i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 13:54:57 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Some of the Interdream Zone had leaked into the pseudo-underwater realm as well, creating a dimension between dimensions where dreams met reality. Despite 's warning that this place was dangerous, Andrea was curious to know what secrets it held.

Just like before, she felt an inexplicable, tingling sensation as she approached the pink mist. Was her Sygna Suit acting up due to the environmental weirdness? Or maybe, just maybe... The Interdream Zone was trying to externalize her dream of becoming a Pokémon, but her body rejected its influence.

"If this place feeds off wishes, then surely it must be possible..." The young, costumed female mumbled on her lonesome, wistfully staring at a large chunk of Tera Crystal protruding from the earth. Her reflection was distorted until she looked like a Hydreigon herself. She smiled, her warped mirror image smiling with her. "Yeah, surely it must be!"

She was jolted awake from her reverie by a disturbing, mechanical-sounding roar. A facsimile of a Hydreigon made of metal had appeared behind her. The LED display making up its entire head could shift to display its emotions, although its only emotion currently was bloodlust. "A robot Chomper?!" The draconic cosplayer cried out in utter bewilderment.

The realm's feelings of paranoia made her fret about the implications of this. What if that mechanical aberration was a reflection of her subconscious desires? What if she'd brought that paradoxical being into existence with her imagination? "What have I done?!" Andrea screamed, temporarily losing control of her faculties.

+10 MP per IC post
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.

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May 10
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Verdanturf Ranger Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2023 17:07:47 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Elinor was traversing the pink swirling mist. Steadily but slowly.

A mechanical sounding roar soon followed by the distinct scream of a woman alerted her to the presence of someone within the mist, and the fact they were in danger.

A sense of dread shot through her.

Yet, she hesitated with jumping headlong into dangers within this mist. A feeling of Paranoia, perhaps caused by the realm or perhaps from herself told her that it was a trap.

But even if it was, she had to do something.

And so after a moment of pondering Elinor dived into the pink swirly mist intent on offering the person help.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 50 Participate in a battle/mission
- 10 Incorporate the realms Paranoia.


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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2023 13:55:11 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
By the time the pink-haired councilwoman arrived at the scene, she would see Chomper already engaging his mechanical counterpart in one-on-one combat. His many biting moves put dents all over the impostor's metallic exterior, however the flying machine persisted, seemingly impervious to pain.

And while all of that was happening, Andrea was curled up in a corner, clutching her own head. "E-Elinor, help!" She desperately reached out to the other woman. "Did I cause this to happen?! I was thinking of how much I wanted to turn into a Hydreigon, and then that thing appeared! I'm a terrible person, aren't I?!" She spoke nonsense at that point, clearly distraught by the absurdity of the situation.

+10 MP per IC post (2)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.


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May 10
Rustboro City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 16:19:57 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Diving in was the easy part. Registering what was going on, now that was the hard part.

Two Hydreigon, one normal and the other seemingly made of metal. Locked in combat, yet one of them did not seem to be feeling the pain.

And then there was the voice.

Her gaze fell upon Andrea, and for once she moved with no hesitation. She kneeled in front of the curled up woman. Placed a pair of steady hands on her shoulders as she spoke. “Perhaps you did, there’s a lot we don’t know about this mist. But that does not make you a bad person.”

“But don’t worry about that, it’s going to be alright! Because I am here now!”

She let go and turned to the mechanical beast, fetching a quick Pokéball as she now stood tall and battle ready. “Minh, let’s go.”

A Salamence with a bright illumina pattern adorning its body manifested from the sphere. It roared as it saw its opponent, and wasted no time in jumping at the mechanical monster with a ZEN HEADBUTT.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 10 Assist Another character

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 17:03:01 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Elinor’s reassuring words were enough to bring Andrea a peace of mind. Taking a brief moment to assess the situation, she joined the young councilwoman on the initiative. “We fought another of those things back at Dewford. They’re super tough!” As evidenced by even Chomper struggling to take down his mechanical duplicate.

