Death Metal [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2022 1:26:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
At approximately ten in the morning, a discolored Ariados would mysteriously appear within the Iron Lady Forge. It acted quickly, delivering an envelope addressed to as closely to her position as it could before disappearing into thin air as quickly as it came. If the forge master were to open the envelope, it would have a simple letter within. The letter states thusly:

One of the Four Beasts shall visit you exactly ten minutes after your closing hour. Be ready. Snacks are not required but would be appreciated.

Aurelie may have been on the newer side, but even so she should know who the Four Beasts were by now. The letter did not say who would appear exactly, it wanted to be vague in case the wrong person got into the envelope. Regardless of whether or not the letter was discovered and read, Oscar Clayton would indeed appear ten minutes after the Iron Lady Forge was supposed to close.

He would knock upon her door, waiting patiently to be let in...
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2022 15:50:18 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]When Aurelie first read the letter that the strange Ariados dropped at her feet before disappearing, her heart hammered so hard that, at first, she thought it would burst. When it didn't—and when the words on the paper stayed the same despite her rubbing her eye, pinching her own cheek experimentally, and flapping the letter this way and that—she let out a brief, celebratory squeal of glee. A Rocket Beast, coming to visit her shop! She reread the message three times to make sure she had it right, before signaling to her Flareon to turn the letter into non-incriminating ash with a quick burst of flame. Given the mystery and ambiguity of its message, destroying the letter just seemed like the right thing to do.

The end of the business day had never taken so long to arrive as it did on that day. Remembering the mention of snacks, an increasingly jittery Aurelie elected to spend the last few minutes of her day upstairs in her apartment's kitchen, preparing a simple, yet hopefully appealing appetizer for her visitor. Her hands flew with furious activity as she sliced up a baguette using her own hand-forged kitchen knife, lightly toasted the slices, topped them with a variety of tasty odds and ends from her refrigerator, and plated them prettily on a platter.

Carefully balancing the platter with both hands as she hurried back downstairs, she barely made it back into the shop in time to hear the polite knock on her front door, exactly ten minutes after closing time. Aurelie set the platter down on her shop counter and ran to open the door.

"Hello! Hi. Welcome to the Iron Lady Forge," she exclaimed, trying not to sound too eager or nervous. As her uncovered eye swiftly scrutinized her visitor, Aurelie was briefly, obscurely disappointed that her visitor was a slender, pale-haired young man, rather than the stunning red-haired Beast with the scar over one eye that she'd run into once in Sootopolis. Still, she smiled readily and ushered him inside. "Please, come in. It's an honor to meet you."

After locking the front door behind him, she led him over to her front desk and gestured for him to sit down at one of the two cushioned chairs set out for waiting customers. Then she brought over the platter from the front desk. "As for snacks, here's something I threw together quickly." She gestured to the first row of toasted, neatly-topped baguette slices. "Tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil on this row. The middle row has sauteed chicken, mushrooms, and onions, and the last row has blueberries, cream cheese, and blackberry jam. I hope you like them."

Managing to set down the platter on the side table without betraying the trembling of her hands, Aurelie sat down on the other chair. "Now," she said, taking a deep breath and clasping her hands in her lap, "what can I do for you..." She trailed off hesitantly, wondering how to address him, before ending simply with, "Sir?"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 1:55:15 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The door opened, and Oscar came face-to-face with a one eyed red head. This must have been Aurelie, her appearance matched her grunt dossier. Oscar gave her a smile that sat between warm and sinister, so well within his usual expression range. She seemed plainly nervous, which Oscar elected to ignore since that usually did not last long. He appreciated her manners at least, bowing his head slightly as he stepped inside.

"The honor's mine." He said as he closed the door behind him. Oscar's smile would grow increasingly satisfied as he observed his surroundings. He had never been to a metal working store, and seeing all this well crafted equipment and weaponry told him that he had chosen the right woman for his commission. 

Oscar's attention was drawn back to the woman before he could remark about anything, his eyes lighting up as she offered him snacks. Not just snacks, she made a whole platter for him to enjoy. Oscar's professionalism faltered as he went for one of the beautifully crafted hors d'oeuvres, "Holy shit no one had actually made snacks before." 

