Eddie, The Stalwart
MAY 18th
Soldier, PV2
the closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see it.
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
[nospaces] [attr="class","eddieh"] [attr="class","eddiehmain"]
Alright, sure, maybe he'd been a little over-eager in his approach, but Eddie found that it worked more often than it didn't. Case in point was the stranger's courteous reception of him, and the sating of Eddie's curiosity, [break][break]
“Man, you're tellin' me! I'd love to know where I could find one'a those myself,” he replied, awed. Beau only broke eye contact with the bear long enough to nudge Eddie in the side with one of his spiraling horns, [break][break]
“Ouch! Jealous, big guy?” Eddie chided, patting the bull on the head, “And yeah! I'm Eddie, and this is Beau; he's one a'the Aqua Breed, Paldean born and bred. We haven't exactly been dominating much of anythin', if I'll be honest, but we're at least managing to break even on our win-loss ratio.” [break][break]
And that was good enough for Eddie, at least for now. The battles were thrilling, the trainers fascinating; what more could a guy ask for?
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