i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2022 23:28:13 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES






With your waiver signed and your nerves steeled, you enter the looming mansion. You find yourself within a bare lobby, another GMH attendant standing in front of four distinct doors. After a moment of waiting, you are directed toward a door that has been painted Tricorn Black. The attendant opens the door, and once you enter the door will close and lock behind you. [break][break]

You enter into a seemingly plain hall. Despite having lights pointing up toward the beige walls, the hall itself is bizarrely dark. This could possibly be due to the floor and ceiling being such a deep black that they seem to actively reject light, but that simply cannot be—right? You move forward, perhaps briefly alarmed that your shadow appears to be following you across the wall. Now you see the purpose of the strange lighting, however you are not yet sure how this is supposed to be scary. You pass by a selection of hanging objects, each creating bizarre shadows on the walls. You see a wizard fighting a dragon, a couple stealing a kiss, a father holding up their son. Naturally the shadowy images slowly begin to escalate: a headless pikachu, a woman stabbing an old man, a creature eating a child. You are so intrigued by these shadow puppets, that you barely register that your own shadow has disappeared. In fact, all the shadows seem to disappear after you pass them...ᛖᛘᛈᛏᛁᚪᛋᚦᛖᚠᚩᛁᛞ



Your journey through the house has begun. It is now up to you to help your character navigate this haunted maze. Describe your character’s experience in as much or as little detail as you desire, but know that creative writing and displays of effort may be rewarded. You need not interact or acknowledge each other, but you are free to do so if you wish. For those who wish to practice their imagination, here are some resources to help you. [break][break]

What do they Hear: The same melancholy tune accompanies the shadow puppet scenes in a loop, unseen figures running around you, children laughing/crying, the shifting of fabrics—what else?[break][break]

What do they See: What scenes do the shadow puppets depict? Some are innocent and humorous, while others are disturbing and grotesque. Some scenes may seem familiar, while others will be so alien that they are impossible to decipher. Describe them.[break][break]

What do they Smell: Dust, ozone, mold—what else? [break][break]

Use the mood music provided at the top of the post for further inspiration.

The actual game occurs at the end of your post. Here is an overview of the rules:

  • Roll three times. At least one of your rolls must meet the win condition of this thread. This Thread’s Win Condition: At least one rolled number must NOT be a PRIME number.
  • Every player starts with 50 Resolve. Failure to meet the win condition on any of your rolls will cost the player 10 Resolve. Reaching 0 Resolve will eliminate that player from the game. Be sure to keep track of your Resolve somewhere within your post.
  • Continue taking turns posting until there is only one player left standing. Every eight posts I will interject with an event that may modify the game, so stay vigilant.
  • There is no set deadline for posting, however to keep the intended pace there is a penalty for slacking. If you cannot post within two days after the post before you, you will be skipped over and lose 30 Resolve.
  • Unless requested otherwise, your character is entering their area ALONE! As such, you may note if you are open to interaction or not. If someone is not open to interaction, that must be respected. Additionally, just because someone is open to interaction does not mean you are obligated to interact with them.





This is an optional element to give you a leg up in the game. A ghoul hides within this post, guarding a bonus prompt. Fulfilling the bonus prompt and sending the ghoul's link to Hollow's discord will earn you a bonus in the game![break][break]

BUT BEWARE! The ghoul's visage may be too scary for some. If you are easily frightened or disturbed, you can still obtain the bonus by guessing the prompt based off those who have already found it. Just send what you think the prompt is to Hollow's discord and fulfill it in your post. Regardless of the method, you will obtain the bonus upon confirmation from Hollow. Fill in link in ALL CAPS.[break][break]

Here is the bonus for this thread: Ignore the consequences ONE event.

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2022 20:28:14 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar
The door creaks as it closes behind him. He's not bothered, of course. It's ridiculous, this whole thing. He's long-since been under the firm belief that he does not scare, not easily at least. That is not about to change because they put him in a beige room and lock the door behind him. The first thing he notes then is the creak of music, a dizzying sort of melody. Nursery music from a busted music box. The stink of mold like an old house — waterlogged walls, splintered floors, moth-eaten dusty sheets on old furnishing. He forces himself forward, blanking on the thoughts it brings forward. Targeting the senses to provoke a chemical reaction, they got the basics of fear at least. Great for them.

