Into the Unown (S/Nomi)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON May 18, 2023 21:40:06 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
It was frustrating, when every single plan failed so spectacularly that it was like the universe was deliberately spitting in your face. The indignity of it all annoyed him to no end, and so he found himself stalking the halls of the Rocket Base, looking for someone in particular. Of course he drew looks because he was dressed in his cyber tech suit, hiding his visage from those not worthy of knowing who he was. Though at the moment only two people on this sub knew his actual identity. Amor was beginning to think that he was cursed, or that Arceus was actually trying to plot his specific demise.

Everyone he had been working with on certain projects had simply disappeared for one reason or another. Which left him floundering once more, but as always he adapted, and overcame. That is what brought him to the lab today because there was someone on the same level as that he had yet to meet, or talk with. He wanted to rectify that, because they were the one that he needed to convince to help him out with an experiment that he wanted to conduct. Which meant he needed to put his best foot forward.

Stepping into the lab, he hadn't scheduled an appointment, asked if she was free, or anything of the like. In rather barbaric fashion he just waltzed in, and saw her working on something. He wasn't privy to her experiments, so he had absolutely no clue on what she was doing right now, but this was the person that he was looking for.

"Pardon the intrusion Miss Sato....I wanted to make it here before you decided to either defect or take a vacation as well." Some days it felt like Rocket was just holding itself together with duck tape, and rubber bands. How they had managed to make it this far was nothing short of a miracle. "If you would pardon my intrusion, I had come to ask for your help in something." The robotic sounding voice rang out from the featureless helm that obstructed what was beneath, and he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Please for the love of all that is merciful, don't let a bolt of lightning strike her right now...."

He mused to himself internally.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 1:44:20 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

The figure that abruptly entered Nomi's private lab was a jarring one, the grinding of metal-on-metal immediately catching her attention. She looked up, startled. Her Unown-N, Nu, floated quickly forward, putting itself between her and any perceived threats. Its singular eye began to glow softly as if readying a HIDDEN POWER.[break][break]
But then Nomi realized who had entered: while she did not know the man called Seraphim personally, she did know he was a fellow Rocket and not some sudden intruder. She held up her hand, motioning for Nu to relax.[break][break]
"Hello," she greeted Seraphim, nodding her head to him. She set down the test tube she had been measuring and gave him her full attention.[break][break]
"Defect?" she blinked. Did he really think she was at risk of doing that? She narrowed her eyes slightly. "No vacations planned at the moment." She could definitely use one, however. She'd been working many long nights lately, ever since Rocket had acquired the Seal Stone. "In any case, how can I help you?"



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 18:19:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

The narrowing of her eyes at him was not missed, but there was a pattern going on in Rocket right now, and he wanted his bases covered at the very least.

"Well I was wondering, I know we have a full set of those Alphabet guys hanging around....Would you be interested in ripping open a hole in reality? Or failing that attempting to reach Dialga, or Palkia using them?" Amor just lay it all out there in the open, his robotic voice hosting no emotion as he spoke to her. "Of course if you say no, that's fine I get that this is rather far fetched. I just blew up part of a route not that long ago with testing another way to try, and get into contact with Dialga. It of course failed...." It was frustrating to be met with failure so often, but until he was either accepted or rejected, Amor would continue to chase the deity of his homeland.

"And if we fail, it at least will be fun." After all if work wasn't fun, then was it worth doing?

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 19:51:18 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

It was rather jarring speaking with someone who sounded more machine that human, but Nomi did not let her discontent show on her face. Instead, she focused on hearing him out.[break][break]
"Let me get this straight," Nomi began. "You would like to see whether or not the Unown are capable of opening a wormhole that can lead you to the location of Dialga?"[break][break]
It was a rather bold request, to say the least.[break][break]
"We know that the Unown have access to their own, unique dimension. That's primarily how the DRK Triad uses them for travel. But whether or not they can locate a specific legendary Pokémon somewhere in time and/or space, and find a way to them..." She tapped a finger against her chin thoughtfully. "Well, to be frank, I have no idea if it's possible."[break][break]
She gazed at Seraphim. She knew so little about this secretive man. Perhaps through attempting this experiment of his, she would learn more about him - his goals and motivations, who he actually was beneath the metal armor. And if he had interest in contributing to Rocket's scientific research, then who was she to deter him?[break][break]
"Allright, let's find out," she agreed. She did find science fun, after all. No point in having a life passion that was boring. "Wait one moment while I retrieve our Unown."



