Spirit of Collaboration [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2023 19:32:20 GMT
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Oscar had a long laundry list of tasks ahead of him. While the secrets of Infinity Energy have been more or less violently dragged into the light, Oscar's research has lead to even more mysteries to solve. Could the other energies of the world be harnessed? If so, what could they be used for? This hypothetical task was a daunting one, after all the development of the Infinity Generator took years. To do the same with every other type of energy seemed downright impossible.

Yet Oscar said fuck it, the effort would be worth it in the end. He refused to stand by while threats both domestic and otherworldly were knocking at his door. His mission may be vast, but the best way to make it more manageable was just to get started--one bit at a time.

He thought he would first start with the energy he knew the least about: Dyna Energy. However, after a harrowing journey with he decided that the easiest energy to research would be his best bet at getting the ball rolling. His new target would ironically be the newest energy to their world: Tera Energy.

Oscar had utilized this strange new power as it entered their atmosphere on the 99943 Meteno meteoroid, but he was a bit slow to the research race. Everyone had immediately jumped into finding out as much as they could about the Tera Shards and their interactions with pokemon, while Oscar had kept his focus squarely on his Pokepods project. Well luckily all that meant was that he had plenty of options for collaboration as he began his own Tera journey, and after asking around he would find the most promising possible partner right here within Rocket.

A knock at the door of 's private laboratory would be the only warning of Oscar's arrival. He figured it would be best to approach Rocket's new head scientist while she was 'in office', it seemed like the most accessible option at the time. Oscar would peak his head in, a smile draped across his pale face.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I was told I could find Miss Naomi in here, recommended I speak to her." Lulu had literally nothing to do with this, but he figured it would be easier to welcome him as a visitor if he name dropped a mutual friend.
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2023 20:03:09 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Valerian heard the knock first. The shiny Sylveon liked to keep watch by the door in case of intruders, even though Nomi had tried to explain to him that Rocket's submarine was incredibly secure. He'd stared at her blankly with his cotton-candy eyes as if to counter well, someone in here might betray you, and she had to admit, it wasn't exactly an implausible worry. Rocket was Rocket: she would be a fool to trust every member. So she had allowed Val to be her bodyguard while she was in-office, just in case.[break][break]
His soft growl alerted her to the presence of someone outside the door, and just as she looked up from the experiment protocols she had been outlining for her SPECTRA project, a familiar voice spoke.[break][break]
The door to the office was unlocked, and the head of soon peaked in. Val stared up at him with a scrutinizing expression. Nomi smiled at the Rocket Beast, amused by his impromptu visit.[break][break]
"Hello Oscar," she greeted him. "Good of you to come by and congratulate me on my recent promotion." Her tone was playful. "Unless there's something else you wish to discuss?"



Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Mission: A Tera Test



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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 2:00:48 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar blinked, taken aback by the shiny sylveon growling in his direction. He was able to quickly tune that out though, giving Naomi a wide grin. "Of course!" He exclaimed, notably still remaining half-way through the door. "As soon as I heard I knew I had to come visit. However I must admit that I am also in need of assistance--if you have a moment that is."

Oscar feigned bashfulness, darting his eyes around in a mischievous manner. "I had heard through the grapevine that you were researching Tera energy, and as lucky may have it I am starting a study of my own. I was wondering if you had any interest in combining our efforts?"

Oscar batted his eyelashes, attempting to look as marketable yet pitiful as possible.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2023 3:44:03 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Oscar's flamboyant charm was unique, that was for sure. She wanted to roll her eyes at him in response to his eyelash batting, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel amused by his drama. It was ridiculous but it was also...well, very him.[break][break]
Brilliant minds come in all shapes and sizes...[break][break]
And Oscar was brilliant. Known for his engineering prowess, Nomi was impressed with his work on Genesect and his talent for building useful (and often dangerous) machines. Which made his proposal all the more intriguing.[break][break]
"A study of your own?" She repeated back to him, not hiding her curiosity. "Well, you have certainly captured my attention, Oscar."[break][break]
What he'd likely heard over his supposed grapevine was that Nomi had been developing Tera Orbs for Rocket...but she wondered if he had also heard rumors about her SPECTRA project?[break][break]
"I'm actually about to run some experiments for SPECTRA involved Tera energy. I am interested in augmenting human physiology with Tera crystals, in the same vein as Terastallization..." Pink hair fell over one shoulder as she cocked her head, regarding him. "What sort of collaboration did you have in mind?"



Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Mission: A Tera Test



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 16:27:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar chuckled, his grin growing almost manic. Naomi had invited the hypothetical vampire into the threshold, there was no going back now. "Y'know, I'm glad you asked!" Oscar opened the door fully, revealing that he was holding the handle to a very large tray on wheels. He enter the lab, pulling the tray behind him with a decent amount of effort. Upon the tray, Naomi would be able to see two rough looking mechanical arms connected to a laptop, along with what seemed to be scattered pieces of a full-arm gauntlet. Lastly, she would notice the various shards of Tera crystals that noisily rolled around in the tray as it moved.

