find yourself a star

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 23:59:15 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

When she pulled back to gaze up at Parker, there were wet trails streaking her cheeks. Parker's tone was reassuring, willing Nomi to not only hear the words she was speaking, but the sentiment backing them: devotion, clear and unwavering.[break][break]
"I believe you," Nomi whispered, voice hoarse.[break][break]
A heavy silence hung, then, broken only by Maisey's soft whimpers. The apartment looked exactly as it had prior to Nomi's reality-altering outburst. Kallistatus continued to hover nearby, its singular eye fixed on Nomi. If one were looking closely, they might even say that it looked concerned for her - as much as any floating symbol might.[break][break]
"I'm angry," Nomi admitted softly, and though her tone was calm now, her hands were shaking. "He should know better. To risk his life for...for what? To release a prisoner?" She shook her head, trying to recall the entire message she'd read, the shock having blinded her to the details. "There have been plenty of Rocket prisoners. Why this one? Why now?"[break][break]
Who could possibly have been that important?



Mission: Doubt



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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 1:26:44 GMT
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"okay," she says and swallows. with nomi's emotional outburst mostly under control now, parker finally sneaks a glance at her apartment and is incredibly relieved to see the walls haven't splintered apart by the force of nomi's magic...crystal...ass?

is that where it had come from? those waves of crystal?

parker covers nomi's shaking hands in her own, squeezing tight, and pulls her wandering gaze away from maisey and back onto the head scientist. oh, nomi -  she doesn't get it. of course she doesn't get it. 

could she ever? does it matter anymore?

rocket's her home. her family. a sickening twist in her gut makes her grimace. 

"i think..." she says carefully, "things like this are a long time comin'. isaac, he - we went to the border. i followed his punkass into a rift and shit was bananas. like gwen stefani b-a-n-a-n-a-s."

he ripped the chains off of him. he got himself out. and after all of it, he'd left parker with her manacles around her wrists and ankles and him none the fucking wiser. her jaw tightens. 

"but it doesn't matter, nomes. about why or how. he's an enemy now. he's dead on sight."
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played by


Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2023 3:09:44 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

No, no, that wasn't right. Dead on sight? Isaac, an enemy? No, never.[break][break]
She didn't alter reality again, but she did shake her head, pastel pink waves haloing her opposition. Vaguely, she registered how nice it was to feel Parker's calloused fingers wrapped so tightly around hers, like they were something she could rely on to stay put.[break][break]
"It doesn't have to be that way, Parker. Cillian will listen to me," Nomi asserted, confident. "I can send the Unown after Isaac. I'll monitor him, make sure he doesn't betray us to the League. If his heart's so good, he wouldn't want us arrested, would he? I - "[break][break]
Parker's brow was still creased, expression still worried. And there was something else, wasn't there?[break][break]
Nomi's lip trembled.[break][break]
"Parker? What is it?"[break][break]
But she knew. She was too smart not to know. And she remembered, didn't she? A fight from what seemed like a million years ago. An implication, a witness: Parker had been conspiring with a League captain. Dross, they called her. It was strange how that name made Nomi think of cottages and hearth fires and seaside conversations now, rather than the jealousy that had burned through her in the past. But it didn't matter, Dross didn't matter.[break][break]
What she represented mattered.[break][break]
"You envy him," Nomi whispered, and it wasn't a question.



Mission: Doubt



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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 6:41:40 GMT
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cillian will listen to me. 

parker can't risk that. he's an underboss. if this is between trusting nomi or carrying out his fucking duty to rocket, cill will choose rocket. she saw it in his shoulders and his hands and his words. she saw it in his eyes.

even if he loves nomi, even if she's like a sister, he'd kill her. whether he hesitates or not, parker couldn't say, but - fuck. 

she tries to stomach the anger. she tries not to let the fuse spark again because the powder snow got rid of all the crystal, but it didn't patch the hole in the wall where her damn hand went through. and she'd rather not have to find another spot to hang up on a picture frame. 

(don't look under the victorian bust of maisey, nomi.)

but she whispers more treason - true treason - and parker looks away. 

she draws her hands away because she's scared if she doesn't, she'll squeeze nomi too hard she'll hurt her. 

