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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 4:13:22 GMT
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Truthfully, most of the reason he sat just outside The Border was out of self interest. Perhaps conversation with the Champion would put his twitching to rest. Maybe it might serve to soothe some of the discomfort he felt with his new body. [break][break]

But it was also interesting. After reading 's report on the expedition and how she'd been, somehow, miraculously healed he felt curious. curiosity turned into a 4 am binge, scrolling and skimming through different reports all including one . [break][break]

An avatar of Ho-Oh who had a penchant for always being around the right place and the right time. Once is strange, twice was weird. But there's a few more here and there. He wondered what they knew. He truly wanted to forget his time as a disembodied soul, not meant to understand things beyond human comprehension. But the few moments as one were embedded into the back of his eyelids forever and, well- maybe its just a morbid curiosity. [break][break]

"Oh, thank you for coming." he said, perking up as he finished setting up. " , I work under Councilwoman . I had the opportunity to read her most recent report on one of her expeditions and my curiosity was piqued."


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POSTED ON Jan 29, 2023 16:03:57 GMT
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"oh, uh, nice to meet you too."

kyle holds his hand out for a handshake. it just seems to be appropriate with this kind of meetup, given how formally paxton has introduced himself. the need to match it was present.

"i'm guessing this is for one of her projects?"

she had multiple. was an ambitious woman with a lot of hope for hoenn. though he barely scratched the surface of who she was personally, he can piece together a few of what makes her herself with her actions.

the initiative of one of her people just cements it, albeit not to his liking. meeting new people was always bothersome for someone who likes to hide in his own corner outside of work, but he supposed this can be considered work itself.

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POSTED ON Jan 30, 2023 1:55:48 GMT
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He nodded. "Sort of." He's not certain what exact project she'd use on but he imagined someone with this kind of healing ability would be useful anywhere. He seemed to hold a versatile power. "It's more so trying to figure out what your limitations are, if you don't know them. She said you brought her back to life, and healed her?" He nods in a specific directions where a couple of scientists were depositing some samples with different labels. The species of a pokemon, subject name, followed by a number that represented how many hours it'd been deceased for. [break][break]

Mt. Pyre wasn't the optimal lab setting but because of it's strange rift with the Border, and the whole 'souls flying out and people coming back to life' shit, it had been deemed as good as any place to test Ho Oh's avatar. "Before we start, what do you know? Do you ever feel...I don't know drained after tapping into your avatar powers?" He personally didn't know much about how avatarship affected a person, much less something that could bring back the dead from the brink. [break][break]

Again he remembered Palkia splitting him asunder, and again he swallowed nervously at the thought of Palkia and someone blessed with it's power.


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POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 17:07:06 GMT
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he did perform acts of miracle on , but even that brings him to question himself sometimes. to make death a trivial concept shouldn't feel right, after all.

he tries to remember the details of it all for the sake of curiosity.

"i'm not exactly sure. it always happens on the height of adrenaline, where the body doesn't care about fatigue, so i can't tell." not to mention it doesn't happen often enough for him to be worried about it.

an open palm is open and closed in front of him. the temptation to throw out one of his abilities to test it out comes, but as he contemplates on it more, he's pretty sure he already knows the answer.

"might be because i'm fit, i'm not sure, but it feels almost as natural as walking or talking, if that makes sense."

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POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 7:30:04 GMT
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"Huh." He nodded along. "Like a defense mechanism, maybe?" Paxton continued, thinking out loud. "You've done it that many times?" Almost as natural as breathing. He frowned for a moment before turning his attention to their actual tests. [break][break]

"Bringing people back from the dead is a thing straight out legend. While it'd be good for us in combat, I worry how it may affect you." Especially in the heat of battle, Kyle might be weak too. What if he brought someone back and he somehow couldn't take it? There goes the Champion. Even if it hadn't happened yet, past performance was not a predictor of future results. [break][break]

There's a couple of pokemon bodies which he's unsure where 's lab had gotten them from, but they'd be passable. Chilled and not to old but definitely something that couldn't be defibrillated back to life. "These tests are mostly so we don't rely on your powers too much." He gestures at the body of a deceased Rattata labeled '55 hours'. He nods at the chilled case signaling for Kyle to do his Ho Oh thing. Shake his magical tail feathers and all that.