He draws further down the hall, twisting his head to the side to follow the sudden movement of a shadow. It's nothing, keep going. The floor is so dark, there's no knowing when it might just swallow him up. That's not the game though, made even more clear by the lights that flicker on the walls. Shadow puppets flicker across the wall. It reminds him of sleepovers with . Shadow puppets projected from a cheap flashlight, stupid laughter muffled under covers. It doesn't exactly provoke the fear they likely hope for. He shoves his hands into his jacket pockets with an unimpressed sigh. Even as the imagery changes, even as it darkens. None of this bothers him. "Is this a joke or something?" Almost had him going there for a moment and now he's disappointed. Yet it doesn't last, something in the tone changes.

Then, there's a rail-thin child digging through garbage. He's just hungry. He's just so fucking hungry, and alone. Emaciated beasts nip at his ankles, birds wait above for him to die. He can almost taste it, feel the sting. It's cold, the people pass him by. They don't even look at him. He doesn't even exist. The ones that do notice him bring only pain. "Really fucking funny." He hisses then, twisting away from the imagery of buzzards on a dead boy. It didn't happen like that, he wasn't alone forever. Things changed.

He moves on and the shadow of the dead boy vanishes.


40 resolve
Not open to interaction as of this very second~

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2022 21:18:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It's like a fire, a stranglehold
I feel like I'm a criminal

Elio came to this little event to laugh at some poorly done spooks and attempts at scaring him. But nothing they could pull would actually affect him.

Or so he thought.

The door shut behind with an ominous creak and sharp click. But that was not even the start it seems. Making his way down the hall, he watched as shadow puppets danced against the walls. Scoffing he stretched languidly, already getting bored.

Yet, he kept pressing on. "Come on are ya gonna try and scare me or bore me?" He mocked watching the shadow puppets morph and change. From cute butterfrees and laughing children - the shadow show quickly began to change as he progressed.

One portrayed a small child that looked eerily familiar - the sound of crying echoing through the cold, eerie, halls. As a woman's body lay limp and lifeless. A man stood further away - turned away from the scene as they disappeared.

Elio's eyes grew cold as did his blood. Suddenly this didn't sound very entertaining anymore. "..." Shaking his head he moved on, watching as the shadows grew more twisted - a mockery of events - how they knew all this bothered him more than the visuals, though.

As he tried calming his breath his expression stormy as he stopped to witness a particular betrayal - one that still haunted him to this day. This... wasn't very funny anymore.

And yet... he marched on. Morbid interest piqued - he would see this through to the end. Let them bring their worst. He'd show them how strong a mafioso could be!

40/50 Resolve


[newclass=.mizocredit a]font:bold 6pt calibri;letter-spacing:1px;color:#b5d1f1;[/newclass]

[newclass=.shinigami]width:540px;padding:35px; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; background: #e1f79d; /* Old breakowsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%, #7b6678 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%,#7b6678 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */background: linear-gradient(120deg, #7b6678 20%,#7b6678 80%)[/newclass]··
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2022 21:50:37 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Only the arrogant believed they were above fear, Elisabeth well knew.

That most primal emotion made animals out of men. It was born from something so instinctual there was no true suppressing of it. Elisabeth had long become comfortable with the sensation of panic and of dread alike, as if they were twin shadows that fell into step with her own.

Fitting, then, that she'd enter a place like this one: a theater of nightmares dancing gleefully on the walls.

The darkness held no great power over her. Elisabeth caught sight of the disturbing silhouettes in the corner of her eye -- beheaded Pokémon, weeping children, lovers and enemies committing atrocities against one another's bodies -- but they intrigued her, nothing more. Nor did the melancholy of a faint melody cause her alarm, in truth.

It was the locking of the door that sent chills down her spine, and the heavy creak of wooden doors shutting that caused her heartbeat to quicken. That sense of being trapped, once more, in a manor like the one that had held her for a miserable decade, briefly returned to her and begged her to reverse each step she took forward.

Some saw events like this as a testament to strength. Elisabeth saw them, however, as trials of perseverance.

How long could you stare into the void before it broke you? Inevitably, even the strongest walls crumbled before nature.

