No Way Out [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ana, Miss Sune
September 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Anahel Sune
No Way Out [s]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 23:24:01 GMT
Anahel Sune Avatar



Anahel came well equipped for her trek through the tunnels. If allowed, the dark abyss of the caverns could drive one mad. It was wise to come prepared.[break][break]

Houndoom walked besides the girl as she shined her flashlight on the floors and walls of the cave system. The over protective pokèmon stayed alert. His ears stood tall, listening for even the most subtle of noises.[break][break]

The grunt was sent out to collect data on the cave system. What for? She did not know. It was not uncommon for the low ranks to get assigned a task and be expected to do it with no questions asked.[break][break]

She carried a notebook in her bag to mark anything that could be seen as unusual, but so far nothing of interest has made its self known.[break][break]
Sighing, Anahel pulled out a map of the tunnels. She made a few scribbles to keep track of her location, before continuing deeper into the darkness.




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[newclass=".anahel .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
No Way Out [s]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 11:32:36 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Further down the dark tunnel, the small flicker of a lantern flame begins to manifest. As and her HOUNDOOM draw closer, a LUCARIO standing guard beside a hunched-over man detects their presence. Or, more accurately, their auras. It notifies its master of these newcomers with a soft 'boof'.

had never met when he'd been an ADMIN to TEAM ROCKET, so her presence (and young demeanor, naturally) does not alarm the wanted individual as much as it alarms the archaeologist. The Houndoom in the firelight is somewhat unnerving, of course, but he feels confident enough it is simply there to protect her. And, since he did not wish to cause her any harm, he was not all that worried about the jackal.

"Hello there," He speaks as he stands up and straightens in posture from his work. Now that he's moved, the young girl can likely see what he's carefully unearthed from the ground: an ancient clay pot decorated with a ring of faded Salamence and other hieroglyphics.

"I wasn't expecting to see another soul in the tunnels for miles. Are you a ranger?"

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Ana, Miss Sune
September 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
Anahel Sune DOLLARS
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Anahel Sune
No Way Out [s]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2023 3:06:23 GMT
Anahel Sune Avatar



Further ahead a faint light could be seen. Anahel was not sure how to respond to it. The chances of it being anything of interest was slim. It was not uncommon for other's to travel through to the tunnel as a means of cutting through to Verdanturf, and the girl was uninterested in making any sort of acquaintance during her mission.[break][break]
It was then when Houndoom's fur stood from their back. The uneasy canine began to growl upon catching the scent of another pokèmon.[break][break]
"Calm down," Anahel said to her partner while patting his back.[break][break]
Unfortunately, there was no where else to go but forward if she wanted to continue her journey through the caverns. The girl sighed once again. Hopefully whoever was ahead did not make any attempts to converse with her.[break][break]
Close enough to make out the source of the light, Anahel saw a man digging through the walls of the tunnel. A Lucario stood over him. They seemed focused on the excavation. It should be easy to pass by with no interruptions.[break][break]
Damn it.[break][break]
Anahel stopped as the man stood to greet her. He held a peculiar pot. It must have been what he was so focused on prior. The girl pondered on how to proceed. She could ignore him and continue on, but there was a faint interest in what the man was doing this deep into the tunnels. It was clear they were no ordinary traveler.[break][break]
"No." Anahel shook her head. "I am a student."[break][break]
This wasn't a total lie. The girl was enrolled in university at Slateport City. It was possible to compose a story that she was here for a project, but to be this deep into the caverns was a bit extreme for a class assignment.[break][break]
"And you? What brings you this deep into the tunnels?"[break][break]
Might as well see what this man was about. She was already stuck in a conversation with him.




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played by


the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
No Way Out [s]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2023 8:37:25 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









It is quite odd to see a student so deep within these caverns. Rather than question her to the ninth degree, however, Remiel decides to let her keep her silence on the matter. He'd been exploring the HAMMERLOCKE CATACOMBS around her age, too, after all. Had he ever needed a reason beyond just being curious? He hadn't thought so.[break][break]

"Archaeology," The exiled prince smiles in the firelight. "I'm an archaeologist." He reaches out for a handshake afterward, introducing himself further. "My name is Remiel. This is NIKE." He adds, gesturing towards his Lucario with a nod. The jackal in question regards her and the Houndoom with a nonchalant look as it crosses its arms.[break][break]

"You don't happen to be lost, do you? I can show you the way out if you'd like. Best not to run into a MEGALOPOLAN after the sun sets."[break][break]

[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]NO WAY OUT ♔


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