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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 0:36:45 GMT
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he looks at the rattata. immediately, kyle can tell he's unable to work his magic.

"i haven't," he answers when it came to the question regarding if he had done it a lot before, "but it's one of those cases where, uh, my body acts on its own. you know what i mean."

eyes turn back to the corpse of a pokemon before them. even without the label, he can tell there's no point.

"i don't think it'll work on this, sorry." he heaves a sigh. "do you want me to try anyways?"

he's been finding trends on how his powers work, but nothing concrete. he finally sees the reasoning behind these tests, regardless of how wasteful it feels for him to find the limits of abilities that weren't permanent to begin with.

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POSTED ON May 7, 2023 23:56:40 GMT
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He wonders if it could be some type of energy that revitalizes the heart and heals wounds. Even pokemon healing had its own roots. It's not unimaginable for a god-like creature to do the feats of a god. But a human? Even if Kyle said he felt fine, was he? Would they wake up one day and realize Kyle spent his own years bringing back others, and dies young? [break][break]

Paxton nodded. "Do your best." He said, no smile with his encouragement as he began to take notes. "Have you ever brought yourself to life? Some people compare Ho Oh to a phoenix, and given your powers, it may be a possibility." He asked.


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POSTED ON May 10, 2023 2:52:13 GMT
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"i don't think so?"

uncertainty was in his voice. if he did, then he had no recollection of it. the closest thing he could recall was back when he first got his powers, but even that bordered being a dream for him.

"i've always been careful on big, dangerous missions that it never got to that point." he shrugs. "if that's how it works, great. if not, too bad. i don't think that's something we can test though."

as far as he knows, that was the case.

they could bring ho-oh in as a safety measure, but even kyle wouldn't want to waste its time on things like this. worst case scenario, ho-oh feels disrespected for testing it in front of him and takes it away for playing with his abilities willy-nilly.

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POSTED ON May 13, 2023 3:40:05 GMT
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"I didn't see any report if you had, just curious." If he had, that might lend strength to the theory that it was simply a defense mechanism. A trigger to manipulate whatever power Ho Oh had lent him. "No, the risk outweighs the possible reward in that situation. We wouldn't- we're not testing that." he said with a quick shake of his head.

He glanced over at the specimen once more before turning to the rest. Another labeled '36 hours' lay waiting. A Bidoof this time, passed from unknown circumstances. Next to it was a Patrat with the label '24 hours'. They'd more or less crossed off the possibility of a long term revival. It felt more like Kyle's powers were closer to that of a living defibrillator than truth bending of life and death.

But then again, Rocket had the Life Avatar, so there was no way to test it.

"I've got three more tries, and after that we're finished." he said nodding over as he pulled the lids off the containers holding the small pokemon bodies.


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POSTED ON May 18, 2023 1:15:58 GMT
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kyle was never bothered by the dead, especially since he's been in this line of work for a long while now. still, there's something morbid about the collection of cadavers that got him feeling weird.

he tells himself that science students do these all the time and this shouldn't be any different.

"here it goes."

thirty-six hours was much more believable than the last duration, but he still doesn't keep his hopes up.

he approaches the body of the bidoof as his hand touches its cold body. it warms up for a bit, but nothing more. even kyle is uncertain if it was because of ho-oh's affinity with fire and his touch triggered it or if it actually worked a bit. nevertheless, the end result was the same.

"do you want to skip to the last one instead?" kyle asks, just to save both of them the time.

