LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 7:31:32 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
After weeks of preparation, Shalin was finally ready to climb to the peak of Meteor Falls again. She had already been to the location of the sixth of the Medallions of Eight, but with a Space-Time Distortion and very angry Alpha dragon-type Pokémon surrounding the entrance, there was no getting past them. With the Distortion gone, the entrance would be much easier to access. It still wouldn't be easy, though; with it being dragon country, she didn't feel comfortable bringing a flying dragon to try to ascend to the top of the Falls quickly. One blast from a wild dragon could knock her and her mount out of the sky easily. Therefore, she had to go with a different approach.

Astride Queen Zing, her giant Queen Beedrill, Shalin put her earplugs in and gave the command to take off. The bug-type kept her on her toes, buzzing with full power for a few seconds to get a rise out of the girl. The vibration was numbing, losing feeling from her knees down and even in her hands that held the reins. Her prank having been played, the loyal Beedrill leaped into the air and started flying up the mountainside, buzzing back and forth to keep an eye out for the two that were supposed to be helping her explore the interior of her most dangerous dungeon yet. A summit cave so dangerous Rangers had a sign telling explorers that they would not be rescued from within under any circumstance if something untoward were to happen.

The Shark's Maw.

Yet to do her part in ending the war between the League and Team Rocket, she needed to retrieve the Medallion of Eight from within. Somewhere within its deadly corridors, chambers, tricks, and traps was the Meteor Medallion. It was up to her to retrieve the medallion from its depths. The fate of Hoenn hung in the balance...

{WC: 317}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Good
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

M: Raiders of the Lost Archeops
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 2:53:36 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Shalin wasn't someone that Isaac had expected to see again. Of all of his many escapades, it was one of his oddest. He was stranded on a deserted island with a Ranger captain and a wandering oddball, all while stuck in his Rocket uniform and forced to borrow his own Totodile's name to hide himself. Overall, it was an experience he was glad to have in his rear view mirror.[break][break]

Yet now, he had been called back up for one last job. Isaac had proven himself quite capable of rolling with dangerous situations, and Shalin was approaching her most dangerous dungeon yet. When there was nobody else to turn to, he ended up a natural pick.[break][break]

It was supposed a quest with the fate of Hoenn hanging in the balance. Frankly, Isaac was a skeptic. If not even the apocalypse could stop these stubborn factions from tearing each other to shreds, what would some fancy piece of jewelry do to tip the scales? But worst case scenario, it would at least be a fun adventure. Best case scenario . . .[break][break]

Maybe it was the optimist in him talking, but it was hard not to hope that this could lead to something.[break][break]

Getting there was easier said than done. Teleporting could get him to Meteor Falls, but past that he'd have to follow directions like anyone else. Luckily, Sanford wasn't just a loyal Pokemon; he was also an incredibly useful piece of climbing equipment. Power Whips stabilized him as the Anchor Shot allowed him to scale the cliffs of Meteor Falls, pressing himself against the walls to hide whenever a particularly dangerous Dragon type swooped near. In a pinch, Echo would be immune to their main means of attack, but avoiding a fight was a better option nine times out of ten.[break][break]

A little grunt of exertion would be Shalin's first hint that her help had arrived. Isaac popped himself up from the ledge of Meteor Falls, landing on the outcropping where she and Queen Zing had arrived. "Long time no see," he said, flashing a casual grin the explorer's way. "Anything else I should know before we go? Or are we all clear to start combing this place?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 6:29:11 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It was unsurprising Shalin had few people to turn to, and this place was not somewhere she would expect even a friend to aid her. Even the exterior was dangerous; the terrain was nasty, and there were highly territorial dragon-type Pokémon in the area. That, of course, wouldn't stop one of the first friends she had made in Hoenn, . He was a resourceful little one, as demonstrated by his ability to survive on his own for a week, completely isolated from the rest of the world. Sure, he had Shalin and to aid him, but conditions were still rough.

The clanging of a Dhelmise's ANCHOR SHOT heralded the young lad's entrance. It was just as dramatic as the girl's typical buzzing fare. Queen Zing bobbed toward the cave's dragon's-head shaped entrance, giving Isaac plenty of room to climb to the peak said entrance loomed near. Once he was safely up, she had her giant bee land and removed her earplugs. "You're a brave one to answer my call, Isaac," Shalin greeted him with a smile. "A... a lot's happened since we last saw each other. That was...what, basically the entire time the barrier's been up?"

