Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:18:24 GMT
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She rolled her eyes at his comment about entering his mind. "I find that hard to believe. Hearing what comes out of your mouth is the equivalent of prey pokemon with coloring to appear toxic to predators." Most of the response she got when she dropped his name was concern. He had a reputation, it seemed, that lined up with her assessment of his sometimes questionable sanity. [break][break]

More seriously, she explained: "What sits in your subconscious will be interesting because of the prophecy and what you have witnessed. To enter any kind of separate reality means you have experienced what those in this reality cannot. I am curious what your mind chews on, behind the scenes." It was the honest truth. She didn't think he would have any dire secrets that would be revealed, nor was she interested in them. He tended to share information that was valuable. People needed to have secrets for their own sake. [break][break]

"Nightmare, singular?" It was clearly an impactful event. She was impressed he had trusted such a thing to Lulu; it was clearly an intimate moment of vulnerability. She had been unsure how to parse his relationship with Lulu, but it seemed to involve more trust than she had initially suspected. "Depending on when it happened, it could be valuable to tracing subconscious data that is otherworldly in origin." She would not outright ask for it. She didn't want to owe him when she was just learning the unusual scopes of his studies. Their relationship needed to be mutually beneficially in an immediate way, until she was sure he wasn't habitually getting into reckless situations.

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:40:23 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

What an interesting assessment she had of him. From how she made it sound, he appeared dangerous to those around him, but he wasn't aware of this reputation, nor did he really care if he was being honest. Because the truth was, he could be very dangerous should the need arise. It just wasn't a color he readily wore like the rest of his compatriots.

"So I'm guessing that the rabble around here among others view me as some sort of mad scientist?" He frowned letting his lips continue to stay in that hard line. His eyes narrowing a bit at her, but it wasn't worth pursuing. Let them think what they wanted of him. He garnered results, and that was all that mattered in the end. "I'll make you a deal....When you're worthy I'll let you peer into the rest of my mind at your leisure...." It was obvious this was a sensitive topic to him.

Any walls that might have been down between the two of them were erected right up putting distance between the two of them. A defense mechanism, the thought of a stray thought being seen by her. The thought of his nightmare somehow appearing once again, he didn't like it.

"You'll find that I am a man of my word...." There was a coolness to his voice, that bordered on icy. She was persistent in her desire to see into his mind, and he admired her tenacity. However Amor didn't know exactly how that machine worked, it was out of his expertise. But it would be obvious that he didn't relish the thought of giving anyone access to his thoughts outside of what was verbally spoken. "You have permission to view the nightmare data....And when I deem you worthy....We'll talk about the rest." The walls grew thicker.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 17:49:16 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

His openness disappeared quickly. He'd volunteered the nightmare information of his volition, but it was evident he was not keen on having someone inside that head of his. "I would only work with your mind with your consent," she assured evenly. "I will discuss the nightmare data with Lulu if it becomes relevant to the threads I am tying up right now." [break][break]

She considered leaving it there, but she preferred to keep her bridges unburned, and while it was clear she had overstayed her welcome, she had little interest in giving him more opportunity to chew on the perceived slight. "Amor, you never have to be in a study of mine." She leveled her gaze at him, utterly honest. Then, to soften the sincerity, she added: "Scientists, like doctors, can make bad patients."[break][break]

She took a final glance around. "I prefer not to overstay my welcome, so I can see myself out. But. Keep in touch."

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 19:34:46 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He thought back to their talk after their excursions....

He clenched his jaw a bit defiance woven into every fiber of his being.

"Stay...." Is all he spoke to her, and he motioned with a tilt of his head for her to follow him. His walls were up still, it was nothing against her, just the discussion of what was inside of him....Always put him in a mood like this. Still if she followed, he would lead her through a doorway into what looked like a kitchen of some sort. There was a large standing cabinet, and he opened it to her. "I was promised....After prodding, and questioning....A social setting with drinks...." He reminded her simply, and inside the standing pantry was every flavor of tea that Galar had to offer. One box of each, and they were neatly organized.

There were some exotic flavors that were incredibly difficult to get ahold of as well.