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2023 19:40:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

When she said it out so plainly in that way it almost made him sound insane, but if you took into account all of his other experiments perhaps that wasn't entirely off the mark. You couldn't be all there in the head if you were literally trying to walk up to God's front door, and knock on it. Amor could flail, and flop on his own all he wanted, but it was getting to the point that he was running out of ideas, collaboration was necessary. He just hoped that the universe didn't yoink this one from him either. So when she vanished to go get the Unown he did his best to mentally recite everything she had just told him.

They could open portals, but she had no idea if they could locate a specific pokemon, or legendary. They were the Dark Triads main mode of transportation which was something he didn't know until right now. So he leaned against the nearby counter, and observed her workspace, to the outside observer he would probably look just like a set piece. While she was gone he mulled over everything that had brought him to this point, maybe if this time didn't work, he would just have to stop searching. A being as powerful as Dialga, and Palkia they would be found if they wanted to be found.

Still he had to try at the very least, it was better than being idle, and doing nothing.

"It is a good lab." came the emotionless, and robotic words as he gazed out over her area. She seemed to at least enjoy research as much as he did, if not more. Part of him wondered what drove her to work with Rocket, and why she researched for them. If she was brilliant enough to become Head Scientist then she must've had other prospect first right?

"Curious." He thought to himself.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2023 19:15:02 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi soon returned with two nondescript briefcases, big enough to house all 28 of Rocket's Unown. She set them down on the lab table and clicked them open: Pokeballs could be seen in neat rows, smooth red and white surfaces shining beneath bright fluorescent lights.[break][break]
"Okay," she said, looking pointedly at Seraphim. "Before we begin, there is something you ought to know."[break][break]
She primly clasped her small hands behind her back and, despite her dainty appearance, gazed at him with a measure of intensity.[break][break]
"A single Unown is rather harmless, no more or less dangerous than any average Pokémon - more so if wild, less so if trained." Nu, her own Unown-N, floated down to her eye level, hovering by her ear. It gazed at Seraphim with its unblinking eye. "Together, however, they can warp the very fabric of reality." She let that sink in, the room going silent for several tense heartbeats.[break][break]
"So when I release these Unown, we need to be very careful with what we request of them, and how we request it. They might be allied with Rocket, but they still deserve our respect. We also need to be clear about what we are trying to do, so that when they act upon our words, they don't accidentally destroy the submarine...or something equally catastrophic."[break][break]
Nomi was practiced with making requests of the Unown, but this was his experiment. She didn't want to steal his thunder, but she also needed to impress upon him just how dangerous working with a collection of Unown could be.[break][break]
"Any questions?"



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 17:30:33 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to her warning drinking in every word that she spoke to him. After all he had no idea about how any of this may work, no clue if it would even work. What he did know was that he wanted to try at the very least. The ability to warp the fabric of reality was a bit disconcerting.

"So they are like djinn from fairy tales....The wish you make is almost like a monkey's paw if you're selfish." So now he was going to have play a game of words against the literal eyes, and ears of God. Internally he sighed, this was going to be far more complicated than he had anticipated. However he had to at the very least give it a shot, because if he didn't then he would never forgive himself. "Then I will word my desire as carefully as I can so that we are the only two affected. You are correct if the whole submarine got warped to where ever, the higher ups might get a bit upset." Not to mention that would probably get a few people injured.

"Any questions?" came her last sentence.

"I think I understand it, as much as any can understand it at least. I will do my best to not get us killed at the very least. would be mad at me if I suddenly died after telling them to not disappear on me." It was an amusing thought an ironic one as well. Telling someone to not vanish, only to vanish yourself. "I am ready when you are Miss Sato...." The man in cybernetic armor assured her.

