Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 20:13:36 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
With the exception of a few supply runs, it had basically been nonstop battles for Amor. He was thankful that he had such a vast array of pokemon that were battle ready otherwise he might have exhausted his teams, and been left with some of them incredibly injured or even dead. It was for that reason that he was currently stationed in Granite Cave, which had become a mini warzone in it's own right. With people on both factions fighting to control it to prevent the other side from reaching the rift. So currently Amor was doing his part, he was on his fourth, or fifth team of Pokemon now. They were progressively getting weaker as he didn't spend as much time with all of his pokemon as he should, and he was planning on rectifying that mistake after this event. However that didn't diminish their strength in the slightest to him.

They would make due with the resources that they had, that was what they always did. So with the sounds of battle echoing around him, he took a moment to catch his breath, and that is when he saw her. It was the red haired woman he had fought with on Mt. Pyre. Well fought with was perhaps not the right term, they had clashed, but she had let him pass by as long as he promised to harm her precious councilwoman. This time it would seem that she was the one going to have to get past him, and despite his current relationship with , Amor did take a moment to appreciate the buxom red heads form for a second.

"Unfortunately my birthday has already passed Ms. Red, so I don't require your services today." Came the robotic voice from underneath his helm. "So if you could just leave, I would like to avoid an actual altercation with you this time, as payback for our previous meeting." Though if he was being fair he would just let her pass like she had let him. Though they had battled first, so it wasn't all that easy.

"But something tells me, you aren't going to accept that are you?" He said with an internal sigh, and external chuckle already preparing for what he knew was coming. Last time he had just cut the straps off of her armor, and he had gotten a gash across his chest for playing nice with her. This time he would just slice her clothes off, and make her fight in a very uncomfortable clothing environment.

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
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Kyrenai Black
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 3:49:54 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
When she sees the most familiar set of armour rise in front of her, Kyrenai cannot help herself. The laughter spilling from her lips is genuine, as if someone just told her the joke of the century. The assassin allows herself the reprise, the irony of the situation almost exactly opposite to what had transpired at Mt. Pyre, their roles reversed in full. It amuses her to no end, and she knows the man before her will not attack her merely because he can. A single clash -even if she'd see it as a mockery moreso than a proper meeting of swords- was all it took to see the man's honor.

When her fit of laughter fades, she wipes a stray tear from her eye. "You're still on about that?" she coughs, clearing her throat from the last remaining giggles stuck in its depths. "Sorry, but no. Even if it was your birthday, I wouldn't entertain you like that." Kyrenai shakes her head, hand resting on her sword. "We both know I need to be on the other side, so I'll have to disappoint once more in regards to a peaceful retreat."

And then she smiles.

"But I'll give you the honors on how we'll clash this time... fair warning, I did come prepared this time." The assassin taps her attire. "Not planning on letting you repeat the same farce twice."

- outfit
- PD Mission Participation (50MP) || IC Post: 10MP (10MP)
- In Kyr's mind, this situation is hilarious
- A challenger approaches

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 20:29:57 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
The man in armor just sighed a bit, no one ever took him up on his offer, but she apparently was going to let him decide how they did this. It was nice of her, but he had no intention of holding back. While his most powerful team was resting from their battle with , and , Amor had no shortage of Pokemon that could make someone's life absolutely miserable. It was a hobby of his to build Pokemon in ways that made them difficult to defeat in one on one situations. And if she was going to let him dictate the rules of engagement of course he was going to put up a set of rules that favored him.

"How about single battle? We go until one of us is out of usable pokemon, or retreats. Deal?" This time he didn't feel like crossing blades with anyone. had asked him to show mercy to others, and while he hadn't planned to go on a rampage of any kind, he would at least stick to just regular pokemon battles. Besides after Mt. Pyre, he was still recovering somewhat from being sundered by a literal God.

Whether she accepted the rules of engagement or not, he would toss a Pokeball into the air, and a Cinderace would appear in a flash of white light. This would be the Pokemon he used to set the tone for the rest of the battle with her, and if she wasn't prepared, it was fully capable of taking out entire teams on it's own. It could be considered one of his "Ace" pokemon.

"I do hope you won't hate me after this...." Came the robotic voice as he flashed her a hidden smile, that was wholly unnecessary.

Cinderace - Male - Libero - Pyro Ball / Iron Head / Scorching Sands / Electro Ball / Acrobatics / Trailblaze

Seraphim summons his Cinderace

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
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Kyrenai Black
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 22:25:16 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
She nodded knowingly as he brought forth the rules to their opposed clash, mayhaps even the subtlest of smiles. Oddly, the assassin was fine with keeping blades sheathed and having their pokémon do the talking for them. Single combat, have them clash as true warriors would. And she for one knew who to pitch against his, no matter who he called on.

