Wave after Wave [S/C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
Wave after Wave [S/C]
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 6:35:18 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Quite often Aidan had found himself coming back tot he coast, whenever life felt too complicated and tangled. It reminded him of the first time he had come to Hoenn, summer festival and games, a short period of time that he felt free and without worry, sadly a very short lived period. [break][break]

Along with everything that happened with Rocket and their ability to cause mayhem and chaos with every single little thing they do. Life had been too much stress for far too long. Exercise had always been something that helped Aidan keep his mind clear and focused, the sounds of every wave peacefully crashing on the shore made him feel at peace.[break][break]

Taking a small break from his jog as he took a sip from a bottle of water, watching the sun slowly meet the sea, taking his time to take in the scenery before his life could be enveloped in the forever anxiety inducing life of every single person that lived in Hoenn.[break][break]

"Am I even allowed to get have a break from work?" Aidan would say out loud before taking a huge sip from his water bottle before staring deep into the horizon hoping to Palkia something would save him. [break][break]






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[newclass=.aidan4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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CiCi, Rina
March 7th
Hearthome City, Sinnoh
Actress, Vocalist
What is sight
to one that's blind?
5'5" height
5'5" height
Call me crazy, but sometimes, to see, I close my eyes
20 posts
Ciprina Fisk DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rina
Ciprina Fisk
Wave after Wave [S/C]
POSTED ON May 22, 2023 8:53:39 GMT
Ciprina Fisk Avatar

🎼 Moon River - By 王OK

Ciprina hadn't been in Hoenn long but she had already been so busy she hardly had a moment to think to herself. She wasn't just here for a vacation. Rather she was supposed to be filming her new movie here soon. But that honestly wasn't the real reason she found herself in Hoenn. She was really here because communications with her older brother had been shaky ever since the dome incident with Hoenn. Now that it had been resolved there was still hardly any communication from Luci to his family. [break][break]

This did not make their mother happy. [break][break]

So once again, like usual, Ciprina was sent to clean up her big brother's mess. The silver haired woman sighed as she reclined in her beach chair. Between her actual work and the chore of chasing down her brother, she felt like she was going insane. Being from an artistically inclined family, one of the few things that managed to relax her was good scenery and music.[break][break]

She'd had this tune stuck in her head for a while so she figured she'd do some songwriting. She had her phone recording her while she strummed the melody on her guitar overlooking where the setting sun met the sea. Something about this painterly backdrop inspired her and the words just came to her as she softly sang to the wind. [break][break]

While she continued to sing she glanced around when sudden movement caught her eye. Her fingers paused on the strings of her guitar and her breath caught in her throat. It was relatively late in the evening and it was a weekday. The beach here had been relatively empty which is why she didn't bother with trying to hide. [break][break]

Ciprina stared at the young man across from her on the beach. She wondered if he was a reporter. If so this would be another hassle she wasn't trying to deal with. Then again...She eyed his ensemble. He wasn't exactly dressed like how the paparazzi usually do. In fact, he looked...pedestrian. Like he was out for a jog. "Maybe if I pretend I didn't see him..." she whispers softly to herself as she quickly lowers her gaze. She didn't really feel like engaging with fans today either.



❄️ Consider the featured song the song Rina is singing/what she sounds like etc.[break]
❄️ outfit



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played by


May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
Wave after Wave [S/C]
POSTED ON May 28, 2023 9:05:45 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

As the sun kissed the ever longing horizon, Aidan couldn't help but feel relaxed. The emptiness helping the situation even further, if only he could paint this moment to keep forever, alas that was not one of the powers any pokemon held. Taking a deep breath to further appreciate and embrace this perfect instant. [break][break]

Aidan would close his eyes one more time before he could move on with his jog. A beautiful would invite itself into his ear, as if he had entered the gates of Elysium itself. Had he just randomly died and finally met his maker? Was this the way he would finally go? At the beach standing still and watching the sunset, perhaps that wasn't such a bad way to go and it finally was his time to join the many souls he had put to rest himself.[break][break]

Opening his eyes slowly to make sure he wasn't dreaming, slowly realizing in estranged disappointment that he was in fact still alive. Following the voice around only to find what still felt like a dream visage, a beautiful girl with a guitar was just there, singing her soul out. Their eyes would meet for a second, Aidan would quickly turn around as if he had been doing something wrong and he was caught red handed.[break][break]

But in fact he wasn't doing something illegal, for once. Not wanting to let the peaceful moment go, Aidan would calmly make his way towards the girl, trying to not seem weird. "Hey hi! Sorry if I caught you off guard, I didn't know anyone was here at this hour." Aidan didn't want to let this feeling of peacefulness. "I just wanted to ask if I could sit and keep listening to you." Aidan would ask while looking towards the crashing waves.[break][break]






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[newclass=.aidan4 .notes h1] font: 16px Montserrat; font-weight: 800!important; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0px; text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--accent); text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #1e1e1e; padding-bottom: 5px; text-align:center;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.aidan4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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played by


CiCi, Rina
March 7th
Hearthome City, Sinnoh
Actress, Vocalist
What is sight
to one that's blind?
5'5" height
5'5" height
Call me crazy, but sometimes, to see, I close my eyes
20 posts
Ciprina Fisk DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rina
Ciprina Fisk
Wave after Wave [S/C]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 18:55:55 GMT
Ciprina Fisk Avatar

🎼 City of Stars - By 王OK

She was doing her best to ignore the pressence of this young man she'd locked eyes with. Pointedly looking down at her hands while she strummed lightly on her guitar but, it didn't stop her from noticing he was making his way towards her. Ciprina bit her lip as she continued to attempt to ignore him. Couldn't he get the hint? She didn't want to have to push him away if he--[break][break]

"Hey, hi! Sorry if I caught you off guard, I didn't know anyone was here at this hour." He was in front of her now, and talking to her too. She no longer could avoid him. With a soft, inaudible sigh, she turned her hesitant gaze towards him once more. "Same, I imagined the beach would be quite vacant at this time." she chuckled nervously. [break][break]

"I just wanted to ask if I could sit and keep listening to you." the young man turned his gaze towards the crashing waves, so he couldn't see the surprised look on her face. Did he not recognize her? If he was a fan then he would've been interrogating her by now or asking for an autograph at least, right?[break][break]

But he just wanted to listen to her sing? Ciprina pressed her lips into a thin line as she thought. There was no harm in him just listening but at the same time, she didn't know this guy. It could be all a ruse to attempt to get close to her but...[break][break]

Ciprina glanced behind her. She had body guards stationed nearby so she wasn't in any real danger at least. Her face relaxed into a practiced smile. "Sure, I don't mind. Make yourself comfortable." she said as she lightly strummed a new chord on her guitar. What would she sing about now? She glanced up at the sky for answers. [break][break]

The twilight sky was quickly shifting to night as a blanket of stars began to glitter and shine. There was another song she'd been working on for a minute. She never finished it but...perhaps now she could. She began to hum the tune softly before she began to play. Her eyes closed as she allowed the wind and the sounds of the waves and the blanket of stars to become her muse.[break][break]

"City of Stars...are you shining just for me?"



❄️ Consider the featured song the song Rina is singing/what she sounds like etc.[break]
❄️ outfit



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[newclass=".cici1 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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