"this isn't about me. this is about how we keep ourselves safe. and it's by letting him go. you turn your back on rocket? you fuck up? you don't come back, nomes. he's done for. and everyone around him is gonna get burned."
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played by


Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
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5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 19:27:19 GMT
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Parker didn't need to squeeze too hard to hurt Nomi; her dismissal of Nomi's observation (no, avoidance) was enough to elicit a horrible ache in the younger woman's chest. Nomi balled her hands into tight fists, not caring if she drew blood with her nails. Her head pounded, and her throat was so dry it was painful to swallow. Whatever she'd done with the crystals had utterly drained her of energy, and apparently, dehydrated her.[break][break]
"Rocket would be foolish to waste further resources on trying to eliminate Isaac," She realized, a new train of thought occurring to her as she clawed frantically away from the sinkhole that was the truth behind Parker's words. Cillian might listen, but would ? Would ? Would ? Would ? She couldn't convince them all, not when the conflict with the League was so ingrained in their identities. Not when, for so many of them, this was personal.[break][break]
"This is bigger than Isaac," She continued, drinking up her own words like they were the water her body so desperately needed. "He's an Avatar now. Holo feared that outcome the same way she feared me winning the favor of the Unown. The DRK Triad have tried - and succeeded - in killing Isaac in every other universe, Parker. What would it mean for things to be different this time? That should be our priority, no matter how stupid he was to leave, no matter how much danger it might put us in to - "[break][break]
She knew, with utter certainty - as one tends to sniff out tragedy just as its about to claim them - that Parker would not understand her words, would not register them. And for the first time since falling so deeply in love with her (it's love, that's what this is, or it wouldn't hurt so badly), Nomi felt frustrated.[break][break]
Frustrated by Parker's simplistic view of things.



Mission: Doubt



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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 1:02:58 GMT
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it's just inevitable then, that the people she knows and loves inevitably, irreparably, get sucked into hoenn's shitstorm of bullshit. this is why she kept her head down. this is why she kept to herself. this is why she never had friends or loved ones, especially not after avery left for kanto. 

all of this is outside of reach and she's a godsdamned close combat fighter. this is not her comfort zone. and it's plain on her face - her grimace, the trying and failing to smother her rising, frustrated temper. she worries her bottom lip, chewing more and more incessantly while nomi drones on about other universes and other isaacs. 

if their stories are already written, then what the fuck is the point? 

so isaac's not dead yet. cheers for him. that doesn't mean he can't end up a slab of meat in a box six feet under. if anything, from the sounds of it, he's taken one fucking step into the proverbial grave! isn't that what she said? the other universe isaacs were avatars, right?

"you're askin' me to stick my neck out? you're askin' me to give you my blessing to stick your neck out for a turncoat?" she clenches and unclenches her hands, fuming, turning circles, raising hands to her face, knotting in her hairline. 

"i can't do that."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 4:53:33 GMT
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Nomi watched Parker unravel. She knew that, if unchecked, this would lead to more bruised knuckles and bloody fingernails: Parker's fist through a wall (again), or perhaps the bedside table, or maybe even the bathroom mirror. Nomi could picture the splintering shards of glass as they hit the tile floor, could hear them shattering.[break][break]
"You can," Nomi insisted, keeping her voice relatively calm, acutely aware of the fact that any change in her emotions might be the catalyst of a transformation that, given a second chance, might not leave Parker's apartment in a liveable state. "But you won't."[break][break]
It was a technicality, but it felt like an important one. Something just wasn't adding up.[break][break]
"I know you don't agree with everything Rocket does, Parker. I know there's a part of you that would kill to do what Isaac's just done. So why do you fight me on this? I'm giving you a chance to do something better. Isn't that what you want of me?"[break][break]
She knew there were unvoiced sentiments: the human experiments, her closeness with , her dedication to Rocket's undeniably violent takeover initiatives - hell, even her relationship with the Unown - all of it displeased Parker, to varying degrees. If Parker was going to remain chained to Rocket, primarily because of Nomi, why did she refuse to give Nomi an inch on the very altruistic matter of Isaac's continued existence?[break][break]
Not to mention the whole saving the world business.



Mission: Doubt



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find yourself a star
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 0:42:52 GMT
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it's been manageable, the whole 'getting involved with rocket' shit, because she couldn't have gotten as close as she had with nomi without doing so. she's mostly been able to take out her frustrations on punching bags. or in nameless' ring. or out on runs, over hundreds of push-ups and sit-ups and anything else to keep her brain active and off of the truth.

she's scared. having an underboss rip into your wounded leg with nothing but an irritated thought will do that to a girl, she supposes, but it's not just that.

nomi doesn't understand.

parker's teeth groan from the stress of her clenching jaw and she throws her hands in the air at the tail end of nomi's question. 

