. he charges at dilly, jaws wide, trying to crunch down with stone teeth.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 21:35:29 GMT
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the HURRICANE buffets dally. she's not much of an actor to be frank, so she doesn't sell it like much more than it is -- though she does chitter and turn away out of irritation. it's drying out her eyes! it's enough to make some of the kids 'ooo' but it doesn't inspire much awe.

the interaction between dilly and the tyrunt is perhaps more the speed of the children. the little dinosaur isn't pulling its punches judging by its gaping maw, and its typing allows for slightly more aggression without causing real harm.

"soften up that chomper!" bobby commands with a point of her fingers.

the raticate move together like the team they always have been. dilly's QUICK ATTACK carries it out of the way of the CRUNCH, and before the move can connect for real dally is in the tyrunt's face running interference. she turns her back to the little dino and gives it a helping of TAIL WHIP to hopefully distract it from the attack coming.

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2022 18:00:36 GMT
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cotton candy makes a big show of pretending to fight. she circles over the actual fight, diving ineffectually at the three pokemon like an actress throwing a punch. it looks real enough from the audience's angle, eliciting gasps from a crowd of bloodthirsty children.
gumball snaps his jaws shut with an audible, gravelly crunch of stone teeth. he's a single-minded little dinosaur — the tail whip in his peripheral draws him like a fish to a lure. dilly is immediately forgotten in favor of its tastier(?) partner.
he charges at the waving tail, teeth parted to crunch straight through dark fur.
"gumball, look out!" annalise calls out, purposefully addressing the oncoming attack too late.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + @bobby pokemon pedagogy


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 21:11:10 GMT
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another QUICK ATTACK slams into the tyrunt's side -- but given its rocky exterior it probably does more damage to dilly than the dinosaur. the raticate all but bounces off her target before going in for another hit.

a well deserved one, at that. the CRUNCH snaps shut on dally's tail like a mouse trap and he lets out a pained squeal that's much less acted than much of the other antics in this fight. he bares his teeth and snaps back with genuine frustation with a CRUNCH of his own.

"hey, dally!" bobby hisses under her breath, "rein it in!"

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
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5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 22:26:23 GMT
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a quick attack strikes gumball in the side, causing him to stumble sideways. still, his attention remains transfixed on dally, pursuing the raticate until he's close enough to snap steel jaws shut over his tail. the squeal is met with a rumble of satisfaction from the little dinosaur.
the upper hand is fleeting. his prey turns around to devastate with a crunch of his own, long teeth flashing near rocky hide. it's enough to make him loosen his grip on dally's tail, but the second hit from dilly is what makes him trip over his feet and fall over. 
the teacher claps, rousing gumball from his frustrated growling and annalise from her quiet observation of the battle. she thanks her and @bobby for the demonstration, then tempers her exuberant class as they continue to bang on their desks and cheer even after the battle ebbs. the pair of rangers are given their moment to gather their pokemon, give their farewells, and head out.
"you and your pokemon did so great!" annalise praises once the door shuts behind them. the hall is quieter, but she can still hear the buzz of the class at their backs. "thanks for helping me in there. it's not like, super fun ranger work or anything, but it's important that we do outreach like this sometimes."

[attr="class","annalooc"] + pokemon pedagogy


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 6:28:21 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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