"Just that there was one of those Space-Time Distortions up here," she replied. "It's where my Stantler evolved, though she's not here today. Had to bring much of my A-Team for this one." The girl dismounted and withdrew her Beedrill, replacing her with a majestic-looking Alolan Ninetales that, while it didn't exactly tower over her, was quite a bit taller than her trainer. Her saddle and reins were a cotton candy pink to augment the Fairy-type's ice blue. Seconds after she mounted up, "That was Queen Zing, and this is--" Her introduction was interrupted by her mount suddenly rearing after hearing a loud but distant dragon roar. "Letheia, easy girl!" The rider took a couple of deep breaths after the ice-type was on all fours again. "Anyway, this is Letheia."

With that taken care of, Shalin and her Ninetales led the way. The dimly lit, winding tunnel gave way to a buried, obviously manmade structure with a royal purple color scheme: the same as the Blackthorn Dragon Clan and many other dragon clans throughout the country. The entrance chamber was surprisingly well-lit and imposing, a line of nearly life-sized statues of fierce Dragon-type Pokémon, including Salamence, Garchomp, Druddigon, and Hydreigon giving more timid adventurers a reason to leave. "Wow, these are...something else," Shalin gasped, taking photos of all of them on her phone before continuing on.

The nest chamber, light gray in color scheme, reminded her of the entrance to the Halls of Origin, where she got a lot of her information about her current quest from. When she stood atop a dais taking up much of the center of the room, an image of the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza engraved beneath its surface, ancient script hung in front of her in an effulgent glow:

"You who reach, but cannot grasp,
In failure ever to wander.
Be well prepared for what is to come,
The writings heed.
To your skills and partners be true,
Ere among the Three you choose."

Shalin read the text aloud. "What in the world does this mean?" She stepped off the platform and scanned the rest of the room. On its west, north, and east sides were three sealed doors with altars next to them, each with the relief of a different dragon's head carved into them. To the west, that of a Garchomp; to the north, that of a Hydreigon; to the east, that of a Dragapult. As she approached each, similar-looking words, also in the ancient script, floated in front of each door.

To the west: "Here, make of your STEEL an offering. Honed SHARP in days before Man's dawn, surrender it. Only then the path to tread."

To the north: "Here, make of your WISDOM an offering. ACCORDED Man by His betters, surrender it. Only then the path to tread."

To the east: "Here, make of your KNOWLEDGE an offering. GLEANED for gleaning's sake, surrender it. Only then the path to tread."

The green-haired girl dismounted to get a closer look at the altars. Without thinking about it, she rest both her hands on the northmost one. A large crystal at rest in a hollow on the top of the door frame glowed a pink color and began floating toward the center of the dais. The grey color scheme gave way to a bright purple one, Letheia letting out an unearthly screech as the latent Ice and Fairy mist surrounding her ceased.

"You okay, Letheia?" Shalin asked as the sealed door receded into the wall, the dragon symbols on the other two doors glowing chrome and yellow, respectively. The ancient script near the north door rearranged itself into a short message:

"WISDOM avails you not."

Shalin creeped back into a hesitant Letheia's saddle. "Isaac, I'm...not feeling the greatest right now," she slowly admitted. "What does any of this mean?"

A field of oppressive Dragon Energy envelops the party! Pokémon cannot use Special Attacks!

{WC: 859}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Good
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 4:51:56 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"At this point, it'd be easier to say what hasn't happened," Isaac teased. And, unfortunately, it'd be harder still to say what hasn't happened yet. To think that these past few months had been such a whirlwind, and it'd only get worse from here . . . it was a hard to stomach truth, and one that Isaac wasn't going to subject Shalin to. Anyone lucky enough to avoid this war deserved that much.[break][break]

Shalin had picked her best of the best for this adventure. Her A-Team, so to speak. Frankly, Isaac didn't even know who his A-Team was. Each of his Pokemon was stranger than the last, and they all excelled in different circumstances. Yet exploration was the key here, and that meant a blend of endurance, perceptiveness, navigation, and combat potential. It was going to take a varied, creative team for Isaac to make the most out of his time in this dungeon.[break][break]

