i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the one-eyed wolf
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2023 23:58:43 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
The cold snap that had struck HOENN this winter had caught many off guard. Hailing from MONTENEVERA, Cade didn't really mind it himself. He could withstand the cold just fine despite the slight acclimation to this region's tropical weather, and he knew how to combat it. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the lovely woman he'd been visiting: .

"Ay, princesa..." He laments the sight of her with a slight frown as he enters her penthouse apartment. Setting down the paper bag he's carried inside, he closes the door behind him, sheds his warm jacket, and hangs it on the coat rack. Afterward, he lifts the paper bag and ferries it to the kitchen counter, leaving it there before moving to the couch.

He finds her laying there, curled in a plush throw with something playing on TV to pass the time. Crouching down to reach eye-level with her, the Paldean affectionately combs away the hair from her face with a single hand, planting it on her forehead afterward to check for a fever.

"How are you feeling? I went to Chansey Supply as soon as I saw your text."

Meanwhile, the EEVEE that had slipped inside along with him makes its presence known by hopping onto the couch at her feet. It playfully rolls around against her legs but stops when Cade clicks his tongue and gives it a reprimanding glare. TAROT had met Summer before, but he only just now realized she was sick. With an apologetic mewl, he cuddles in.



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2023 1:45:07 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
How the CEO of Prescott Industries had found herself down with a horrible cold — or the flu, she really wasn't sure — was beyond her. Typically she was quick to send away anyone in her vicinity with such symptoms. Summer Prescott had too much work to get done with too little time to do it in.

But here she was, laying on the plush couch in her penthouse, covered in a thick blanket with pillows stacked underneath her head. At this point, her trashcan that she had managed to pull over was piled over with used tissues, scattering down on the floor. She honestly had no idea what was on the television.

It was all just noise at this point, as she dozed in and out of sleep.

Her EMBOAR knew at this point, willingly letting him inside without his master's approval. So, when Summer heard his familiar Paldean drawl, she opened her eyes slowly, wondering if she was dreaming. She looked down at her phone, which was still in her hand.

Right, she had texted him. But it wasn't a cry for help. So... "Cade? What are you doing here?" Summer asked weakly, peering up at him as he came around the couch.

His hand trailed from her stray hair to her forehead, making her scrunch up her face for a moment as she sniffed. "I feel fine- achoo!"

Her statement was rather unconvincing as she sneezed, followed by a cough as she retreated back into the warmth of her covers. However, she managed to looked back at him, confused. "Why... why'd you do that?"

The EEVEE didn't bother her; in fact, Tarot was much of a comfort as he cuddled in beside her, adding in more warmth and comforting weight to the blanket.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
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ANVIL mercenary
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2023 4:52:12 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
Cade couldn't tell if she was delirious or joking. Then again, her text hadn't exactly called upon him to visit. He had done that of his own accord and gone to some length to gather the ingredients necessary to cure her. "I'm here to make sure you're okay," As she protests, however, he gives her a certain look.

Then she sneezes, and he can't help but chuckle.

"Sure you are, princesa,"

Thankful that her forehead didn't feel too hot, the man pulls his hand back and straightens in posture once more. "I was just checking for a fever," He explains, tucking her in a little before returning to the kitchen. "Thankfully, I managed to get here before your symptoms got any worse. I might have just the remedy for you."

His mother had been a healer, after all, and he'd texted her for advice shortly after Summer had messaged him. Pulling out all the bizarre ingredients he'd been told to acquire, Cade began to set them out on the kitchen counter one-by-one.

Budew leaves.
Maractus juice.
Combee honey.
Root of echinacea, and more.



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2023 2:12:43 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
"No, no, I mean..."

Summer trailed off, caught in the deep lull of his Paldean voice. Something about it was soothing, endearing, and warm, much better in comparison to the noisy television in the background. She reached blindly forward, managing to snag the remote and shut it off as she managed to psuh herself up with whatever strength she had.

"Why are you doing this? For me, I mean...?" she asked tentatively, bringing her hand to stroke over his EEVEE's fur.

She watched as he went to the kitchen, conjoined not far from the living area. Summer was still able to see Cade, watching him pull out a plethora of ingredients. She sniffed, grabbing a tissue to wipe at her nose before standing up with the blanket tucked around her shoulders.

