My Deadly Muse

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 3rd
Fuchsia City, Kanto
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
Callum Pryce DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @callum
Callum Pryce
My Deadly Muse
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2023 9:19:00 GMT
Callum Pryce Avatar

Callum didn't know what that meant, the confusion on his face evident. It took a few moment for him to work out what she meant, before shaking his head in response.[break][break]

"I don't really get cold. We're trained to be in the wilderness for days, weeks at a time." [break][break]

Regardless, he took the jacket off her hands. Holding it awkwardly at his side, unsure how to proceed. [break][break]

"I smell nice?"[break][break]

Callum grabbed the front of his tank top and lifted up to his nose, exposing his mid-section. As expected, it was muscular, clearly defined abs and littered with similar scars.[break][break]

"Sandalwood to blend in among the forest, lavender to mask the scent of the corpse." He explained, dropping the cloth back it's original position. Seemed rather rudimentary to him, but perhaps she wasn't aware of the utilitarian nature of his people.[break][break]

[attr="class","jacewttag"] [break]

Notes: Outfit


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TAG WITH @juliet
Juliet Yearwood
My Deadly Muse
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 3:28:15 GMT
Juliet Yearwood Avatar
[attr="class","postwrap juliet"]



The stars have spoken


- Outfit -


There was nothing like watching a stoic man suddenly become animated even if it was for a moment, it was like you've opened something truly precious, peered into a side that many haven't seen before. Quite simply it felt special. Then there was this other feeling that followed suit, while the smile on Juliet's face came from the former reasons, it was the later reasons that she'd let out heartfelt laugh.

[break][break]He's truly precious when he's confused.

[break][break]Sadness and tension that was gripping at her heart earlier felt like a distant dream, the mudded feelings deep in her soul were being blissfully melted away and she could honestly say that he brought in more joy into her night. Still there was this sense of guilt, a guilt you can only feel when you truly love and worry about something else. To her he choose to sacrifice some of his comfort for her own and she so far couldn't find a way to pay him back. That guilt only grew when he spoke up.

[break][break]"I don't really get cold. We're trained to be in the wilderness for days, weeks at a time."

[break][break]At first it was just the light furrow of her brows, then it would be her lips pressing together in a small yet angry pout. Slowly but surely she was getting annoyed at the idea of him pushing aside himself, she wanted to say that they weren't in the wilderness right now, that he didn't need to be cold, that he should value his comfort more but it felt pointless. You couldn't change their mind and that alone frustrated her enough causing her to puff up one side of her cheek childishly.

[break][break]"I smell nice?"

[break][break]She was trying to stay playfully made however he pulled a low move to take her out of it. Juliet liked to believe that she was mostly a good girl, that she didn't indecently peer at people like the majority of degenerates do however when someone she was possibly interested in was suddenly exposing themselves like that.. It was very hard for her to stay steadfast in her values.

[break][break]At first she was just innocently watching him, but when she caught a glimpse of his exposed stomach, her eyes dropped for a second and then instantly out to the sea. She was stiff, her cheeks brightly flushed, her heart more choppy then the night waves in the sea.

[break][break]"Sandalwood to blend in among the forest, lavender to mask the scent of the corpse."

[break][break]"Oh really?~"

[break][break]She loudly said, barely even registering what he even said as she'd turn back to him. She'd be lying if she didn't say that her eyes went instantly to his abs again but seeing how his shirt was back in place she could breathe a breath of relief.. or disappointment. Perhaps she should have taken out her phone and snapped a picture. A hand would mindlessly bring itself to her lips as she thought about the possibilities and just as her finger was about to press into her bottom lip she'd manage to break out of her trance.

[break][break]Perhaps he judgement was slightly clouded but because of this little incident she may have found a way to solve all of their problems. A plan was quickly unfolding in her mind.

[break][break]"I know you said you aren't cold, but I'm getting cold looking at you~ Here~"

[break][break]Her hand would lift from her face and a far more excited yet devious smirk was left in its place. Playfully she'd step over in front of him with almost a skip to her step as she did and if he'd allowed her she'd lightly hop over and coiled her arms around his neck. It wasn't going to be the end of their contact, it was after all her plan to keep him warm, so without any hesitancy Juliet would also press her chest up against his own as her face too refuge within his neck.