He munched on one of the chicken and mushroom crackers, delighting in the mix of flavors. He responded candidly to Aurelie's manner of address, "Oscar's fine. I mean, you made fuckin' snacks. We're on a first name basis now, you and I." Oscar threw one of the blueberry dishes in his mouth, shuddering with joy. "So fuckin' good, thank you."

Oscar cleared his throat after swallowing, attempting to regain some of his previous composure. "Ahem, um right then. Before I share what I've come here for, I would like to be reassured of your qualifications. Tell me about your metal working experience." Oscar looked to the black smith, waiting patiently for her answer.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 22:07:22 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie broke out into a delighted grin when the Rocket Beast—Oscar, as he'd introduced himself—praised her offering of variously-topped baguette slices with both effusive words and enthusiastic munching. "I can't believe no one's actually offered you snacks before!" she remarked laughingly. "Especially after reading that hopeful little last sentence in your message."

After all, Aurelie was hardly any kind of hospitality goddess herself, but even she could manage to throw together some bread, fruit and vegetables, and cheese onto a plate to feed a visitor. When he devoured one last snack and asked about her metalworking qualifications, Aurelie couldn't help but smile. I bet he's here for a special commission, she thought excitedly. Maybe for a cool custom dagger or sword. Why else would he be asking about that?

She sat down in the other armchair next to the side table and picked up a baguette slice topped with tomatoes and mozzarella, toying with it in her hands as she cleared her throat. "So, down to business now, huh?" she temporized. "Let me see. Where do I start..."

Taking a deep breath, Aurelie began, "I come from a long line of metalworkers and smiths based in the Kalos Region, where I was born. Everyone in my family is a metalworker of some kind: my father is a blacksmith, and my mother and little brother are both jewelers." She smiled nostalgically, a little wistfully. "I first started working in my father's forge when I was...five or six, I think? Just helping with small errands and odd jobs, learning how to shape and manipulate hot metal, getting comfortable with the hammer, anvil, forge, grinder, welder, machine presses, all that equipment."

With a hint of pride in her voice, she continued, "I took after my father and studied blacksmithing alongside him, but I chose to specialize in the art of bladesmithing, which is the art of making specifically knives, daggers, or swords. I made my first blade when I was ten years old. It was tiny, barely more than a letter opener. From then..." She shrugged lightly.

"It's been a continual process of learning and improving, refining my techniques and expanding my knowledge to make more complicated, challenging, yet consistent blades that function well, look beautiful, and feel comfortable to wield." Aurelie pursed her lips thoughtfully, still toying with the baguette slice in her hands. "The most complex project I've made so far is a thousand-layer Damascus pattern-welded Kantonese longsword, with full-length fullers, an upswept guard, and mild steel pommel, with cloisonné detailing on the hilt and guard."

Taking a small bite of her snack, she added, "More formally speaking, I've earned artisan-level certifications—just one level below full master smith—for both blacksmithing and bladesmithing from the Kalosian Smithing Society. I was one of the youngest holders of the bladesmithing certification, which I earned at age 18. I also hold a degree in materials science from the Anistar City college, where I easily swept the metallurgy classes, of course, but I also learned a lot about polymers, ceramics, and bio-composites."

At this point, Aurelie gave a polite little cough and chuckled ruefully. "Well, I hope I haven't bored you to tears with all of that. Please let me know if you need more information about my work experience. Now," she went on, leaning forward with an eager smile, "can I ask what brings you here, si—I mean, Oscar? Might I hope that you were planning to place an order for a fine blade for yourself?"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 1:11:32 GMT
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Oscar listened intently, lightly rubbing his chin as Aurelie gave her credentials. And what credentials they were! Oscar was sold half way through her explanation, he was already confident in her ability but he had to make sure she would be up to the task he had in mind. Luckily he would not be disappointed, and Oscar would smile as he began to feel reassured in his choice.

"Not at all!" Oscar spoke with enthusiasm, dismissing the possibility that he would be bored. "Quite the opposite, I find your experience encouraging. You might be able to pull off what I desire." Oscar turned himself to the side, observing some of Aurelie's wares while pulling a folded paper from out of his suit jacket. "But it's not a knife."

