Unfortunate Circumstances

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 17
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 2, 2023 2:40:22 GMT
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That had been a mess. While he had beaten up more grunts, Aaron hadn't had anything else more challenging. And yet...his stomach churned. He had a very bad feeling about what might have happened. But considering the revelation that was a part of Rocket, and another unfortunate soul was also sucked up into them...just soo many different kinds of victims. Worse yet, how they kept their victims in line. But there were...circumstances. With Eris, it was her life. With the woman scientist, it was the threat against her family. And maybe more. He had already put her contact details in his phone, and had sent a text asking if she was free and in the Dewford vacinity.

He was in the ocean at the moment, in a rental inner tube. Wearing black and violet swim trunks and that was it. Perhaps it was because of how nervious he was in trying to meet a known Rocket member, but his left eye was blue instead of amber this time. And his "Yuki" "tattoo" and its inky black lines stemming from the kanji just seemed so much darker than before. Jellicent was nearby, keeping him from drifting too far. On the beach, his Trevenant, the same one that he used in the Ultra Deep Sea, and Dragapult were playing around. Togademaru, Durant, and Bisharp were making a sandcastle. A rather large one at that. From where he could see, his Trevenant reacted first to a figure coming in. With a wave, Aaron knew it was her, and thus started to swim back to shore. Once there, he plopped the inner tube next to his chair and umbrella, a couple of coolers nearby. "Care to join me? Oh, my name is Aaron Toral. And I got food if you're hungry."

They never introduced themselves. But considering the circumstances, why would they? Aaron had some good food in the coolers, sandwiches mostly, but with cooked meat that he did himself. Along with plenty of sides, including chips and a homemade dip that he learned from his mom, roasted potatoes, a generic salad with his own made dressing, roasted veggies, and a rice dish with bits of onions, peppers, and broccoli. And none needed to be warmed up at all to be good. He was quite the cook, even at his young age. His mom was really proud of him for that...even if his reason was completely selfish.

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July 17
Driftveil City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 0:00:01 GMT
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It had been nothing short of an experience since stepping foot into Ultra Space. The exact moment that Soyeon had stepped foot outside, she was bombarded by requests for her to divulge her findings to her superiors. Of course, much to her surprise, she was told her findings and reports were serviceable (the Rocket equivalent of saying she had done a good job) and then proceeded to unwind. She took leave and wandered towards Dewford when her phone had received a message from the boy that she had met further inside of the Ultra Space. Of course, like any good bookworm, she had done some research on him as she tried to look up any pertinent information regarding him in the Rocket database. There wasn't a lot to go off of, other than a general file about appearance, height feature and such. But at least she had a name.

The hour came as Soyeon wandered onto the beach that they had agreed to meet up on. It was a little awkward to be meeting a child like this, especially a League affiliated one as a Rocket member, though thankfully it wasn't widely known at this point. She came dressed in a bathing suit hidden underneath a sleeveless summer blouse that exposed her shoulders mixed with a floral skirt and sandals. In her hands was a small baby Bulbasaur, an egg she had been caring for since discovering it near the roads off of Lilycove abandoned. It was carefully curled inside of her arms as she was careful not to let it wander off or get into any trouble. Admittedly, it was her first time caring for a Pokemon like this. Usually she worked with others given to her usually stolen or granted, and would treat them as her own. Although Ferrous had been with her since she was a child, poor Proto had been bobbing in and out computers at work before she managed to catch it.

The coarse sand felt inviting against her feet as she blushed a tad. She must have looked so pale compared to most other people present. But Soyeon pushed that out of her mind while casting her gaze out on the water as a familiar shape waved to her. She offered a wave back in return as he swam back out towards shore. She dropped her belt containing her Pokeballs out as her Porygon2 and Metagross would be free to wander about and enjoy some time off. The steel type hummed and went to play with the sand as the Porygon2 was curious about the water and carefully bobbed his head inside. The woman sat down carefully near the umbrella as Aaron plopped his inner tube down and would invite her to join him. She smiled, nodding her head quietly. "It would be my pleasure. I am a bit peckish." She'd wait for him to settle himself down before the woman would look out at his party currently enjoying the beach trip. Once she'd get a sandwich, Soyeon would sigh. "I apologize for what happened in the Ultra Space. The data information that had been downloaded wasn't anything important, just readings and survey reports based on unusual activity. But I was curious, what were you doing down there?" Soyeon asked. "You're so young to be exploring down there like that."