He didn't worry about a ride for the time being. In fact, Shalin would find that, despite being on foot, he was always somehow right behind her and her Alolan Ninetales. It turned out Sanford's ability to take shortcuts through the shadow realm was very useful for skipping short distances, even if his Phantom Force didn't have the same coverage a full Teleport did. In general, between his abilities to float, climb, swing, and warp, Sanford was Isaac's first pick for the expedition team for a reason.[break][break]

Statues of dragon types towered over them as they approached. "Glad to see these didn't get damaged by the Distortion," Isaac admitted, snapping a few pictures of his own. "These are actually really well made." He paused, blinking for a second. "Shit, that means whatever traps we're dealing with are also gonna be really well made, aren't they?" Oh well. It wasn't exploration if there wasn't some challenge to it.[break][break]

Sure enough, the text on the Rayquaza statue was as cryptic and curious as ever. Was it suggesting that their quest was bound to be a failure from the beginning? Always reaching yet never grasping, always wandering yet never finding? The other text was more clear. Sacrifice steel, sacrifice wisdom, or sacrifice knowledge. Only then could they pass.[break][break]

Fittingly for two people entering a cavern even the Rangers dared not to tread, Shalin had opted for them to sacrifice Wisdom. A crystal atop the door glowed a bright pink, and the mists that floated around Letheia ceased as the poor Ninetales howled in agony. "Wait, what happened?" he asked, only to notice an agitated hum coming from Sanford. He seemed . . . drier? Huh.[break][break]

Shalin seemed a little rattled, so Isaac flashed her his best attempt at a confident grin. Sure, the atmosphere in the room was getting heavy. But that didn't mean he couldn't stand as a pillar of strength. "I think we had to sacrifice something to pass," Isaac said. "Or else we'd be doomed to keep going in circles. And judging by that crystal turning on, this place has already taken it's first toll."[break][break]

"I don't know what it means by Wisdom. But I think we're gonna have to just trust in our Pokemon and press on."


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 6:40:12 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It seemed Isaac was just as clueless as Shalin was. "Obviously this place was dedicated to the worship of dragon Pokémon. Maybe this was the place the Sky Dragon Rayquaza made its home thousands of years ago?" the rider shrugged. She was grasping at straws. Where was the emerald serpent, anyway? The deity of the sky could easily smash the meteoroid to bits. It wasn't just in the mortal denizens' best interest to smash the meteoroid to pieces; the legendary Pokémon would likely have a hard time surviving without Hoenn, too. "We won't figure out anything by standing around, though. Let's go."

Shalin and Letheia led the way north, immediately met with the stare of two Drakloak, each circling around its own thick pillar near the center of the room. As their gazes met the girl, then Isaac, each dragon's ghostly eyes flickered twice, as though it was going to loose a DRAGON PULSE toward each of the intruders. It was no more than that: a flicker. "Letheia, DAZZLING GLEAM!"

Shalin shielded her eyes as Letheia reared to expose as much of her bright fur as possible toward the circling dragon Pokémon. There was no discharge of light. Their targets' eyes flickered again as they circled the pillar, again looking like a DRAGON PULSE was going to come out of them. "What in the world is going on here?" Shalin asked Isaac, perplexed. "We'll have to figure this out later. This is giving me the creeps."

The explorer guided her Ninetales eastward, emerging in a room of similar size and décor, this one with just a single pillar and Drakloak circling it. The circling dragon's eyes passed over the two, with the same result as in the previous room. "I'm...very confused," Shalin shrugged. If Fairy-type moves weren't working, then what about other types. "Letheia, try your ICE BEAM!" The Ninetales opened her mouth, though no mist foamed from it. The result was no more than a loud, forceful exhale. "Now I'm even more confused." She wouldn't have much time to ponder it, though; four Gabite burrowed holes in the room's soft earth in the southeast corner, charging at them with SLASHing claws brandished!

{WC: 366}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Good
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 14:31:50 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Dreepy were abundant in this room, yet their behavior seemed uncharacteristic. Rather than attack, they stuck to threat displays, eyes flickering and and mouths opened in a silent roar. On a larger dragon, that would make sense. But these seemed like little more than babies. "Weird threats, huh?" Isaac said. "You'd think only the adults would try to spook us off like that."[break][break]

Shalin tried to counter the threat with an attack of her own. Yet, unfortunately, the attempt faltered. Her Dazzling Gleam was all gleam, no dazzle, the fairy type move petering out before it could even shine from Letheia's fur. Briefly, Isaac thought about the pink mist that left the Ninetales' body. Had it been robbed of its fairy typing?[break][break]

An Ice Beam was next, producing little more than a gust of cold air. "Wait a minute. This is a dragon sanctuary, right?" Isaac asked. Suddenly, it made sense. Those weren't scary faces and oddly quiet roars. Those were attacks! "Dragon. Fairy. Ice. The three weaknesses of dragon types. They're all being held back! It must be a way of protecting the dragons within from intruders."[break][break]

Sanford lacked any of those types. They could still stand and fight, and they were all too ready to demonstrate that once the Gabite emerged. "Hold 'em back with a Whirlpool, San!" Isaac called. The Dhelmise started to spin. And spin. And spin some more.[break][break]

The Gabite ran right past.[break][break]

"Maybe every attack is Disabl- NOPE!" Any speculation was cut short as Isaac scrambled back, narrowly avoiding a stone-shattering Slash. Their moves still worked, clearly. Well, except for the Dreepy. Were they outsiders? No, no. They were dragons. So what gives?[break][break]

Wait. All those moves had something in common. "No more blasts or beams, San. Only trust your fists!" Isaac called. The Dhelmise bobbed in understanding, unfurling a Power Whip and slinging it right towards one of the Gabite. Isaac watched with bated breath, wondering if the attack would find purchase or wither away before connecting.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.skullimg]width:380px;height:200px;background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/HOVZp0J.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 6:49:10 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Before Shalin could issue another command, the two Gabite attacking her and Letheia were already on top of her, raking across her and her Ninetales with their sharp fins and claws. The Ninetales did her best to shield her rider from harm, but one managed to land a strong hit on her. She would have been bleeding profusely if it weren't for the BLUE VEST she wore. Her find from the Mirage Palace had saved her life numerous times there, and proved invaluable here. Had she come here with no such armor... she didn't want to think about it. Isaac's command he gave his Dhelmise made Shalin realize his quick-witted partner was right on the money. She repeated the ancient text's phrase, "WISDOM avails you not." San's POWER WHIP lashed toward one Gabite, not only greatly injuring it, but sending it flying into the other that was chasing Isaac.

"That's it!" While Letheia preferred to fight at a distance, Shalin did have one great tactic for the Ninetales to use at short range. "Letheia, use your AQUA TAIL!" As the two Gabite sharply about-faced, preparing to SLASH across their skin again, so did the Ninetales. The girl held on for dear life as her ride swerved repeatedly, socking both of the Gabite chasing her with volleys of nine Water-type slams, one after another. Seeing they were outmatched, the four dragons retreated, the phantoms in the air harmlessly trying to tag them with more ranged attacks suppressed by the ALTAR OF WISDOM.

With the duo now out of danger, and the south and east doors shuttered with dragon-head-shaped emblems that glowed a pulsating yellow, the only way to head was north. As soon as both of them were inside, earthen slabs rose to cover the south, west, and east entrances to the empty-looking hall. The north door was under lock and key. With no key, there would be no passage.

Passage north would be the least of their worries. The Pokémon and explorers trapped inside, their assailant would be not a Pokémon, but the room itself. One of the room's royal purple floor tiles rose from the ground near the room's center, started spinning rapidly, and went flying toward Letheia with the force of a DRAGON RUSH attack. After one nearly struck Shalin in the side and another harmlessly bounced off her Alolan Ninetales, she had her mount retreat to one of the room's corners and ducked as close to the Ice-type as she could, using her as cover.

The DRAGON RUSHing tiles weren't ignoring Isaac and any Pokémon he may have had out either. While the speed the tiles flew at them at didn't increase, the time between launches grew shorter as the onslaught went on. They also had to contend with shrapnel from impacts with the walls, as well. A few pieces of the thirty-one tiles nicked Shalin's legs, but Letheia was able to keep her for the most part safe.


Once the trap had run its course, a white, dragon-head-shaped hole in the tiled floor standing where the it once was, all three doors opened. "You okay?!" Shalin cried, letting out a hiss from the small pieces of stone that had crashed into her legs at fairly high speeds. "No wonder they're telling people to stay out of here!" She stopped to let Letheia catch her breath, too. Though fairy energy trumped dragon energy, she still had to expend quite a bit of it to deflect that many Dragon-type attacks. "I think you figured it out! None of our energy attacks will work while the place is purple like this. That's what 'WISDOM avails you not' means. It's referring to energy attacks. This...this changes our whole approach to everything." Her eyes shifted between the two entrances. "Got a direction in mind?"

{WC: 646}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Fair
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 4:10:42 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Ha! Not so tough when we figured out your little trick, huh?" Isaac said, Sanford ominously bobbing to emphasize the statement. Aafter a moment's reflection, he turned up to look at the impotently-writhing Dreepy. "Or, not really their little trick, is it? Seems its messing with them much as its messing with us."[break][break]

Maybe that little tidbit would come in handy down the line.[break][break]

The next room wouldn't be quite so cut and dry. At first glance, it seemed like a dead end. The doors were sealed shut with stone, and the only way forward was what appeared to be a locked gate. "Maybe we need to go back? Wait, no. The other doors had some weird energy on them. The heck are we supposed t-"[break][break]

Before he could finish that statement, a floor tile shot from beneath his feet. It connected with his jaw in a clean uppercut, sending him crumpling to the ground. Luckily, Sanford was on the ball, grabbing him with a Power Whip and clutching him close.[break][break]

Shalin had a good plan, and hell, Sanford was going to take it. Still clutching Isaac, they wedged themselves into a wall, algal Growth spreading across the length of their anchor to form a wall of greenery. Each impact was faster than the last, but Sanford held fast against the onslaught. Any that they weren't able smack away with Power Whips embedded themselves in blooms of extra algae, failing to damage Sanford's main body.[break][break]

All fell still. Isaac clutched his jaw, wincing a little as he re-set it, while an exhausted Sanford clattered against the wall to get some rest. "Doing as well as I can, after guest starring on an episode of When Floors Attack," he snarked. "Though, good to know we're on the right track. Let's hope that luck keeps up, eh?"[break][break]

Obvious exits were west, east, and Dennis. "West is best. Let's go check the left side first," Isaac suggested. "Besides, way back when, the door to the right lead us down a different path, right? Don't wanna risk the rules changing on us when we just figured this puzzle out."


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 8:10:24 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
While Shalin used her Pokémon's evasiveness as her shield, Isaac's was Sanford, the Dhelmise's remote POWER WHIP slicing the dragon-energy-fueled trap in half. She chuckled at the upbeat young man's humor, making fake pop culture references. While she wasn't much into fictional media, what with her being in locations with questionable cell signal frequently, she did appreciate the effort to lighten the mood.

"Right," Shalin added, reminded of the three altars in the front. If the ALTAR OF WISDOM changed the rules so drastically, and there were two others, they would have to go through this sort of trial and error twice more. Little wonder Rangers forbade rescues from this cave; the ideal Pokémon team depended entirely on which of the three were active, and fiddling with them in the wrong order could easily trap someone within!

Following Isaac's lead to take the west door, it did not take long for Shalin to notice a trap door that blended in with the chamber's floor. There were several ornate etchings of dragon-type Pokémon on the walls of the otherwise empty room. It was becoming more and more clear that this now-underground temple was constructed in reverence of dragon Pokémon. One of the etchings was not of a dragon Pokémon, but of the temple's floor plan. Excited, the explorer took out her phone, switched it to local mode (after all, she wasn't getting any signal down here), and snapped a photo.

You got the DUNGEON MAP! The dark rooms are the ones you haven't been to yet.

"Tari!" Shalin called on her Scolipede wearing riding gear, just like all the rest of her Pokémon. "See if you can pry this open!" Even with Shalin pointing it out, it took Tari a bit of trial and error to find its center, where the poison-type's horn could find purchase. Using her MEGAHORN like a lever, she forced one half of it open, making the other half trivial to flip the other half over.

Shalin withdrew Tari and her mount, then descended the staircase the trap door was hiding. Now on foot, she had found her way into the mountain's dark interior. Before her was a narrow and long, bridge-like rock span that disappeared into the darkness after a few feet. Feeling dizzy, she immediately sent her Pyroar out and mounted up, resting her chin against the base of the fire-type's red mane. Even with the added light of her mane, she was unable to see more than a foot or two in front of her. It was almost unnaturally dark past the start of the bridge and chasm beneath, as though light itself was being suppressed in the mountain's depths.

"Ugh, what a pain," Shalin grumbled, what with being unable to see her mount's feet. "If only Letheia could use her DAZZLING GLEAM here, then we'd be able to see. As is, I'm not comfortable flying blind." Passage would not be simple; she could also hear a pulsing hissing sound. Unbeknownst to her, it was the sound of balls of DRAGON BREATH being suppressed by the ALTAR OF WISDOM. Unless Isaac had a better idea, the brightly-dressed girl felt obligated to turn back.

{WC: 534}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Fair
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 4:28:36 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The good news; a trapdoor going forward gave them plenty of room for exploration. The bad news; it left them plunged into darkness. Isaac was barely able to see his own hand in front of his face. The soft glow of Pyroar's mane, normally enough to light up a room, was barely enough to shed a gentle light on Shalin. Isaac was sure that he basically looked like a silhouette.[break][break]

Normally, Shalin would have used an attack to get by. Sensible logic. However, 90% of attacks that came with big, flashy light shows also happened to be the exact sort of attack disabled by the Trial they were on. Wisdom, they had not, and therefore they were navigating blind. With a picture of the map in tow, it may have been better to just turn back and try something out.[break][break]

Joke's on the ancient dragon worshippers, though. Isaac never had wisdom! He had something even better; blind stubbornness![break][break]

"C'mon out, Shockmaster!" Isaac said, gently tapping a Pokeball onto the solid ground by his feet. He then shuffled back to the stairs, making room for a large Electivire. She posed as she emerged from the Pokeball, only to stop showboating as she realized nobody could see her grand entrance. She looked around for Isaac, grumbling as if to ask what gives.[break][break]

"Things are a little dark in here, so I'm giving something a shot. How much light can you shed with a Fire Punch?" That was a good question. How much light could a Fire Punch shed? Shockmaster's fur bristled as she thrust a fist into the air, letting flames spill forth from her fist.[break][break]

"If this isn't enough, we might have to turn back," Isaac admitted. "I figure something like a Flare Blitz could do the trick. But I don't have any Pokemon with that kind of power on me."


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 19:15:05 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Isaac's thoughts were right; even from Kiara's saddle, the young, short man was no more than a silhouette to Shalin's sight. She, too, was forced to yield to Isaac's hulking Electivire. The FIRE PUNCH yielded roughly the same result as the Pyroar's mane, though over a wider area. It illuminated most of the near platform they were on, but not much beyond the chasm. There was a faint indication that the path across was not a straight shot, either, making the notoriously difficult-to-control FLARE BLITZ a risky idea, as well.. "Neither do I," Shalin added. "We'll have to keep this in mind and come back later."

Turning back and ascending, she switched rides back to Letheia, her Alolan Ninetales. It was the Pokémon she felt safest astride, given the myriad of dragon Pokémon present. Those securities would be shattered when she led the way east. As she crossed a bridge spanning a deep pool of water, a duo of Dragalge surfaced without warning, slashing at Shalin and Letheia with their POISON TAILs. So much for being defensive! Both of them recoiled; while Shalin's BLUE VEST was able to keep her safe from the venom, the tail's impact threatened to forcefully dismount her and send her flying into the drink. Letheia was not so fortunate; the envenomed tail sliced through the fairy fox's skin. That wound was festering, too.

"Letheia!!" Shalin cried, recalling her Pokémon and landing on her feet in the space it once was. She fled as fast as her feet would carry her, past the intersecting bridges and into a winding tunnel that led to a hidden cliff that would have been nearly impossible to see from outside due to a rocky outcropping obscuring it. Nestled in the corner was a lone Haban tree. While it wasn't quite ready for a full harvest yet, there were four HABAN BERRIES waiting to be picked. "This is a really nice find, Isaac," Shalin said, offering to share the small harvest evenly. "These will be really helpful here. Do you know what these are?"

While they were picking the Berries, Shalin noticed the area was hidden enough that she felt comfortable bringing out Starr to do some patchwork on Letheia. "Starr, make a WISH for Letheia's well-being!" the shiny Espeon's trainer commanded. Closing her eyes and raising her forked tail, she silently made a prophetic wish. The poison was purged from the arctic fox's body. While it didn't completely close her wounds, the psychic power drew the pain out of them. Natural healing would take care of the rest. "At least she'll be okay. Wild dragon Pokémon can be so scary!"