He unfolded the paper and turned again to place it in front of Aurelie. What she would find were schematics, detailed designs for the casings and joints of prosthetics for human arms and legs. Oscar rubbed his hands together as he gave Aurelie time to look them over. "I'm making specialized prosthetics you see. More specifically, cybernetic body enhancements that require steel casings. You know, to protect the tech. I was hoping you could make me a few sets."

Oscar folded his arms, his smile slowly transforming into an excited grin. "You'll have no want for resources or work space. I'll provide everything you will need, all I require is your skill."

Oscar waited to gauge her reaction, withholding a particularly vital detail for the time being.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 21:02:27 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Not a knife, eh? she thought, as Oscar took a piece of paper from his jacket and unfolded it. Then what in the world...?

Then Aurelie let out a gasp and her uncovered eye widened with astonishment and admiration as he laid out a sheet of paper before her, containing intricate designs and schematics for prosthetics. Forgetting Oscar's presence for a moment, she picked up the paper and turned it this way and that, studying the shapes and outlines drawn on it in painstaking detail and then peering closely at the labels and measurements carefully printed throughout. Her lips thinned and her brows drew together in a frown of concentration, causing her eyepatch to shift slightly so she had to absentmindedly push it back in place.

Finally, she shook herself out of her daze and smiled weakly at Oscar. " This is a lot," she said frankly. "I'm not an expert of any sort on medical devices or cybernetics or prosthetics, but whoever designed this clearly is. The articulation on these, the precision, the artistry! Truly exquisite." She blew a chef's kiss in the direction of the paper.

"But if you have unlimited resources like you say, si—I mean, Oscar," she went on, one corner of her lip curling up in a crooked grin, "well...I hate to say it, but bladesmithing is a centuries-old art, and this stuff is the coolest, most groundbreaking, most cutting-edge stuff out there. Don't you have specialized fabrication machines or assembly line robots or, I dunno, incredibly well-trained Pokemon to make things like this?"

Hastily, Aurelie added, "Now, I certainly can do this, and it would be a fascinating challenge to make casings this fine and this precise. I know machining, I know welding, and I know grinding and sculpting metal to shape, down to even the tiniest detail, but it would take me longer to produce than it'd take a machine." She didn't want to give the impression that she was incapable, after all, just not an automated robot.

"Also, I'm not sure about the use of steel for prosthetics like this. Steel is strong, but it's also heavy, as far as commonly used metals go these days." She tilted the paper again and pursed her lips in thought, her gaze sharpening. "For something like this, I'd think you would use aluminum, which sacrifices some strength and durability for a whole lot more mobility for the user, or titanium, which is very strong but also lightweight."

Aurelie tilted her head toward Oscar and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Is there a reason why you want to use steel, specifically, for a project like this? And are you sure that you want these manufactured by hand? By human hands?"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 14:40:35 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar listened closely to Aurelie's concerns, though the smile on his face would indicate that he already had answers prepared for these very questions. Once it was his chance to speak, Oscar flourished his hands and chuckled. "Would you believe that having a human element is cheaper? I mean I have money but those assembly line machines are cash pits. Besides, the less other people involved with this the better. Too many eyes and mouths and I can't possibly keep them all shut, it's been a hassle in the past."

Oscar began to rub his hands, as it came time to talk about the material. This was the only thing that made him nervous about this deal, since what he desired to use could be considered--unconventional. Perhaps even macabre. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath and maintaining his seemingly care-free smile.

"As for the steel, I actually have something special in mind. I have in my possession far that is far lighter than conventional steel. The same kind of metal but far more maneuverable. The catch is--well it can only be found one way." There was a pause as Oscar pushed through his hesitation and revealed the catch of this task.

"Steel pokemon, you see. Thanks to Rocket's efforts to recreate the artificial pokemon Genesect, I have come into possession of a sizable stock of deceased steel types. It might sound grotesque, but if they are melted down their metallic skin would be the perfect material for these casings. It's a delicate process, yet another reason I prefer a human's touch. A professional human's touch at that."