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 2:09:13 GMT
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Again, she had that baby Bulbasaur with her. And an egg. Well, as long as she didn't try to cook it, sure, keep it with her. After getting all the containers out along with a tray for each person, he started chowing down. She definitely seemed so much more relaxed. Good. Though it wouldn't be long before things got a little heavy. He waved away the apology. "Don't worry about it. Not your fault. Coercion or debt collection or both are strong motivators. They did threaten your family." That was how they trapped her. With Eris, it was by playing into "hey, we saved you, so you owe us" mentallity. Disgusting. Anyways, she basically just admitted what the download was about and asked what he was doing down there.

"I wasn't down there by choice this time. Even if I did run into one of my consistant travel partners during this. I was just sucked up into it when the hole expanded. I was exploring it with a professor, a gym leader, and one other. And for the record, I have four gym badges. And you saw that I was wiping the floor with you, even if you were providing a lot more resistance than anyone else I've encountered. Minus my friend. I may be fourteen, but I'm no slouch. Hell, my Trevenant there fought toe to toe with 's Hitmonchan before we really started travelling. I even took down several Rockets at Littleroot during Meteno, even if they all were cowards and managed to escape my grasp. I'm still annoyed by that. Anyways, please don't act like my parents and completely underestimate me. It's tiresome enough with them. Age means nothing in a Pokemon Battle."

When will the adults in his life realize that? Anyways, he did have one little bit of morbid curiosity. "Does Rocket have a database entry on me? And if so, what is it?" Only recently had he actually been taking an effort to screwing with their plans. So probably not much, but he still expected a decent amount. It's not like he kept his accomplishments to himself, and his family was easy to find...

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July 17
Driftveil City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 3, 2023 9:49:10 GMT
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Soyeon broke off smaller pieces of her sandwich for Vacoule, the baby Bulbasaur taking a few bites every now and again with one hand as Soyeon's free one had been holding the main part of the sandwich. "You're quite the chef." she mused, chuckling to herself. "I usually order takeout for those late nights, so this is a nice change of pace. I may have to spend more time with you if you can cook this well." She ate quietly and listened to Aaron explain why he was down there. It must have been the worst kind of luck to be minding your own business and then thrown into a wormhole that had appeared from nowhere. At least, if what he claimed he did held any value, there was no doubt Aaron could take care of himself. Minus the touchy part of her question, Soyeon frowned as the kid kind of overwhelmed her a little as she looked away. "I'm not underestimating you, far from it." she began, "I'm only asking because of the severity of the situation in Ultra Space. I didn't see any other teenagers in there besides you. But please, just be careful in the future. I work with people that will do anything to win, and not everybody in Rocket is going to play by the rules like I did in our fight. I don't reserve any assumptions about your skill because of your age, but I would be lying if I said that it could get you in trouble some day." Oh the wonders of teenagers and their youthful arrogance!

She turned back to the boy as he asked her about if he had a file in Rocket. A pretty understandable question while the woman took a chunk of sandwich for herself and answered after swallowing. "Just a basic profile. It shows what dates you interacted with Rocket members, known Pokémon, what you've done and such. Usually the higher ups of the League like gym leaders, ranger captains, those kinds of things, get the super detailed profiles." The woman smirked at the younger boy, leaning back in her seat. "If you keep up the good work, maybe one day you'll get a database entry that needs clearance to read like them. But before you ask for anything more, I can't tell you anything specific or leak anything to you. Not without arousing suspicion on my end."

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 5, 2023 2:20:17 GMT
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Even the Bulbasaur seemed to enjoy his food. Well, he wasn't too surprised. One of Andy's Espurr, or maybe it was Hideo's? Also liked his cooking. "I'm perfectly willing to teach. I learned from the best." Namely his mother. And watching videos and taking some actual cooking lessons to broaden his horizens. It was one of the few things he liked doing outside of Pokemon battling and related activities. She frowned and looked away, claiming she wasn't underestimating him. And what she encountered. Or didn't. "There was at least two more. Both friends of mine and both younger than me. But I'd be surprised if there was another hanging around the area." And who knows just how many people got involved.

