sunshine shenanigans

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:22:20 GMT
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the councilwoman is not very happy. she has worked tirelessly, for hours, as a lead in battle exercises for recruits in the area. the cities are preparing for war. their undying champion is dead and the elite four have now become the elite two, with melody in kyle's vacant seat.

there are not enough bodies in the upper ranks of the league. as such, she does not allow herself the luxury of squirreling away into the city.

so it exasperates her to no end when someone informs her they might need to relocate because some 'pranksters' thought it might be funny to bury a bunch of voltorb and electrode down the boardwalk.

"you," she snarls, picking at random from the crowd, "with me."
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June Bug
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POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:39:40 GMT
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June pulled an earbud out and gave the councilwoman a confused, dazed stare. She had a box in her hands and electric club music blaring in her mind. It offered no distractions, no thoughts other than its own strangely hypnotic beats. Perfect for when she needed to strap in and get shit done.

Unfortunately, this was the one-of-a-million times it was detrimental to her daily life. She looked to the other seven people nearby, all of which stared at her with scared, equally dazed faces. Fuck. It was her, wasn’t it?

Um… who are–

Click. Oh, right! This was that one crazy dragon lady, from the Giant Chasm! Freja, or whatever her name was. Freya? Freya. “Uh, sure, sure, I’ve got like, ten minutes before I have to drop this off.

She didn’t even remember who it was for, but it was heavier than normal. Annoyingly so. Matchstick complained the entire way. June followed like an obedient dog, confused yet excited for what was to come. “So… what’s the deal this time? Another crazy as hell dragon? I did see some kids down the boardwalk earlier, and they all had shit-eating grins...

It felt rather important she didn't mention that she pointed them in the perfect direction to do... whatever it was they had planned. Freya seemed pissed.

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the ascendant
November 03
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POSTED ON May 26, 2024 1:45:58 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
this time? she's already moving off, but she looks over her shoulder again to try and put a name, or at the very least a face to this memory. and finds it. oh, you're the one who gave me the pokeball so she could catch the rampaging paradox beast down there.

"ten minutes," she says. "that's fine." it'll be helpful to have a spotter, but if worse comes to worse she can always do it herse - 

"are you kidding me?" the boardwalk is completely covered in mounds. a long stretch of it, too. she withdraws a pokeball from her pouch and releases a trapinch. the antlion looks up at her with one starry eye and then out to the field of sand. 

"you didn't happen to see how many they might have actually buried down here, did you?" she asks.
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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
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POSTED ON May 26, 2024 17:59:43 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
H-how was I supposed to know they were setting Electrodes!

This made much more sense, and pissed her off so much more. This was the type of shit she did in high school: rile one up, set ‘em in the ground, and wait for the earth to explode. They were never stupid enough to do it where people went, though. That could kill a person if you got unlucky enough.

Kids didn’t get the memo. “I wasn’t around when they did it, I just saw them head towards the beach.

Damn. This was actually a little bad. June let Knight out of his ball and took a closer look at the crime scene. Then, she groaned.

Fucking hell,” she kicked the wooden side-rail. “they really hate you. Us. You? Pretty sure they’re close enough to cause a chain reaction. They're roughly the distance away I did when I was a kid.

She pointed to the closest one, and Knight acted. He flapped his heavy wings and descended to the first Electrode. His claws deftly burrowed into the sand and excrated the first red-and-white ball. It was pissed, and started to glow that signature electric yellow.

That’s when Knight rose like no tomorrow, faster than she’d ever seen. Moments before detonation, he tossed the ball as far as he could.

Then, it exploded. June giggled, “Man, forgot how pretty that explosion could be…

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 18:35:52 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
small acts of terrorism are common in hoenn's youth? she stares in dismay out across the boardwalk and then scrubs tiredly at her face. at least the girl has so much insight into the problem; she'd gotten lucky, finding her in the crowd (not that she probably thinks so).

june kicks the railing and freya makes a face when she suggests they hate her. par for the course of a civil servant, but ouch.

she leans forward, gaze sweeping over the expanse of electrodes, and is trying to wrack her brain on how to best solve the problem. brute force is always at the forefront so she follows that thread, wondering just how far they'd need to set up a perimeter so they could lay waste to the beach without harming anyone.

and then june's corviknight appears and plucks one right from the earth. freya looks away from the explosion, down to the giggling awe on june's face, and finds herself smiling.

"glad you're here." she withdraws a ball from her belt and orders the ghostly dragon to watch june's corviknight before following its lead.

"what do you do, if you don't mind me asking?"
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 4:05:40 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Can’t say the same,” June replied. She could’ve been on her next delivery by now– but nope, had to wipe the League’s ass because they didn’t wanna get off their high horse. If it weren’t for the fun Electrode explosions, she would’ve ran off a minute ago.

Another one lit up the sky as Knight successfully flung the pissed-off ball into the open air. Same color as the last one. Yellow and White and Black, with fainted Electrodes falling into the sea. Poor guys. Maybe someone would fish them out.