Oscar waited to hear what Aurelie had to say. That was probably quite a bombshell, so he would give her all the time she needed to process this new information.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2022 22:52:27 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie gaped unabashedly at Oscar, unmistakably taken aback by his astonishing revelation that the steel being used for his special prosthetics project would come from Steel-type Pokemon. Her eye widened with shock and her heart contracted at the thought of so many dead Steel types, their bodies to be used as crafting material. Impulsively, she pushed herself to her feet and began pacing around the front of the shop, moving back and forth, her rapid steps and gestures clearly betraying her unsettled, flustered mindset.

"How did you even get that many deceased Steel types?" she began. Before Oscar had a chance to reply, the red-haired smith held up a hand to forestall him. "Never mind, I don't want to know. It's almost easier to just imagine they all fell off the back of a truck or something." She chucked humorlessly at the image.

"It's just... Poor things," Aurelie mused, her tone softening. "I guess it's better than if they were living Pokemon that you wanted to, uh, decease and then use for their steel. I don't think I would be okay with that. But if they're already dead, well..." Her voice petered out momentarily on that note of uncertainty.

Abruptly, she raised her head toward Oscar as another piece of information sank in, her eyepatch nearly slipping off from the abruptness of the motion. "So, wait, they were being used to recreate a what now? A Genesect?, did you say?" She hastily tugged her eyepatch back into place. "Did they...did you succeed? Or maybe that's above my pay grade to know."

Her pacing slowed as she considered the possibility. Recreating a mythical Pokemon? That seems so ambitious, so impossible! she marveled internally. And so, so very Rocket.

With a sigh, Aurelie ceased her pacing and flung herself back into the chair next to Oscar. "But the thing is, I can understand it! Wanting to use Pokemon steel as a material, I mean. A Steel type's body is like a miracle, you know? So strong, so powerful, so durable, and yet so light and thin. And alive somehow, able to sustain life, grow, and even reproduce itself."

She smiled softly at Oscar, her gaze turning misty and distant. "It's the dream of every blacksmith to be able to use, or create, a type of steel that could even approximate the properties of a Steel type. Their bodies really would be perfect for what you want—far more so than titanium or aluminum, let alone ordinary steel, would be." Her smile deepened as she continued, "It's always been my dream too. And now you're offering me the opportunity to use as much Steel-type steel as I want to construct your casings for you?"

Aurelie took a deep breath and went on, "I'm not going to say I entirely like it, but I do want to do it. So...I'm in. There's no way I could refuse." She tilted her head to one side questioningly. "When do you want me to start, si—Oscar?"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:41:27 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar responded to Aurelie's questions in statements with expressions and gestures rather than words. The bright girl thought a bit too fast in this moment, Oscar could not formulate verbal responses in time. Mostly shrugs, nods, finger guns, and at least one smiling downward glance of understanding. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and when she asked the magic question of when she could start Oscar would clap his hands together and grin.

"Tomorrow!" he announced, flourishing his hands a bit as he looked upward and let out a cheerful "Hooray!" Oscar chuckled as he pulled out his cellphone, already starting to type before requesting information. "Would you mind giving me your personal number or email, that way I can send you the address of where my helicopter will be departing. All you have to do is show up before we leave and board, I'll have a contract written up and ready to sign by then."

Oscar finished up what he was typing and paused to listen for Aurelie's answer. As he filled in the blanks with one hand, Oscar would hold out his other and smile at the young blacksmith. His eyes had a spark to them, though it was hard to tell if it was from mischief or joy. "Shall we shake on it then?"

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:30:51 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie flushed a deep crimson of acute embarrassment when she realized just how long she'd been babbling on in front of the Rocket Beast, or how fast she'd been jabbering on and on. Thankfully, Oscar was polite and diplomatic enough to simply smile, nod, and wait until her torrent of questions and chatter had abated. When he clapped his hands and then pulled out his cellphone, the red-haired smith flashed a grateful, appreciative smile at him for his patience.

"Sorry for rambling on like that," she mumbled apologetically, running a hand through her hair. "You just took me aback a little bit. Won't happen again. Hopefully." She smiled faintly and ducked her head.

If he ever visits my shop again, she thought, I am making him so many delicious snacks beforehand.

Letting out an awestruck breath at the casual way he said "my helicopter," Aurelie gave him her contact information without a moment's hesitation. She had caught a few glimpses of how the wealthy high-ranking Rockets lived—the elegant casino in Sootopolis, the noble bearing of some of the aristocratic Rocket members—but Oscar's offhanded manner impressed her the most. It dazzled her a little to think about stepping further into that world, even if only by the briefest, tiniest possible baby step.