But there was more there. "I am well aware, thank you very much, of the lengths Rocket will go. In the end, the outcome will be determined the skills of both myself and whoever I fight. Whether they or I abide by traditional rules or not. Being strong and not needing to be is better than being weak, and needing to be strong in that moment. Sorry, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree there." He may have winged it at Littleroot, and forced to do so here, but if he planned on taking on someone specific, he was meticulous and planned ahead.

Although...he was a little disappointed at the lack of anything on him. "Well, I guess I did only get in the way a couple of times, and not doing anything major. Still disappointing. Not that it would take much to find out anything about me or my family. I'm not terribly worried...just my oldest brother really. Everyone else are accomplished trainers in their own rights." Even if Keenan only had a single gym badge. "Not that I could do anything with it. Passing it on won't mean squat since I'm just a kid. And agism is quite a thing, knows and warned me about it when I inquired about becoming a gym leader. Still, I understand and didn't really expect much." Heck, he'd half expect to be laughed out of the room if he relayed any information. Even if it sounded reliable.

After a little more eating, he did get ask another question. "So how did you get mixed up and forced into working with Rocket? My friend got saved by them when a League Official tried to kill her." And oh boy did he have a target on that douchebag...

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July 17
Driftveil City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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soyeon kwan
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 5, 2023 4:39:51 GMT
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Learning how to cook would be pretty beneficial all around. Soyeon thought about the offer, handing the rest of her sandwich to the Bulbasaur as he would happily show his pleasure for the snack. "I may have to take you up on that offer if this is just your skills at sandwiches. Know any other dishes?" She teased while he would go on about his record for mucking around with Rocket. Soyeon did have to admit, it was a pretty risky move for his age, but as long as he wasn't destroying her hard work or anything, she would be fine. The conversation wasn't going anywhere, and for as much as Aaron could brag, it wasn't changing the fact that what he was doing was dangerous. She mentally groaned, crossing her arms while the woman pinched the bridge of her nose, perhaps a little trick she picked up would help.

"I see." she said as Aaron talked about something else. He seemed a little disappointed in the fact his file was so barren, but she had a good idea that it would grow if he kept trying to play with fire. "So you want to become a gym leader, but got denied because you were too young? Is that right?" Soyeon asked. "I'm sorry that you were rejected. Maybe there's something that you can show the League or whoever that you're more than capable of the position? I could even lend some assistance should you need any." In reality, Soyeon knew full well why they wouldn't just hand over a gym to any teenager without a damn good reason. It was not only a huge commitment that few adults could even handle, but teenagers should be out enjoying life rather than going on vendetta filled trips against something. He definitely seemed the type to really be somebody worth testing others prowess on the field, but maturity wise? So far, he was a bit bratty but not too overbearing. Soyeon couldn't help but grow a bit envious of not having siblings like that to really be annoyed by.

Of course, she wasn't going to tell him that. He'd eventually calm down and figure out things on his own.

Things went back into how she came to work at Rocket as Soyeon sighed, looking out to the sea. The same story once more, from the top. "When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Professor. Somebody that was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. I studied, read books well out of my age range, placed in honors level classes, I wanted it more than anything. But when I got a telescope as a gift from a friend, I wanted to touch space one day. Be where no other humans have ever gone." Soyeon smiled a little as her Metagross had been busy fighting with Krabbys over taking up too much space in the sand, while Proto remained busy resting on top of the umbrella. The Porygon2 darted around the beach as it had found a stray beach ball to play with.

"But my parents had worked long hours just to keep a roof over our heads. So when it came time for life after high school, it seemed like the end of the line for me. I would be stuck at a dead end job while my classmates went to university and lived the dream. Then, one day, a man claiming to be from the school approached me with an offer I could refuse. I could attend school and pay it off. They even would help me with projects and things. So I went and studied in the Sciences. I wanted to become a Professor, but the man had forced me to go into astronomy. I graduated four years later and then woke up to find a group of Rockets crashing down my front door. The man I had signed a deal with was a member of Rocket, and he had recruited me solely to staff the Uriel Program. When I refused, he threatened my family. He said they would suffer if I didn't follow through. And so, I went with him. I didn't really have any choice. My parents don't know, and I'm too afraid to face them. I would rather die than let them know their daughter is a Rocket member, even if under duress."