[break][break]She'd give herself a second and two to give him whimsical little nuzzled into it before she'd pull back and rest her head on his shoulder, all the while having to rely on leaning on him while she was up on her tippy toes.

[break][break]"See, isn't this warmer~ If want I could also rub your arms like Lia used to do for me~"




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January 3rd
Fuchsia City, Kanto
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
10 posts
Callum Pryce DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @callum
Callum Pryce
My Deadly Muse
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2023 6:38:53 GMT
Callum Pryce Avatar
[attr="class","jacewtw"]"How can you get cold looking at someone else?"[break][break]

Callum didn't understand, like most things she said. There must have been some language barrier involved, wherever she was from spoke far differently than that which he was used. It was in the throes of this confusion that he suddenly found the smaller form wrapped around his own, his posture becoming rigid with unease.[break][break]

"What are you doing?" [break][break]

The words were direct, because he was naïve but not stupid. An embrace was the same no matter where you came from, but that was exactly what made this event both perturbing and perplexing.[break][break]

"We...aren't married..."[break][break]

Physical intimacy was reserved for spouses, something such as this would have gotten him whipped or worse back home. Eyes darted around to make sure no one was watching them, still unable to relax in her clutches.[break][break]

"We shouldn't be doing this..." [break][break]

[attr="class","jacewttag"] [break]

Notes: Outfit


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TAG WITH @juliet
Juliet Yearwood
My Deadly Muse
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 2:05:46 GMT
Juliet Yearwood Avatar
[attr="class","postwrap juliet"]



The stars have spoken


- Outfit -


While it wasn't entirely expected for him not to understand what she meant, it still somehow wasn't surprising. It seemed there was always this strange disconnect when they interacted with each other, some unknown forcefield that kept the meaning of her words from reaching him. This is what people probably meant when they mentioned a language barrier. But they were both speaking the same language, so maybe it was called something else?

[break][break]Still she wanted to enjoy herself instead of getting wrapped up in unnecessary thoughts, especially since now.. she finally felt whole again. It felt right to her to have him in her arms, this blissful sensation of his warmth mixing with her own finally brought some peace to her never dying hunger--even if it was for only a moment.

[break][break]The way he tensed up did not go unnoticed, even the way he questioned her, but still she didn't want to let go and loose her simple paradise. She was feeling resolute in her decision, so much so that she'd even squeeze him slightly tighter when he first question her, but little did she know he would say something that would shake her entire core.

[break][break]"We...aren't married..."


[break][break]It was shot out within the second of hearing the word 'married' and just like himself earlier her entire body froze, a Deerling caught in headlights. Her brain was trying to compute the possibility of having someone who was just mere moments ago able to explore her entire body without so much a blink of his eye could now be this flustered from a hug alone. Someone who was dirty enough to know how to kill and dispose of bodies however was so pure that something this soft would require a vow.

[break][break]How glad she was that her face was probably hidden away from his sight, she knew in that moment she couldn't control her face since for a short moment she couldn't help but grin like as if she found a prey. It was an insatiable desire, no, more of a need to defile something so clean from a person. Maybe if she found a way to dig her teeth in and left her mark on him then there would be no way he'd ever forget her, maybe she could find a way to forever ingrain herself into his heart forever.

[break][break]"We shouldn't be doing this..."

[break][break]But would he love her that way?

[break][break]Sucking in her bottom lip, Juliet would dig her teeth into it struggling to find a answer between her desires and morals. Until eventually she'd slowly loosen her grip on him. She couldn't bare to say anything in fear she would say something to make her regret her choice as much as their separating bodies brought her anguish. she however couldn't bring herself to completely let him go, her fingers tips delicately tracing down his arms so she could eventually reach down to his hands and slide her palms against his own.

[break][break]"Is-- this okay?"

[break][break]Her first word cutting off from her choking up, waiting for him to give her the sign it was okay before letting them go completely or intertwining their fingers together. It was unbearable to feel the weight of loneliness once more, so much so she couldn't stop herself from tearing up slightly as she imagined this is how it will be forever. Still desperation brought questions.

[break][break]"Do-does this mean we can't kiss either? If you want we can start dating first?"




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