She took his outstretched hand and shook it firmly when he offered it, more than happy to shake on the deal. "Absolutely," she said, fixing her eye on his features and smiling warmly, visibly trying to project a professional aura. "And thank you for this opportunity...unusual though it is. If you need anything else from me or have any more questions, please feel free to let me know."


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 21:04:30 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
A firm handshake sealed the deal, and Oscar was grinning ear-to-ear when he pulled away. "Marvelous! This is history in the making, I can feel it!" With a tap of his finger, everything Aurelie would need to locate him tomorrow would be sent to her. Oscar let out a deep sigh of relief, as if he had been holding his breath this entire time. With a wiggle of his fingers he would grab one last snack before heading toward the door.

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow! Just pack the necessities, I'll have equipment waiting for you in Sootopolis. I look forward to our partnership, and the fruit it shall bear!" Oscar bowed slightly before opening the door and departing. He still had a great deal to prepare before he left in the morning.

When the morning came though, Aurelie would be able to locate Oscar's helicopter on the rooftop of the Lilycove Hotel. As she approached, a man wearing a suit would open the door to allow her to board. Whenever she did so, she would find Oscar waiting with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I'm glad you didn't ditch me!" He exclaimed as he offered the coffee to her. 

Moments later, the helicopter would be up in the air and heading toward Sootopolis. Oscar snapped his fingers, and the man in the suit now sitting next to him would pull out some papers from a compartment under his seat. Oscar pulled a pen from his coat pocket and pointed it toward the blacksmith as his suited assistant handed her the papers. 

"Sorry for this whirlwind treatment, the trip won't be as long as it seems. The contract has everything we've agreed upon, feel free to look it over if you wish.

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 21:02:39 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]After he'd left her forge the night before, Aurelie had done just enough online research on Oscar Clayton to realize that all these luxuries presumably came from his civilian persona as the head of Greater Mauville Holdings. It certainly made sense for a CEO to have a private helicopter and a polite assistant dressed better and more expensively than she was, not to mention plenty of resources to throw at whatever side project he wanted to pursue. So, she shouldn't have been too surprised by the casual lavishness of everything around her.

The red-haired smith was only human, though, and thus openly gawked with amazement and delight at the arrangements that Oscar had made. Aurelie carefully stowed her overnight bag and tool box under her seat, before accepting the cup of fragrant coffee from the Rocket Beast. As the helicopter rose into the air, she couldn't help staring out the window at the city falling away into the distance while the sky overhead glowed with radiant morning light. The sense of freedom and wonder was exhilarating.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't ditch this for the world," she responded to Oscar's quip. "This is practically an adventure! I just hope that I can live up to your expectations for your...your special prosthetics project."

With an effort, Aurelie conscientiously read through the entire contract, before signing at the bottom with a flowing, looping flourish. Having never signed a contract quite like this one before, she doubted she'd accounted for everything, but Oscar's terms certainly seemed generous, and his requirements for secrecy and non-disclosure made perfect sense. After signing, Aurelie was sorely tempted to press her face to the glass and enjoy the changing landscape below to her heart's content, but she forced herself to be professional.

"Can we go over those schematics that you showed me yesterday?" she asked diffidently, thinking of the detailed designs for the casings and joints that Oscar had presented to her when introducing the project. Taking a sip of coffee, she explained, "I'd like to study them during the trip and think about how I'd approach the construction process. This is pretty far out of my usual...what's the word?...wheelhouse, after all."

Certainly, it would be far more detailed and meticulous work than she'd been working on lately, that was for sure. Bladesmithing certainly required patience and hard work, but the stakes were quite a bit different. Forge a blade incorrectly, and you could end up with a knife that would wear out faster or cut more raggedly. Forge a prosthetic casing incorrectly, and you could end up with someone quite literally losing their new arm or leg.

And never mind the forging—she could easily imagine herself spending hours, if not days, figuring out the structural properties of the...unique material that Oscar wanted her to work with. Not many people had ever worked at length with Steel Pokemon bodies before, as far as Aurelie knew. Who knew what the steel's melting points, conductivity, magnetism, density, malleability, brittleness, tensile strength, flexibility, or corrosion resistance could be like?