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 7, 2023 21:53:00 GMT
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"I know a lot. Even enough amount ingredients that I can usually whip something tasty up. I can write down some basic reciipes for something if you'd like. I just need to know what you do like." His mom was never a fan of the same old things day in and out. She liked variety. And Aaron liked that too. And he didn't mind sharing what he learned. She just needed to let him know of her preferences.

Oh boy, he thought she probably misinterpreted what he had said. But he was polite and let her finish. "I can't be denied if I haven't submitted an application. Sorry, I should have clarified. I hope to be one one day. But I do know that they don't just hand those out easily, let alone a teenager. That's why I'm doing the gym challenge. Well, it's not the only reason, but getting through that and becoming a champion will certainly make the League think on me." The other reason included showing his parents that he didn't need to be protected. Even if his mom did soften up a little bit.

Soyeon started to go into detail. Her alarm bells should have been going off when that guy approached her, especially with an offer like that. Not that it would have mattered much...she would have been forced one way or another. In the end, Aaron couldn't blame her too much. "That's harsh. But it's also Rocket for you. They found someone with talent and groomed you. Then when you learned everything you needed to, they struck and forced your hand. Can't blame you too much given the circumstances. Your parents probably wouldn't be able to escape at all, even if they did know. I wish I knew something or someone that could help..." His brows furrowed as he thought about it. But he had no idea. They all would have to leave and be uprooted. And he didn't have enough faith in the League to pull something like that off.

"My friend is in there as well. Though because a League official went after her. She...feels indebted to them. It really sucks knowing she's in there because of them. I'm trying to piece together what happened...but it may take a while." It may be bad PR for the League, but damn it, they needed to be better than Rocket! They simply can't have someone like that in their employ. He only hoped that there was enough information out there, and enough credibility behind it, that 's misdeeds will not only be punished, but he will be expelled out of the League for it. But that was also only half the problem...

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July 17
Driftveil City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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soyeon kwan
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 10, 2023 7:00:29 GMT
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"Ah, my mistake. You would definitely be a good gym leader when you're older if you keep at it." Soyeon said, grinning at Aaron as she'd shift around on the sand, looking back out at the Pokemon wandering, floating and playing about. She envied how carefree they could bee, her own worries bleeding into life so much that Soyeon had often found it so hard to really just quell those voices in her head whispering about her own life thus far. "You know, I did acquire some new Pokemon since we've met." she said to Aaron, setting Vacoule down as the baby Bulbasaur began to explore the sandy beach by digging inside of the sand. "If you're looking for a rematch, I could use some help with trainer battles. This time without any distractions or anything."

He did seem to understand her plight, even if it was a little blunt. "It's alright. I've learned there's really not any point in looking for hope where there is none. All I can really do is to just work hard enough that I forget what it is I'm there for. Not really any point in fighting against what I can't win."

But then he'd talk about his friends he mentioned before. The one that had been trapped in Rocket like her. It was surprising to see that a League official had been the one to make the other kid feel like she needed to be in Rocket. The newsflash didn't really phase her any, not after her brief stint in Ultra Space. "It doesn't surprise me. Most people don't really care about a random person's reasons for being League or Rocket affiliated. We're just slaves to our preconceptions and instincts, after all. It's what makes us the same as any other living thing in this world. I've sort of learned that people will always take precedent over a faction or organization any day, to me at least. I've met a lot of people in Rocket. People who aren't totally evil or in it for a cause. Just because they desire something that Rocket can provide. It's most likely the same way with the League. I can try and assist you in searching for a way to help your friend to the best of my ability, but again, I can only do so much."

She smiled a little sympathetically as Aaron in her own little awkward way, though she'd follow this up by reaching for another sandwich or drink. "What I can do is offer you a friend. It's not much, and you probably have more interesting people than me, but you're a good kid. If you ever need a place to stay or somebody to talk with, I'll be open. I have a small apartment in Dewport that you can use if you're ever in need of a bed."

