find yourself a star

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 4:41:32 GMT
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turns out, she and nomi get along well. like, really well. the studio is absolutely not meant for two people to live in, but nomi makes that place feel lived in for the first time ever. hell, even maisey's more active with nomi around, and gets more excited to go on walks with her. 

so after that first night and nomi asking if she can stay again, parker turned it around on her the next night. and the next night. and the next night. and now it's night four, she's kind of afraid nomi's getting sick of her (but not really, because it feels right, and it feels like they've lived with and around each other for decades). 

but her fingers are twined in her girlfriend's, the other scratching maisey behind her ears.

"are you out of sick days yet? or do i actually gotta let you go back to work?"

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Oct 5, 2023 1:18:59 GMT
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"It's the university I need to deal with," Nomi sighed, curled up next to Parker on the bed. Their bed, she'd come to think of it. The prospect of returning to her own apartment was a distasteful one, and so she had procrastinated confronting its existence and the inevitability of needing to at least water her plants, one of these days.[break][break]
It sure felt like she belonged here, though. Like leaving might disrupt the order of the universe, or something equally distressing.[break][break]
"Professor Graves is going to kill me if I miss my next thesis review," she continued, nuzzling her nose into Parker's neck, fingertips running over the rough callouses on Parker's palm. Kallistatus hovered by the window, as if drawn to the moonlight filtering through the blinds; Maisey, on the other hand, snored loudly, nestled against Parker on her other side.[break][break]
One of Nomi's phones buzzed, jostling the other items on the bedside table with its sudden vibration. She turned to look, extracting herself from Parker just enough to make out which phone had intruded on their peace.[break][break]
Rocket. It was the encrypted phone she used to communicate with her fellow peers within the criminal organization.[break][break]
A pang of guilt burned through Nomi; she owed Walsh and the others a report concerning her newly acquired Avatar powers, as well as a warning about Holo's appearance in the RKS Machine. She'd put off doing that just as she had her PhD work at Slateport University: all in favor of losing herself in a little domestic bliss.[break][break]
"I should check that," she muttered apologetically, stretching across Parker to grab the phone. She settled back in, then unlocked it with a few swipes.[break][break]
She froze, eyes scanning the text alert. Her entire body stiffened, and her stomach dropped, chest constricting with a sudden cold dread as she digested what it said.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 1:29:11 GMT
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parker has yet to connect the dots that professor , nomi's mentor, is the same man she beat to hell and back in the super duper spooky sea. but for some reason the name rings a bell - more than the 'oh, that's nomi's nerd friend' bell. his name makes her feel a mixed bag of emotions that makes her brows furrow. 

and then they unfurrow, whatever thoughts simmering under the surface slinking back to their depths as nomi curls into her and noses into her. skin on skin, parker's thoughts turn to whether or not it's worth it to let graves kill nomi if it means one last little makeout session.

but right as parker goes to make a move, one of nomi's phones buzzes. 

maisey startles at the sound and biffs. parker sighs, sits up in bed, and pulls maisey's whole face in both her hands, giving her a rough shake and biffing right back at her. her murmurs of whosagoodgirlyouare peter out when she feels nomi go still beside her. 

she grins, bopping maisey on the head, still not looking. "what's up, babes? quinn gonna come bustin' down the door for round two if i don't letcha go? nomes?"

she looks over her shoulder and her grin falls flat. "hey, babes. nomes. nomi. "
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2023 3:07:48 GMT
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Parker's voice sounded far away, an inconsequential background noise that could not compete with the sudden rushing in Nomi's ears. She read and re-read the message, as if each new reading might reveal something she'd missed, something that invalidated the meaning she had initially interpreted.[break][break]
Unfortunately, she was far too smart to lie to herself, not when there was such a definitive lack of ambiguity. It was an alert she'd seen before, after all, one that had become all too common for Rocket as of late. Every other time, she had not necessarily batted an eyelash, clearly neutral in her assessment of the violent consequences.[break][break]
Until now. Because now it wasn't just anybody.[break][break]
"He was just..." she murmured, the phone slipping from fingers that had gone coldly limp, bouncing onto the comforter. Maisey grumbled, shifting her weight.[break][break]
" - with me, he was just with me- "[break][break]
Kallistatus turned from the window, as if drawn to her shift in mood, sensing her growing anguish.[break][break]
"He made me a promise, he - "[break][break]
Nomi's hands balled into fists, body starting to shake as if fevered.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2023 22:47:07 GMT
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pet name, her name, nothing. parker's seconds away from calling her all three fuckin' syllables. fuck, is quinn going to come bursting through the door and gut her like a fish for keeping nomi away from her super duper important evil scientist work? 

exasperated, parker does a relationship no-no and goes to stoop over nomi's shoulder to look at whatever the hell is freaking her out so much, except she drops it. parker reaches, grabs it, and turns the screen around. 

it takes a second for it to click. 

and then a whole bunch of pieces fall into place. not that the pieces matter because there's no puzzle to be seen. just red

the phone's thrown down, comforter tossed aside, and parker is up, pacing back and forth, balling her fingers into fists. clenching them tight enough her arms are shaking and the snapping in her is too much and it fucking hurts and - 

pain splits her knuckles. she's breathing hard. doesn't remember walking over to the nightstand, how her fist got stuck through the drywall. maisey is behind her, whining. 