"And I have all this tea....I would like some company to ease my nerves...." A small hint of a smile curved at the edges of his lips. "Or would you really leave all of this untasted....That would be incredibly un-galarian of you...."

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june 8
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5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 15:57:13 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She took a long second before following him. Was he taking the slight so personal he would lead her into some trap? She had tried to persuade him she would not make him a lab rat, but would he extend the same courtesy? [break][break]

But the kitchen seemed safe enough. "Prodding feels a little heavy-handed," she rejected easily. She appreciated the fine collection of teas, but it seemed he had really extended an effort to cover his bases. It was amusing, then, to select the most basic black tea she saw. "I feel you might be reducing my countrymen to a flat caricature," she said as she pulled the box of tea out, "but I hope you think more highly of me than that." [break][break]

She started the kettle. "Cream and sugar will make it more palatable to you, but I think bitter makes an honest tea. It has a poor reputation, but bitter is what makes dark chocolate so spectacular. And dark chocolate is the superior chocolate, I assure you." Her current secretary shared the passion for it, so Ameena often found dark chocolate filled pastries or truffles by her desk.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 16:24:50 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He looked her over as she picked from the wide assortment of teas, and when she picked a simple black tea it only caused his curiosity to grow.

"Perhaps....Or maybe I'm waiting for you to prove that you're not a caricature...." He said back to her amused. "So far....I remain unconvinced Ameena...." His amusement growing a bit more before he took a leaned against the countertop to watch her brew the tea, and give her lecture on why bitter was often better. Speaking that dark chocolate is superior. What an appropriate statement for the setting they were in.

"You'll find that I have quite the sweet tooth Ameena....So I appreciate dark chocolate as well...." Though despite having such sweets nearby, his eyes weren't on them instead his gaze lingered on her for a split second longer than necessary before he moved to open the cupboard, and she would find it stocked with chocolates, and lemon flavored delicacies. It was just as he stated, he did have a sweet tooth, and he pulled down two bars, one for each of them, and set them down on the nearby table.

"I won't require cream or sugar....If I'm having a galarian prepare it for me, it'd be a waste to not drink it how it's suppose to be drank....I'd be a poor man to turn down such wonderful hospitality...." He spoke leaning back against the countertop watching how she prepared the tea with genuine interest.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 17:19:55 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She arched a very intentionally unimpressed brow at him and his comment of sweet dark chocolate. If her face was warm, it was most certainly the heat emanating from the kettle. She pulled the boiling kettle off as it whistle but didn't pour. She considered his snack collection as she waited for the water to cool slightly. [break][break]

"Sweet, bitter, sour," she commented on his plentiful lemon-littered stash, "what an advanced palette. Reminds me of myself as a child." She smiled at the dig, then assessed the kettle and began to pour. "Black teas like this require a lesser temperature than a boil. Less heat than an Oolong prefers but a nose more than a White." [break][break]

The water was immediately tinged with color as it interacted with the tea bags in each cup. She much preferred this form of preparation over inserting the tea bags into the kettle; over-seeped tea became so bitter that it lost its finer notes. "The bergamot loses its subtle flavor when over-seeped, so giving it only three minutes to bloom is ideal." [break][break]

She placed the kettle down as they both now had steaming cups. "I will not be offended if you only taste the bitterness. There is no loss in adding cream and sugar - though I will naturally look down on you for it." As she waited for the tea, she considered the dark chocolate he placed before her. "How do you take care of yourself with such indulgences?"

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 17:49:07 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Her question was a reasonable one.

"I train very hard everyday....You're welcome to join me to see....Though I don't think it'd be your cup of tea....Pardon the pun...." He expressed to her with a smile, though she had never seen him without his suit on, nor would she ever more than likely. He could count on one hand the number of people who had seen what was underneath. "If I choose to indulge then I work twice as hard....That is the only way...." He said to her with an easy smile, and so he took a sip of the tea when it was prepared, and the bitterness didn't bother him in the slightest. In fact he nodded in approval at it, and broke off a piece of chocolate to chase it down with.

