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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 8:18:01 GMT
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[attr="class","ihead"]GENERAL GUIDELINES
PROTECT YOUR STRONGHOLD! this is a mega thread that you can participate in for a large-scale battle. as a note, these threads are not death-enabled. furthermore, feel free to have your trainers retreat, heal their pokemon, and come back! remember to exercise utmost respect for one another and be wary of god-modding.[break][break]

furthermore, you may make separate threads within this board if you desire smaller-scale threads. however, those threads will not count for endeavors involving a "warfront mega thread."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 19:44:28 GMT
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Sand skirled about in a brush of tiny flecks battering ineffectually against his prone form, stirred up by an errant breeze. Eyes of polished bronze were thinned against the brilliant glare of the sun as they tracked the various early activities of the few Canaries that were up and about, lingering on each for a long moment, assessing, dissecting the threat they presented, before moving on. Reconnaisance was ever the first action one must undertake when engaging in any 'combat' scenario, particularly a protracted one. Gauging the worth of the foe, judging their numbers, evaluating their defenses, all would be vital in planning offenses and tactical decisions.[break][break]

So he'd come out here early in the morning, to get an initial assessment of what they were up against - things were grim. The Canaries were, for the moment, by far superior in terms of numbers. He'd spied a healthy number of what could well be formidable trainers, as well. The Hyacinth would be hard pressed this day.[break][break]

Still, no point in getting into a scuffle yet. He eased himself backwards until he was back behind the hump of the divet, then melted away in a silent crouch until it was safe to walk normally again. He had a briefing to give.[break][break]


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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 0:35:58 GMT
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his mightyena gave off a sharp bark: a warning that the dark-type had detected an early bird for the warfront activities. his head turns to a direction, the mist not really giving the trainer any semblance of what the mightyena had managed to sniff out.

kyle lounged by the main base instead of actually venturing off, a yawn escaping him unlikely to everyone else's enthusiasm for the event. he notices his mightyena's behavior, but takes no action from it until he sees him ready a move. he panics and yanks his tail in an effort to stop him from firing the attack off.

he failed.

"not that-- oh."

a hyper beam flies straight to @bronze 's direction. kyle's action had made the aiming of his pokemon iffy, missing the trainer narrowly had he not used a pokemon to defend himself. he clicks his tongue before turning back to where he supposes his secret weapon is.

"bry! i need you here!"

@bronze @bryony
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 0:50:42 GMT
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[attr="class","yellow illumise2"]
[attr="class","illumise2-header"] I bite my tongue and I torch my dreams


Not far from Kyle, Bryony hears the sound of solar beam go off and she nearly drops the cup of tea and coffee she's holding. Her pace quickens, green hair bouncing with her frantic steps before Kyle even has a chance to call for her. She stops by his side and turns, looking at the patch of blown away sand and then the man unfortunate enough to be next to it.
"What did you do, Kyle!" Her head twists from one man to the other. "Are you - are you okay?"
She pushes the cup of coffee to Kyle then scrambles to the stranger out of instinct, tiptoeing through the sand in an effort to not get slowed. Her cup of tea is held tight between both hands and at her side, her Altaria flutters after.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 9:35:35 GMT
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He had gotten just far enough away to come within visual range of his awaiting pokemon, the beloved trio of monsters having been instructed to wait back out of sight due to their…Difficulties when it came to matters of stealth. A quick, warm smile curved his lips as he raised a hand in greeting towards them, only for the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up, tension ratcheting tight the muscles in his neck and shoulders as he hears the terribly familiar sound of a hyper beam lancing through the air. [break] [break]

Surely not. That can't be a...Sweet fucking Arceus![break] [break]

Survival instincts kicked into autopilot and sand sprayed as he dove to one side in an effort to evade the screaming current of raw power, hitting the ground with his shoulder and rolling back to his feet, whirling, wild eyed and veritably vibrating with the adrenaline dumped into his system. It took him a beat, but he registered solid, obdurate screen of concentrated force that had manifested between himself and the hyper beam, blocking the screaming attack in a coruscation of lashing energy that carved into the sand, leaving trails of molten glass in the wake of each whipping tendril of deflected power. [break] [break]

In another rapid beat of his heart, the searing line of power faded, winking out as abruptly as it had arrived. He took a deep, shuddering breath, rising to his feet to walk somewhat unsteadily over to his Aggron, laying a grateful hand on one horn to pull the metallic beast’s head down in order to press the steel brow against his own. “Incredible timing, Ravun-Tus. You saved me with that Protect.” His answer was a low sound of concern as the Aggron tilted its head towards the other two pokemon that stood nearby, the Nidoking with its spines gleaming with a fresh coat of poison and the Tyranitar. [break] [break]

Matun-Rah stepped forward, slamming his foot down with such force that it shook the earth, leaned his great head forward and opened his maw in a deafening roar that elicited a flinch from Bronze, the sound so deep and loud he could swear he felt it shaking his very bones. Upon seeing the telltale sparkle of light manifesting within Matun-Rah’s mouth, panic flooded him and Bronze lurched foward, hand snapping out as he commanded in a voice hard and sharp as a steel whip, “Stop! You do not use your hyper beam within populated areas, you know that! I’m fine!” [break] [break]

He took a breath, steadying his nerves and ignoring the woman that had approached for the time being to instead step closer to Matun-Rah and place a hand along the titanic creature’s armoured neck. A mad eye turned to glare at him, the glittering orb alight with sheer rage. Faced with a pokemon infamous for its ability to level mountains, Bronze did not waver, leaning close and speaking soothing, soft words to Matun-Rah and, after a long, tense moment, visibly relaxed. [break] [break]

Sighing with relief, Bronze turned eyes that glinted with a tightly controlled fury towards the direction where the hyper beam had come from. The damned fool could have killed someone! The muscles in his jaw twitched, pulsing for a beat, before he flicked his attention to the woman. [break] [break]

“Tell your friend that if he ever lets his pokemon fire one of those off in a populated area again, I will have him stand in front of Matun-Rah’s to learn the error of his ways.”[break] [break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 10:41:53 GMT
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@bryony @bronze

Boops on in



It took a split second for normally sweet, soft spoken, level-headed, Rose to be incensed in a way that could only be described as electricity jolting through her veins like a million tiny Joltiks. She'd recognize the sound of Hyper Beam anywhere. Long John had used it upon occasion, and each time it left her unnerved with the vile taste of metal on her tongue. This alone galvanized her, setting her into motion.[break][break]

She'd not been aware of any trespassing, and she likely would have been oblivious to the confrontation was there not a full blown commotion. Ripped from the pages of the book she was reading, Rose leapt free from the soft seat which practically swallowed her whole. Quickly she descends the stairs, moving with the smoothness and ferocity of a caged lioness, her great, wide, crystalline eyes wild with panic. When she manages to put together what has occurred, she's restrained only by the thinnest shreds of decorum.[break][break]

As she approached Kyle, the shackles of her civility were flimsy twine, eroding and rapidly unraveling. She barely recognized the sound that tore through her chords and ripped free words she'd normally keep under wraps. In truth, she was frightened and the warble of her voice suggested as much.[break][break]

Still, that didn't make it right. "A little trigger happy are we?! Perhaps you're representing the wrong house! Show some restraint! Some REASON. This is an event warfront, a game, not the killing fields. How irresponsible can one be to let that happen? What implication do you think that might have for your companion there?" Rose gestures stiffly towards the mightyena, her eyes softening. She groans, ceding to her better judgement. "How can I help you to fix this?"[break][break]

She hears the threat from the victimized rival and can not blame them, but that didn't mean she wished the same upon her own teammate. At this point, she is too fixated on remedying the issue at hand to identify who it was that had been crossed. That detail, who it was, didn't really matter now.[break][break]


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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 11:19:44 GMT
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"nothing serious," he tells her. it was really all his mightyena that did everything.

he takes the coffee @bryony basically shoves towards him and grabs it with both of his hands. he takes slow sips as he watches her come towards the victim, and then how his victim comes to complain. he says nothing and lets the beverage occupy his time. he only takes his mouth to speak when the @bronze challenges him.

"ready another hyper beam alph-"

another person enters the scene, but somehow, he can tell that she's less fun than @bronze even though she's on the same side. he grumbles at @poufkin 's lecture. he already knows what she has said and has already considered it. he proceeds to wonder if he just likes the war setting too much and has let himself too loose for the event.

in his defense, however, he tried to stop his pokemon from firing off the hyper beam. it wasn't like they'll believe him though, so he doesn't even try.

"you can help me by giving me better mightyena than him," he tells her when she offers help. "he sucks. no self control at all. shake my head."

he got all six of them as a package with a huge discount after all. there was a reason why that was the case, and kyle had already come into terms with it many months ago.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 11:29:09 GMT
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[attr="class","league poochyena"]




The man's words make Bryony flinch and she makes an attempt to seem even smaller than she is, head bowing in shame. Behind her, a woman's voice erupts and Bryony turns to look. Rose - they'd met earlier in the day. She watches as she chews Kyle out and can't stop the small smirk that curls at the corner of her mouth.


Bryony looks back to the man who seems, all things considered, fine. With that in mind, she slinks back to Kyle, half defeated by intimidation alone. She stands beside Rose and takes a small sip of her tea, body turned away from the stranger.


"Just say you're sorry, Kyle," she mumbles over the rim of her cup. Bryony shoots him a pointed look.

You're the one I follow Follow to the middle Middle of the shadows Far away from all the sorrows You're the one I follow Follow all the way oh Way into the darkness Where the sun is shining yellow You're the one I follow

@bronze @poufkin

[newclass=.poochyena] width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; background: #2e2e2e; border: 1px solid #222; line-height: 15px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-wrapper] position:relative; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-lyrics] position: absolute; top: 140px; width: 175px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px 30px; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 7px; color: #aaa; text-align: justify; line-height: 11px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-lyrics b] color: var(--color); font-weight: normal; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-post] margin-left: 175px; overflow: auto; padding: 30px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; color: #aaa; background: #353535; border-left: 1px solid #202020; min-height: 200px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-poke] background: #202020; float: left; height: 125px; width: 175px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-poke span] background: #1b1b1b; display: inline-block; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin-bottom: 2px; border: 1px solid #161616; position: relative; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-poke img] margin-top: -3px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); height: 30px; width: 40px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-tagged] background: #202020; padding: 5px; font-size: 7px; text-align: right; letter-spacing: 1px; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-tagged a] color: #888!important; text-decoration: none; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; margin-left: 10px; background: #1b1b1b; padding: 2px 5px; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #121212; [/newclass] [newclass=.poochyena-tagged a:before] content:"»"; color:var(--color); margin-right: 5px; position: relative; [/newclass] [newclass=.league] --color: #dea02c; [/newclass] [newclass=.rocket] --color: #716075; [/newclass] [] filter:grayscale(100%); [/newclass] [newclass=.yellow] --accent: #ffb90f; [/newclass] [] --accent: #7ac5cd; [/newclass] [] --accent: #ce3f3f; [/newclass]

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A Blue Person

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 15:40:52 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
you got be kidding me. walking into the canary hall was probably the worst idea that one could do. It was the enemies base, but I since the actual war hadnt started yet, it should be okay. right? Either way the a large flash of redish energy flashed accross the hall towards a sofa. Not that it currently had any meaning but it was just damn strange. Thankfully though nothing serious had truly occurred. Although one of the residents did start lecturing kyle.

"Its a bit early to be destroying the place, no?" The words escaped his mouth making his presence known to everyone that was there. Although he was surprised to see Byrony there, especially since it was a plan for all the clan members to join hycanth. Heck even kyle was invited too. "Bry, the heck are you doing here?"


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dog boy
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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 15:30:57 GMT
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"guess we're not having our war then," he ends his statement with a huff, not unlike a child's disappointment bundled in one breath.

he takes another sip of his coffee, brows furrowed as his eyes strays to @bryony and her ideals. he takes a moment to think about it, but comes in for a visit. he takes the mug off of his mouth to leer at him as well.

"fuck. not you too."

taking a deep breath, he finally decides to give in. this wasn't how he expected the festival to run, but if everyone wants to be peaceful, and so be it. besides, the move his pokemon fired off wasn't even from his own volition.

"fine, i give in. sorry." he turns to bryony afterwards. "is that fine?"

he recalls his current mightyena to its ball and replaces it with a different one.

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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 15:52:50 GMT
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[attr="class","league poochyena"]




Morgan's voice draws her attention to him, her own eyes widening before she smiles. Just as quickly, she shoots Kyle another look. "It'll do," she answers before turning back to Morgan.


"I'm going to fight you!" Bryony says, following it up with a sip of tea. "Do you want some tea or coffee, Morgan? I made enough for all of us, really."


Her confidence begins to waver. She peeks at Bronze and Rose. "If the others would like some, too."

You're the one I follow Follow to the middle Middle of the shadows Far away from all the sorrows You're the one I follow Follow all the way oh Way into the darkness Where the sun is shining yellow You're the one I follow

@bronze @poufkin

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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canary warfront
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 22:47:52 GMT
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@bryony @poufkin



Bronze’s ire gradually dwindled as others entered the scene, though the flatness of his expression remained unchanged as he watched the subsequent interactions play out. He still couldn’t believe how undisciplined these people evidently were - had they no control over their pokemon, over themselves? He’d come to this expecting some intense rivalry, yes, but all with an ample amount of good-natured sportsmanship and well intentioned competition. Seems that the Hoenn natives took this game far too seriously.[break][break]

The initial flood of anger began to dwindle, giving way to mere irritation at the blond-haired idiot with the Mightyena as he prattled on in response to the reasoning of people that seemed, by Giratina’s good grace, to actually be sane. Amazing. [break][break]

Astoundingly, the very same idiot apologies. He hadn’t thought it would be possible to penetrate that thick skull with the shining lance of logic and sense, but evidently it could be done if you applied enough pressure, and at the right angle. His attention shifted over to the latest newcomer, to whom he dipped his head in a curt nod of agreement. "Seems everyone's eager to end the whole thing early." [break][break]

Bronze sighed, running calloused fingers back through the dark locks of his hair, and relented. “Fine. Yeah. I could go for some tea, if you don’t mind.” His metallic eyes rose to Bryony and he offered, “I can give you a hand with making and carrying it out, if you like.”


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
canary warfront
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2019 3:22:55 GMT
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Lenora does what she does best, which is lounge in the sun, drink a bright pink cocktail, and watch others try and kill each other. Unfortunately, nobody gets injured and the entire situation is resolved before long. Everyone settles down and start behaving like civilized individuals.

What's the point of this damn game if nobody is getting hurt?
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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canary warfront
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2019 3:26:46 GMT
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@bryony @bronze

Boops on in



Her head draws back and pretty pink painted mouth drops slightly in disbelief that would disparage his beautiful Mightyena like that! "He's lovely!" She retorts. Of course, she wasn't dealing with him on a regular basis to truly know. "Maybe he just needs better motivation-- but regardless, until he's a little better behaved, please" she pleads, almost desperately, "Please keep him somewhere safe!" Her voice lowers a notch, her brows drooping in concern, "Don't you see that Tyranitar? He's enormous... I don't know about you, but I can't do much to help if that one decides to take offense." Rose fiddles in her bag and scrounges for some sweet Pokepuffs. She procures a neat little satchel of 4 of them. "Here, they can have these-- might be a little motivational, at least."[break][break]

When @bryony comes to where she and stood, Rose is gently welcoming. Her pink lips curl warmly, appreciative of her assistance in mediating the situation. In truth, just as easily as she tore into , she could have been consoling the rival (@bronze). Many of her decisions were driven by utility: Rose did what she had to do when she needed to do it, even if against her nature. It was practical, and she was quick to learn her actions could act as an aegis from social perceptions when she felt anything but strong.[break][break]

Just as things seemed to be settling, another voice presents itself. Rose turns her head slowly, positioning herself such that her body faced her teammates and her gaze was turned towards . She agreed with the statement, but was unsure of the sentiment, and her previously warm grin ices into a flat-line. She waited a beat, trying to determine who this person was and their relation to the girl. Slight offense is taken when he asks @bryony, who she presumes is the girl's name, what "the heck" she was doing here. No words present themselves, but from the ice in her eyes it's clear they are lingering at the tip of her tongue. Apparently isn't exactly pleased either, and while he didn't make the best of first impressions, she's defined by her loyalty-- even if this was but only a game.[break][break]

's apology did redeem him some, though. And she respected his decision to replace the... faulty mightyena with one who was presumably better behaved.[break][break]

When the declaration of a fight is made by the previously subdued girl, it comes as a surprise. With some amusement, Rose takes a few steps to the side and turns to face the newcomer. This pleased her, causing her to smile almost smugly. "Tea first, fight 'im later." Bright eyes flick towards the initial rival and only now do the sparks of recognition illuminate her. What struck her more so than his impressive stature were his manners. This was what she remembered of him most. "Oh, hello!" she says with some surprise. "Now I am officially embarrassed..." Confirmed by the rush of pink to her cheeks, darker in hue than the cotton-candy of her hair. "My apologies... but all's well that ends with... tea? Right? What can we do to help you get that ready, Bry... Bry, was it?"[break][break]


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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
canary warfront
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2019 15:25:10 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar



[attr="class","silpl-lyric"]if i lose

[attr="class","silpl-lyric1"]i want you to take my hand and help me win


vengeance would be his.


the fall of huntail's fort was an unforgivable act. injustice had occurred, though it was all due to a foolish ally who acted without thinking. nonetheless, the dragon master was fuming with unbridled rage. to have lost in such a way, it was unforgivable. it harmed his pride. and since there were the many who chose to fight unfair, he decided to retaliate just the same.


an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a scale for a scale.


mateo stood upon the back of his gyarados. his cape dancing within heavy winds. they behind the clouds which cascaded a shadow from above. they were high within the sky, standing over the golden kingdom.


yes, they, the duo were not alone. for they were with allies: dragonite, altaria, and charizard, who were, too, hidden within the clouds. though there were two more, except this time they were upon the ground. a haxorus was within the backyard of their home. whereas they, the tea party group, were within the front. kyle the arcanine would come to be seen from afar. staring at the group with a casual look.


if they were to take notice, they would be unable to pinpoint as to whom the lost arcanine belonged to; although there was one amongst them that was an exception: . though, it would take him a minute. had he took notice of the kyle the arcanine, he'd smile with a wagging tail to the man who gave him to mateo.


this was their hidden assault: the tri attack. the duo merely awaited for the signal that would commence right mateo raised his hand, preparing his order, "kill every last one of them, wipe'em out!" mateo ordered with a shout. of course he didn't mean literally, that was just mateo.


it was time to attack and dragonite would start them off, as well as give the signal.


a DRACO METEOR had been released from his maw. launching within the air even higher then they were. it would come to be seen as a firework at first, but it wasn't until the explosive scatter happened. though, that wasn't the only one, altaria followed right after with MIRROR MOVE. another DRACO METEOR had been unleashed, and if one was bad enough? then just imagine two--oh wait.


a meteor shower had begun. alas, that was only the beginning of the terror that would emerge. for now it was gyarados's turn to follow up with a HYPER BEAM upon the base with which they were near! charizard, too, released an energy full of DRAGON RAGE! though he wouldn't release just one, but TWO as another would expel from his maw right after! [break][break]

gyarados was not alone within his HYPER BEAM for kyle used MIMIC to, also, fire one from the front! releasing a powerful charge before the group. his intention wasn't to hurt anyone, but if they didn't move? well, it wouldn't be a pretty scene. his target was simply their home. though, should arcanine fail from the front? haxorus would simply go for the back for it, too, released a HYPER BEAM; though this one unexpected. but there was always a chance for someone to intercept haxorus's beam too, which simply left the aerial team's ruthless assault--the primary attackers.


regardless, this wouldn't be a pretty seen. their warfront had no chance for survival with such an unexpected assault. regardless, he was here to demolish not partake in tea. but, little did mateo know, bryony was down there. so that probably wasn't gonna go well had he learned of this. from above mateo maniacally laughed. watching as power reigned down from above to below. it was clampearl who wanted this, he was just here to finish it.
as they slowly moved to reveal the bright sun once more. stood upon the back


note: tl;dr, mateo is hiroshimaing clampearl's home. doesn't know bryony is down there. he's just here to knock your home down and is currently laughing maniacally from within the clouds above. he did not ask for this war.


























@all of u

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