7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Wren, Win
Moved Often
Mechanic/Odd Jobs
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2024 15:41:20 GMT

A famous foreign travel blogger had once reviewed Hoenn and rated it thus: 7.8 Too Much water. It had been a whole big controversy at the time, and Wren, stuck immobilized in his hospital bed, had followed the drama out of boredom.

The point was: Hoenn had a shit ton of ocean all around it. And yet... Wren had never gone to a beach.

Like sure, he’d walked - been wheeled usually - past beaches from time to time while getting from point A to point B. But as a Hoenn resident, wasn’t it a travesty and a half that he hadn’t spent some actual time with his toes in the sand, salted air in his lungs, and er, whatever else you did at the beach? But for so long he was injured or immobile, wasting away the best beach years of his life in bed. And then he was confined to a wheelchair, and the less said about trying to operate wheels on sand the better, even with all the improvements Wren had made to it.

So this was a long time coming: standing here in the shallows, letting the water lap at his ankles. The wide open expanse of the sea made him nervous, so he kept his gaze to his feet, making his steady way across the sands. His sylveon walked patiently at his side, ribbons around his arm, while his cutiefly sat on his shoulder. Meatloaf had disappeared somewhere - hopefully swept out at sea to spare Wren from her mischief, but probably to go harass other beachgoers into giving her treats.

(feel free to have her harassed by meatloaf and control her if you feel like it)
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january 15th
5’3” height
5’3” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
87 posts
opal garcia DOLLARS
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opal garcia
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 15:07:29 GMT
opal garcia Avatar

[attr="class","header"]DREAM BIG AND LIVE YOUR STORY


The beach was a place she had only been to once before. Sand wasn't exactly made for a wheelchair, after all. She was sure if Hercules, her Machamp, hadn't pushed her that day and she had wheeled herself, she would've been exhausted. And yet, despite that, she was going back. Feeling the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves on the shore had really enticed her, not that there had been much of a breeze that day considering it had been summer and that week had been exceedingly hot. But regardless, she had had a good time.
Going back, it was almost like it was that day. Almost. This time she didn't have a picnic basket with her. But Hercules was pushing her wheelchair and Eos, her Kirlia, was once more sitting in her lap. Not that the latter was too uncommon. Eos always sat in her lap and used her psychic powers to mentally talk to her through a telepathic link, albeit a weak one considering she didn't currently have telepathy as an ability.
The sound of the waves allowed her to know they had reached the beach. And she relaxed more into the wheelchair, just taking in the sounds around her. She wondered what it would be like to let the water rush over her. Be a bit of a normal kid. It wasn't something she had ever done, even before the incident that had landed her in a wheelchair. Before all that, her lack of eyesight had kept her from coming, her parents not really wanting her to walk along the beach when she couldn't see.
Still, she wanted to know what it was like. It wasn't like she planned on going far out. She couldn't swim, after all. But she was also aware of how protective her Pokémon was. And the likelihood of them not allowing her near the water was strong.
Chewing her lower lip, she considered her options. She finally made up her mind and turned towards Hercules. "Can you carry me closer to the water?" she inquired. "Please?" she added once it seemed he would refuse.
Letting out as much of a sigh as a Pokémon could, he relented. The Machamp was about to pick her up when Eos let her know a Galarian Zigzagoon had wandered up. A bit surprised, she turned her head in the direction Eos had indicated.
Was it another Pokémon that had wandered off? If that was the case, this really was starting to feel like déjà vu. Last time she had met a woman whose Smoochum had found her after running off. Though she highly doubted this was the same. Seriously, what were the odds that she would meet the same way again? That meant it was another person who had lost their Pokémon.
"Is your owner nearby?" she inquired of the Pokémon. Though it wasn't like she expected a response. "Guess we'll just have to find this one's owner," she told her companions before turning back towards Hercules.
While she was turning to address Hercules, Eos had decided to talk to the Zigzagoon. While no one could really tell what was said, one could only speculate that Eos had told the other Pokémon to come with them.
Back with Opal, she had turned towards Hercules. "I'm ready now."
That was all the order Hercules needed as he picked her up and began to carry her closer to the water.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + I had her speak to her but I’ve been rping so long that it’s hard for me to take control of another characters characters even if given permission



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played by


Wren, Win
Moved Often
Mechanic/Odd Jobs
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
16 posts
part of
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 20:12:51 GMT

The galarian zigzagoon paused in her sniffing as a mind brushed against her own. She tilted her head all the way to the left and then all the way to the right, as if rolling the kirlia’s communication from one side of her head to the other - a process much akin to a penny rattling in an empty tin can. For most pokemon, said communication would have been an easy thing, but unfortunately for all involved Meatloaf had one thing that stood her apart from other zigzagoon.

The IQ of a turnip.

So after thirty seconds or so, after the human was picked up and began to be carried away, it seemed to click that SOMETHING WEIRD JUST HAPPENED!! IN HER HEAD!! Meatloaf yelped as if she’d been electrocuted - loud and overdramatic howling - and whipped around in circles looking for the source of the brain-tickle. Despite the sound like a trashcan of meowths getting rolled down a hill, her tail was wagging a mile a minute.

Alerted by the familiar cries of his personal idiot, Wren hurried from further down the beach.

Why was sand so hard to run in, ah?? He arrived at the scene of his pokemon running circles around a machamp’s legs, baying up a storm of aggressive friendliness.

“Ah, there you are, you brat! Couldn’t have done us all a favor and gotten gulped down by a pelipper? Argh, c’mere, shush - leave that lady alone!”

Meatloaf yipped happily at him and proceeded to ignore his commands completely, launching herself up to try and climb up the Machamp to investigate the source of the pokemon that tickled her mind.

“Meatloaf!” Wren shouted. “Bad girl! Ugh, sorry about her - the daycare lady dropped her egg a lot I think. Meatloaf, get down, she doesn’t have treats!”

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january 15th
5’3” height
5’3” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
87 posts
opal garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @opal
opal garcia
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 21:27:36 GMT
opal garcia Avatar

[attr="class","header"]DREAM BIG AND LIVE YOUR STORY


She figured the Galarian Zigzagoon would get around to following them eventually. She had no way of knowing she wasn't the sharpest tool in the toolbox, just figuring the other Pokémon was a bit caught off guard by Eos invading her mind. Perfectly understandable since not many Pokémon would be able to talk directly in someone's mind.
The Galarian Zigzagoon took a little longer than necessary to realize something was going on though. At least in her opinion, it did. A slight gasp left her as Hercules had to shift her weight in his arms to avoid dropping her as the Galarian Zigzagoon ran around its legs. This caused Opal to grab hold of one of his arms as the Machamp came to a sudden stop.
When Wren found them, he would find Hercules and Eos both annoyed by the Pokémon's antics. Opal, on the other hand, was trying to soothe them. The last thing she wanted was for one of them to attack the other Pokémon because it was bothering them. She didn't think the Galarian Zigzagoon was a threat, but it was possible Hercules and Eos would see it as a threat.
The young man's voice distracted them all, and she turned her head in the direction she had heard his voice come from. The way he spoke to his Pokémon made her uncomfortable. That was no way to speak about a Pokémon, in her opinion.
Before she could even think of a response, the Pokémon, Meatloaf, decided to climb Hercules like a tree. Something the Machamp wasn't too happy with. "Hercules, it's alright, just calm down," she said soothingly before turning her attention to the young man.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. I think Eos tried to tell her telepathically we would help her find her owner. I don't think it went well though," she said, gesturing to the Kirlia on her lap when she mentioned Eos.
Eos, for her part, had chosen to just glare at Meatloaf. Something that was a bit strange to see on the face of a Kirlia.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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played by


Wren, Win
Moved Often
Mechanic/Odd Jobs
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
16 posts
part of
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2024 15:27:08 GMT
If Meatloaf got him punched by a Machamp, Wren was going to -- well, he was going to bitch about it loudly! It wasn’t like Meatloaf responded to any sort of punishment or training: her brick-level brain was too thick to make the connection to consequences. She didn’t understand time outs or verbal reprimands - or any human words at all really. Sigh.

So Wren approached with his hands up, palms outwards.

“Hey there big fella, just gonna grab her, don’t mind me.” He soothed, and reached out to nab the naughty zigzagoon. Of course, like a nimble pachirisu, meatloaf scuttled around to the other side. Wren’s eye twitched. He glanced up to see the human and the unimpressed psychic pokemon in her lap - haha that was certainly an expression on the little pokemon’s face.

“Sorry if trying to talk to her mind was like smacking into a wall. Or shouting into an empty void.” He said directly to the kirlia.

Wren knew he didn’t have to move - Meatloaf would assume she was being chased, and would - yep, there she was, scurrying back around-

He snagged her scruff and peeled her off the machamp before taking a hasty step back. Meatloaf blinked in surprise, still not caught up to the fact she’d been caught.

“So sorry about her. Uh, might want to check your pockets or bag - she’s sneakier than you’d think for a cinderblock with fur.”

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january 15th
5’3” height
5’3” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
87 posts
opal garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @opal
opal garcia
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 19:30:31 GMT
opal garcia Avatar

[attr="class","header"]DREAM BIG AND LIVE YOUR STORY


Hercules wasn't usually a violent Pokémon, unless he thought his owner was at risk of being hurt. So she wasn't too worried about the Machamp hurting either of them. Still, she thought it best that Hercules calm down.
Feeling Hercules tense as Meatloaf ran to the other side of him, she rested a hand on his arm as a silent reassurance to calm down, assuring him that everything would be alright. Once she felt him calm down, she turned her attention to the guy.
"You don't have to worry about Hercules too much. Deep down, he's just a big softie. Unless you wish me harm, he isn't going to be throwing fists," she admitted, deciding to leave off the fact that the main reason Hercules didn't do that was because he knew it made her sad.
From the thoughts she received from Eos, it seemed that Eos wasn't having nice thoughts about the Galarian Zigzagoon. She was about to scold Eos for her thoughts when the man spoke up once more, momentarily making her forget what she had been about to do.
Eos didn't seem any more impressed by Wren's apology, but at least she stopped glaring and instead chose to turn away.
Realizing this, Opal let out a sigh.
"Sorry about Eos, she's really protective over me. More so than Hercules," she admitted, her expression apologetic.
Finally, it seemed that Wren got a hold of Meatloaf and Hercules could relax fully. It should be noted that Hercules still seemed to shoot Meatloaf a wary look, despite him now being caught.
She didn't like to think of everything, but she still checked her pockets. Her phone was still on her, and everything of value would be in her bag. She knew well enough that Eos wouldn't allow anything to be taken from that.
"We have everything," she told him.
Silence lapsed between them for a few seconds before she spoke up once more. "If you don't mind me asking, what brought you out here?"[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
7.8 Too Much Water [Opal]
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2024 6:20:13 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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