"What are you doing?"
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
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late nights
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6'6" height
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you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2023 10:42:01 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
Cade turns over his shoulder when she switches the TV off, watching as she pushes herself up to regard him once more. He's about to tell her to lie down and take it easy, but the sight of the covers tantalizingly sliding away from her body quiets him. Is he down bad, or is she really just that beautiful? Both, perhaps.

And even while she's sick, no less.

The Paldean amusedly smiles at the thought, turning away so he can resume his unpacking of groceries. "You're sick," He casually replies, completely oblivious to the deeper meaning Summer hopes to reach. In Paldea, taking care of one another was as natural as walking. Especially people you cared about. At least, that's how he was raised. "I wasn't about to leave you here alone. What kind of man would I be?"

It's really that simple.

When she asks what he's doing, Cade turns over his shoulder once more to find her walking towards him now, fixing the covers around her shoulders like a cape. "I'm making you a tea my mother used to make me," He explains. "Well, it's more of a cocktail, really. Do you have any whisky or rum, cariño?" He asks, looking around her kitchen.



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2023 15:41:51 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
His statement was obvious. Of course she was sick. Summer hadn't felt like this in a long time, perhaps not since she was a young girl. She'd push through everything to please her father and earn his approval. Work had always been her top priority.

It still is, in a way. But, now that she had important people in her life without her father looming over her head... could she afford the break?

Cade's words spun something in her chest. It made Summer's face, already red from the heat of her fever, feel hotter. She wasn't sure what he meant by that, but she wasn't sure if she wanted him to clarify it either. Either way, she was uncharacteristically quiet for a few moments, her mind reeling over that statement until he asked for whisky or rum.

"Who do you take me for?" Summer asked teasingly, going to her cabinet slowly. It was a wide liquor cabinet, decorated beautifully with jewels and engravings, filled to the brim with various types of alcohols.

"Take your pick."
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2023 12:16:07 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
As the two adults meet at the kitchen, Tarot gleefully rolls around on Summer's couch and soaks in the warmth she's left behind. Cade, in the meantime, awes at the bejeweled liquor cabinet she guides him to. "Ahh, of course... the tesoro cabinet."

As a Paldean and a BOUNTY HUNTER, one might have thought he had a knack for sniffing treasures out. But, alas, those senses were dulled when preoccupied with taking care of someone he wished to see better. Nevertheless, he reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a fine-looking bottle of whiskey.

"This will do just fine," He remarks, taking a look at the bottle's label. "KANTONIAN, too. Not bad."



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2023 20:58:19 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

The array of wines and liquor she had was incredible, to say the least. It'd make even the most experienced drunkard too shocked to speak. And it was rare that Summer would allow anyone into her treasured cabinet.[break][break]

Cade, though... she could make an exception for him. Not for her own personal gain but because she trusted him. Or rather, she...[break][break]

ARECEUS, what was getting to her head? She really must be ill.[break][break]

Suddenly feeling quite weak again, she came to sit down again, this time at one of the stools at the bar counter. While the couch was definitely more comfortable and warmer, Summer had a pull to be near her companion. So, she'd watch him as he worked.[break][break]

"A lot of these were my father's. I took them after he died," she stated plainly. "Some were my own collection, though."





MISSION - budew wine


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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2023 4:35:22 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
It wasn't the only treasured cabinet Cade was honored to have Summer open for him, of course. And the fact that he was allowed to come here and cook her dinner was a rare privilege. Such blessings were not lost on the one-eyed blonde. Their first night together was fated to end the following morning, with a pile of empty blankets on one side of the bed and no explanation.

But, against all odds, Cade had chosen to stay that morning instead... and Summer had chosen to allow that.

The Paldean, of course, still hesitated to grow too comfortable. It was a symptom of his self-preservation. Nevertheless, being beside Summer seemed to inspire that comfort effortlessly. It was difficult to try and practice otherwise, especially when she so casually granted him tidbits into her personal life and history here and there: the fate of her father included.