Oh, hardcore drugs.” June crossed her arms and turned around, her back flush against the railing. She tried to look as deadpan as she possibly could, “I run a delivery business– Sleigh Fast Delivery. Crack, blow, meth, weed, LSD– you name it, I ship it.

The secret to hiding illegal activities was to hide in plain sight. Better to appear like a clown than a criminal.

If it were opposite day, anyway. I just deliver what the people ask wherever they ask. Do that pretty much… every single day of the week. Plus whatever other odd jobs I can pick up. Jack of all trades sort of vibe.

Oh, and an Auto-Mechanics degree, or whatever it’s called,” she explained, but her last answer gave way to a pause as she bit the skin inside her cheek. “It would be the main thing, anyway. Got forced onto the backburner. For reasons.

Not even knew why. Only got to know that, and even then it wasn’t her call. “What do you do again? Military shit? You probably don’t want me. Can’t, rather.

A bitterness entered her voice, and the sky exploded once again. Knight cawed loud enough to trump the echoes of disaster, upset at his near-failed-near-fatal delivery. 


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the ascendant
November 03
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POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 17:49:20 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
ask freya and she'd tell you the woman is no older then twenty-two with the way she carries herself. she's not the gullible type, so rather than find her deadpan jests as amusing, her mouth puckers and she struggles not to look more irritated. electrodes continue exploding in the sky and bobbing out to sea. 

she listens, thinking, and when june is done, she hmms. complicated intrigues her. complicated makes her think there is something under the rug, something june wouldn't want someone in freya's station to see. she doesn't pick at the scab.

instead, she says, "auto-mechanics? neat. you should meet my friend. . the two of you would get along, thick as thieves."

she smirks. "military logistics, yes, but i'm also the project director of hoenn's amnesty program." nonchalantly, she explains, "the one for rocket defects looking to transition to the league."
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 19:08:00 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Tough crowd.

Name's familiar,” June said. It was a ‘single phone call or e-mail with advice for a problem because she was known in the circle’ type of familiar. It meant little, but Freya’s resting bitch face told her she was better off keeping it there, instead of another joke.

But the opportunity presented itself too well. “Amnesty program? Cool. You should meet my friend. . The two of you would hate each other– if you haven’t met already.

But seriously. One of the few good things you League higher-ups have done. So… congrats on that,” she said. “Not too many people care about the little guys. All too happy to throw them in prison and let them rot for bullshit reasons.

Terrorists weren’t good, but not all of them had a choice. She’s seen them, talked to them. They were real, and they just wanted to live their lives and keep their heads down. A strange thought juxtaposed with a double explosion in the summer sky– but important.

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
sunshine shenanigans
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 4:44:59 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
really? some small part of her always believed ana lived in her house and when she wasn't living in her house, was off on her own solo adventures scrounging around for rare parts. it never occurred to her that she might be familiar to someone freya doesn't know.

a small coil of protectiveness pokes her in the side, but she ignores it and instead twitches her lips in a half-smile at the mention of annalise. 

"we get along better than we used to."

she agrees with her unspoken words unknowingly: "people deserve second chances, especially the people our government let slip through the cracks."

miirym loses her grip on one of the electrode and knight is there to compensate for the slip-up. they're made better together and eventually, after a grueling amount of time, most of the beach is cleared. she leans against the boardwalk rail and sticks a hand out, rubbing miirym's head. the dragapult's throat rumbles delightedly and she nuzzles in closer. 

"stop by my office if you're ever in ever grande, will you?"
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 19:36:51 GMT
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By the end of their little game, June was ready to run away and never get Freya's attention again. How long had this taken? Too long. Her foot tapped against the rail and she wanted to strangle the Electrodes, the kids, and then Freya. How they had gotten so many and planted them all without any questions was beyond her.

But by Arceus, it was pathetic. Sad.

When Freya started to pet her Dragapult, June recalled Knight just as he was ready to throw one last Electrode into the open sky. Its explosion was much closer than comfortable, but who cared? Not her. “Long as you don’t make me do this again, sure.”

I gotta go, though,” she bent down and retrieved the heavy package off the deck, “or I gotta make this delivery free. And no way in hell I–

Whoaaa!” June tripped immediately. The box flew, then did a few summersaults before it slammed into the leg of a bench. Punctured by the corner. The delivery girl’s eyes widened to Electrode size, and she rushed over with a stream of ‘no’s left in her wake. She tipped over the box and peered through the new break to see.

Rocks. Dozens and dozens of garden stones, which ranged from pebbles to baseball-sized. Freya would find this out too, as she flipped the box and watched the stream fall from the package. Whatever didn’t fall out went with the box as she slammed it on the ground.

“Fucking motherfucking kids and their stupid damn jokes, I’m gonna kill them, gonna gut them like–”

June rivaled the red-and-white payloads they spent the better part of half an hour in explosiveness and looked equally as red as she stormed off. Forget the boardwalk, and forget the Electrodes. Those kids would be lucky to walk if she ever caught them.

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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 4:14:47 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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