So, when the Cinderace came forth, along with the distorted, robotic itteration of his voice, she didn't blink.

Instead, she frowned, tilting her head with a questioning gaze. "And why would I hate you?"

She'd find out eventually, this she knew with a certainty, but unless he was about to do something utmost atrocious-- and believe it when she said she knew atrocious, she highly doubted it. Miffed, at best. Proud, if her own soldier could withstand the foe Seraphim had decided for him. But the man, for now, had all but done anything to earn her ire.

"Well, seeing as I ushered in the challenge...," her voice trailed off, and from her belt a red beam shot forth, taking the form of a small, fiery chimp. As it popped into existence it cried out eagerly, and quickly twisted its head back towards Kyrenai, who nodded.

Cin had never seen true battle before, so bringing him along was, and effectively using him in this situation was... foolish. But it was how she'd been taught as well. The world was a hard place, and although she would not let its life be endangered, to have her Chimchar taste the bitter medicine that was combat this way. Cruel. But necessary. She knew he would learn quickly, however.

"Your move."

Cin eyed the Cinderace expectantly, not in the slightest bit afraid of something he perhaps should have been afraid of.

Cin - Chimchar/male - Blaze - Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Acrobatics, Swift, Nasty Plot, Tackle

- outfit
- PD Mission Participation (50MP) || IC Post: 10MP (20MP)
- Calls forth Chimchar
- Ends Turn

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 11:45:41 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
She sent out a Chimchar....Against his Cinderace. There was a frown on his face that was only hidden by his helmet. He expected her to use her Tyranitar, or one of the other strong pokemon she had up her sleeve from their last bout, but no....A Chimchar....

"I....Am disappointed." He just let a sigh leave his lips, but if that is how she wanted to play then he would do his very best to oblige her. After all he was nothing if not a gentlemen. "Scorching Sands." He gave the command, and the crown on his Cinderace's head began to glow a dull green signifying that it was using ground type power, but that wasn't all. Thanks to it's special ability, it's type had changed to ground as well, so the attack would deal even more damage. So his Cinderace jumped into the air, and when it landed created a ball of sand, at which it then kicked at the Chimchar full force.

The fact that the Chimchar was willing to entertain this challenge only showed a lack of experience on it's part, but it would learn today that ignorance was in fact, not bliss.

"If you're using this as a training exercise for your little Pokemon, I would urge you to try, and take this more seriously at the very least, because once it suffers this crushing defeat. It won't recover." When you crushed something's spirit as thoroughly as he was about to, you had to understand all the risks that entailed with being the one who was getting crushed. This could severely damage the psyche of her Chimchar, pitting it up against an opponent it stood no chance at defeating even on it's best day.

But Amor wasn't it's trainer, and thus he had no room to dictate how others decided to use their pokemon. Though he wouldn't get blamed if this backfired on her.

Cinderace uses Scorching Sands!
Cinderace changes types to Ground thanks to Libero!
Amor is flabberghasted, but is going to crush her nonetheless.

MP Total
IC Post x3 - 30

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
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Kyrenai Black
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 14:36:11 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
"What now? Sulking because I'm not throwing out the big guns?" The way she says it sounds almost mocking, but the look on her face, the grin playing on it is a knowing one. Sure, she knew her Chimchar stood no chance, but that did not mean they had to downplay the worth of the little chimp. It's tenacity was second to none, even for one so young; and up until now she'd not seen its fighting spirit broken.


Mayhaps that was the catch. It had fought her Hydreigon head-on many a time, never wavering even when it got clobbered, but that too had never been a proper fight, rather the dragon trying to reprimand and temper Cin's hotheadedness. In the end, it had changed nothing.

"Be that as it may, I wouldn't worry that pretty little head of yours about the seriousness of this fight. Nor the perseverance of Cin. He will fight, and he will learn. The hard way, if need be." There's something hard in her eyes when she says the latter. Like it was the only way she would perceive things to turn out. To learn was to get beaten and rise from the ashes.

When the incoming Scorching Sands neared, Kyrenai exhaled, her eyes fixated on the entire picture instead of solely her Chimchar. "Cin," her voice is commandeering, calling the chimp to attention immediately. At least that had improved. "Dodge it with Acrobatics, but stay on your toes."

And the Chimchar follows suit, waiting for the ball of sand to reach it; it jumps, only narrowly dodging the attack as he sails over it. But its jump is too unbridled, leaving it airborne far longer than intended. She sees it happen but says nothing to correct the chimp, leaving it to fend with its instincts for now.

- outfit
- PD Mission Participation (50MP) || IC Post: 10MP (30MP)
- Kyrenai is slowly slipping on her mask
- Cin dodges the Scorching Sands
- Miscalculated its dodge and is still sailing through the air

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 15:02:17 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
She gave a rather droll explanation of her choice of partner, but he remained unconvinced So when it dodged by leaping into the air, Amor just sighed again.

