Bio Metal [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 19:37:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oh shit, you see whose name is on this lab's door? Probably not because Oscar fucking Clayton just kicked that door open! With his sunglasses donned and Genesect blasting music through its speakers beside him, Oscar dragged in a giant cart full of dead steel pokemon. He strode up to the nearest surface, cleared it off with a sweep of his arm, and slammed down a dead magnemite. Oscar flicked off his sunglasses and began chuckling menacingly, "Who's ready to do some science, bitches!?"

No one was there, he forgot that he had to hire his own staff. Oscar forced air through his lips, deflating now that his perfect entrance was witnessed by exactly nobody. After he took in how lonely his new laboratory was, Oscar realized that he could hardly hear himself think--because Genesect was still blasting music. Oscar glumly took out the speaker's remote and turned off the music. "Thanks for being here for me dude, sorry it did not turn out as cool as I had promised." Genesect felt neutral about this chain of events, as it did not know exactly what was happening.

I will tell you what was happening though, Oscar just got a new job as one of Rocket's Head Scientists and today was his first day! Had his own fuckin' lab and everything, but as mentioned before his triumphant first day of work was now a bit lackluster due to Oscar's neglect. Oh well, gotta make some lemonade out of lemons! Oscar was determined to start working today, but he would need some sort of help. So he started texting around to see who was available, and one person managed to get back to him first---

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 21:14:26 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Temp had been doing nothing except laze on the couch with his hand down his pants all day. It was warm and he was dozing. was busy with some big shake up happening in the upper echelon of Rocket Brass. He had done some light cleaning (not that the house was dirty) and had taken the time to brush down his pokemon.[Break][break]

Temp was bored.[Break][break]

When his phone went off and he saw it was ... something to do! Temp was off the couch and already heading towards the sub with the quickness.[Break][break]

Did you read the name on that door? Nope! Cause Temp had kicked it in.[Break][break]

"Hi Oscar! What did you need! Oh, cool!" Like an excited dog, Temp was all over the place. His initial excitement at seeing the other quickly went to the dead pokemon on the table. Picking it up, Temp began to unscrew the magnets off the Magnamite. "These things usually blow up when they die. It's Structural Bypass Valve must have been damaged. How did it die?"



🔗 notes


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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2023 22:10:46 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Temp casually and gracefully entered his lab, Oscar's face lit up. "Temp! You're just in time, I am getting ready to start." Oscar had been setting up all of his specimens for the day, requiring more and more table space as he unloaded his cart. He continued to unload steel types while Temp took a moment to look around. They were all pretty heavy, but with Genesect's help it took about half the effort.

Temp eventually reached a magnemite, pondering aloud how its death did not cause it to explode. Oscar walked up to the metal cadaver and flicked it. "No idea, these are all left overs from Project Genesis." Oscar stretched out his back and took a brief inventory. They had about fifty steel bodies, most of which were either in their first or second stage. They had one scizor (poor guy) and one metagross, but that was it for fully evolved subjects.

Oscar clapped his hands together before looking to Temp. "Have you brought any fire pokemon?"

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2023 2:47:39 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Still fiddling with the Magnemite, Temp seemed like he was only half paying attention. Yet, he did pause when brought up the... whatever these were from.[break][break]

"I don't know what that is." It was probably some big super science thing he was out of the loop on. Temp was usually only useful in the lab if he was lifting stuff that was too delicate for a pokemon's hands.[break][break]

The two magnets on the body came loose about this time from his fiddling. He plonked them on the table (both of them attaching soundly to whatever remains had been next to it) then shoved his fingers inside of the holes he had exposed. There was a suspicious and loud CLICK, which followed the round body opening from a near invisible seam down the front. The glass-like material of the 'eye' fell onto the table.[break][break]

"Why do we need a fire type?" Temp said absently, already picking through the slightly burned and warped wiring that made up the inside of the creature. It stank vaguely of something rotted and hidden deep inside was a nasty looking slime.[break][break]

"My Flareon died on Mt. Pyre. And I don't... hm. Well, I do have a Growlithe."