Next post....THE FUN BEGINS!
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 17:16:34 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

She nodded, satisfied that he understood the serious nature of this particular experiment.[break][break]
"Allright, here we go."[break][break]
It took her a minute or two to release every Unown. The alphabet swirled around her, and the sheer delight of being surrounded by them made her smile. Perhaps a different sort of person (like ) would be unnerved by the myriad of staring eyes, but Nomi only found it thrilling, as if she were looking at a completed puzzle she'd worked very hard to put together.[break][break]
"Hello everyone," she greeted them pleasantly. "My associate here has a request he'd like to make of you. If you would be so kind as to do your best to aid him..."[break][break]
They bobbed up and down, and she took that to mean they would listen. Nomi then turned to Amor, eyes shining with anticipation.[break][break]
"I think you should ask, since this was your idea. Go ahead, they are ready."



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 14:20:14 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Now he had to think hard about how he wanted to word this question....He began to wrack his brain for the proper wording, but he realized that if he overcomplicated it, that would potentially just give them more leeway in order to mess with his request. It would be even worse since he wasn't technically their master either....So he closed his eyes, and the distorted, robotic voice, began to speak.

"Take myself, and Naomi to what I desire the most...." At least this way it would only be him affected should things go awry, and he wouldn't have to worry about the rest of the sub. After all what he desired the most was Dialga, right? That power was something that he has sought after for literal years....Now that it existed physically in this realm he was one step closer to getting it. This was so far his best shot at getting to the Dragon, if it failed then he wouldn't have necessarily lost anything.

That is the lie that he had tricked himself into believing all this time, ever since he was a boy. That he wanted the Dragon of Times power, that he wanted to use it to bring back everything that was stolen from him. Amor believed that he wanted Dialga, but while he could deceive himself, and everyone else around him. His heart would not be lied too....The Unown were the eyes, and ears of God....They saw everything, and layer by layer they peeled away mask after mask of the man in front of them. The truth in his heart would not be swayed, or bent. They could feel the conviction of his truest desire, and so they made it manifest.

They began to glow, however it wasn't the letters that spelled out D.I.A.L.G.A. that began to glow. Though before Nomi, and Amor would see that, they would find themselves no longer on the submarine.

Instead they were in a large yard, it almost looked like a wild garden with how everything was overgrown. There were plants of all kinds around them, and a rusted metal gate that blocked out intruders. In front of them was a large mansion, grandiose in it's design, but it was dilapidated, burned, and had several large holes in its walls from a battle fought long ago. wouldn't know where they were, but Amor did....

Ironically enough there was a large marble statue of Dialga in the center of this garden....A monkey's paw, just as he had predicted, but his heart began to ache. Thankfully his helmet, and suit hid his body language for now.

"It would seem that I was not careful enough...." Came the distorted, and robotic voice. Thankfully it hid the tremor in his words.

For better or worse, the Unown had brought them to Adamas Manor....They were in Sinnoh, and this was the childhood home of Amor Alexandrus Draco el Nero Adamas....

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 17:40:34 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

The scenery around them began to change, and Nomi was, not for the first time, awed by the power of the Unown. She and Amor were whisked away from the Rocket Submarine, and deposited onto unfamiliar soil. She gasped softly, taking in the destruction around them: a mansion long destroyed, its storied history obviously fraught with violence. Her eyes found the statue of Dialga, and she suddenly understood - coupled with Amor's regretful words - that the Unown had somehow misinterpreted Amor's request. He might desire to find Dialga...but that was only the tip of the iceberg. The reason he wanted to find Dialga...well...[break][break]
"Where are we?" Nomi asked gently. She laid a hand upon the metallic arm of Amor, looked up at him with a curious expression. "Is this place...important to you?"[break][break]
Nomi understood the feeling of wanting to rewrite past traumas. The disappearance of her parents when she was a toddler had shaped the course of her life, for good or for ill. She now knew the cause of their deaths, and all it had done was harden her heart further. She would not fail Hoenn like they had failed Kanto.[break][break]



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 23:45:15 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Where are we?"