"fuck. fuck." she turns, through clenched teeth, panicked, shouts, "did you know? nomi, did you know?"
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 1:58:21 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi felt numb. She ought to have cautioned - Parker, your hands! (which were still injured, Arceus they would never heal at this rate) - but she didn't, she let the other woman crash her fist right through the wall. She ought to have called for Maisey, gathered her into trembling arms - comfort for the both of them - but she didn't, she remained frozen on the bed.[break][break]
Parker's panic wasn't helping the situation. Nomi bristled at the sudden interrogation.[break][break]
"Of course I didn't know! Why would I be this shocked if I knew?" She snapped, furious. "Parker, he was just with me in the RKS Machine. He was there when Holo - when I - the Unown - " She sucked in a breath. "Why would he DO this?"[break][break]
Suddenly she felt like punching something, too. Something was tearing inside of her and her brain didn't seem to be working as well as it usually did and she was so cold all of a sudden.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 21:25:05 GMT
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the pain is compartmentalized. later (sooner than later, actually, ow) her hand is gonna hurt like a motherfucker and she's gonna be mad about that too, but right now she's too panicked and too angry to feel anything. the skin had healed over the bones, at the very least, thanks to remus' heal pulses, but they're still smattered purple, resembling misshapen eggplants more than hands. 

nomi takes it the wrong way, but parker doesn't mind the yelling. she doesn't mind the defensiveness. it means she hadn't known. she hadn't known

which might be enough to save her. 

parker's brows furrow at nomi's question though. the why is obvious. it's every baby rocket's childhood fuckin' dream to get out of this pisshole. parker just didn't think isaac would be enough of an idiot to put everyone he fucking loved at risk to do it. 

envy snakes through her, hissing regret before parker grabs it by the neck (body??? is a snake just a body??) and tosses it out the window of her mind. 

parker forces herself to stop pacing and stands in front of nomi, bending so she can meet her at eye level from where she still sits on the bed. 

"nomi, listen to me. you 'n i were some of the last to see him. i've already got a fuckin' spotlight on me. they get unreasonable, you gotta let me take the fall, okay?" she places heavy, calloused hands over nomi's shoulders and gives them a squeeze. "stop asking why and tell me you're listenin'." 
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 4:34:54 GMT
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The familiar, calloused hands on her shoulders should have calmed her, should have grounded her, but a fuse had been lit inside of Nomi's brain and the spark was traveling way too fast down the wire and straight to the dynamite. She might have been able to corral it, might have been able to dump water on the flames in the nick of time, if Parker had merely held her, validated how awful this was, promised to help her find Isaac and make things right.[break][break]
But no. She had to go and suggest the very last thing Nomi would have ever wanted to hear in that moment. She had to go and offer herself up for slaughter.[break][break]
"NO!" Nomi screamed, and reality resonated. Something in the air snapped and the small apartment shuddered, as if a sudden earthquake were passing through the area. Maisey whimpered, cowering, and the bedsheets around Nomi began to harden over, a material akin to Tera crystals - or perhaps the surface of the mineral vein once attached to 99943-Meteno - surrounding her, a spontaneous sharp-edged shield. In a different context, it might have been beautiful, its shimmering surface the same exact shade of blue as Kallistatus.[break][break]
"Everyone. Always. LEAVES."[break][break]
Tears streamed down her cheeks, threatening a full-blown tantrum. She had let her guard down. She had believed it wouldn't happen again. Foolish! It had always been inevitable.[break][break]
Her parents had abandoned her. Her grandmother had abandoned her. Colleagues had abandoned her. Lulu had abandoned her. Isaac had abandoned her.[break][break]
And now Parker would too.



