[attr="class","ihead"]CHANGE-LOG & EFFECTS
serperior's overgrow is active: harvest time reduced by 50%
MAY 15: planted custap, rowap and colbur berries[break]
MAY 29: harvested custap[break]
MAY 31: planted kebia berry[break]
JUNE 12: harvested colbur and rowap berries[break]
JUNE 12: planted two custap berries[break]
JUNE 14: harvested kebia[break]
JUNE 14: planted rowap[break]
JUNE 28: harvested two custap berries[break]
JUNE 28: planted one micle berry and one salac berry[break]
JULY 12: harvested rowap berry and micle berries[break]
JULY 12: planted passho and custap berries[break]
JULY 26: harvested salac and custap berries[break]
JULY 12: planted salac and micle berries[break]
NOVEMBER 1: harvested micle, salac and passho berries[break]
NOVEMBER 1: planted two salac berries and kebia berry[break]
DECEMBER 13: harvested kebia berry[break]
MAY 16: harvested two salac berries[break]
MAY 16: planted two salac berries and micle berry[break]
JUNE 2: harvested micle berry[break]
JUNE 2: planted occa berry[break]
JUNE 23: planted 2 custap berries[break]
AUGUST 25: harvested 2 custap berries and occa berry[break]
AUGUST 25: planted 2 salac berries and passho berry[break]
SEPTEMBER 22: harvested 2 salac berries [break]
SEPTEMBER 22: planted passho and figy berries [break]
NOVEMBER 7: harvested passho berry [break]
NOVEMBER 7: planted salac berry [break]
[attr="class","ihead"]BERRY BASKET
[attr="class","ihead"]THE GARDEN PLOT
[newclass=.garden]height:250px;width:306px;background:url(https://i.ibb.co/YXJf7MR/lyre-garden8.png);border:solid 3px #3e574e;[/newclass]