With her Sygna Suit long run out of juices, she could no longer support her Hydreigon directly. However, she had another ace up her sleeve; a Z-Ring to be precise! “Let’s fight it together! Time to unleash our Z-Move!”

The Iron Jugulis barely even registered the Salemence’s headbutt. With cold, machine-like instincts, it hovered towards the luminous dragon. Just then, Chomper sicked his ultimate VENGEFUL HYDRA technique on the Paradox Pokémon, temporarily overwhelming it in an assault of many ravenous heads.

“I don’t think Psychic-type moves are gonna work!” Andrea mused aloud. “If it’s based on a Hydreigon, then it’s probably a Dark type… and maybe Steel?” The girl casually speculated.

+10 MP per IC post (3)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.
+10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon.
+10 MP use a z-move in your thread.


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 8:52:57 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Surprise befell the Illumina Salamence as psychic energies of its headbutt dissipate, seemingly not even touching the mechanical monster.

Had it not been for the well placed Z-move this might’ve ended badly for either of them. “That’s a good point.” Elinor nodded in agreement as her eyes kept watch over the battle.

“Minh, Light of Ruin.”

Even with the Steel typing, the Dark-typing should make it weak to a fairy move like that.

Salamence's body glowed for a short moment as the energies gathered in its mouth, before spewing forward as a powerful beam aimed at the Iron Jugulis.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 10 Assist Another character

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 9:28:00 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The Light of Ruin was combined with a Draco Meteor courtesy of Chomper, creating a violent explosion of light and debris that decimated the area around Iron Jugulis. When the dust had settled, the machine was lying in the middle of a sizable crater, sparks flying out of its battered, metallic body.

“Did we--” Before Andrea even got to finish that sentence, the robotic Hydreigon lifted itself up, chunks of metal falling off its form and exposing the intricate circuitry hiding underneath. Its main head twitched, LED display flickering on and off, yet it remained functional.

The Paradox Pokémon flew away from the two trainers. It approached the wall of pink mist separating this pocket dimension from the rest of the realm. With a flap of its mechanical wings, it summoned a roaring tornado, tearing a massive, gaping hole through the fog.

“It’s trying to escape into the real world!” Andrea cried out in worry. She knew for certain that if such a dangerous creature was set loose, it would mean big trouble for Hoenn. It needed to be contained somehow. Without thinking, the young woman used a Pokéball on it.

One shake.

Two shakes.


“IT ACTUALLY WORKED?!” The eccentric trainer blurted out, thoroughly baffled.

+10 MP per IC post (4)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.
+10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon. (2)
+10 MP use a z-move in your thread.


Iron Jugulis capture will be reflavored as a shop purchase later on.

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 9:00:46 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Both trainer and Pokémon gazed upon the violent spectacle of light and destruction until they saw naught but the machine lying in the middle of the sizeable crater.

Sparks flew from it like the dramatic gushing of life giving fluids.

Andrea began to speak, and Elinor began to listen, only for the two of them to be violently interrupted by the sudden attempt at escape from the Paradox Pokémon.

The Pink misty walls were torn by a roaring tornado. But before the Mechanical Chomper-copy could get through Andrea threw a Pokéball and captured it.

Much to Elinor’s surprise it seemed to work.

“CONGRATULATIONS?!” Elinor spoke an equal mix of enthusiasm and surprise in her voice.

“That thing was surprisingly strong.” She commented. Far too strong to be that of a mere wild Pokémon.

“If we could capture more of those…” She mumbled quietly, as her gaze turned to the Salamence that stepped toward her. And as it did she pondered something else.

If this mist can manifest our dreams and wishes… Could it possibly revive the dead?

The memory of Gon her Salamence slowly welled up in her, the good… And the bad.

And the mist latched onto all of it.

It grew dark, devoid of light on the night sky. Vaste, as if space and time was no longer a concept to the pinkness of dreams turned nightmare.

