Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Paris, Rosa, Olivia
April 24
Mauville City
Casino Dealer
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I’d take good looks and a bad attitude over smarts and education any day
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Zilla Dumay DOLLARS
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Zilla Dumay
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2022 18:04:28 GMT
Zilla Dumay Avatar

The park was massive, making up a couple acres worth of wilderness that had been manicured and altered to be perfect for any canine Pokemon. The grassy, floral area near the entrance slowly transitioned into a dry prairie with plenty of large boulders and fake cacti for the residents to mark. The ground steadily rose into a towering hill in the middle of the park, which was often used by children in the winter months for sledding. In the summer, it simply acted as a nice lookout point over the rest of the park. On the opposite side of the hill sat a small forest, broken up by a couple bodies of water. Watering bowls, shaded seats, and miscellaneous dog toys could be found scattered throughout the entire area.

[break][break]While this dog park was located close to Mauville Hills and was likely only meant for the wealthy residents of the apartment complex, Zilla had never been asked to show proof of residency. She’d been coming here for years, as it proved to be a nice way for Mightyena to let out some energy without terrorizing the local wildlife. Today was a special day, however. She’d recently procured a Houndoom, and a dog park seemed like the perfect place to make the new party member feel welcome.

[break][break]Zilla entered through the front gate, walked through the meadow, and finally arrived at the arid portion of the park — where the grass grew thin and the dirt turned to sand. First, she called out Mightyena, a black-and-grey canine with a shiny coat and a powerful set of claws. He emerged from the pokeball wagging his tail and panting excitedly. ”I know, I know. Wait a sec,” the Rocket grunt chuckled. The Mightyena dipped into a play-bow, tail still wagging, and waited as he was told. Next came the Houndoom, who appeared from her ball with some hostility. Hackles raised, teeth bared, tail erect.

[break][break]”It’s alright, mama,” Zilla said. Mightyena, realizing there was some tension between the two, rose from his bowing position and barked once at the fire hound. Houndoom tore her gaze from her new trainer just long enough to catch Mightyena’s eyes before looking forward again. They didn’t need to speak for the intention to be clear: he was trying to get her to play with him and she was more concerned about her pup. The grunt slowly lifted her hands up to her chest, palms turned out, and said, ”Your baby’s fine, I promise.” Houndoom continued to growl, seemingly unconvinced. ”I promise,” Zilla repeated, a bit quieter.

[break][break]”Here’s the deal. You can either stand there glaring at me for an hour, or you can go have some fun. Either way, you’re not seeing her until we get back home.” Had it just been the two of them, she may have reconsidered pushing her luck. However, she knew that if the Houndoom tried to attack then she would not only have Mightyena there, but she’d also have a park full of trainers to help subdue the aggressive hound. She wasn’t concerned. Slowly, Zilla lowered her hands and walked to one of the shaded benches. Without a word, she sat down, crossed her legs, and watched as Mightyena barked again in a desperate attempt to get Houndoom to play.


+ Bond Bridge Mission, open to anyone!



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Dead G

3 13
Area 28, Unova
Mad Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
13 posts
Zagan Aamon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @zagan
Zagan Aamon
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 1:45:32 GMT
Zagan Aamon Avatar

Zagan had been the lab for a while now and decided to go out and get some air, he'd put his pokemon away during his work time and as such they needed the air as well. The well dressed boy entered the park, and walked along til he found a nice place to let his pokemon out. First was his Porygon-Z, as the derpy pokemon came out it twitched oddly like it usually did. Looking at Zagan with what seemed like a blank expression but tilted its head as if asking what was happening "We're just getting some air and playing around" he replied to the digital glitch of a pokemon, next he let out his Mimikyu.

The tiny little ghost fairy popped out and looked around as well, it had been in parks before but Zagan knew he had to say something before she decided to go cause trouble. "No scaring people or pokemon, okay girl" expressed Zagan and Mimkyu made a kind of retort back that sounded like it enjoyed scaring people, it was half ghost type after all and that was kind of their way. "I know you like scaring folks but I don't want to get in trouble, we're just here to get some air and play around.

Not scare"
added Zagan and the Mimikyu simply nodded. Both Porygon-Z and Mimikyu started wondering off to see what fun they could have, neither of them were worried about trouble as most pokemon were scared of Mimikyu's and Porygon-Z was strong enough to protect itself. Last was his Blipbug, a new addition and as soon as he came out. The little bug pokemon stood right next to the little boy's leg, afraid it'd be eaten by some big pokemon. Zagan leaned down and patted the little Blipbug "It's okay, you can stay with me" he said and the bug nodded in appreciation, not wanting to risk playing with a canine type pokemon.
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Paris, Rosa, Olivia
April 24
Mauville City
Casino Dealer
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39 height
I’d take good looks and a bad attitude over smarts and education any day
81 posts
Zilla Dumay DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @zilladumay
Zilla Dumay
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 17:38:16 GMT
Zilla Dumay Avatar

Zilla cast a quick glance at the two new Pokemon approaching from her peripheral. It took half a second for her brain to register that something was off, so she did a double-take to verify that she had not made a mistake. Sure enough, there was a Mimikyu and Porygon-Z in the park. And she wasn't the only one caught off guard by the new arrivals; many of the nearby trainers also looked on with confusion and surprise. While plenty non-canine Pokemon frequented the park, artificial intelligence and a walking nightmare were not usually among them.