She watched, for a moment, the shadow of a sobbing woman lingering over a fallen man's bed. A Misdreavus danced over the weeping figure, cackling with glee, until the woman began to laugh with the ghost in kind. A knife revealed itself in the woman's hand, blood trickling down its sides like the very tears she had spilled moments prior.

She witnessed the horrific imagery in studied silence, then moved onward. As she ever did, when faced with things she didn't wish to dwell upon for too long.


✿ 50/50 Resolve ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 18:29:49 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

He's used to stray shadows darting just out of sight, noises echoing in a dirty vacant alleyways. In truth, none of this should scare him. As proven by the vision he just saw, it's all in his head. Allowing it to take over would be weakness. The hall seems to stretch on, the objects above, twisting on their strings, continues to cast ghoulish depictions on the walls. The floor is vacuous. The darkness is a weighty thing. It's unnerving, but its not frightening, by any means.

Maybe if he hadn't spent his night hugging his knees, praying no one would notice him, this might prove more than simply unnerving. Not that he necessarily handles stress well, he just has an unhealthy idea of fear and stress. The comparison between this and his own experience seems immeasurably distant from one another.

Levy twists around, turning on his heels in a full circle. The shadows behind him have vanished, his own as well. The clink and clank of discordant music continues, nursery-like. A vacant and empty crib. The mildew stink grows, it reminds him of his home — a long time ago. "So, I guess that's it?" He grumbles, stepping onward into the dark. The gory scenes of shadow puppets loses his attention. Maybe this is a waste of time after all


30 resolve
open to interaction or whatevssss

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 19:33:57 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It's like a fire, a stranglehold
I feel like I'm a criminal

Somewhere between the vividness of the past and the shadows that made a mockery of his experiences. Elio began to feel the shock and disgust ebb away into annoyance.

Until not even that held its grip on him for very long. He began to ignore the shadowy puppetry - growing bored with the spectacle as he instead pushed such things from his head.

There was no use clinging to the what-hads and what could've beens.

All that mattered was the moment, the here and now. It's gotten him this far after all. No use changing what worked.

The music also became nothing but white noise in the back of his brain. Treating this horror event like it was another day in class and he was just an unruly, disinterested, student.

Rubbing the back of his head he gave out a slightly frustrated sigh. Was this all this thing had to show? He'd been to birthday parties with more frights!

Those animatronic pokemon... now those were outright creepy! What was that one Ursaring's name? Francesco? Francis? Eh, whatever.

Focus now lost he barely noticed the sweep of a shadow cross his vision until he paused to get a better look. This wasn't a shadow - it was a person! "Whoa. Wasn't expecting to see anyone here. You're the most shocking thing I've seen so far. You bored of this too?"


10/50 Resolve

[newclass=.mizocredit a]font:bold 6pt calibri;letter-spacing:1px;color:#b5d1f1;[/newclass]

[newclass=.shinigami]width:540px;padding:35px; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; background: #e1f79d; /* Old breakowsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%, #7b6678 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%,#7b6678 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */background: linear-gradient(120deg, #7b6678 20%,#7b6678 80%)[/newclass]··
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 0:19:18 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
The shadows shifted and changed with each turn through the manor corridors.

Penumbral roses bloomed on the walls in spiraling thickets of thorny briars, like a storybook page she'd seen once, a long time ago.

Two lovers waltzed beneath the horizon of a setting sun, only for the plummeting sphere to abruptly invert the light and shadow of the scene, revealing instead a wolf devouring a lamb, all grinning teeth and blood-slick claws.

An old woman cackled with laughter, one that rattled with the sound of wind in the rafters, a half-filled glass dangling from her withered hands.

An empty cradle stood alone, save for a grim reaper that peered over its side, a swaddled bundle squirming in its arms.

Shadowy flames flicked out like greedy tongues, licking the ceiling and floor as they stretched into an unsettling inferno.

At some point, Elisabeth had stopped gazing at them entirely. Her ears focused instead on the music that guided her onward, like a siren's song in the darkness.

It anchored her in the here and now.


