Complications You Could do Without [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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Caleb Harcourt
Complications You Could do Without [S]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2023 12:41:02 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

The cabin was unexpected.[break][break]
Mid-afternoon sunlight filtered in from a canopy of thick trees, dappling the snowy thatched roof with a thousand pinpricks of light. Caleb stood just outside the perimeter of what, during the Summer, was likely a well-cared-for garden, staring at the house with a dumbfounded expression. Was there supposed to be a house here? In the middle of the woods off Route 123? They were actually pretty far from the road now...hours away, in fact.[break][break]
Caleb pulled out his phone, tried to open the Maps app. No signal. He sighed, returning the device to his pocket. Beside him, a Lokix suddenly manifested, melting stealthily out of the shadows. The nimble bug Pokémon cocked his head, as if waiting for some kind of instruction.[break][break]
But Caleb did not give any, instead continuing to observe the cabin. There was smoke coming from the chimney; someone was actively living here - on land that, according to the League government's region cartographers, didn't actually belong to anyone. Curiosity gnawed at the Ranger. How had someone so masterfully avoided government scrutiny?[break][break]
The idea of living off grid had always fascinated Caleb. It was the sort of thing that excited him and made him feel like a coward at the same time.[break][break]
He hadn't ventured into Mt. Pyre's surrounding wildlife to bother some homesteader, however. He ought to move on.[break][break]
"Let's go," he murmured to Nox, somewhat half-heartedly. "We'll just go around, then continue on our way."



Caleb's Outfit Inspiration[break]
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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
ex lieutenant
52 height
52 height
the whispers in the trees are getting near
363 posts
sagira mosse DOLLARS
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sagira mosse
Complications You Could do Without [S]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2023 0:02:44 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar
[attr="class","sagiramain"]it had been four days since delta had gone missing. sage patrolled the outskirts with several of her pokemon for signs of her daughter, but hope was running out that she would find her in the countryside. there was no doubt, however, that the girl was alive.

no doubt that she was with him. .

while caleb lingered at the outskirts of her garden, whether he was aware or not, several eyes were on him. the alert traveled through the woods, and soon enough, the paws of sagira’s zarude were pounding against the ground, carrying them swiftly homeward.

when they neared, they slowed on the far side. she slid off of dark fur and landed softly. from there, she was skillful in her approach. a former lieutenant, creeping into place for her attack.

”who are you?” she demanded suddenly.

she was close enough to startle, but far enough to avoid a fist—and the arms of whatever this was that was with him. something from the rifts, surely. she didn’t care. she wanted them gone.

”what are you doing here?”

pokemon had emerged with her, and he would find himself cornered. her zarude looked mean, while a decidueye’s arrow was poised on his pokemon from across the garden. sagira, on the other hand, weilded a hunting knife.

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