🔗 notes


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2023 4:07:41 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oof, Temp was ignorant to what Project Genesis was. Oscar was honestly surprised, he had expected Gavin to maybe bring it up at some point. Oh well, it was not relevant to their current machinations. Temp's note about the fire pokemon was much more disappointing, but Oscar knew that he could work around it just fine. It shall just take a bit longer.

Oscar teetered back and forth, realizing rather quickly that his lack of context would only be increasingly confusing to Temp. Oscar was so used not having to share his thoughts with anyone at work, he would have to work on that. Oscar held up a finger, "I am jumping the gun a bit. Allow me to provide some background info." He ran briefly out of sight before returning with a heavy looking case.

Oscar would abruptly clear Temp's current table before slamming the case in front of him. With the click of a button the case would be unlocked, and Oscar would slowly open it to reveal the steel casings to some sort of gauntlet. The pieces were all detached, but they were clearly aligned to form a hand and forearm. Oscar giggled as he came around to Temp's side and began his explanation.

"Have you met ? She's a very talented blacksmith on our payroll, and I hired her to make me multiple sets of these bad boys. They're prosthetic casings made from smelted steel type pokemon! Light weight, durable, flexible, these fuckers are gonna change the alternative limb market forever! Presently though, I am more interested in Aurelie's research during the creation process. She took it upon herself to test some of the ores, and found that the 'skin' of each steel type provided different properties."

Oscar reached down and picked up the discarded magnemite. "For instance, the magnemite family can create ores that can conduct electricity! I don't have a steelix around, but ores made with their bodies are resistant to heat! You get the picture, I wanna do more tests so that I can understand the nature of what could be a very versatile resource!"

Oscar put the magnemite on the table and put a hand on Temp's shoulder, "Now I'd understand if this sounds a bit too ghoulish, and I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to back out. You just gotta tell me now before we get elbow-deep into some mad science."

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2023 19:02:26 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Temp frowns and looks much like a kicked puppy when the Magnemite he had been toying with is removed from his hands. But that is quickly wiped away when Temp gets a good look at the cool new gauntlet that is placed in front of him. Like the handsy child he was, Temp was reaching out to press his fingerprints into the shiny metal.[break][break]

"Never met her. I'll try and reach out when I get the chance." Temp was always willing to make a new friend, and if liked then she was probably cool.[break][break]

But, at the concern, Temp just raised a brow at the other. He was flattered, sure, that Oscar would consider his feelings, but he just motioned to the Magnemite vaguely.[break][break]

"They're already dead, so what does it matter?" He shrugged. They wouldn't be killing them![break][break]

Instead, he walked over to the remains of a Klang and became to fiddle with it. Much like with the Magnemite, he was using his fingers to try and pry it's corpse apart.[break][break]

"I bet this one has a high stress resistance when melted down. The constant friction would damage it more, otherwise."



🔗 notes


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 13:50:09 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Temp seemed to take Oscar's debriefing with stride, which made Oscar more than a bit giddy to move forward. He rubbed his hands together as he walked past Temp, "That's the fuckin' spirit! I knew you were the right man to call." Oscar wandered out of sight, reappearing a short time later with what seemed to be a massive stone bowl and a squeaky cart. It clearly took effort to pull, and Oscar would stop to catch his breath as he presented the bowl to Temp.

After huffing excessively, Oscar would brush off how winded he was with a wide grin. "So--I'm not a---holy shit--huff--I'm not a blacksmith, but I've watched a few youtube videos and uh--hooff--I think we can melt down some of these steel types and make some ores to test." Oscar hopped over to the magnemite they were examining earlier and tossed it into the bowl. "I think there's a few Magnemite in this group. Grab all the shells you can find and toss them into the bowl!"

Oscar got right on it, digging through his carefully set up cadavers and tossing in any magnemites or magnetons he found. If Temp did the same, the bowl should have been filled up in no time. As the bowl reached capacity Oscar would place his hands on his hips and laugh, "Fuck yeah look at this haul. So umm--to melt it we gotta use excessive heat under the bowl I think?" Oscar leaned over, realizing that the bowl would have to be lifted to get any heat under it. He waved his hands dismissively, "Fuck it, we'll just apply fire directly to the metal. What's the difference, am I right?"

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October 13
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Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON May 12, 2023 19:11:42 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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