Digging for gold [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 14:42:22 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
Eva was extremely skeptical about the idea of a bunch of morons deciding that they’d find mega stones if they went digging in one of the region’s famous caves. It wasn’t surprising that this was the response to the discovery of the stones.

It was as if someone was dangling a carrot in front of a Rapidash’s face on a stick and string that they just couldn’t reach. The chance to get something to power your Pokémon to unknown levels was definitely alluring. And that sort of power should be put into the right hands, not the hands of some random miner who’d probably end up getting robbed of it anyway.

Much to her annoyance a lot of Rockets wanted to get in on the craze and decided to go on their own little spelunking escapade which she somehow got dragged into. The idea was that if anyone could identify what they were looking for and verify that they hit the jackpot it would be her.

While the logic was sound Eva really didn’t want to be bothered with it, having little faith in the endeavors probability of turning a profit but at least she was being paid regardless of what happened. And the money would go straight into her research.

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songbird, eve
september 5th
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Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 17:39:06 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
but i'm not afraid of love

[attr="class","starrytext"]"you don't seem to be enjoying yourself..." a feminine voice uttered. behind her was the redheaded songstress known as songbird. she trailed past the skeptic female whom exhibited displeasure. "...miss eva." she called the female.

songbird had been within a tranquil mood. the aura she once exhibited was different, she was more approachable. with silas gone, a weight was lifted from her shoulder. her goal was to now liberate those who were still of rocket affiliation. it wouldn't be easy, but she'd do her best. "are you not excited to find a rare stone like the others?" songbird's aggron and houndoom were on the prowl. searching through one corner of the mine and the next.

"i hope this mission didn't interrupt any personal activities." songbird spoke with a slight hint of concern. she understood what it meant to place something important to the side for a cause. "i can assure you that this is a once in a lifetime experience. it's best we rockets grab this opportunity while we can." songbird stated with a smile.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 18:41:00 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
”Is it that obvious?” Eva responded to the voice that came from behind, her eyes meeting the figure’s approach starting from their corners as the person came into view from the side. ”Nice to see you, Songbird.” She’d add, giving the red-head a nod. Now at least she had some better company, or at least company that was easy to put a name to the face. And the air surrounding the girl that was brought with her was in stark contrast to Eva’s seemingly dourer mood. What in the world could she be so chipper about? This was quite curious.

Her question garnered a half-hearted shrug as a response from Eva before she answered verbally. ”Don’t get me wrong I’d love for us to find a mega stone I just doubt that our search here will be fruitful is all.” The scientist responded, watching the work that was being done nearby. She let out a sigh before shaking her head.

”It’s quite alright. Making sure these fools don’t screw anything up is more important.” Eva began, scratching the back of her head as she continued. ”And you make a good point, better to strike while the iron’s hot before we have the League up our ass. Is that why you decided to join in this little escapade? Cash in on the spoils?”

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songbird, eve
september 5th
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Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 19:19:49 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
but i'm not afraid of love

[attr="class","starrytext"]"i'm just here to play bodyguard." and that's it. she just wanted to make sure no one was harmed by those of rocket. likewise she, too, wanted to make sure that rocket wasn't harmed. with silas gone, as far as songbird was aware, she saw rocket as leaderless and a threat to hoenn still. there was potential for a new silas to arise, she didn't want that.

"plus, i'm also curious about finding such an item. though, in honesty, i rather be back home preparing for my live concert." to have her fans ifnd out that their beloved songbird was a member of rocket would prove to be greatly detrimental. hence why she goes by such an identity. her fans just wouldn't understand. though there were some who saw her as a league spy, she was neither an ally to rocket nor league.

she was an ally to her brother--to the silph family. most of all, she was an ally to herself. if you want change you have to pursue, and that's what she was doing. she could've left this group of criminals. but, for now, she remains. she remains not for league, not for her brother, but...for herself.

for her father.

"plus, i thought i'd get to see a member of my family. it'd be interesting to have a go at them, it's been awhile since i've fought." that was a lie, considering she had a hand in the defeat of silas. the rocket actress would allow for a sigh to escape her maw, "it's tiring playing pretend. my family thinks i've returned to the league side, yet here i am." that was a lie. she did, but she needed to keep up the act. how else would she explain why she visits lilycove so frequently and openly?

"i envy you, professor dumont. you don't have too many problems," songbird chuckled, "all you have to worry about is your research and science-y stuff." she continued, "it must be nice to be able to focus on the things you love."

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Rocket Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 20:21:24 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
Bodyguard huh? She certainly didn’t strike Eva as the type to be interesting in doing so but perhaps that was a failing on Eva’s part to assume such a thing. When compared to other rockets, Songbird was definitely a breath of a fresh air.

Both in the literal sense because some of these nasty bastards didn’t know what a bar of soap was, seriously what was up with that. And in the figurative seeing as how pleasant and kind she was, which ultimately was either really suspicious or comforting to have someone like that around to cut through the filth.

”Oh right. Must be a lot having to deal with both that life and juggling that with rocket as well. Hopefully, we find something to make the time worth it.” Eva was one to talk about leading dual lives. While they weren’t that separate it would still be a pain in the ass for her public persona to be connected to this criminal underworld she worked in.

Unlike the one next to her, Eva didn’t have so many personal and intimate relationships like siblings and family that she held close to the chest. And as Songbird would then go and describe, it sounded like a pain in the ass so Eva was glad she didn’t have to bother with that drama.

