Fell in Love with my best friend [Beckett’s friend]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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beck/rem owens
April 2nd
Fuchsia City, Kanto
author/pokemon caretaker
5’10” height
5’10” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
51 posts
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TAG WITH @beckett
beckett carlson
Fell in Love with my best friend [Beckett’s friend]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 14:24:05 GMT
beckett carlson Avatar



[attr="class","shadowsHead"]male, 25, job, friend/love interest, league, faceclaim

Beck’s closest friend and the person he has a crush on. Must be male due to Beck being gay, this is non-negotiable. The fact he aligns himself with the league is also nonnegotiable. Age is negotiable though I’d rather him not be younger or to much older than Beck. The kind of career he has is up whoever decides to play him. FC is up to whoever takes him as well though I want who’s chosen run by me first. I really would like for them to eventually end up more than friends as well, though rather he’s homosexual, bisexual, or pansexual is up to whoever takes him. Region he was born in is up to whoever takes him but he has to at least been in Kanto when Beck was fifteen. If interested feel free to post on the wanted ad or dm me.
[attr="class","shadowsSub"]about character

Befriended Beck when Beck was fifteen. Discovered he was a slave to a man named Val not onto after meeting him. Vowed to figure out a way to free him even if it meant abducting him himself. Used the nvasion of Team Rocket to put his plan into action and succeeded where Beck felled. Upon being freed Beck and his friend would lay low for a few days before sneaking onto a ship and making their way to Hoenn. Wouldn’t be content in Hoenn for long as Val and Team Rocket would make their way to Hoenn. Would lay low while his friend made sure they wouldn’t be discovered by Team Rocket or Val. Neither did. Val would eventually succumb to injuries when the new Team Rocket took over Sootopolis. With Val gone they could live their live without fear, well to some extent.


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