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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 12, 2023 1:11:56 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron's Pokemon were all mostly minding their own business or inviting the others to join. Trevenant was watching the Bulbasaur closely though, when it started to wander off. Always the responsible one. Soyeon did offer some potential training if Ace wanted a rematch. "I'm always up for a fight. I got four with me that I haven't used or trained much. Or spent much time in general, hence why we were out here. While I do have some mixed feelings, I don't mind helping you out. If it'll let you survive and only if you hide your strength. So when or if the opportune moment comes that you can save your family and yourself, or Eris and whatever true friends you have made, no one will expect it." And hopefully she'd be able to fully utilize the surprise to her advantage. Aaron was sure that was part of why he was able to beat so easily. Well, not completely easily, there could have been more than a few ways for his plan to fail.

She seemed hopeless. That kind of rose his hackles a bit. When there's a will, there's a way. "Don't give up hope. I'd agree that there isn't any point to fighting against what you can't win, but sometimes you just have to bide your time. Let them get sloppy. Plan and research. Continue to do your role. One day, they'll screw up. And badly enough that you may just be able to take advantage. When there's a will, there's a way. It won't be easy. But isn't fighting better than just lying down and accepting whatever fate that comes across you? I'll admit, maybe I'm just too much of a fighter to think about giving up so easily..." He had greater resolve and willpower than most people.

Then the researcher commented on Eris's own predicament, not being at all surprised. "That's true. It's always in the back of my mind that not every Rocket is evil, but just the same, not every League official is a saint. It just doesn't really hit home until you come across it. That'd be appreciated. Or at the least, find out who else in Rocket that she trusts and seem to be close friends with. Just don't do anything risky. Or anything that you're uncomfortable with doing..." He didn't want her to be sticking her neck out for him or Eris...two strangers to her. Clearly, this lady was a gem.

He did kind of had to snort a little bit at the good kid part. "I don't know about that. I accidentally stabbed my friend in Ultra Space when I tried to target her supervisor. I've smashed fingers to find out information about a guy's buddies purposely desecrating Pokemon graves, and started doing the same to a Rocket grunt in Ultra Space, too. I'm perfectly fine and willing going farther than any kid would want to go. I'm not a good kid.

I also don't know about you being uninteresting. is a blind trainer and friend, and almost has eight badges already. is a former gym leader and military guy, despite his young age. You're a scientist researching one of the most bizzare things the world has known, even if partially under duress. That's really cool in its own right."
He'd done plenty of morally questionable things, even if he had pure intentions. But some of it...maybe he had a little too much pleasure and fun in smashing some guy's fingers for desecrating graves...

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July 17
Driftveil City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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soyeon kwan
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 1:23:09 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
"That sounds perfect actually." Soyeon smiled at the younger boy. "I could use the practice in all honesty. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve this time, so I'll have to warn you that it won't be so easy this time." She said in a friendly taunting way to him. She was excited at the prospect of seeing a battle for real. While she was normally averse to battle at the worry of her Pokemon getting hurt, she did want to maybe teach Aaron that appearances weren't everything. Or maybe she was trying to prove herself to somebody half her own age.

At his little inspirational speech to keep trying, she did understand his point of view and how valiant he fought to get what he wanted. But she was much too beaten down to really even think about it. Still, some part of her did resonate with what Aaron said. She wanted to break free and run away. Just go back home and see her parents and apologize for everything she did. He could maybe see the inner conflict she was going through. The hands gripping the sandwich shaking while her expression was one of worry. After a moment of silence, she'd nod and just continue eating with an earnest, "I'll think about it." His friend, Eris, on the other hand, she would have to do some digging. Maybe trying to meet and befriend her to hear her side of what happened. It sickened her to no end that Rocket would stoop so low as to entangle literal children in their schemes. She grit her teeth as the fire in her eyes burned. "If you fine the person responsible for this before I do..." Soyeon said, turning to Aaron. "Please...don't hold back."

