i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,009 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 7:56:49 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar
The entrance of the forest is a killing field. Countless shadow pokemon, countless people running for their lives.

"Fucking... hate games like these."

You grit your teeth and sprint. If you can just... make... it... through.

The world goes black, and falls away. A deep chill. Gem eyes of 's shadow Sableye glimmer back, and it smiles. Blackened icicles erupt from the ground and pierce your heart. You let out a silent scream.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

You're back on the field alive.

Clutching your chest, you still feel the pain of being killed. It's like nothing even happened.

"What the... fuck."

You run in a different direction this time. When the chiil congeals, when the world falls away into the black abyss... you takes a leap of faith. A shoe lands on the sableye's head, and you launch yourself beyond its attack.


What the hell?

What was that?

Time rewound?

That doesn't make any sense, but... well, you're still alive. Fuck.

Whatever, just go for it!

You run til you make it to the treeline, duck into the brush.

Branches grab at you, snag your jacket. You push through, determined to make it to the other side, but as you catch a glimpse of the clearing beyond, tendrils suddenly ensnare you from behind.

's shadow sylveon wraps its ribbons around you tight, and you can feel the snap and the crack as your own bones crumple inside you.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The black forest rises up to meet you again.

You pant, sweat collecting on your brow.

"What... the fuck... this isn't real."

One time, one minor glitch, maybe you could've written it off.

But now...

Avoid running straight through, weave and dodge. It's the only way.

You round the territory of the Sylveon. You watch it collect the body of some other hapless fool and snap their necks. Watching it from the third person doesn't make it any easier.

You cover your mouth, stopping your stomach acid from rising up at the sight.

Clear the forest. That's all that matters. What are you doing?

... You take off through the trees, jumping, ducking, weaving and dodging, til you've lost your way completely. Evading other people, evading shadow pokemon, you come to a clearing.

There, you see her.

"Lillith... you're friendly, right?"

The Seviper hisses, rounding on you instantly.

You take a step back, holding out your hands.

"Hey, we're good. Remember me?"

It happens faster than you can react.

Fangs long as knifes, a body springing like a coil.

You feel the sharp pain as they sink deep into your neck. Body wraps around you, and you're crushed instantly.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

You're in the clearing again.

Amaryllis stares you down, watching carefully.

"H-Hey, Lillith, it's me... Tsubaki, you remember?"

There's a ball at your hip. You reach carefully toward it, holding out your hand to assure the shadow Seviper.

"We're buds, right? We're good?"

The snake coils again, lunging for you. You flinch, thrusting the dream ball out in front of you.

A flash of light.

The ball shakes, and then it clicks.

"Somehow... I don't believe that."

A prompt pops up. You bleeding heart, it takes but a moment to decide.

Warning! Doing so will take away power that can help you protect the ones you care about.

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UUqNs3l.png') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass]


Her heart is opened.

You sigh, and let her out of her ball. She wraps around your legs affectionately, and you run your fingers along her snout.

"There, there..."

Suddenly, you hear the worst roar you've ever heard in your life. It matches the ferocity of Vortigern, 's star pokemon, but it's tortured, as hurt as it is angry.

's shadow Hydreigon bursts from the trees.

You see it for just a moment, before it bathes you in flames. You're alight for only a few moments, but they're the most agonizing moments you've ever felt before.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

You're in the clearing again.

Amaryllis stares you down.

"... Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

"... Heyyy..."

You smile at her, but there's no fucking time for that. A dragon will be here in a few seconds, you've gotta...

"C'mon, girl. Time to get in the ball, we'll fight this thing together, huh?"

She snarls, lunging toward you. You hold out the ball again, and she's captured.

There's hesitation as you stare at the prompt for a moment, but ultimately, you can't go through with it.

Warning! Doing so will take away power that can help you protect the ones you care about.

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UUqNs3l.png') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass]


You send her from her ball, facing the direction the dragon will emerge in ten seconds.

"Listen, girl. In a few seconds there will be a dragon coming in this direction..."

The roar is right on cue.

"... when you see it, use haze!"

The screen of smoke will confuse it, won't it?

Amaryllis nods, facing the trees. You can hear the Hydreigon tear through the forest, rushing up to meet you.

You and it lock eyes for just a moment, and then... a screen of black smoke fills the clearing.

You did it! Now all you've gotta do is...!

Fuck. You're on fire again, burning. God, it's so hot. Why? Why didn't it work?

Is it just... setting the surroundings on fire?


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

You're in the clearing again.

"Fuck... we almost..."

You'll never get used to the feeling of dying.

But that doesn't matter, you're here to live, not die!

"Lillith, c'mere!"

You toss the ball at her this time. It takes a second.