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POSTED ON May 18, 2023 23:46:30 GMT
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"If you're sure it won't work." Paxton returned, not wanting to take the Champion's time any longer than necessary. He's silent, scribbling quickly on paper, glancing over at Kyle's hands and back at the body. [break][break]

He wondered what would've happened if they'd used that kind of power on his corpse, while he was already standing beside it. [break][break]

"Don't be alarmed." He said as he carefully moves the other samples away making space on the table for a small pokeball. He let's the pokemon out, another Rattata. This one didn't wake up, though there's the familiar rise and fall of its chest. [break][break]

It's small, so the dose they'd given him for the euthanasia wasn't much. Still, he pulls out the syringe and carefully pricks the normal type where he'd been instructed, marked even noting the bit of black marker a assistant had left for him. He empties it out, then pulls back and waits. "Give a few minutes, then try again."


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POSTED ON May 29, 2023 3:06:44 GMT
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working with pokemon with his profession has put him in situations where euthanasia was the only choice. it's no foreign concept to him, and overtime, he has grown callous to it.

he asks for no explanation. the pursuit of knowledge in the name of science always has crazy connotations attached, but if this was a project of , he can only give the benefit of the doubt that this rattata was indeed dying regardless.

kyle can always find out later anyways, and proceed from that.

the rise and fall stops, and kyle finds himself drawn to the rattata. his body tells him not to, that this was meaningless and the rattata's time was already up. the head, however, reminds him of what this was for.


the rattata catches in flames, burning ablaze for a moment before embers dissipate into ash. any scar and marks left in its body would be gone, and the steady rise and fall from the unconscious pokemon continues.

kyle stares at it, unsure of what to feel.

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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 23:19:19 GMT
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Paxton keeps time, giving a small nod when Kyle began to move towards the dead pokemon. Though he can't help but flinch when the body catches fire and his eyes snap to Kyle. He hadn't seen it in action, only read it. It's...jarring to say the least. The pokemon...heals somehow. It's body wiped clean by the holy fires and left breathing softly, still asleep. As if nothing extraordinary had happened to it and Paxton hadn't attempted to put it down. [break][break]

"You're not in combat." he observed, pen moving quickly across his clipboard before beckoning the champion over. He wondered, briefly, if the body more so reacted to Kyle's person than Kyle himself doing anything. An effect aorund him? [break][break]

"I'll take your vitals, and then you can go. Unless you've got any other questions." he added after moment. The information he got was strange- but anything was helpful. Perhaps it'd help someone smart than him figure out the Ho Oh avatar. Before something tragic really did happen.


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[newclass=.blboxbl .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #232323, 1px -1px 0 #232323, -1px 1px 0 #232323, 1px 1px 0 #232323;[/newclass]

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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 2:32:16 GMT
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"realistically, it's barely going to be used," he tells paxton. "furthermore, there needs to be a body to be revived. that one is obvious, but given how pokemon are basically vaporized or smashed to bits by legends that keep appearing on hoenn, the opportunity is barely there."

he adds his own observations to paxton's notes. it's better to say it now than desecrate a corpse just to test it out. in a way, he's already seen it happen when necrozma appeared on hoenn.

"will there be further tests?" he asks.

it would be his only question as he prepares to get his vitals taken. having a cheat code that puts him above the rest already felt bad, although not utilizing it at all was worse.

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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2023 18:23:41 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

He takes note, compiling Kyle’s input as well as his own observations. The more complete the picture around the champion’s powers, the better. Even as little as this. “I’m more worried about the people that’ll come to you for this power. Especially in the middle of a fight. The mission should always come first…but I can’t fault someone who drags their dying friend over for a chance at resurrection.” he said, frowning at the thought. This kind of thing was a double edged sword. [break][break]

“No. I think this will be enough. Thank you for your time.” he said as soon as quick checks were made. He suppressed a sigh before looking back at the pokemon on the table. “I'll submit a report by tomorrow, if you’re interested.” he added before waving him off.


+ [break][break]



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it's a long life full of long nights