Then he went on to contest that he was a good kid, listing everything that he had done to people, both willing and accidental. It was a bit graphic and somewhat worrying if any parent would hear about what he had been up to. Despite being strangers, she did have a pretty big heart for a Rocket. A blessing and a curse. She'd wait until he finished, chewing on the sandwich she was eating before chiming in. "You're searching for the answers to something bad that happened to your friend. Not for your own reasons but a genuine interest in her well being." Her right index finger rose up in front of him. "You heard me out despite being somebody in your way, spared me and the other scientists." Another finger up. "And despite all of what you've done, you're clearly not some childhood psychopath...At least not yet. Sure you may not see it, but from my perspective, you're somebody I can trust. Maybe to even call a friend." She flashed a smile, holding three fingers up before she'd look back at the smaller boy.

"And besides, somebody has to make sure you won't be getting up to too much trouble."

She listened to his other friends, having grown interested in a blind trainer. She didn't know that they could exist and thrive with almost 8 full gym badges, but weirder things have happened, after all. Who was she to judge when she barely knew how to even fight in the first place? "It sounds like you've met some interesting people. I can't say the same for myself, without mentioning you, that is~"
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July 17
Olivine City
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON May 27, 2023 1:21:40 GMT
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That was good. Hopefully it'll be a good match. Durant, Bisharp, Togedamaru, and Cursola were in for the fight. Cursola just wanted to stay in her ball, so she wasn't out like the other five he had with him. As for the one responsible..."Considering who she mentioned, I'd be a fool to hold back." Elite Four member, after all. They definitely don't just hand those titles out for fun.

He wasn't convinced by her comment. "If you don't grow a spine, you're going to end up regretting it. They're a chain around your neck that'll only get heavier. Please do more than just think about it. I don't want whatever training I'll help you with go to waste..." Hard work was good and all, but it only mattered if you actually applied it. Perhaps that's why he loved Pokemon battling so much...you could see the hard work both you and your Pokemon in play.

He was about to counter her answer until she put up an index finger, instinctively making him quiet until she was finished. Aaron couldn't help but notice that she said nothing about the desecrated graves and his using a mallet to crush fingers. He did end up letting off a very mild chuckle about the trouble part. "Since I'm able to roam around, my parents can't keep me on a leash, my big brother is in support of me going my own way, and I don't see enough for him to keep me out of trouble either. He can't keep Eris or Hideo out of trouble, let alone me. Not that he tries to, he's a very cool guy. What makes you think you can?" He leaned back on his arms, legitimately amused with the tiniest of grins on his face.

He'd end up blushing lightly, but otherwise still challenged her to trying to keep him from getting into too much trouble.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 23:06:26 GMT
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Soyeon wanted to fight, she really did. But after everything: the hope of reaching a dream long-lost only to be crushed before her eyes, working for Rocket under duress and every little moment of threat or danger in between. Any hope of getting out seemed pointless. Sure, she'd escape and get to safety, but her parents would pay the price of doing so. Still, even as the woman's expression soured in a look of uncertainty, Aaron could still see that glimmer of defiance in her eyes. The desire to break free and escape from this position she had been inside.

"I'll try to keep up the good fight. But I can only do so much." Soyeon told the boy, glancing over at her two Pokémon on her team that were currently enjoying their day in the sun. She envied their ability to relax despite their many hardships. "You know, Ferrous and Proto aren't even my Pokémon. That's my Metagross and my Porygon2 respectively. Ferrous was just a Beldum that they were experimenting on before I asked for a steel type for a personal project. That being getting him out of that program. Ever since, he's been my first Pokémon I've ever had." She smiled at Aaron, the Metagross currently stomping around in the sand. "I found his owner that he was taken from and tried to return him, but he refused to go home with them. I don't really understand why he never did, but regardless, he's been a big help. Proto was just a Porygon that had come out of my work station. He stuck around after eating my food I left out overnight and stayed willingly."

It was strange, a Rocket befriending her main staples of her team to stay willingly as opposed to just capturing them like normal.