As Oscar promised, it didn't take long before the helicopter descended toward Sootopolis City. Aurelie sucked in her breath at the sight of the city that formed Rocket's headquarters, rising from the crater filled with shimmering water. The helicopter landed as softly and gracefully as a feather on a landing pad before what looked like a large, imposing warehouse on a floating platform above the water.

"Is that where I'll be working?" Aurelie asked, gazing speculatively out the window. "It certainly looks"


[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 18:00:40 GMT
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As the contract was signed, Oscar would happily pull out his phone to go over the schematics with his new contractor. During the trip they would discuss specifics about the designs, Oscar's nameless assistant staring out the window as he pretended not to listen in. Their discussion would not last too long however, as they would soon come upon Sootopolis and the work space Oscar intended to utilize. It was indeed a warehouse attached to the research institute of . It was very kind of her to allow Oscar to take up so much space for his project, he owed her more than a few favors by now.

As they landed Oscar would help Aurelie off the helicopter and into the warehouse. As they entered the main work space, Aurelie would instantly be able to take in the machinery Oscar had set up for her to use. The industrial forge was massive, taking up forty percent of the total warehouse space. The rest would be taken up by everything Aurelie needed to accomplish her task--included the now empty shells of steel type pokemon. Oscar tapped Aurelie on the shoulder and pointed to what used to be a foreman office on the far side of the warehouse. 

"I've outfitted that room to be a temporary living quarters. I tried to make it as cozy as I could, and we installed a nice bathroom with one of those overhanging mist showerheads people seem to like. There's a landline that goes directly to me so you can give updates. You can also order groceries or take-out meals and GMH will cover the bill. Just don't go crazy we aren't made of money." Oscar chuckled to himself, what an absurd thing to say after financing all of this. Oscar clapped his hands together. "I'll let you get situated, just give me a call if you have any questions. The schematics will be sent directly to your email in just a few minutes."

Oscar turned to exit, stopping by the door to give one last note. "Good luck, I know you can do it!"

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 4:19:00 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Recycle, reuse, reinvent
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Until now, Aurelie had thought she had done pretty well at keeping her cool, despite the impressive wealth and resources that Oscar had nonchalantly displayed throughout the past few days. However, when the Rocket Beast showed her the immense workspace that he had set up, with an industrial forge and more equipment than she'd ever dreamed of being able to use, all located within in a warehouse practically the size of a city block, the red-haired smith simply gaped in genuine awe at the sight. She shook her head in disbelief, feeling alternately mind-blown, daunted, and excited by the sheer scale and significance of Oscar's project.

She listened attentively to Oscar's explanations and instructions, unable to keep from snorting aloud when he added, "Don't go crazy, we're not made of money." After he said that, a tiny part of her was tempted to order caviar and champagne every night, but she knew full well she wasn't about to actually endanger her position here in any way. As Oscar turned to leave, the red-haired smith smiled softly at his cheerful words of encouragement.

"I'll do my best to live up to your expectations, Mi—uh, Oscar," Aurelie replied simply. "I can't guarantee anything, but I'm quite excited to try, at least. Thanks again for picking me to work on this and, well, for believing in me enough to bring me here to this amazing facility."

She waved goodbye as he departed, wondering if the other Rocket Beasts were all as unpretentious and friendly as Oscar seemed to be. She rather doubted it, though. Besides, given the number of empty shells of Steel-type Pokemon, Aurelie still had to wonder if Oscar's nice, normal exterior was just masking a very scientifically-minded madman.

Even if it was, though, that was no reason not to get to work! Rubbing her hands together, she forced herself to approach the neatly stacked Steel-type shells. It was decidedly macabre seeing them like this, hollow and lifeless—basically like corpses, piled on the table. Remember, you've actually hunted and skinned a Silicobra with your bare hands, Aurelie reminded herself, as she forced herself to reach for a piece on top: a silvery blade-like wing off what must have been a Skarmory. Holding it carefully, she walked toward a machine that she remembered very well from her materials engineering classes and internships: a universal testing machine, capable of performing a wide range of tests for different kinds of materials.