"You know your way around a kettle...." He frowned a bit, part of him wanted to apologize for how he had snapped earlier. Part of him felt justified. "Tell me about your research....How does it work? I'm only familiar with the stuff that manifests things randomly....Is yours more targeted?" He took another sip, stubbornly refusing to apologize for the moment, and instead hiding behind wanting to know more about her line of work. He understood parts of it thanks to , but it was vague, and he always got the feeling she didn't like him so he didn't press her to hard.

Ameena was different they had known each other a short time, compared to the others he knew, but they had accomplished much together in a short time. The proof was in the Poipole that he was currently raising. They had also talked at length more than a few times. It was strange that he found himself spending so much time with another person so often, but she wasn't afraid to approach him at the very least, and he respected that.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 22:25:17 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

"I know my way around a kettle, a firearm, a little bit of interdream mist..." She was pleased with the list, though she would have never put kettle on it herself. Still, the scent of tea made her amenable to the simplicity of it. She mimicked him a prepared a piece of chocolate for after her first sip. [break][break]

"My research is only recently centered on the multiverse. Before, my research was public and constrained to the realm of ethics. It was like pulling teeth to get approved for the study on the impact of psychic moves on people, and that was just to determine how it positively impacted mental health." She rolled her eyes, then secured another piece of her treat to savor. [break][break]

She felt terribly behind, even if the presence of other dream research under Rocket's tutelage had comforted her that there was plenty of time and resource for progress. "But as I believe the multiverse to be a house with many rooms, and dreams opening the front door to this house, then I am seeking a way to control which room gets visited. I believe there is a way to decide. But proving it? I will need dumb luck, as intellect just does not cut it. Not yet, anyhow."[break][break]

She had theories about energy and otherworldly experiences influencing the way the subconscious selected a room, but no way to prove it without far more data. "At this current stage, I am looking for folks with otherworldly encounters. I just want to see what dreams arise. I can store the energy readings for later analysis and compare the numbers to those who have no such encounters." And if she didn't know better, his interest indicated he was considering being subjected to her sleep studies...

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 16:13:05 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"It seems you share the same hypothesis that I do....Your research will be valuable then...." Because for his own ambitions he needed the ability to traverse those dimensions, he needed that ability, and so far the Dream World was the best chance of accomplishing it. So he sipped his tea, and took another bite of his chocolate. She couldn't target the dreams that she wanted to see, which is what made her desire to experiment on him troubling. There were things he preferred no one to know....Things that weren't any of their business, and while he could keep stray thoughts from happening in his waking hours, that didn't mean the discipline extended to when he was asleep.

"I'd like to see your research in action....When you find a willing subject invite me." Was all he said as took another long sip of his tea almost draining the cup, before standing up. "I should get back to work....Breakthroughs don't create themselves...." Not only that but he wanted to nap, his Regidrago wounds still ached, and he felt he had indulged her enough. She could invite him to observe the process, or not, but he would not allow her into his head yet.

"You're free to stick around as long as you don't impede my work....Otherwise I can see you out...." Walking back into the main part of his lab he began to look over the core of the machine that he had destroyed trying to summon his titan....He was thankful was able to salvage it at the very least he could rebuild it easily enough.

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june 8
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5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON May 2, 2024 17:10:13 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena was pleased to have his support on her research, though she had questions about his own hypothesis and how he came to it. But more support for her studies was always a good thing, especially with someone accomplished. Amor, Lulu, and Ameena in one lab could make breakthroughs in a week that not one of them could accomplish in months. She valued collaboration above most else... finding competence without unnecessary ethical boundaries was the hard part. [break][break]

"I must dedicate more time to finding those willing subjects, so it is best I take my leave." But she was eager to see his work in action, so she needed to make herself available for another visit. As it was, she really did need to put more work into her studies; she had overextended herself lately with her efforts to network. [break][break]

She would let herself be walked out, glad that there were no burned bridges between them. She trusted they could collaborate on missions and avoid going for each other's throats, so she just needed to see how they researched together. "Good night, Amor."

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Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 0:38:59 GMT
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