At Aaron challenging her further to stay out of trouble, she grinned in return and continued this little charade back and forth. "Oh, I can do something worse. If you get into too much trouble, I'll raise the security clearance on your Rocket file and change your status so that if you even step into a Pokemart, there will be Rocket agents watching you. That's why I'm so evil~ Ohohoho~" Of course, Soyeon wouldn't go that far to ensuring that this child wasn't getting himself maimed when she couldn't keep an eye on him. She barely had the clearance to use the good restrooms at base on a good day. To emphasis this, she gave out her best impression of an evil laugh before coming back down from her joyous little threat.

"But whenever you're ready, we can begin. Would you want to do a two-on-two or a traditional battle?"

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 18:59:47 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
"That's why you wait for the right moment. Kind of like battling a Pokemon who has the type advantage. Sometimes you have to wait for the opportune moment to strike with your best move or whatever move that can send the trainer into a panic because it's bad news or catch them by surprise. If you gotta give yourself a peptalk every morning, do so. Do what you can, but don't fight hard if at all if you feel like the moment isn't right. Listen to your gut. You'd be surprised how often it works." Hopefully his pep talk will help. You've got to grab life by the balls if you want to get ahead. And work hard to get to where you want to get.

He did find it interesting that her two pokemon weren't initially her's. Soyeon even tried to return the Metagross. Even if it decided to stay, she still tried to do the right thing, and that's what mattered in his mind. He grinned again at her throwing his attitude right back at him. "Please do, I like the attention. And I'll teach them why joining up was a very bad idea~"

Joking aside, she seemed ready to start whenever. Getting up, he stretched. "I don't mind either way. Double battles are tougher to do, so maybe ease yourself into singles first?" Even though when they fought, it was a double battle. With a snap of his fingers, he had Durant and Togedemaru come to his side. So it was whatever she wanted to do.

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July 17
Driftveil City
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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soyeon kwan DOLLARS
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soyeon kwan
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 7:50:36 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
Soyeon frowned as she listened to Aaron's further advice. It was pretty relevant information and she did want to escape, but something was always keeping her here. Maybe it was fear or just a need to continue her work without any roadblocks that the League could impede her with. It was a poisoned chalice of her own volition, one that tasted as good as it looked. But it wasn't until the end that she'd begin to snicker to herself, then letting out some laughter. She laid her back in the shade of their umbrella, closing her eyes as the laughter slowly faltered. "How pathetic am I? Getting advice about how to live my life from somebody half my age." An eye looked over at Aaron with a smirk. One that told him she was taking in his advice, although clearly troubled in how she was going to remove herself from this situation. "I'm old enough to be your older sister, but here you are just telling me how to unfuck my life up." A bit startling language considering her usual prim and proper vocabulary.

She welcomed the resistance from Aaron at least, laughing along with him as she'd crossed her legs underneath the shade. "But if you keep this up, I'll have to make you our number one target if you keep this up." He got up and began to stretch as her eyes went to her newly hatched Bulbasaur. Vacoule was busy digging around in the sand, having uprooted himself from being buried and stomping along. Soyeon let out a sharp whistle as her Pokémon stood at attention, then standing up to do the same as Aaron. "I won't be as hopeless as last time. So this will be a good sign to see if I don't have to worry about you. Even if I still will." she winked, giggling to herself.

"Singles is fine by me. Pick your first Pokémon and I'll choose mine."

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
426 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
Unfortunate Circumstances
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 20:16:14 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
She seemed embarrassed to need advice from someone...half her age? Aaron knew he was short, but surely she wasn't that old? Was she? Hopefully he doens't put his foot in his mouth. "I'm fourteen. I'd be surprised if you were thirty or older." Other than that, he wouldn't rub salt in the wound. And if she was older than he thought, maybe his comment would actually smooth it over since she looked younger than she actually was. He didn't do much aside from giving her a thumbs up sign. He didn't respond to the number one target, he'd just grin and give her a "bring it" sign.

After a bold declaration, she chose her style. In that case..."For the record, I'm a steel and ghost type specialist. Durant, you're up first." Hopping forward, the amored ant chattered his mandibles. He knew their strengths and weaknesses, Durant wasn't particularly fast. And fire type moves were a huge hazard. But his ant did have a very formidable bite. And he waited on her to choose her Pokemon.



it's a long life full of long nights