Eddie, The Stalwart
MAY 18th
Soldier, PV2
the closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see it.
TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Hakujitsu | Excursion
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2024 16:06:23 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","minimal eddieh"] [attr="class","top"] Eddie really shouldn't be here, but he couldn't help himself. When he caught wind of a group of volunteers (militiamen, more or less) and League personnel heading down further into Area Zero to dispatch a horde of paradox Pokemon, he found himself compelled to join them. These creatures were dangerous, and he'd seen the violence they were capable of firsthand. He had to do his part to help stop them, or else, the second chance he'd been given would have been for nothing. [break][break]
He had been content to mill about the edge of the group, waiting for the command to advance further into the cavernous depths, when Eddie caught sight of familiar blue eyes in the sea of faces. No, it couldn't be him, could it? Before he could really think about what he was doing, Eddie began to force his way through the group of strangers, [break][break]
There was a lilt of trepidation in his voice that was unintentional but unavoidable. Eddie couldn't help but think of the wilting marigolds back in his apartment, juxtaposed with the carnage of his first foray into these uncharted lands. Kazimir Wynter seemed like a strong guy, sure, with a strong as hell Pokemon, if his memory of their time together at the VCT was anything to go off of, but Eddie couldn't stop the lancing fear that pierced his heart. [break][break]
In his mind's eye, he saw yellow petals stained with blood. [break][break]
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