But Elinor could still see. Even though she wished she could not. The faint silhouette of a giant tree in the background. The slowly descending black hail.

A shiver ran down her spine.

“Andrea this isn’t your doing, right?” Elinor looked toward the young dragon-enthusiast. Terror in her eyes.

Shadowy wispy forms began to move about, some more in focus than others. One particular form closest to them, a bright pink haired woman and a Salamence. Their forms grew more dense, as if the mist itself was slowly rendering it all from memories.

Minh the Illumina Salamence looked in confusion toward what was clearly its trainer and… And… It couldn’t be. Gon… Her father. His powerful wings kept his trainer safe from the Dark hail that was taking up more space upon his wings by the second.

Now it was Elinor’s turn to hug herself, each hand clutching the opposite arm as she shivered from a nonexistent cold. She shook her head, praying that it would end.

A huge explosion ended the silence of the scene for a brief moment.

Andrea and Elinor would be largely unaffected, as if this was all just a cinematic play for them.

The same could not be said for the Salamence and trainer of that day. The Salamence with its blackened wings had curled up around its trainer, protecting it from the explosion. The faint muffled voice of a desperate young woman began to emerge from the slowly dying Salamence.

“Gon. Gon, are you alright?”

The Elinor of now began to sob. She didn’t want to be reminded of this.

“Gon… Gon… Gon Answer? ANSWER ME!” The scene continued.

The Salamence did not reply as the last heaves of air escaped from it. Its last act of service was to remove its wing so she could exit.

“No Gon, you can’t do this. Move. MOVE GON, WE NEED TO GET AWAY!” The sight of a frantic Elinor trying to push, shove and at last hit the dead body in frustration, was evident as she begged for Salamence to move just one more time.

“I… I am sorry, Gon. I am So, so sorry Gon.”

The Elinor of now bawled almost as much as the Elinor of then.

The Dark Hail began to grow like fungi-spores upon the dead Salamence.

The Elinor of the past hurried out. Watching as the Dark Spores consumed the Salamence, turning into a crystal casket.

I don’t want to see this. Please, no more… If only I had been stronger, it could’ve been different. The Elinor of now was shaking, crying, lost in her own thoughts as her eyes perceived her worst nightmare for the second time.

But this was where the Interdream mist stopped adhering to the reality of memories and started putting its own artistic spin on things.

A crack appeared in the crystals, then one more, and another soon following that. The loud growling of a dragon refusing to die emerged, breaking apart crystal with ease until it pulled itself out of its casket like a newborn Butterfree.

“Gon…” Elinor looked in baffled surprise alongside the Illumina Salamence.

While what stood before them definitely resembled a Salamence, it looked different. And it didn’t seem to recognize them or anything for that matter. It looked around in anger, pain and confusion until its eyes locked on Elinor and the Illumina Salamence.

They were the source of all this. They had to be, why else would their visage be seared in its mind?

A bright blue hue formed around its body accentuating its Draconic features as it rushed headlong at them with a DRAGON RUSH.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2023 13:22:02 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
They both pondered about dreams, but what occurred next seemed more like a nightmare. Darkness, a giant tree, and an unfamiliar Salamence. An explosion claimed the dragon’s life, who used its dying breath to protect its trainer. It wasn’t just any trainer, though; it was Elinor.

“Ellie… Did that really happen? Did Gon die?” Andrea tried to comfort the crying councilwoman after the gruesome vision had reached its conclusion, an overwhelming feeling of sadness washing over her. She was reminded of Meatloaf, and how distraught she’d been when his life was snuffed out by Kyurem’s Glaciate.

The temperature dropped, dangerously so. Suddenly, the area was covered in snow and glaciers just like the Silent Icelands themselves. And in that frigid backdrop, Gon re-emerged from his jet black chrysalis.