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 23:46:34 GMT
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unfortunately for nomi, that's the one damn thing parker's never been able to grasp. pressing situation aside, it'll give nomi and something to talk about. shared trauma bonding and all that, right?

quiet, pensive nomi, whose feelings overwhelm her and force her to collapse, still naked, in parker's armchair, breaking glass with limp fingers, is not the person screaming in parker's face right now. parker startles; rather than draw away, her fingers sink deeper into nomi's shoulders. 

and honestly, what is it with everyone parker knows and their inability to keep their damn feet in their own reality? parker's face goes white as a sheet and she thinks maybe they fell through a fucking dimensional pocket again, but nomi's tear-stained eyes have gone full blown white. 

she scrambles back from where she'd been kneeling on the bed, flight response taking her away from the HARDENING GODSDAMNED CRYSTAL SHEETS, fingertips leaving nomi's shoulders only to come back seconds later as she stoops over on shaking legs. 

"i'm not leaving, nomi. hell, you're in my apartment, cupcake, and maybe please stop turning everything into crystals. you're scaring maisey." her voice is tight and she's letting her mouth run away from her because fuck, she's scared. she's really scared.
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 3:08:26 GMT
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Nomi didn't notice the crystals, even if they noticed her.[break][break]
Her focus was elsewhere: a vision of her parents in the Border, offering her an alternative future where they would finally be together - all it required was her own death, so she could join them. A vision of , murdered by the DRK Triad in some faraway place - the thing Nomi had feared most when she'd first learned of the woman's sudden disappearance. A vision of , overcome by exhaustion and ruination, collapsed on the cold, hard ground of the Cave of Origin, succumbing to the wounds sustained by the attacks from his peers. A vision of , with his mischievous, knowing smile, a real-life version of his Rondez-View of Luv route, saying softly: "Maybe the only thing that matters is that I love you" - but then he, too, crumpled beneath the violence destined to seek him, now that he'd made his choice - [break][break]
The crystals threatened to expand, new patches appearing on the walls, the floor, the bedside table. The entire apartment seemed to be transforming into some sort of Tera-embedded cave.[break][break]
"All my life, I've been abandoned," she choked out an agonized sob. "And the people I love never come back."[break][break]
Kallistatus appeared beside Nomi's shoulder, staring at Parker expectantly.[break][break]
Another vision: Parker, on a snowy battlefield, arm dangling uselessly by her side, blood dripping down her face, her hands, her legs, her everything.[break][break]
Nomi began to curl in on herself, wrapping her arms around her legs and pulling them in to her chest.[break][break]
"Isaac was supposed to be different. He promised he'd always be there for me. He convinced me I was someone special, someone worth loving, someone you would want."[break][break]
Nomi's eyes flickered from white to red to white again, like a faulty string of solstice lights.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 15, 2023 19:30:23 GMT
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parker sees it all. she sees secrets not meant to be shared this way, visions glittering in the crystalline surfaces, mementos of love marred by grief. all of them shimmering in the cocoon nomi is building and it's crawling up her knees now and there, on her left shin, parker sees herself. 

a decade older, split lip and arm a broken thing at her side and she recognizes that, but more so she recognizes the look on her own face. the look that says, i'm not strong enough to protect her. 

her head splits, sears, hurts real awful, but she grits through it, swallows the blood in the back of her throat and plops her ass right back down on the avatar's sculptures, legs splayed around her, hands moving from shoulder to cheeks. 

nomi is looking at her, but parker knows she's not seeing her. she's seeing betrayal and it's not sitting right with parker because isaac's a fucking idiot, but he didn't do this to hurt her. he didn't do this to abandon her. 

"you are, nomes. special and someone worth loving and someone i want. so i need ya to listen to me and i need ya to concentrate on 'im, okay? ask kowabunga to show you where he is or what happened or somethin' so we can make sense of it."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 18:22:17 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

