Space Is for Squares [O][M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 11
Hau'oli City
CEO of Adebayo Holdings
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Ozni Adebayo
Space Is for Squares [O][M]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2023 3:44:02 GMT
Ozni Adebayo Avatar
[attr="class","oznimain"]To go where no man had gone before! Outer space! That saying was way less cool when you were one of a dozen passengers on the shuttle. It made him miss The Border. That stuff came with body switching, ghoulish mysteries, and Big Daddy Benoit. This place, meanwhile, was all hospital sanitation, seat belts, and safety announcements. It felt like riding an expensive school bus at this point. With a sigh, Oz let his head fall back against the window. For a while now,

And, worst of all, he had zero signal out here. The wi-fi was also slower than molasses. So, no Candy Crush or high-stakes solitaire. Ozni had gone so far as to try reading an actual book, but sci-fi didn’t hold a lot of appeal right now. He was literally about to be surrounded by space.

Enchanted, his Arctozolt wriggled in her restraints. Tiny flippers beat excitedly at her legs as her neck strained to press her face against the window. A snot trail followed her movements. “Icee, babe, come on.” Ozni waved airily at the fossil Pokemon. It looked almost disappointed. Get down.” Long, pianist's fingers gestured vaguely to the person in front of him. “Nobody wants to look at your boogers.” A glance at his watch revealed show time neared.

Hopefully, that poor people's space lottery would get him some major views.


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it's a long life full of long nights