"Is this place...important to you?"

He flinched away instinctively from her hand. His heart was racing, the blood was thrumming in his veins, and he could hear his own heartbeat. Everything was so loud all of a sudden, his breathing became erratic, and loud enough that she would hear it through his changer. Stubbornness, his first defense the first mask that he wore. Defiant to the last, the pity that others had looked at him with. That tone in her voice sent him reeling back to that place, and he placed a hand on a pokeball on his belt. Draco wasn't with him, he had told his Dragonite to rest.

That was stupid of him.

He needed Draco here, to protect him from everything.

"It doesn't matter....what this place is to me...." Stubbornness, his voice was shaky as he tried to calm himself down. Closing his eyes, and shaking his head. "Telling you won't get me closer to my goal....No offense Ms. Sato had I know this would happen....I wouldn't have visited you today." Defiant to the last, the walls came right up almost naturally. She had an answer somewhat. "We're not in Hoenn, I'll tell you that." They were going to be stuck together for a while, and so he tapped the side of his helm, and it retracted.

Letting his long silvery hair fall, and his natural voice roam out now that he was composed once again.

"Welcome to Sinnoh." He gave her a wry smile before turning his gaze back to the ruined garden. Flashes of memory played out in front of him, and even if he didn't want to answer her.

The Unown had torn his walls down, the suddenness of where they were had put him off kilter. Suddenly the garden was restored, it was pristine. Filled with flowers of all colors, they were tended to with great care, and love. The laughter of a child could be heard, and if they followed it. They would see a young boy with silvery hair, next to a woman with hair the color of the finest gold. A female Dragonite was beside her, and there was a Dratini next to the boy.

"Amor you have to be gentle with the flowers. You could hurt them if you're not careful, and then they won't grow to be beautiful. Then no one can appreciate them. So try again, this time with a gentler touch." The woman spoke in a rich Kalosian accent.

"But Mom, why do I have to do this? I should be training with father to become strong, how is this going to help me?" The young boy questioned her.

"Because in order to understand strength, you have to first know weakness. These flowers are very weak, and they rely on us to protect them, and nurture them so they can see their full potential. Strength should only ever be used to nurture, and protect." She said before giving him a pat on the head.

This caused the young boy to puff out his cheeks, and run his fingers through his hair, but he was far more delicate with the next flowers that he plucked. So he held it high in the air triumphantly.

"Ha Draco did you see that! We can do this easy!" He boasted puffing out his little chest, and the Dratini let out a high pitched sound in agreement.

The golden haired woman just smiled in amusement, and then the scene vanished, and the garden was in ruins once more.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 15:12:56 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

It was the first time Nomi had ever seen his face. He was younger than she'd expected, and not quite so harsh as his normally robotic demeanor made him out to be. For all of his metallic armor, he had keen eyes that held a depth of emotion. All of a sudden, she felt a kinship with Amor: he had experienced a great loss, and she knew that sort of grief well.[break][break]
"Sinnoh," she repeated quietly. "And I can tell that it does matter to you, no matter what you say."[break][break]
As if to prove the point, the Unown swirled about, and the landscape warped. The destroyed courtyard was replaced by a pristine garden, obviously well cared for. The blooming flowers, a myriad of rainbow colors, were so realistic that Nomi almost plucked a nearby rose just to feel the soft petals between her fingertips. But, of course, it was just an illusion. The Unown were showing them a glimpse into the past, reconstructed memories in answer to Nomi's assumption.[break][break]
A scene from Amor's childhood.[break][break]
She listened respectfully to the exchange between the younger Amor and the beautiful, golden-haired woman. A pang of sorrow filled her heart as she remembered the current reality of this place. Had Amor lost his mother the same way he had lost his childhood home?[break][break]
"A wise woman," Nomi murmured as the garden faded away once more, returning them to the dreary remains of the estate. "We all start from a place of weakness, and it is not something to be ashamed of. To remember one's makes our blooming all the more beautiful."[break][break]
She turned to regard him, expression sincerely apologetic.[break][break]
"I'm sorry for your loss, Amor. For what it's worth, I lost both my parents when I was a toddler - I was too young to really remember them. I have yet to decide if that makes their deaths something of a mercy or just a greater tragedy."