The crystals shuddered, faltered, their growth like creeping fingers with too-sharp nails coming to a sudden halt as Nomi didn't just hear Parker's voice, finally: she listened to it.[break][break]
Someone I want.[break][break]
Different memories, now: Parker's lips, hands clawing desperately at her clothes. Parker's mouth, the chill of a lake at midnight. Parker in her office, lounging around while she worked. Parker's smirk when Nomi told Cillian, point-blank, that she trusted Parker with her life. The heat of Parker's body, in a bed that wasn't this bed, in a place that wasn't this place. A wedding dress, strawberry cake, laughing voices filled with warmth and love and acceptance: the opposite of abandonment, the antidote for loneliness.[break][break]
"Find Isaac?" She whispered, choking back a sob. Kallistatus bobbed up and down next to her, as if it had expected this request. Rationality began to return to Nomi's expression, though it did nothing to extinguish the anguish.[break][break]
"Can you find him?" She asked the shiny Unown-K. With a sudden clarity - and recognition - Nomi remembered the innumerable loneliness she had felt from the Unown when she'd witnessed the birth of the universe.[break][break]
The voice that was all voices, inside her mind. The collective soul of the Unown.[break][break]
Kallistatus disappeared, and Nomi focused on Isaac. He was like a star: bright, unbreakable, a beacon of hope. The grin of a trickster, the heart of a hero. Something tugged at her consciousness, and she followed the Petalburg Woods. Kallistatus popped into existence within a thickly wooded canopy, then drifted down, its singular eye fixated on two figures below. One was canine in nature, ethereal in the way it shimmered like a living aurora borealis, the other...a broken, bleeding husk of a familiar man.[break][break]
In the bedroom, the crystals reflected the scene Nomi was witnessing for Parker to see.[break][break]
"They've killed him," Nomi moaned miserably. Later, she'd find out exactly which Underboss had done it, and her heart would break all over again.[break][break]
Kallistatus moved in, silent, an invisible camera amidst the foliage. There was a beautiful, diamond-bright pool below: a hidden gem of the forest. And she did see, just barely, that Isaac was still breathing. He was holding onto life as stubbornly as he'd always held onto everything, refusing to give up for even a second. How could he possibly rest when there was still work to be done? People and Pokemon to save? Lives to fight for? He wasn't just any star.[break][break]
He was a shooting star: burning until the very end.



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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parker jones
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 2:35:44 GMT
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it clicks. something parker says clicks and she doesn't know what it is, but it brings nomi back. brings her back here. to this still-fucked-up-apartment and part of her is thinking how the fuck am i going to explain this to the landlord? and also good thing marla ain't home 'cause she'd be knockin' down the door at this point and also, mostly, most terribly, i wish this wasn't happening.

wishing nomi wasn't an avatar. wishing the unown left her alone. wishing she left the unown alone. wishing they met in a coffee shop somewhere. and nomi was a professor doing good things, working under or some shit. 

the crystal surfaces shimmer and parker sees the remains of her friend. 

nomi's wail meets an unflinching face. it takes even less time than nomi for parker to realize he isn't dead. beat to all shit and damn fuckin' close to it, but not dead. 

she's toed that line before, with people.

"i think that gay dog's saving his life," parker says, frowning. 

he's alive. as far as they know. if this is real. if any of it's real. but that fucking sucks too 'cause parker knows, knows, nomi's gonna cross paths with him again. and parker will be right there with her. 

and nomi won't be able to do it. 

nomi won't be able to kill him. 

so she'll have to.
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 2:17:41 GMT
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Parker's quip barely registered, but something did click in that moment. Through Kallistatus's eye, Nomi drank in the details of the beautiful Pokemon assisting Isaac, its lithe body bent over the young man like a glittering shield. Purple mane perpetually wind-swept, bright white diamonds embedded onto evanescent fur like dew droplets clinging to blades of grass. She knew this creature: it was one of the Gods of her home region.[break][break]
"It's Suicune," Nomi whispered, awed.[break][break]
As if hearing her - through Kallistatus? - the Aurora Pokemon turned its graceful head and looked directly at Nomi. She sucked in a breath, shivering as a cold wind seemed to pass right through her body.[break][break]
It saw her. It knew she was watching.[break][break]
All around Parker's apartment, crystals began to shatter. As they did, they disintegrated into a pale blue mist, eventually disappearing into nothingness - becoming one with the atmosphere. Everything returned to normal: the bedsheets unharmed, the walls unmarred. Kallistatus popped back into existence beside Nomi, and her eyes returned to their normal shade of crimson and they did not flicker. They did not return to white.[break][break]
All of a sudden, Nomi became hyper aware of Parker's hands on her cheeks. She blinked once. Twice. Then threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around Parker's neck and pressing her face into the other woman's chest, shuddering into the solid warmth of her.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 0:19:13 GMT
parker jones Avatar

parker gives nomi a side-eye, mostly because she doesn't want to watch the rest of the scene. she doesn't want to see isaac get up. she doesn't want to see his life change for the better. she doesn't want to see him walk away and...leave them all behind. 

so instead she watches nomi and the reverence she gives the dog god. god dog. godge. 

nomi's eyes flicker back. the white recedes (and gods, it is awful to witness and it makes her want to squirm, but she knows she can't) and in its place is her familiar red. snow? falls around her and she wants to take stock of the apartment, make sure she still has a livable home and all that jazz, but nomi throws her arms around her. 

parker nuzzles down into her and holds her close, feeling like this has happened before - 

the world crumbling down, leaving just the two of them, holding fast, hoping, knowing, that as long as she gets to hold her, everything will be okay. 

"nomi," she says, "i dunno what this means, but i gotcha, okay? we'll figure it out. and i'm not goin' anywhere."
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