Except it wasn’t Gon, but an imitation born from Elinor’s grief. If Salamence had existed millions of years ago, that’s probably the form they would have: An unsophisticated beast with bloodsoaked, crescent moon-like wings.

“Look out!” Andrea jumped protectively in front of the pink-ette, sending out the only Pokémon capable of fending off that winged savage… a tiny Fuecoco. “Jalapeño, Terastallize!” The dragon-costumed girl exclaimed, hurling her Tera Orb at the baby crocodile.


The Fuecoco’s diminutive frame sparkled as if made of diamonds, while a comically oversized, heart-shaped jewel manifested on top of its head. Thanks to becoming a Fairy Type, the enemy’s attack was largely ineffective.

“Springtide Storm!” Following his trainer’s order, Jalapeño responded by summoning a pretty, yet devastating tornado of cherry blossom petals that engulfed the prehistoric Salamence, forcing it back.

+10 MP per IC post (5)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.
+10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon. (3)
+10 MP use a z-move in your thread.
+10 MP use terastallization in your thread.


Iron Jugulis capture will be reflavored as a shop purchase later on.

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
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170 CM height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 9:50:53 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Andrea tried to comfort. Elinor gave her a nod. While the effort was appreciated it did little to soothe the pain. An old scar had been torn open and the emotional blood spilled.

Unfortunately one bout of sadness rarely came alone. The temperature dropped as Andrea remembered the Glaciate and the victim it grabbed. The area changed, bending to the whims of emotions and memories.

Elinor was locked in grief, Minh too found herself unable to act.

But Andrea did not share the same weakness. She jumped into action, heroically putting herself between Elinor and the Roaring Moon as it charged at them. A Fuecoco was summoned, and terastelized and the power of the Springtide storm that it summoned was quick to push the dragon back.

Its claws dug deep into the dream-ground as it tried to fight the push back.

Finally Elinor convinced her body to act. With a quick glance she confirmed that Minh was not capable of doing so. While she was a fighter, she was still very much a child at heart.

Elinor retrieved Minh back into her Pokéball and fetched one of her Fairy types for combat. She threw the Pokéball into the air, intent on releasing an Aromatisse.

But the manifested Nightmare was not going to stand there and watch as another opponent would take to the field. NO! The same aura as before coated it as it jumped into action, going into the air and soaring just inches above them before landing on the other side.

Elinor gasped in surprise. And then in fear as she realized the pop of the Pokéball never came. She quickly spun around and saw the one thing all trainers feared to see.

The Roaring Moon held the Pokéball in its jaws, the release mechanism was kept from going off through sheer force.

“No, don’t!”

For a moment there had been hesitation in the Roaring Moon’s mind, but then it seemed something pushed it to action. It’s jaws chomped down. A sickening crunchy sound of technology breaking told Elinor all that she needed to know.

She almost didn’t dare look at the pieces of Pokéball and something pink and mushy was spat out, landing on the ground. The Aromatisse she had attempted to summon never had the chance to leave its Pokéball. She realized then, what stood before her weren’t Gon, or at least not entirely.

Yet the Roaring Moon seemed confused, bewildered and even sad as it looked down. Only for it to look at the two women and the one Pokémon still out. Its eyes went thin predatory once more as it roared at them.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 200 (Death of Fodder Aromatisse)

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 11:32:20 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The Springtide Storm was super effective, proving that Roaring Moon, much like its real world counterpart, was at least part Dragon type. An Aromatisse certainly would have done it, but the dreamlike beast had other plans, snatching the Pokéball in its prehistoric jaws and chomping it down like hard candy.

“HE ATE IT?!” Andrea cried out in sheer shock. Her Fuecoco also didn’t last long, an Iron Head courtesy of the ravenous dragon sending the poor crocodile careening back to his trainer, who held him gently in her arms. “It’s okay, Jalapeño. You can rest.” The Tera crown disappeared from the baby croc’s head, as he took a nap fainted.