"Your father had great taste," He says, offering a small but sincere smile as he walks over to her. Setting the bottle down on the counter, he reaches out to gently grasp her chin with his fingers before turning her towards him. Their gazes meet intimately. "Just like you." He adds, smooching her cheek before moving away to prepare her concoction.



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2023 3:45:24 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Summer remembered the first night they spent as well with such fondness. One she hardly gave to others. There was a certain fondness she began to hold for Cade, after each call to spend the night with her.[break][break]

To her, it was almost frightening, how close she felt to this man she had started out seeing as a toy for her own pleasure. Especially with the amount of hardship she'd gone through ending her relationship with Casey.[break][break]

In her near-fevered mind, she was blaming the illness for these random and intrusive thoughts as he leaned closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Oh, but couldn't he just take her to the couch and hold onto her, make her feel like everything would be alright?[break][break]

Like nothing in the world mattered except for them, in that moment?[break][break]

"No need to compliment a scoundrel like him. But I do have impeccable taste, thank you," she spoke behind a sniffly laugh.




MISSION - budew wine


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[newclass=.spt2 .pkmn.grey1 img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; filter: grayscale(100%); [/newclass]
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the one-eyed wolf
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2023 2:08:55 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
Setting the bottle of whiskey down on the counter for a moment, Cade went about boiling some water before grabbing a knife to deftly slice a lemon. "A scoundrel, hm?" The man reiterates, his back turned to the sniffling beauty on the couch for now.

In many ways, he could be considered a scoundrel himself. There was a lot that Summer had yet to know about him. Oddly enough, it scared him to wonder how she would react to learning about his past; about his original identity.

"What did your father do to deserve that reputation?" He hesitantly asks with a glance over his shoulder. Though he's grateful for Tarot, as the Eevee snuggles Summer in his place, he can't help but worry if he'd crossed a line there.



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2023 13:46:53 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

A part of Summer wished she hadn't been so verbal about her disdain about her father. There were uncomfortable truths that she didn't want to share with people. It was hard for her to admit them out loud.[break][break]

Could she say those things to and still have him care for her in... some form?[break][break]

Whatever this was...?[break][break]

Her hands idly played with the EEVEE'S fur, distracted for a moment in her own musings as she considered the thought. Until Summer settled with, "I don't agree with many of his business strategies or motions."




MISSION - budew wine


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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2023 18:34:46 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
Something told him she wasn't granting him the full picture. How could she, in such few words? Nevertheless, he decides not to push for more information. This wasn't an interrogation, after all. So, with an understanding shrug and not even a single glance over his shoulder, he nods. "That's fair."

He'd done terrible things for not agreeing with 'business strategies or motions' himself. The man he'd once respected more than anyone else in the entire world; the man that he'd once called Don and even father— dead at his hands.

At any rate, the concoction he'd mixed together was now hot enough to serve. Scents of honey, lemon, and some sort of medicinal juice filled Summer's home as Cade went about carefully pouring out some in a mug. "It's a little hot, mami. Want me to cool it down for you?"



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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2023 21:05:34 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

Summer almost felt a bit guilty not telling the entire story. But he didn't need to know. Not when it reflected her poor character too. Her imagine was frail in his eyes.[break][break]

Because for whatever reason, she wanted him to see her in a good light.[break][break]

He finished the concoction, the scent flooding her home. It smelled wonderful.[break][break]

"No. Come over here. I want you to sit with me," Summer requested, stroking the EEVEE'S fur before lifting her hand up for him.




MISSION - budew wine


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ANVIL mercenary
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6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2024 1:08:29 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar









Contagious sickness be damned, Cade brought the steaming mug over with a smile and settled in beside her before carefully handing it over. Once he was certain she had a good grip on it, he would wrap the blanket over them both before leaning back with an arm wide open for her. It had been a minute since he'd relaxed like this on the couch without the implication of, well...[break][break]

He turns to Summer and, rather abruptly, kisses her on the cheek. "Drink up," The Paldean says, reaching for the remote by the couch next as his Eevee settles back onto Summer's lap. "No work today. Just this and a bad movie or two." The order comes with a playful smile as he switches on the TV and flips through the channels.[break][break]

MISSION END.[break][break]

[attr="class","cade-lb-bannerbottom"]HER ANTIDOTE ☾


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