Throughout the first day, she took every specimen of Steel-type material and ran it through a series of strength tests: tensile testing by pulling the specimen apart, compressive testing by squashing it down, fatigue testing by subjecting the specimen to repeated impacts, and torsion testing by twisting and torquing it. Then she started testing each specimen's hardness by cutting into and indenting them with different drill bits and saw blades of steel, tungsten, cobalt, and diamond. These tests took far longer than the first set, as the Steel-type specimens were often so tough that they simply broke the provided drill bits and saws! Aurelie frequently had to hunt down replacements, often wandering around the warehouse looking for where backup tools and parts were stored.

Throughout the process, Aurelie took meticulous notes and kept track of each Steel-type specimen's properties on an ever-growing spreadsheet on the laptop that Oscar had provided. After the hardness testing, she was able to figure out how to cut smaller pieces off the shells for the next day's work of thermal and ductility testing. By the time she'd prepared all the samples, Aurelie was sweaty, hungry, and tired, but feeling rather comfortable with the work so far. It felt...familiar, and oddly comforting.

That night, she ordered a meal of spaghetti Bolognese along with a side of green beans and mushrooms, garlic bread, and tomato basil soup from a local Italian restaurant. The food came on time and was filling and delicious. And getting to put this on GMH's tab? I feel like I'm living in the lap of luxury! Aurelie thought happily.

The second day, Aurelie carried out thermal tests on each of the smaller samples of Steel-type materials. Given how important it was to the red-haired smith to be able to heat and shape metal, she paid special attention to the results of this test. She heated each specimen individually in the huge industrial forge, watching to see how the metal deformed at increasingly higher temperatures and noting down the ranges for their melting points. She also tested how the specimen behaved when stressed and impacted at high temperatures, which would provide extremely important information about hammering and bending the metal.

The next test she carried out was one that Aurelie rarely had to worry about in her normal work, but for Oscar's prosthetics, she figured it might be important: testing electrical conductivity. Using more small-sized samples of the available Steel-type specimens, the red-haired smith simply rigged up extremely basic circuits with wires and batteries. If the Steel-type sample conducted enough electricity to light up a tiny lightbulb, Aurelie noted it in her spreadsheet.

I'll have to ask Oscar if he wants the prosthetic casings to be electrically conductive or not, she decided. She had no idea about prosthetics and whether the casings needed to carry signals or respond to electrical currents, after all.

At the end of the day, she analyzed the rows and columns of accumulated data about the various Steel-type specimens that Oscar had made available to her, as well as the various notes she'd added about specific materials and properties. Many of the results seemed predictable and logical enough, like the Steelix being incredibly durable and hard, or the Magneton's shell being highly electrically conductive. On the other hand, though, she hadn't expected the Bug-type steel specimens to be so promising: light and flexible, but reasonably strong as well.

That evening, after ordering another extravagant dinner of duck à l'orange with roasted potatoes, peas and carrots in butter, and fragrant steamed rice, Aurelie wrote a quick email to Oscar:

Hello Oscar,

I've completed preliminary testing on the Steel-type shells that you provided, and I think the samples that show the most promise so far are from Scizor, Lucario, Durant, and Pawniard/Bisharp shells. Are you able to provide more of these for me to continue testing and working with them? I would like to be able to make several models of the schematics that you provided, so I can be sure to get them exactly right. Thanks in advance for your help!



[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2022 15:13:13 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Oscar read through Aurelie's email, his imagination was suddenly sparked with curiosity. Her above and beyond research had shed some light on new possibilities, ones that he was determined to capitalize on! Oscar wrote back quickly.

Fantastic work so far! I knew I chose the right person for the job. I'll see what I can do about the samples. After you're finished I would be thankful of you could send me a copy of your data. Keep up the good work, I'll check in by the end of the month.

Oscar would depart Sootopolis the next day to gandle other matters, but he would make sure to try and secure those other samples for Aurelie. On the morning of the next day, a shipping container would be delivered to Aurelie's workshop. A note from Oscar would be delivered with it. The note read:

"Here are the remaining steel type cadavers. There are a lot but this is all she wrote so use them wisely. Best of luck--Oscar Clayton. P.s. Burn this note please."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing