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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
There's Always a Siren [M]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 15:56:22 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","marza"] [attr="class","luck"] [attr="class","postbody"] Mei Liu wasn't exactly what she'd anticipated when she was told she was providing clean up and muscle support for an assassin. Regardless of appearance, there was something about the woman that felt undeniably lethal. It was something in her eyes, in the sharpness of her smile, in her physique. Marza couldn't completely pinpoint it. The woman made her think of the curved blade of a kukri knife, all sultry curve but deadly in the right hands. [break][break] You're getting distracted, she realized though had done a decent enough job of seeming stoic and unconcerned. The curse of beautiful women, and this woman knew exactly how beautiful she was. That only made her more dangerous, of course. Marza knew not to get involved, but was relieved that the necessary distraction then was a dead body. [break][break] It was a good lesson. Obviously, this man didn't recognize the signs and respect the venomous snake that he'd let into his house. The job was at least a familiar enough one, cleaning up after a kill. She'd used to do it when she was younger for her father's business. It wasn't exactly good parental lesson bestowed on her, but they paid off. [break][break] "Bloodless is easier but... I suppose we can make do. Wouldn't wanna get your pretty hands dirty though." Not necessarily a jab, maybe a tease. She wasn't messy with her kills at least. Even though the blood had soaked into the rug so that needed to go too. Maybe Kuru could eat him, but the bird had already had a big meal and there was nothing worse than a corviknight with indigestion. In a rich prick's house, it was always hard to know where anything was, but like all the others they had a place for "the help". In this case, a closet filled with cleaning and maintenance equipment they couldn't be bothered with. [break][break] A roll of duct-tape and a plastic liner bag was all she needed, for right then. She wasn't about to pretend it was anything inspiring. She had done it before, but there was nothing masterful about the art. Laying down the liner, she rolled the body onto it and then began rolling up the carpet around it. "Sometimes, the movies do it best."[attr="class","accent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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