If Terastallization wasn’t enough, then perhaps Mega Evolution would seal the deal. Missy burst out of her ball next, her baby Kangaskhan growing to adolescent size. With their unbreakable Parental Bond, the duo of mother and child threw successive Power-Up Punches at the paradoxical drake.

+10 MP per IC post (6)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.
+10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon. (4)
+10 MP use a z-move in your thread.
+10 MP use terastallization in your thread.
+10 MP use mega evolution in your thread.
+50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out.


Iron Jugulis capture will be reflavored as a shop purchase later on.

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 11:52:19 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar


That was the best and perhaps only way to describe what happened. While Elinor knew that Pokéballs weren’t indestructible, she had never assumed that a wild Pokémon would target them.

It seemed a bit too smart, as if it had been taught to do so. It was definitely something a trainer might teach it to do. She had never actively taught her Pokémon to do it, she might have mentioned it once or twice.

But now was not the time to be lost in thought. The battle raged on.

Jalapeno was beaten, an Iron head making quick work of the fire-gator. Luckily Andrea was quick to send another Pokémon onto the field.

The Kangaskhan Mega evolved and attacked the Roaring Moon viciously. Distracted Elinor summoned one of her own Pokémon, this time keeping the Pokéball close by. A Swampert manifested by her side, light quickly enveloping it as it too Mega evolved and charged into battle.

A silverish aura surrounding its body as the SUPERPOWER gave it just that, before it would jump atop the Roaring Moon attempting to wrestle.

The Roaring Moon could not reach the Swampert, and so it tried to JAW LOCK the baby Kangaskhan instead.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 10 Assist another pokemon/trainer
- 10 Mega Evolve

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 12:23:33 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Missy’s crimson eyes widened. She hastily reached down and grabbed her baby before it too could get bitten down by the dragon’s terrifying jaws. An attempt on her child’s life could not go unpunished. The mama Kangaskhan snarled in anger, aiming a wicked Mega Punch at the fake Salamence. The baby perfectly mimicked its mother, throwing a somewhat weaker Mega Punch of its own.

Meanwhile, Chomper assisted Elinor’s newly released Mega Swampert, joining on the offensive with an Outrage, barreling into the enemy like a living freight train.

“This should be the final stretch! There’s no way he can beat TWO Mega-evolved Pokémon!” Andrea boasted. Her attention was then drawn to Roaring Moon’s namesake, crescent-shaped wings. “Then again, maybe he’s Mega Evolved too!” The young PokéManiac theorized.

+10 MP per IC post (7)
+50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
+10 MP for incorporating the realm's mutations or feelings of paranoia in a thread.
+10 MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon. (5)
+10 MP use a z-move in your thread.
+10 MP use terastallization in your thread.
+10 MP use mega evolution in your thread.
+50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out.


Iron Jugulis capture will be reflavored as a shop purchase later on.

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played by


May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 16:50:09 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Elinor prayed Andrea was right. She did not wish to see any further harm be it death or maiming.

But the Roaring Moon was not about to go down without a fight. It tried to bite at all of the Pokémon that came close, only to receive punches, pushes and grapple attacks in return.

The Roaring Moon vocalized all of its anger, pain, confusion and frustration in one last roar until all of its energy was spent. It’s legs gave in, the wings stopped flapping. It fell to the ground.

Seeing an opportunity Elinor quickly fetched an empty Pokéball and threw it at the beast.

The ball sucked the creature in, as the capture mechanism did its work.

She sighed in relief as the ding announced success.

The Swampert grabbed the ball, keeping it tight, tempted to crush it but it refrained. Meanwhile Elinor moved over to the broken bits and pieces of the Pokéball that had been crushed. She kneeled down and mouthed a little “I am sorry.” as she found a container to put it all in.

She needed to find a proper place to bury it.

LOCATION: Ultra Deep Sea
- 10 IC POST
- 200 Victory
- 100 Completing a mission

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October 13
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 20:05:09 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!