Warning! Doing so will take away power that can help you protect the ones you care about.

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UUqNs3l.png') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass]


You send her out. She gazes up at you with a smile.

Well, as much of a smile a snake can give, but still.

"Look. When that Hydreigon comes, give it a Glare. We'll freeze it. Got it?"

The snake looks confused for a moment, but the roar fills her with determination. She turns in its direction, not questioning you for a moment.

You suddenly realize, she's probably dying too... no, best not to consider that.

"... Alright... alright... NOW!"

The Hydreigon is frozen as it emerges from the trees. It stares transfixed at Lillith, the inside of its neck already ablaze.


You take off, with the snake following you. There's no way for a snake to run. It's a figure of speech. But somehow, instead of a plan, your brain sticks with that as you stumble through the trees. What a dumb choice of expression.

Amaryllis behind you, you can hear the dragon roar again. This time it focuses on you both, tearing through the trees behind you and setting them ablaze.


You both run as fast as you can, weaving, turning different directions.

But it doesn't matter.

The whole forest around you is set on fire indiscriminately under the Hydreigon's rage. And soon, you are, too.

There's no stopping it. It's unstoppable.

You open your mouth to scream, but the fire burn away even your own voice.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The ball is already in the air.

Lillith is contained inside. A struggle, met by a click.

You stare at the prompt. It seems impossible, you gotta find another way...

Warning! Doing so will take away power that can help you protect the ones you care about.

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UUqNs3l.png') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass]


She emerges from the ball good as new, purified by the program. She gazes up at you happily, but you can see nothing but the rage in that dragon's eyes.

"We're fighting. Okay?"

Lillith tilts her head, but she trusts you. Completely. She'll do whatever she needs for you, because you have her best interest in mind.

The roar fills you with dread.

"Glare. Then Poison Tail, til it stops moving."

The Seviper at your feet doesn't seem to understand why you're acting so strangely, but she flicks her tongue and turns in the direction you're facing, to do whatever she can to make you happy. As always.

"Right about... now!"

The sight is seared into your memory now.

Lillith's attack goes off without a hitch. You don't run. You just stare at the face of death, watching your Seviper stab at it over and over, cutting away at black scales.

As the paralysis fades, you can see it react to everything you've done. The blood spattered all over has only seemed to make the dragon angrier.


You let the fire burn you away, to start again.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The dream ball closes.

You can't let her remain a shadow of her former self. She's not herself like this.


This time, a mix of toxic and venoshock, maybe?


You let the fire burn you away and start over.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The dream ball closes.


What haven't you tried by now?

Different combinations have gotta be the answer.

Glare, Haze, and run away.



memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The dream ball closes.


Poison Tail, Poison Tail, Venoshock.



memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The dream ball closes.


Over and over and over and over and over and over.

How many times have you died by now?

As long as you keep outpacing death, it won't arrive. But how long can you keep it up?

There's always an out, if you're desperate.

But you're not that desperate yet.

Glare, Poison Tail, Venoshock.

Have you tried that already?

Guess so.


memento mori
nickname: lycoris
a skill generated from an obsession with death. when you die, time rewinds thirty seconds - if you die again in that same span of time, game over

The dream ball closes.

You stare at the prompt.

There's no other way out of this, is there? Can you do anything about this?

Is this just fate?

Well, if you die again, then this can be changed.

Warning! Doing so will keep you from reaching their true potential in lieu of brute force.

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/UUqNs3l.png') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass]


You send her out. There's no look of happiness or trust in her eyes anymore. She seems eager for a fight.

"I'm sorry."

No, you're not. You're just saying that.

This is the only way, so... just try.

"Glare, then use Shadow Hold. Lock it in place."

Your heart feels like it's about to burst.

The guilt you already feel, to have named her for your departed first partner pokemon, the first Seviper you ever owned...

The roar rattles your bones, but you're uused to it by now. You watch as it emerges from the trees, ready to fight.

Amaryllis's hateful eyes freeze it in place. Shadow chains erupt from the earth, keeping it there.

And then you take Lillith back into her ball, and run.

You run until you can't breathe, and keep running.

In the distance, somewhere, you hear the Hydreigon's roar, but it's a distant memory. It can't reach you if you just keep running. There was nothing but blind rage in those eyes.

You run til you taste blood, and only then, as you collapse, do you dare look back.

A huge column of smoke rises into the night sky, but you're far away from it, at the edge of the forest now. Far from the chaos at the forest's entrance, far away from the hateful dragon's rage.

And all you needed to do was sacrifice your treasured pokemon's heart.



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played by


December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,009 posts
part of
TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2023 9:09:10 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


it's a long life full of long nights