"don't tell me i fucking won't, nomi. 'everything rocket does?' are you serious right now? what, i should just be peachy with global terrorism? the fuckin' types of torture i'm sure gets off on? the godsdamned regime my sister was carted away to? to keep the fuckin' peace in kanto?"

she shakes out her hand, flexing and unflexing, rooted to the spot because she is so gods damned angry

"you found a family here, nomi, but me? rocket killed mine. don't talk to me like any of this is easy. like me saying i'm gonna have to kill your best friend is in any way easy. but if it's you or him, i'm always gonna choose you."
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played by


Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
find yourself a star
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 1:29:09 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi shut her mouth. Shut it so hard she bit her tongue, tasted the metallic tang of blood on the back of her teeth. Parker had - (has?) - a sister? Had she known that?[break][break]
You found a family here, Nomi, but me? Rocket killed mine.[break][break]
These were the moments that shaped a person, sent them down a specific trajectory, nudged them right or left when faced with a crossroads. People only ever saw the brilliant mind behind the pretty face, never the trauma that lurked within a padlocked heart. In that moment, Nomi realized with a harrowing sorrow that she had never once asked Parker why she had joined Rocket.[break][break]
And Parker had never asked her.[break][break]
"Rocket killed my family too," Nomi said, and it could have been vitriol, it could have been a snappish comeback meant to sting. But it wasn't. Nomi's body sagged forward, shoulders slumping, and she was surprised to find she still had tears left to shed.[break][break]
"I'm an orphan, Parker. I have no living family that I know of. My parents were scientists murdered by their own test subjects in Kanto, where they were working for the Rocket regime."[break][break]
Her voice sounded far away to her own ears, like a muffled radio. Her head buzzed with the memories of her parents' bodies, mangled in pools of their own blood, a scene that had witnessed in person and had carried with him to Hoenn in the luggage that was his own trauma. Parker did not need to know that detail: she was not in the right headspace to understand that he, too, had lived through tragedy.[break][break]
"So don't talk to me as if I do not understand what Rocket is, Parker. Don't judge me for choosing to love the people I love." You included. "I joined Rocket to find out what happened to my parents, and I found and and instead. I found you. Eventually, their fates were revealed to me, and you know what?"[break][break]
Nomi swallowed, feeling small. She forced herself to look Parker in the eyes.[break][break]
"All it did was make me realize that if I'm going to die, then it better actually mean something."



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 1:58:17 GMT
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parker never asked because she didn't want to know. she doesn't know a lot of things about nomi because she doesn't want to know. they're fucked up - she knows that. they're fucked up and they're bad people, but it's so hard to admit that when nomi is sitting on her bed with puffy eyes and the most adorable fuck-me-right-now pink bedhead.

beating people up for money doesn't seem so bad anymore, in the grand scheme of things. 

it's nothing in the scope of the lawless land that governs nomi. megalalas and unown korianders and an evil organization hell-bent on destroying them, well, it's a lot

scientists murdered by their own test subjects - 

parker's jaw sets. she turns on her heels, stalks back (and will swivel again, turn forth, but for now she has) to hide the disbelief, the frustration, the anger, the revulsion. she runs a hand over her face, scrubbing it and leaving only a remnant of bitter anger in its wake when she turns back. 

her eyes are such a tired blue. 

"at the end of the day, nomes, i'm gonna do what i gotta do to protect us." her heart is heavy with the weight of too many forgotten years. "i'm your bodyguard, remember? can't have you go dyin' for the greater good. fuck the greater good. you're my greater good."
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played by


Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 22:11:26 GMT
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The silence was deafening. Nomi breathed deeply, tasting tears and blood and sweat on her tongue. Kallistatus floated closer as if drawn to the sudden intensity of her longing. She didn't look at the Unown, though. She only had eyes for Parker, who's expression was so stubborn, so exhausted, so heartbreakingly resolute it finally dawned on Nomi that maybe, just maybe, this woman really, truly loved her.[break][break]
Nomi glanced down at Parker's left hand, as if expecting to see a ring there, but all she saw was bruises and swollen knuckles: reminders of Parker's promise to always be the protector. Her protector.[break][break]
You're my greater good.[break][break]
"Come here," Nomi requested softly. She held out her arms needily, feeling much younger - and far more vulnerable - than a Rocket Head Scientist intent on saving the world ought to feel.[break][break]



Mission: Doubt



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[newclass=".nomitest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 23:42:14 GMT
parker jones Avatar

are they still fighting? it feels like they should still be fighting. nomi hasn't budged and parker won't relent. they're stuck between a rock and a hard place and parker is still kinda pissed off, super fuckin' scared, and she wants to do a bunch of things right now like - 

1. go on a five mile run
2. do a thousand push-ups
3. run her fist through the drywall again

cuddling nomi isn't up on that list because she's wired. she's still twitching, as though her brain hasn't really caught up with the fact that she'd stopped pacing, but nomi's request is heeded despite all of this. without a thought. 

the please isn't necessary; she's already taken two steps. the other one comes with a bent knee and she almost shoulder-checks nomi as she crashes into her in a big bear hug, hands coming up behind her head to cradle her as she tumbles them over. 

"ten more minutes," she says roughly against her neck. "fuck all this for just ten more minutes."

nomi knows better than most what parker jones can accomplish in just ten minutes. 
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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 5:41:02 GMT
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