"Acrobatics." Came the order as his own Cinderace leapt into the air after the little monkey, the crest between it's ears changing to a light blue color as it soared. The little monkey had stayed up there for to long, and so Cinderace was hoping to take advantage of that, by kicking it back down to the earth. The little pokemon was obviously out of it's depth, but that didn't mean Amor was going to hold back on it, and neither would his Pokemon.

"Whatever floats your boat Red." He said simply obviously bored of this particular battle already, it was no fun when you already knew the outcome. "I haven't had an actual proper challenge at all today, and when I saw you I thought, 'finally someone worth my time'. But c'est la vie as they say." The man in armor grumbled as he sat down on a nearby rock, and folded his arms. He kept his eye on the battle hoping that something intriguing would happen, but he doubted it.

Cinderace chases after Chimchar with an Acrobatics of it's own!
Cinder ace becomes a flying type with Libero!
Amor grumps more, and sits down!

MP Total
IC Post x4

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
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Kyrenai Black
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 20:00:36 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
To counter Acrobatics with Acrobatics was perhaps the worst outcome for the little chimp, who started flailing as Amor's Cinderace drew near, kicking it back down. Cin plummeted into the ground, the rocky surface creating even more damage than before. Much to her own surprise the fire chimp still managed to struggle back to its feet, albeit barely, and growled at the Cinderace, baring its fangs.

"Atta boy, now use-"

She didn't have to say more. Cin took matters into its own hands, somehow angered by the display, and launched a flamethrower at its opponent in what Kyrenai could only describe as wild fury. She sighed, Seraphim's robotic voice speaking in the background. When she focused back on him she saw him flop down into a seated position, his body-language speaking for itself.

"My god, you are sulking!" she exclaimed, her voice shifting from surprised disbelief to another set of laughter.

It was rather adorable to see the otherwise stoic, armored man pouting -she couldn't see, but she was fairly certain he was pouting- like a miffed youngster. Adorable, and it cracked her up. "Can't always have what we want, now can we? But tell you what, next time I'll bring out the big guns. Just for you." she gave the man a teasing wink.

- outfit
- PD Mission Participation (50MP) || IC Post: 10MP (40MP)
- Cin gets smacked, but survives, a mere poke away from fainting
- Angry Flamethrower (tm)
- Kyrenai's amused by Seraphim's pouting

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 20:31:47 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

This fight was over already there was no merit in it for him, even if saw it as him defeating the bodyguard of a councilwoman....Essentially his Pokemon was picking on something far inferior than itself, and that annoyed him. So yes he was pouting, even as the Flamethrower went off, his Cinderace was already moving again, the crest between it's ears glowing that familiar green color as it became a ground-type once more through the use of Libero, and then it kicked another powerful ball of Scorching Sand at the Chimchar through the Flamethrower. Whether that finished the battle or not, it didn't matter he was annoyed beyond belief.

With a whistle his Cinderace simply leapt to his side, he wasn't going to keep up this farce.

"Whatever." Was all the annoyed robotic voice said before the pair simply vanished deeper into the cave, probably heading for the rift within to find something worth their time. A snort of derision as he didn't even deign to answer her further.

Cinderace counters the Flamethrower with a Scorching Sands!
Cinderace becomes a Ground Type!
Amor leaves super annoyed!
We can conclude here, and get the MP!

MP Total
IC Post x5 - 50
Participation - 50
Completing a Mission - 100
"Winning" a mission - 200
KOing an enemy pokemon - 10

Grand Total: 410

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played by


December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
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Kyrenai Black
Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 21:36:16 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Cin's Flamethrower hit nothing but air, and the time it needed to react was enough for the Cinderace's Scorching Sands to hit it square in the face. It cried out, leaving it Ko'd on the floor once the smoke and debris cleared. Kyrenai watched carefully at the outcome she'd forseen; still, now she knew how Cin reacted in an actual battle-- it's defeat had not been for naught.

She could hear the man snort in contempt at the display as he left, not even bothering a reply to anything she said. It bothered the assassin rather little, who instead focused on the downed chimp and gently pat its back as she picked it up. At the very least she now had free passage, at the cost of another defeat in battle. She cared little for that prestige, gently craddling the Chimchar as she made her was further down the cave as well. Seraphim was gone, and her passage secured.

That was all that mattered.

- outfit
- Chimchar faints
- Kyrenai thinks little of Seraphim's annoyance and goes her merry way

MP total;
- 50 MP for PD Mission Participation
- 50 MP for IC Posts (10 MP x5)
- 100 MP for Mission Completion
- 50 MP for KO'd pokémon
- 300 MP for losing a PD mission
=> 550 MP

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October 13
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Saucy Red Head (Postdormitum/Cave)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 23:37:37 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



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