✿ 50/50 Resolve ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 3:44:18 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Your shadow has returned to your side, though its reappearance would bear no comfort. It seems to face toward you, like a stranger staring through a window. Then without warning, your shadow departs from the wall. With great effort it begins to peel itself into the material plane, its hands desperate to latch onto you. What do you do?[break][break]

  • Run: You flee the shadow's grasp. Gain 10 Resolve, but roll a 4th dice this round. This 4th dice is treated like the other three, you will lose 10 Resolve if it rolls a PRIME number.
  • Smash the Lights: You smash the lights to disperse the shadow. You should not have done that. Do not roll this round. A horrible consequence will occur after your next post.
  • Embrace Your Shadow: You allow the shadow to grab you, and it pulls you in for an embrace. The hall fades, and you suddenly find yourself trapped in a wretched nightmare. Roll only one dice this round. A failed roll costs 40 Resolve instead of 10. Awaken back in the hall on your next post.

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
129 posts
Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2022 16:32:14 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

"Shi—" He jumps at the sight of the blonde, not expecting the sudden splash of color amongst the anemic background. Right then, shadows should be playing across their faces, cast by the offset of the lighting above. It doesn't. Everything about this place feels distinctly unnatural, all the details are written out of order. Honestly, the most terrifying thing so far is the threat of talking to people. "I'll take that as a compliment, I guess." Another glimpse about, he feels his paranoia begin to diminish a little with the added company. "For risk of what might happen if I agree, no comment."

As if to prove his point, and also mock his attempt to side-step the potential irony, the atmosphere changes. He spins around, "What is—?" He mutters, falling silent then as he faces it. Himself, but something else. Oozing, frothing shadow. It tilts its head to mirror his movement and then shudders, peeling free from the wall like rotten, water-logged wallpaper. Disjointed movement as it creeps closer. Move, he tells himself. Feral instinct screams, Move! Yet, he's frozen. You coward, you stupid boy, move. It grips his arms first before pulling him in.

Everything goes dark then, filling him up like a humid pressure in his head. He leans over then, falling to his knees and vomiting black ichor on the ground. At first, he doesn't process that he's somewhere else. This is something else. His vision sways and he feels sick. He looks up then, rising to meet a familiar face. has always had that good aura — a light about him that seems to permeate outwards. Yet, right then, the blonde looks so tired. His expression sour. The color on his face something sick. Sunken cheeks and shadow-lined eyes. "I hate you." There's something different about vitriol and malice from good people. It cuts like a serrated knife, sticks in and wont let go. "Wait, Wren... wait- what? I'm sorry what did I do?"

"I hate you, I never want to see you again." Those bright eyes go even more dull, sunken, skeletal. The other boy turns away, slipping through a dark passageway. Levy stumbles after, "Wait, Wren. Please, don't leave me. I don't want to be alone." A door slams behind him. Wren is gone. Moonlight shines through a dusty bay window. The room is vacant save for a child's bed at the center of the room. Dolls line a shelf. Warped floorboards; the stink of blight; wallpaper peeling from the rotten walls like old, yellowed fingernails. It seems like centuries ago but he remembers it. This isn't right.

He twists around to try the doorknob, but then something creaks the floorboards on the other side. Something heavy. Shadows slip across the opening at the bottom of the door and then something massive smacks against it. The whole door shudders on its frame. He falls, crashing down hard. He's smaller again, narrow boyish limbs tangling up awkwardly. "Levyyyyy," A sing-song voice lilts on the other side, edged with rot and venom. "Ma, you can't come in." A much younger voice sobs. Fingers appear through the open slot at the bottom, cracked nails clawing at the floor boards.

With an angry snarl, they vanish. Another heavy slam, the door creaks. The wood splinters. Frantically, he crawls for the bed, shoving things out from under it to hide. Curling up in a ball, his hands lock around his knees and he squeezes his eyes shut. Another heavy slam. Then another. Each time, he braces and a sob slips free. Please, stop

The next slam and the door crashes down. Something heavy falls in. He imagines the ugly bruises, the yellowed skin, thinning hair, that crazed look in her eyes. She's angry at him. This is the stupid thing about kids, thinking they can hide in a vacant room and not be noticed. A breath of silence spreads out then, stilling the air. For a moment, he thinks it has passed. He twists around and a hand closes around his ankle. He screams as she pulls him back out into the darkness.