{WC: 444}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2022 4:17:30 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Unfortunately, no amount of fire would be enough to light the path. Unless Isaac and Shalin practically clung onto Shockmaster's fur, they'd be flying blind. Even if they did, Shockmaster would have to stumble around with little more than her fist to serve as a flashlight. It just wouldn't work.[break][break]

The rest happened so fast. Dragalge burst from the waters, lashing out with poison-tipped tails. While Shockmaster was able to take her blow on the chin, her thick fur absorbing the worst of it, the poison-weak Letheia was a lot less fortunate. The blow lashed her hard, and suddenly they were running, running running still. On the way back, Shockmaster Discharged some electricity into the pool out of sheer spite. Freaking Dragalge![break][break]

At least they were safe now, tucked into a secret alcove safe from further dragon attacks. It also contained some sort of berry bush, which Shalin was all too excited to see. Isaac didn't quite know the appeal. Outside of magic Alolan energy power berries, fruit was fruit in his books. ". . . Tasty?" he offered, his voice filled with the hesitation of someone who clearly didn't know the answer but at least wanted to try.[break][break]

With their chance to take a break, Isaac was able to hit Shockmaster with a spritz of Potion. The Electivire rolled her shoulder and stretched through the pain, letting out a triumphant roar. "Yeah. That was a hell of a nasty surprised, but now we know to look both ways before crossing another bridge like that."[break][break]

"Map says there's one room we've kinda been circling around this whole time. Should we check down there real quick before heading up north?"


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2022 9:20:07 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
When Shalin saw Isaac was about to chow down on the Berries, he tried to stop him. "Wait! I think these are more valuable for our Pokémon to have. They help Pokémon defend themselves from Dragon-type attacks. Sounds super useful if you ask me. One thing I learned quickly from living in the wild is how to recognize Berries of all kinds. And you can't find a more useful one than this around here."

You got four HABAN BERRIES! When held by a Pokémon, the next Dragon-type attack it is struck with will have its effectiveness reduced by half. Gone after one use.

Shalin gave one to Kiara before switching again from Letheia to Kiara, the Pyroar now healed up as a result of Starr's WISH. Before the two were about to take off, Isaac pointed out an isolated section of the southwest corner of the map they had not been to. "We can't get there yet." She pointed out the flashing, yellow dragon heads covering door icons on her map application. "We need to figure out how to open these doors eventually. So far I'm unsure how to. But we can head north from there," she pointed to the Dragalge room the two had just cleared out.

North of the Dragalge pond was another door sealed by a yellow rune in the shape of a dragon's head. In front of the door was an ornate circle carved into the stone beneath the explorers' feet, almost like a ritual circle of some kind. Within the circle was a carving depicting herbs, liquid medicine, and various kinds of Berries. "Same thing as by the entrance," she pointed at the large, bright force keeping the two from heading further north. She and Kiara led the way eastward, focusing on evading claw swipes from smaller Dragon-types before ducking into another dark tunnel.

"Thankfully, Kiara can brighten this one up for us," she noted aloud, light from the Pyroar's mane behaving as one would expect. While it wasn't a big circle of light, it would be enough for the duo to see a swarm of Woobat and Swoobat flying through the surprisingly wide tunnel. While most of their attacks were blocked by the Shark's Maw itself suppressing energy attacks, it did not suppress one: the deceptively powerful SIMPLE BEAM. There were enough of them that it would be inevitable all of the explorers' Pokémon would be affected if they continued onward.

All Pokémon that pass through the tunnel, including ones in Poké Balls, will be hit by SIMPLE BEAM and have their Abilities changed to SIMPLE for the duration of the next encounter.

Provided the two were willing to keep going, the tunnel would lead them to a secluded corner of the Shark's Maw, the muffled cry of a large dragon Pokémon coming from the east. "Whatever is through there, it's loud, probably big, and probably scary. Brace yourself, Isaac..." She prepared for battle by sending out Tari, her Scolipede, and giving the bug-type one of the HABAN BERRIES she had picked. She kept the Pyroar out purely to remain mobile. After all, the Pokémon inside were not afraid to ignore trainers' Pokémon and attack them directly. She was also far less tough than Isaac was. She had to protect herself, one way or another!