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Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2024 20:52:56 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

There was a tightening of his jaw as he listened to her speak of her own loss, part of him wanted to lash out at her, and the Unown. He didn't like being exposed like this, he hated feeling so vulnerable, it was something he preferred to never do, and yet his secrets were being pried out of him one by one no matter how desperately he clung to them.

"I appreciate your sympathy....But...." He wanted to say so many things, he wanted to get defensive to rage against this pity. "Do not pity me...." Keeping his voice level with all the emotions raging in his mind was a harsh task, but he managed. It was obvious for someone with her observation that he was shaken up by all of this. It was almost as bad as getting the glimpse into this that she did.

Weakness wasn't something he enjoyed showing, but it didn't matter now as they approached the manor, and he frowned as they came to the front. Feelings, memories came rushing to the forefront of his being, but this was not like the last one. The Unown manifested his psyche once more, and before them was a raging inferno, the entire building engulfed in flames as a numerous fire types encircled the skies, and ignited it. The sun was gone in this distant memory, and it felt so real, his skin remembered the heat of the flames.

"To answer your question....It's a mercy...." He stated to her his tone devoid of whatever emotions he was currently feeling, as he stared at the flames once more. "I don't think anyone should have to watch their loved ones die...." The sounds of a battle could be heard from within the manor, but Amor didn't move to open the door, and instead there was a window crashing.

If she turned she would see an elderly looking gentleman landing on the ground with cat like grace, a Machamp by his side. Over his shoulder like a potatoe sack was a young boy with silvery hair kicking, and screaming. A Dratini beside them with claw marks, and burns on it, and the group began to make their way away from the manor.

"LET ME GO BACK! I CAN FIGHT WITH THEM WALTER! I'M STRONG NOW!" He roared at the elderly man, who didn't listen despite the tearful cries. "I'M NOT WEAK ANYMORE!" He roared, and continued to try, and fight to get out of the mans grip, but it was to no avail, and soon they vanished along with this memory.

"Annoying...." He murmured to himself.

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 3:52:49 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Was it really pity that she felt? She flinched back from his accusation, though he had not necessarily raised his voice. All she had wanted to express was empathy.[break][break]
She couldn't blame him for his volatile emotions, however. These things could be quite painful, and the Unown had brought him here without much warning. Some turbulence was to be expected, perhaps.[break][break]
Nomi watched the scene evolve once more, observing as the elderly gentleman carried away the child Amor from the destruction of his home. Her brow furrowed as the boy screamed with an agonized rage. Was it really weakness? He clearly had the courage. One could not force strength where it had not yet developed. The spirit might be willing, but the body...he had only been a boy.[break][break]
"You're not weak," she said, voice firm. "You weren't then, and you aren't now."[break][break]
Having emotions...remembering painful memories...that wasn't weakness. Not from her perspective.[break][break]
"Perhaps we should go back now...?" She offered. The Unown swirled around her, as if sensing her desire to return home.



Social Thread[break]
Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Into the Unown (S/Nomi)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 23:01:28 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"I would appreciate that." Came the simple words, he hadn't realized that he had clenched his hands together at his sides, how tense he had been until the mention of them leaving had come up. Part of him wanted to apologize, for acting in such a manner, but he didn't know if it would be genuine or just lip service....

"In the future....I'll apologize properly...." He mused to himself as he waited for the floating Alphabet to take them away from this place.

He wanted to retort to her comment about weakness, but that was her opinion. She was allowed to think so even if he disagreed with her. Perhaps he was stronger in some grand scheme of things, but for all of that he still felt no better than that helpless boy being carried away by Walter.

"I would appreciate it....If you would not mention this to anyone....I do not talk of my personal life to anyone." Slowly the walls that the Unown had shot down with such ease were being built up. They were cracked, perhaps they could be breached again in the future. "For many reasons." Which she could guess at least one is that he didn't want to feel pitied by anyone.

The Shula Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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