Oscar brought the tray up to Naomi and leaned against it, "So this looks like a hot mess, but I swear it's just organized chaos." He gently grabbed one of the mechanical arms, which looked pretty accurate to a human's thanks to the guidance of . You know, besides the fact that it was made mostly of wires and metal. He lifted it up so Naomi could see. "I've been working on human cybernetic prosthetics. The idea is to create more durable limbs for--whomever would need them. But I caught wind of your Tera research and it got me thinking..."

Oscar grabbed one of the Tera crystals and raised it to be parallel with the arm. "What if my cybernetic limbs could be modified to utilize Tera energy!? Tera crystals seem to react better with machinery than organic matter anyway, it could be a viable way to enhance human physiology." Oscar put the arm and the crystal down. "Though before that I wanna hear what experiments you have int he oven!"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
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Naomi Sato
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 19:12:42 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi had not been expecting Oscar to wheel in a tray of equipment, but she quickly grew interested as she surveyed the odd device. Once Oscar elaborated on what she was looking at, it clicked: cybernetic prosthetics. Yes, that made sense.[break][break]
"This is very interesting, Oscar," she remarked, impressed. She held out her hand, gesturing for Oscar to let her hold one of the mechanical arms so she could get a better look at it. As she examined it, her expression soon turned thoughtful, gears turning rapidly behind keen crimson eyes.[break][break]
What might originally serve as a medical breakthrough could potentially be used as weaponry. Not only could they serve as limbs for those who needed replacements, but they could augment existing limbs...like sliding on a very heavy, very powerful glove.[break][break]
"My expertise is in bioengineering, not mechanical engineering. But this sort of...combines the two, now doesn't it." She grinned at Oscar. "My own Tera experiments involve triggering the Terastallization process - or something akin to it - within the human body. I seek to augment human physiology more permanently. Synthetic Avatarship, so to speak. Granting Pokémon powers to humans without the need for an Avatar bond. Tera energy has been very promising on this front. I believe we are able to react to it, if the right amount of energy is channeled into our bodies."[break][break]
She tapped her chin in a contemplative manner. "But in the event that my experiments fail," she said, showing no signs of anxiety at the suggestion - after all, science was a constant dance of trial and error - "Having artificial substitutes to fall back on would be incredibly useful. And even if I am successful, there is no telling how many people will actually be able to be augmented - I am still figuring out who might be best suited for such a ... procedure. But those who cannot have their physiology permanently changed could leverage one of your devices."



Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Mission: A Tera Test



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 16:31:13 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar grinned, raising his hands to lightly clap them together. "I was thinking the exact same thing! I believe my research shall compliment yours very well! The human body is a fickle bitch after all, I should know mine is failing me more and more every day." Oscar chuckled, attempting to push away the existential dread of his eldritch disease slowly tearing him apart from the inside. Such fear was put right back into the mind vault, where it belonged.

Oscar flourished his arms as he tried to make a general gesture toward Nomi's lab. "In that spirit, I have my own interests concerning Tera energy. I seek the secret of harnessing it, just as I found a way to harness Infinity Energy. So with that in mind, are you in need of a lab assistant? The tray can be my resume and my smile can be my cover letter!"

Oscar put his knuckles under his chin, giving Nomi the brightest grin he could. He felt as if she had already accepted his aid by letting him into the lab, but Oscar would feel a lot better if she formally accepted his request. After all, what could be better than a little jolly cooperation between colleagues?

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON May 8, 2023 20:02:49 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi couldn't help but laugh. Oscar's enthusiasm was infectious.[break][break]
"Of course you can work in my lab," she replied, smiling. "But Oscar - you don't have to become my assistant. You'd make a brilliant head scientist yourself, someday. Perhaps our work together can help you achieve such a promotion, should you want that. I'd be happy to recommend you to leadership."[break][break]
She suddenly remembered something else she wanted to ask Oscar, in regards to her work for SPECTRA.[break][break]
"There's something else I've been meaning to ask you," she continued, gingerly setting down his prototype prosthetic with careful fingers. "Is it true that you have earned the trust of the Legendary Zapdos? I would be curious to hear more about your bond. My project aims to create synthetic Avatars, so it is important for me to find out as much as possible about why and how the Legendary Pokemon bestow their powers so that I can figure out how to mimic it. Underboss Merlino was kind enough to allow me to study his abilities, for example - specifically, the shadow miasma he is able to summon at Lugia's behest."[break][break]
Being able to witness first-hand what triggered a Legendary to bestow their powers upon a mortal would be especially interesting. All of the Avatars Nomi knew personally were people who had already become Avatars by the time she had met them. But if Oscar was in-progress earning Zapdos's favor, perhaps he would allow her to bear witness to his transformation.[break][break]
If Zapdos chose him, in the end, of course.



Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Mission: A Tera Test



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October 13
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POSTED ON May 13, 2023 23:46:43 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION INCOMPLETE...



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