30 resolve
nightmare indulgence vs. free bonus :'3

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 4:28:51 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
When the shadow peeled itself from the walls and reached towards Elisabeth with its creeping tendrils, she visibly recoiled.

Memories of another shadow, one that looked eerily like her and not, came to mind -- one that she had throttled to death in another nightmare, as watched over her slumber in silence.

No. She would not face that nightmare again; she would not be forced to kill that darkness in herself again.

Elisabeth swore it.

An idea came to her suddenly, and Elisabeth's gaze shifted skyward. The chandelier overhead seemed the source of all light in this chamber of the manor, swinging unsteadily from a chain of gold.

Shadows couldn't exist in the absence of light.

So with what resolve she could muster, Elisabeth found a nearby object -- a vase of some kind -- and smashed the lights with a single, well-aimed strike, denying the shadow's advance as the glass shattered overhead.

All at once, the world plunged into darkness.

✿ Smashed the Lights ✿ 50/50 Resolve ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 23:13:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It's like a fire, a stranglehold
I feel like I'm a criminal

Even his own shadow was against him... Heh, he'd find it ironic if it wasn't so ridiculous. But he wouldn't be bested! He'd take it down like everything else in life!

With aggression.

Violet eyes darted around before they locked onto a nearby piece of broken glass. Ignoring the mirror's glass bite in his hands, he slammed down on the lights.

Glass on glass shattered in a spray of visceral violence. And with it, the fragile light vanished - leaving Elio alone with his own thoughts and labored breath.

And nothing but the dark to comfort him.

10/50 Resolve

[newclass=.mizocredit a]font:bold 6pt calibri;letter-spacing:1px;color:#b5d1f1;[/newclass]

[newclass=.shinigami]width:540px;padding:35px; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; background: #e1f79d; /* Old breakowsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%, #7b6678 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, #7b6678 0%,#7b6678 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */background: linear-gradient(120deg, #7b6678 20%,#7b6678 80%)[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 1:06:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You have shattered the lights, playing right into their hands. The floor begins to rumble beneath you as something Massive hurdles itself down the hall. A cascade of darkness, all forming a singular figure that roars at your insolence. You have no choice but to run


Win Condition Change: You can ONLY roll the above numbers.

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
129 posts
Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @levy
Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 1:09:16 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

Everything hurts as his eyes open. Shadows spill out into the hall, lights warp under the strange ambience. The imagery of the nightmare remains with him. He very much doubts it's going away any time soon. It's pathetic, really. To be affected so easily by something that isn't even real. It's all in his head and yet there lies his greatest weakness. Really, he should get up. He should keep going. That's the fucking point of this all, right — to keep going?

Instead, he sits up and tugs his knees against his chest. All alone in the vacant and dark space (just how he likes it, right? alone). Instead of getting up as he should, he just sits there, waiting for his mind to still. It's all in his head. None of this is real. What a fucked up place this turned out to be. So much for being unaffected, instead he felt like he just got gut punched.

"I just need a second," He grumbles, certain he'll have no choice but to move in a moment or so. Maybe it's better to just let it be. Will anyone blame him if he quits? He will, of course. Does that matter? Not really.


:c resolve

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,970 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 1:28:27 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




Your fate is already sealed. A chill would suddenly tap across your neck. After further delay you begin to shiver as all of the heat behind you disappears, leaving only a soft biting wind. You hesitate to look, your mind spiraling over what horror could possibly be standing behind you. Against your better judgement, you risk a peek. All you see is pitch-black darkness, and as this cold dark envelopes you that is all you will see for eternity. 

has been ELIMINATED!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 13:16:05 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"Shit!" He all but yelled as the darkness began to grow like an abyssal maw - a flood threatening to sweep him up in its grisly tide. Having no choice, Elio was forced to run - pride be damned. This was actually terrifying. The moment the lights were struck was the moment he sealed his fate, it seems.

However, if he survived this event was yet to be seen. Maybe, just, maybe - Arceus had a heart and would let him get through this. But knowing what he knew about the gods and the sins he had committed, he wasn't holding his breath.

Perhaps, whatever happened to him - was karma.

Or maybe he just had really shitty luck.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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