{WC: 559}
{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Fair
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Good

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2022 2:43:25 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]It was a surprise that Haban berries would grow in a place like this. Why would fruit that weakened Dragon types be here? Then Isaac remembered a conclusion that he had already drawn once prior this day. Dragons were weak, chiefly, to other Dragons. Growths of Haban Berries would keep them protected from their kin, ideally making any territorial disputes less violent.[break][break]

It was also just plain convenient. "Glad we were able to get our hands 'em, then," Isaac said. "With how relentless the dragons here have been, I think we're gonna need these." Between dragon-attuned traps, hordes of wild dragons, and the more powerful threats surely lurking further within, the berries couldn't have come at a better time.[break][break]

Dragon headed runes barred their approach on both sides. Were it not for a tunnel to their right, they would have been locked into a dead end. Their only option from here was forward, and forward crawling with bats. The energy blasts they fired were seemingly exceptions to the rule of the dungeon, and for a second Isaac wanted to call bullshit. However, instead of protesting, he had an idea. He grabbed a rock and tossed it into the path of the beam.[break][break]

It seemed . . . smoother. Rounder. Almost simplified in a way.[break][break]

"Well, there's no other path, and this isn't gonna kill us, so . . ." With that observation, Isaac charged on in through the tunnel, crossing his arms just in case the rain of Simple Beams hurt more than he expected. Other than what felt like brain freeze, he came out the other end with no issues.[break][break]

They made it out of the frying pan and into the fire. With the hall of bats behind them, forward truly was their only option. Judging by the earth-shaking roar that followed, it wasn't going to be a painless option. "If it's big, loud, and scary, then it's also probably important. All the more reason to keep pushing on," Isaac said. "Who knows? Maybe it's the one that's making those locks." It was wishful thinking. But sometimes, wishes had a way of coming through.[break][break]

Shockmaster cracked her knuckles. It was time to get down to business.


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[newclass=.skulltitle]font-family:verdana;font-weight:700;font-size:50px;position:relative;text-align:center;color:#D9B800;margin-top:-36px;margin-bottom:0px;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skulloverlap]letter-spacing:1px;font-family:oswald;font-weight:200;font-size:12px;position:relative;text-align:center;margin-top:-0;margin-bottom:-5px;color:#e8e8e8;text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;[/newclass]

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,927 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-6 | Shark's Maw [M]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 5:36:25 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
As the two passed eastward, Shalin and her two Pokémon slid into an arena-like depression that more closely resembled a natural subterranean cave than the buried temple she and Isaac were in before. Amidst the violet light was the source of the roar: a Haxorus that stood to a frightening height, not dissimilar to the Alpha Druddigon and Garchomp she had seen in the Space-Time Distortion that Prance had evolved at so many months ago. A TAUNTing bellow goaded not only Tari into battle, but Kiara as well. Even Shockmaster may have fallen for the wild's gambit.

Kiara, blindly furious at the Haxorus, started bucking Shalin. Hard. She loved a good rodeo, but not with a Pokémon as strong as the Pyroar she had raised. And certainly not in the middle of a battle. Kiara wasn't giving her a choice, though. She buried her hands in the lion's fur and held on tight, her mount ramming the blade-jawed dragon in a blazing HEADBUTT. "Yeow!" Shalin cried as Kiara thrashed about, throwing her weight into her rider right underneath where she was sitting. Tari was equally angry, the Scolipede lowering her horns and crawling toward the Haxorus, swerving and about-facing at the last moment to slash at the yellow dragon with her POISON TAIL.

The ENVENOMED Haxorus had laid the trap.

Had Tari been able to make use of her SPEED BOOST, dodging the incoming BREAKING SWIPE from the wild would have been trivial. Not so here! Though the two suffered heavy blows, and possibly Shockmaster had it fallen for the TAUNT, their anger only grew after the arcing, blunting slash, offsetting any of the Dragon-type attack's secondary effects. In the lioness' supreme fury, she heaved Shalin with so much force that the trainer went flying with two handfuls of Pyroar fur in her clenched fists, blood seeping from where her hands previously gripped the Fire-type for dear life.

{WC: 320}
{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Letheia       Ninetales      Fair
Starr         Espeon         Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Fair
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Tari          Scolipede      Fair

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing