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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 16:45:18 GMT
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She waved him off. "That is true of every teleport-capable psychic. It is not an indication of unique combat value of Unown." She would remain unimpressed about their potential in wartime if they only possessed the same parlor trick as most of her own pokemon. She expected more from God's alphabet, or however Unown were classified. Their runic property always made her imagine them in some cave or some desert, waiting to be discovered. [break][break]

Admittedly, she was floored at the sight of Deoxys. "Erebus..." What an interesting name. What an interesting specimen. "It does not bode well for us if only certain pokemon can leave a mark on such a threat. Have you tried to derive weaponry from Deoxys?" Unfortunately, she thought it a little difficult to devise WHY Deoxys could make a mark on such a creature if they did not have one to experiment with. But the quality of Deoxys to enable such damage was precisely what made it so valuable. [break][break]

Of course, his evidence of this power was from the simulation. "So, you believe the simulation shows us truth?" It could all be storytelling. Who knew if Deoxys could really...[break][break]

His observations about the royalty in Hoenn were accurate to her knowledge. "Do you think the League knows about this Eternatus? If they do, it would be a priority for them. We could leverage information that way." Not that she was eager to collaborate with Leaguers, who had more morals than sense - or curiosity. It was a tragedy. Everyone's resources pooled together could make unimaginable breakthroughs in every sort of research under development at that very moment.

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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 18:49:04 GMT
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"I'm brilliant in many ways, but if I were to try, and derive a weapon from a living organism....That is beyond my expertise, and I'm not keen to just turn him over to just anyone...." Amor was trusting to a point, but Deoxys had been given to him. Anything that happened to it would reflect on him, and he wasn't going to just let some no name, untested grunt harm it. "I do want to study it's biological makeup....But Rocket has a shortage of such experts...." He sighed running his hand through his hair.

"I believe the simulation shows us many truths, and only a few answers....I do think other pokemon can harm Eternatus, but it wouldn't be easy....Certain pokemon will just be able to harm it easier, if that makes sense?" He expresses to her with a sigh. As to her question on if the League knew about Eternatus, he shrugged. He honestly didn't know if they did or not, but he was willing to bet that they had an inkling of it. They had obviously seen it in that parallel world, the problem being if they saw it as, as big of a threat as he did.

They however didn't have the same prophecy that he did. So he doubted it.

"I think they do. You're correct, it would be good to get a sense of how worried they are about it....Would be a good opportunity to gather intel on what they know, and compare it to what we do." He nodded to her, but the question remained on who to approach, and how to go about getting them to trickle the information they wanted. It would be an interesting mission, he would have to look over the files they had on the League to pick out a proper target.

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 16:30:26 GMT
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Hm. If Deoxys was one of the pokemon that could harm Eternatus better than others, she felt an inkling that it was related to Deoxys' origin. She was unaware of what pokemon type Eternatus might be beyond the implications of poison from their previous talks. It seemed otherworldly, just like Deoxys. "We should look to the stars. It appears pokemon not of our planet might hold the key to defeating this Eternatus." That, and some of the space-time distortions. More trips to Megalopolis might shine light on this, too. [break][break]

She could not blame him for not wanting to hand Deoxys over. More time dedicated to finding similar pokemon seemed to be a good investment, though. "I do not have any League contacts. It seems it is in our best interest to consider some old-fashioned hacking or stealing of intel. Though, I have experienced little conflict with the League, and that has certainly served me well." She was not eager for a target on her back. [break][break]

She was, admittedly, not eager to be destroyed by the tyrant Eternatus. [break][break]

"Do you know anyone who might hear you out about Eternatus? Anyone more interested in survival than their morals or the law? There are many ways to approach this. Who else knows what you know about Eternatus? Perhaps, this warrants something as organized as a taskforce." She was unhappy to think it, but. She was thinking she would need to push her dream research aside to focus on this.

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 18:40:39 GMT
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"Unless the threat actually manifests....Cooperating with the League will not ever happen I assure you....Though I have some personnel who could find out things for me...." Mainly it would be , and . Eili was a skilled hacker, and could wage digital warfare with the likes of even . Makoto was in his opinion the best stealth operative Rocket had to offer, and would probably ever produce. Between the pair of them he figured he could learn what the League wanted, but should things go awry....

"They aren't exactly contacts, but I could ruffle a few feathers....The League doesn't know of my affiliation, which like you....Has served me well." He smiled at the woman easily, and tapped his cheek lightly. "I'll work something out....Your research into the Interdream Zone is even more valuable should I be correct about this creature. I think that the Interdream is now our best chance at reaching out to other worlds, and exploring them." He expressed to her with a dazzling smile.

"If this universe is doomed....I don't intend to just meekly accept my fate. This is something that I hope we have in common....I wouldn't want to lose a brilliant mind like yours to something as mundane as death." The words were sincere, but if they did fail to stop Eternatus, then Amor would want a Plan Z. That Plan would be them getting as far away from it as humanly possible to survive, and fight another day. As long as they lived they could fight, those were his honest thoughts, even though they weren't spoke aloud.

"I believe everyone that was within that parallel dimension is aware of it, but none of them were visited by Azelf to my knowledge....I haven't shared the knowledge of my prophecy with many others. I believe you are the second I've told." He explained to her. was the first, but Ameena didn't need to know that.

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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 16:08:20 GMT
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She was intrigued that he considered the dream realm to be the best contender for reaching out to other worlds. With the work he had and his Erebus, it seemed like legitimate space travel would be preferable. But, she would never turn away someone who could offer valuable insight to her work. The interdisciplinary potential was high. "I will make time to show you what I have." He knew more about space distortion than she did, so that could be a good angle for their dream research collaboration. [break][break]

She couldn't help but raise a brow at his compliment. She had a brilliant mind, and yet she was Ms. Abadi instead of Dr. [break][break]

What a peculiar man. But if he had a little ego, it at least hadn't hindered his progress in science by a great measure. "If I die, I imagine you and Lulu could pull me from another universe. If you two are as competent as I suspect." A tease. They were both the most established scientists she'd ever known. [break][break]

So few knew about Azelf. She might take it as high praise. "A prophecy, a tyrant, and no united front to deal with either. We have our work cut out for us." Her tone was only a little sardonic. She couldn't help but enjoy a challenge. This social call was also a call to action, given all he had shared with her. "Where should we start?"

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 19:08:46 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Despite there being multiple universes....There is only one you Ms. Abadi...." He just smiled at her, and then at her other question he let out a soft sigh. "We start where everything else starts....At the beginning. We gather every scrap of intel, knowledge, and gossip on this creature consolidate it into one place, and then make as many preparations as humanly possible...." He stated to her with a smile that was oddly out of place for someone who was thinking about the end of the world, but he had survived worse.

"It will take some time, and in the meantime, you would do well to shore up your own individual power. Make a team of pokemon that is formidable enough to stand against the legends that exist in our realm. Even if it's just one percent more strength it makes a difference. Should you require help in that endeavor, or wish to test your mettle against Erebus....I'm but a call away." Because those were things that they could accomplish that was within their control. They could only do what was possible for them, to try and constantly worry about hypotheticals would cause no end to a headache.

So that was his plan, gather as much knowledge as power, and make each person as individually powerful as possible so that no matter the threat, they had a chance. It didn't matter how small of a chance, as long as it wasn't zero then he would struggle onward.

"That is all we can do in the end...."

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:44:24 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

What tender sentiment.[break][break]

"Starting at the beginning," she repeated softly, thinking it was the dialogue for a cheerful toast. "I have been growing my team, but I will need to expand my horizons beyond the psychic realm for better diversity for what we will face." The offer to take on Erebus was generous. She would need to thoroughly consider her team. It might even be worth it to try her hand at the gym scene, though it would take some work to justify her civilian persona as a CEO being interested in such a thing. Perhaps for PR...[break][break]

She rubbed the side of her Rotom phone as he insisted he was just a call away. "Indeed. I will call when I need to stress test." She looked down at the phone in her hand, considering. "But I may not answer unless my name is Doctor Abadi, in that phone of yours."[break][break]

Not that she really needed such formality between them at this point; after all, this was more a social call than anything for business. But she would be remiss to continue letting the honorific slight continue without acknowledgement if they had progressed this far past acquaintances. Her current temp secretary had her in the phone as BOSS, and the one prior had just put a business personal emoji with no text.

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:58:14 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Her correction of him just made him smile, and chuckle.

"Is that right? I suppose I could do that if it endears me to you enough that you might come help." He tapped his cheek. "I wasn't doing it to be rude I assure you....Where I grew up, titles became very tiresome to try, and remember for everyone....Duke This, M'lord that...." He rubbed his temples a bit, and he smiled wryly as he complained a bit. "When I escaped....I just refused to do so ever again....It's why I don't require the formality when others are speaking with me....But...." His teal eyes met hers.

"I will make an exception for you Dr. Abadi...." He truly hadn't meant to be rude, or to bother her, and he was willing to admit being wrong....Despite how rare it was. There was gentle amusement in his eyes, but he would concede to her. Pushing himself to his feet he would stretch out a bit. "Is there anything else I've done to slight you Doctor....?" He let the word come out softly. Was he attempting to tease her? Seduce her? Only he knew, but regardless he still smiled. "I should like to right my wrongs you know...."

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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 21:31:34 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The tone shift from congratulating himself on bed notches to such earnest emotional bids threatened whiplash, but she hung onto every word with as much even-mindedness as she could muster. She similarly grew up with excessive titles, but that was the life of a military prodigy. Everyone was to be addressed with their earned rank. She had developed opposite of him; she always kept titles close to mind, as it reminded her of who was in a position of power over her and who was beneath and desperate for her own power. [break][break]

Perhaps, she would share this with him sometime. "Ah, so I should not take it personal?" She tucked her hair back as she considered how Dr. Abadi sounded from him. "Ameena will work just fine." [break][break]

Righting his wrongs, was he? "I take offense in your lack of quality tea. Really, to keep a Galarian from something rich and herbal is a crime. Perhaps, you can find room for some in your lab. And your personal spaces, should you seek to keep inviting me." Her tone was smoky, but not unbecoming of the professional demeanor she defaulted to. She was curious to what he would keep; she liked a simple, bitter tea like an Earl Grey, but she had a collection of sweet, floral ones that were more palatable to the average non-tea drinker. [break][break]

"It is not without reciprocity. If you need anything, I will easily stock my office and lab with it."

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:16:36 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Ameena it is then...." He said with a smile, and a soft chuckle. Listening to her grievances about his lack of tea, he couldn't help but let the amusement dance across his face for a bit longer. "Well since you seem keen to spend more time in my offices with that bold offer of yours...." Another smile on his lips. "What is your favorite kind of tea, Ameena....?" He asked her with a quirk of his brow, her faux offense causing a gentle chuckle to echo out of his lips. "So I can help my personal space be more to your tastes." He was teasing a bit now, since she had made such a demand of him. Not that it bothered him in the slightest.

"As for me....Lemonade is my favorite drink, but if I'm limited to tea....I like a nice honey, and chamomille....I have a bit of a sweet tooth...." He explained to her, and it was the unvarnished truth. One did not get a physique like his by eating sweets all the time, which is what made him appreciate them that much more. Lemonade was his vice, it was the only thing that wouldn't get in the way of his training to terribly.

"Are you sure you should be stocking my favorite things in your office....?" Amor often teased in a similar way, and so he took a single step forward, the height difference wasn't large, but he was still a few inches taller than her. A tilt of his head. "People might misunderstand...." He doubted his teasing would have as much of an effect on Ameena as it did Makoto, but he could just say he was testing her for one reason or another. Part of him though wanted to see how she reacted.

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june 8
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:37:34 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

"I will let you determine the tea you keep," she insisted, "as I do not intend to be so easy. It has taken a few weeks to see the man behind the suit; I think you can survive such a game." He experimented with her name, and she found she did not mind it. His teasing was cheeky, but she figured a little compromise of personal spaces for close colleagues was a small price to pay for comfortable collaboration. She was experimenting with different coffee brews to keep around for who seemed to only tolerate tea. [break][break]

Lemonade. It was a drink often associated with kids, but she couldn't help but think it suited him. She could manage to stock it, too. Her lab and her office had space for more refreshments. [break][break]

She raised a brow at the implications. "I think it surprises people enough that I associate with you professionally. No one would suspect anything more. A woman must have standards, you see." She could manage a straight face for only a moment longer before breaking into laughter. "Really, I would hate to deprive you of something as simple as lemonade. And you are welcome in my office any time, so long as you can behave."

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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
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He, Him
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Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:58:50 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Her lack of a reaction to his teasing caused a pout to form on his lips, but he just chuckled a bit, and nodded.

"Fair enough....Well then I suppose I have some shopping to go do...." He said thoughtfully, and she had already given him a hint. She was from Galar, so he would just go by all of the Galarian Tea's that he could find. After all he had the money so it wasn't an issue. It might make the game a bit more boring, but Amor liked to win. It was in his nature, and so he would rise to the challenge she presented to him. Even for something as simple as just learning what kind of tea she liked.

"I assure you, despite what you may hear. I am professional most of the time...." It was the truth, he had no reason to act unprofessionally. So he rarely did save for when he was trying to deliberately get a rise out of others, but that wasn't something he did to often. It would lose it's luster otherwise. So he widened the gap between them easily, and made his way to the door, and opened it for her.

"Well in the hopes of keeping your image intact....Perhaps we should stop here for today....I look forward to our future endeavors together though...." With his usual easy smile he would see her out after they exchanged goodbyes, and go back to his desk, and sit down. There was a lot of work to do, and he had to assume they didn't have a lot of time to achieve it all.

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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 4:44:25 GMT
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