”It’s all well and nice until some suit starts bugging you about your projects or wants you to do something like cure all diseases or invent some sort of infinite energy.” Eva jokingly explained with a bit of a groan at the end. ”But I do love my work.” Which begged the question.

”I’m assuming music is what you love, no? Your passion. Would you have rather not getting involved with Rocket and just focusing on that? Why did you join?” She knew why she was here, but why her?

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 20:44:56 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
but i'm not afraid of love

[attr="class","starrytext"]laughter ensued, but came to an abrupt halt from the question posed. a soft smile emerged, both solemn yet melancholic. "my want for peace." a hand was placed over her chest. "i'll be honest with you professor, since i trust you." she'd look straight ahead, but made it clear that she was addressing the professor.

"i want to change this region for the better. in all honesty, i'm not really on either side of the spectrum. i'm league, but also rocket. i want to help rocket understand that one can achieve their goal without harm." and there were those who chose harm instead of peace.

"i just want to make sure that no is harmed like what happened in kanto. i want this region to be great again. i want to do that through both my music and by taking action." turning toward the professor, she'd continue, "we silph are not all talk, but also action. right now we're without leadership, but i hope everyone can use this opportunity to realize that, in order to grow, we need to become united." a desire easier said then done. she was going to do her very best to make this region a safe place for many. she couldn't save kanto nor her foster parents, but she was going to try her best here.

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Rocket Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 21:46:26 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
Eva was completely caught off guard by all of this and it showed in her face. First she wanted to question the woman’s trust in her but when she went further on and explained herself Eva remained quiet and just listened.

The professor knew that this woman was an oddity among rocket but she wasn’t sure how much until now. Eva wasn’t even sure how to respond at first, which her being at a loss for words, was definitely rare and there were people who would pay to learn how to do such a thing. This was all really new.

The woman laughed, not at what Songbird said or the idol at all, at least not in a way that meant disrespect. ”Man I really do admire the set of balls on you!” The woman was smiling from ear to ear. ”Most people would be scared shitless saying something like that so cavalier with this many rockets around. I knew I liked you for a reason!” But now Eva got a bit more serious.

”But you’ve got some big dreams there.” Her face now adopted a more serious look, eyes meeting the Silph. But there was still kindness in those eyes.

”I don’t even know if such a thing is possible! With Rocket’s history even if you managed to get them to come along on your plan convincing the league to not eviscerate them on the spot? I don’t know how you could manage that.” Sounded like a fool’s errand. ”But I’m sure you’ve already thought of all of that.” For a moment there the woman entered a deep thought before continuing her words.

”Still that’s a tall order, revolutionary even. Hmm maybe with your connections and sense you clearly don't lack the confidence to do something like this, maybe you’ll be able to pull it off.” She rubbed her chin at the thought.

”With all that said, I’ll be keeping my eye on you! I’m expecting great things coming from you now! So don’t disappoint me, you hear?! And if you need help with something don’t be afraid to ask. I’m curious to see how this goal of yours plays out.”

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 22:13:02 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
but i'm not afraid of love

[attr="class","starrytext"]she had no shame in what she spoke. perhaps the old songbird wouldn't have been so open to sharing her thoughts. but, in the end, she has nothing to hide. besides, it was just between girls. she'd respond, "it's between us girls," songbird chuckled. it was nice to have support within her goal. "it's alright, i'm well-versed in handling myself when it comes to grunt work." just look into her history, girl was a literal walking black widow ready for combat.

"all i need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust." songbird giggled. you could say she had a revolutionary calling. she wanted to liberate those of hoenn. she wanted to liberate those of rocket. the task wouldn't be easy, but with 's help, she had a chance. her dream was just within reach.

"though, i'm curious. why are you--" she was caught off by the sudden call of a random grunt. "it looks as if they've found something." eva was the head of this operation. so if they found something of interest they were to report to her. "perhaps it's a megastone, shall we check it out?"
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Rocket Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 22:48:08 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
”Of course, of course!” Eva smiled. If anyone was good at keeping things to themselves and making sure a secret stayed a well a secret, it was Eva. These Silph types were definitely an interesting bunch. With them around there was rarely a dull moment in Hoenn, which it was up in the air as to whether or not that was a good or a bad thing and there were plenty of people who would say either or on that one.

Finally some progress….wait there was progress? Now Eva was definitely surprised but it was a welcome one. ”Well I’ll be damned.” Was she going to be proven wrong?

And any thought of that was immediately dashed when she finally saw what the grunts had found. ”These aren’t mega stones you MOOK!” She violently waved the stones that she held in the grunts face.

”These are just your run of the mil evolutionary stones! Thunder, Fire, Grass stones! You ever heard of these before?!” She grabbed the grunt by his collar and started shaking him.

After she got that out of her system she let the man go and turned to Evelyn as the man dropped to the ground. ”While they’re no mega stones they do have their uses, you want one?” She’d give the woman the one she wanted.

”Let’s wrap up for the day, alright? We’ve been here for long enough.” Once the equipment was gathered up and everyone was ready they’d be free to go home.

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 22:55:11 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar
but i'm not afraid of love

[attr="class","starrytext"]"oh my!" their hopes were shot. eva wasn't happy. songbird was offered a stone, so that was a plus! upon accepting one she wasn't sure what she'd exactly do with such a stone. she simply stared at it briefly. its cut was beautiful. "mm, thank you!" songbird uttered, showing gratitude for the gift. it was time head home. today's mission wasn't a total bust, it was semi-rewarding.
[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Digging for gold [M]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2019 23:43:08 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy,[break] and 1 free evolutionary stone evo (redeem in site shop).
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