[break][break]However, the stares only lasted about 10 or 15 seconds before the other guests turned away and minded their own business — though the duo were a phenomenon here, there was no reason why they couldn't enjoy the pokepark like everyone else. Zilla, on the other hand, continued to stare. She had nothing better to do, so observing the newcomers seemed like a fine way to pass the time.

[break][break]After a few moments, her eyes traveled over to a child who was accompanied by a tiny, anxious Blipbug. Zilla scanned the immediate area for a supervising adult but was unable to find anyone who looked responsible for the lone boy. Odd, she thought. This wasn't a playground for children, it was a pokepark. It wasn't exactly the safest place for young, inexperienced trainers. Despite this, there was something off-putting about the kid. Something in his eyes, perhaps, told Zilla that he was wise beyond his years.

[break][break]Her focus was quickly disrupted by the slimy sensation of a half-chewed tennis ball being placed in her lap. Because her legs were crossed, it rolled off her thigh and onto the ground. Mightyena quickly retrieved it, gnawed on it a few times for good measure, then tried again. Zilla uncrossed her legs, grabbed the drool-covered ball, and reeled back her arm in preparation to throw it, though she paused a moment longer to examine her Pokemon's expressions.

[break][break]Mightyena took a couple excited steps backwards, his tail and backside wagging with pure excitement; and Houndoom stood frozen in place a few feet away, her eyes locked on the ball. A slight smile crept across the grunt's face as she let the toy fly over their heads. Both dogs raced after it. Mightyena barked the whole way, while Houndoom remained silent and resolute. She was no doubt faster, but he was more energetic and intimidating; the fire hound would likely get to the ball first, but only time would tell if she'd forfeit it to the loud and overbearing canine.

[break][break]While wiping the dirt and saliva off on her pant leg, Zilla looked again toward the boy. Still alone, save for the bug. She wondered if she ought to go say hi or ask where his parents were, not out of concern but instead out of curiosity. He didn't look sad, scared, or lost. He looked self-assured, an odd trait for a preschooler. Zilla kept her gaze fixated on the child with the hope of learning more about him and his odd behavior. At the very least, she thought, people-watching would be a good way to kill some time.




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played by

Dead G

3 13
Area 28, Unova
Mad Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
13 posts
Zagan Aamon DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @zagan
Zagan Aamon
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 23:20:49 GMT
Zagan Aamon Avatar

Mimikyu had found someone to play with though in reality it was more like the little pokemon was chasing the much larger one around, she wasn't scaring the thing but it did seem slightly reluctant about the attention. So Zagan didn't call his pokemon away from it, as it seemed like she was trying to be as nice as she could. Which was hard for ghost pokemon as often times they weren't as liked by other mons, like other types. Even her fairy side didn't seem to help in that regard but for now Zagan simply let her be, turning his attention to Porygon-Z, who had found a trio of random mons that were mimicking the pokemon.

Seeing it stop briefly and do its odd little twitching dance, the other pokemon playfully attempted to copy the digital entity. Though Porygon-Z didn't feel offended by it and honestly just tried to ramp up its reactions to them, attempting to make stranger and harder movements like it was teaching a class on choreography or something. Everyone seemed to be having fun which brought a smile to the boys' face, then he looked around the park and noticed the lady looking at him for some reason.

He was smart enough to guess why she might be looking, not because of his pokemon as most people did look but stopped after a short time. So it was something else and he did get it often as of late, he sighed and walked within talking distance. "Is there something I can help you with Miss, I couldn't help but notice you looking at me" he said to the lady in a fairly casual yet well mannered tone of voice. Despite his intelligence, Zagan wasn't arrogant or snotty like others with the label genius on them thus he would talk to people nicely first until they gave him a reason to speak otherwise.

He looked down at his Blipbug, who was still by his leg though surveying the area around them just encase. Still slightly nervous about all the big pokemon around, worried that he'd be eaten by the pokemon present as many of them were known to be carnivorous in nature. "Do I have something on my face" he asked the bug and he snapped out his surveying and looked up at Zagan, making sure to get the answer correctly and noting nothing upon the young boy's face so he shook his head. Then Zagan returned his attention to the lady, knowing full well why she might be looking but felt calling her out on it might be rude.
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played by


Paris, Rosa, Olivia
April 24
Mauville City
Casino Dealer
and ready to mingle
39 height
39 height
I’d take good looks and a bad attitude over smarts and education any day
81 posts
Zilla Dumay DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @zilladumay
Zilla Dumay
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 18:19:51 GMT
Zilla Dumay Avatar

As if feeling eyes boring into the back of his skull, the boy eventually turned his attention away from his Pokemon and toward Zilla. The two watched each other for the better part of a minute before the child began to approach. Once he was within talking distance, he slowed to a stop and began to speak. He pointed out how she had been staring and asked if there was something he could do for her.

[break][break]The grunt cocked an eyebrow at this. His manner of speech was unlike that of any other child she'd met before. Granted, she hadn't spoken with too many children in the past, so she didn't have much experience to draw upon, but there was clearly something off about this boy all the same. She couldn't put her finger on what made him so strange, and she was a long way off from assuming that he was a child genius.

[break][break]Instead of answering the boy and apologizing for her stare, Zilla opted to ask a question of her own. "How old are you, kid? Are your parents around somewhere? Do they know where you are?" She broke eye contact only when Mightyena delivered the slimy tennis ball. She tossed it, wiped off the grime, and looked back at the child, through her eyes drifted down to the shy Blipbug this time around. "Cute bug," she said mere seconds after the barrage of interrogating questions.




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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Dog Day Afternoon [O/M]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 3:31:26 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION INCOMPLETE...



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