looking glass

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
looking glass
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 2:03:18 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Oldale is small and meaningless in the grand scope of Hoenn-at-large. A little no-horse town in the middle of basically nowhere, whose only claim to fame was isolation. It was one of the few places that was far out enough to provide cover but close enough to civilization that you needed to hike for days. A few supplies, a little elbow grease, and wham bam- you were out in the middle of nowhere to hunt some shit.[break][break]

Good shit, too. Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, and the occasional Gallade stuck to this part of the woods. A small breeding range for a rare and highly wanted pokemon. Powerful psychic types in battle, smart, loyal... and other things to right audience. If they could filch a few, they could sell for a hefty profit or be crated into fine weapons.[break][break]

Sweat clung to the back of Tempest's neck, the Hoenn summer having made the air humid and sticky. Temp paused to lean against a large tree, the branching leaves dappling light. A canteen was plucked from his hip, unscrewed and tipped back for a hefty drink. The Hoyeon man let out a long sigh when he was done, offering the metal container to his current companion- .[break][break]

"Drink?" He cocked his head to the side like a dog might, crooked grin on his face.




🔗 gardevoir season


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
looking glass
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 0:45:02 GMT
cassidy Avatar
oldale was perhaps the most rural one could get in; a small village where many elderly people like to retire to, and perhaps the few families that were eager to provide a quieter place to raise their kids. she was not too fortunate, having been born in the extravagance of lilycove city.

and so stepping in oldale for the first time felt like stepping into a new region. what she'd noticed mainly was how quiet it was, with rarely a shout or a yell to fill the air, and the idle wanderings of their inhabitants. they spent very little time in the town itself before leaving for the wild lands.

they were in a slight hurry—if the rumours were true about these psychic, they'd certainly make enough money to tide her over for a while. they hadn't quite found one as of yet, even as her eyes roved across the forest, searching for the spot of red and white amongst the green foliage.

she slows to a stop beside tempest, shaking her head at the offered canteen. "no, but thank you." she says politely. the smile on his face was inviting, and she found him friendlier than most people. it had been a welcome change to the various rockets she had met since her induction. though she idly wondered his motives, and why someone so kind would join the rockets in the first place.

she did not want to pry, and so she asks him a lighter question instead, making way for small talk. "how long have you been in rocket for, sir?"

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,037 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
looking glass
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 16:50:52 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

A nod, Tempest corking his canteen and putting it away. They can rest for a moment; the suspected nests were close. It wouldn't serve either of them well to charge in tired. Gardevoir were smart, so they would need clear heads when they faced them.[break][break]

A set of protein bars are pulled from his pack next; Cookies and Cream, sweet but a bit chalky. One these he pushes gently into 's hand, not willing to take 'no' for an answer. They had been hiking for a while. His own is quickly opened.[break][break]

"About five years." His tenure isn't as storied as 's, 's, 's, or any of the other Kanto bunch. "I joined when Cadis first took over. They promised good money, I needed an outlet... you know how it goes."[break][break]

Tempest assumes that most Rockets were like he was. Just a regular guy who needed something. It wasn't hard to figure out.[break][break]

"I didn't get real serious about it till about three years ago, though. What about you?"




🔗 gardevoir season


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
looking glass
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 0:48:16 GMT
cassidy Avatar
she's surprised when a protein bar is pressed into her hands, the wrapper reading cookies and cream as its flavour. she opens her mouth to protest, but seeing tempest had made up his mind, she meekly accepts it. "...thank you." she says quietly, gently opening the bar after him.

five years is a long time to serve in what was essentially a criminal institution. but in some ways, it was not a lot of time at all, considering where hoenn was give years ago. and hearing tempest's past, strangely similar to hers, made her wonder if she would walk the same path as he.

she bites a piece of the protein bar, a slightly crumbly bar. it exploded with sweetness everytime she took a bite; the cookie a indulgence, even in a food meant for energy. cassidy had not treated herself to a dessert in a long time, and even a food as ordinary as a cookies and cream bar made her savour each bite.

"i joined very recently...only a year ago. i still feel weak in comparison to everyone." she admits. poaching had been steady money, though it was not always easy. but she was still new compared to the varied tenures of other rockets, ones that she had met.

"what compelled you to take it more seriously?"

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,037 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
looking glass
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 15:49:30 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

eats her bar with a delicateness that is not shared by Tempest. His own is gone in a few bites, almost as if barely chewed at all. His nose scrunches up as if tasting something bad; Tempest actually hated sweets and this was his least favorite flavor. But he hated wasting food worse, and these had been the last ones in the variety pack box, and he would be damned if he just threw them out.[break][break]

Tempest carefully folds the wrapper (and Cassidy's, when she is finished), and places them both in his pocket to dispose of later.[break][break]

"Eh, everyone has their own skill-sets. Lots of people can't take me in a one-vee-one brawl, but they're still strong, ya know?" Tempest shrugs off Cassidy's concerns. Even if she was weak now, she could always improve. It made him think of . While they were not as physically strong as him, they were an expert at espionage and subterfuge. "If you ever want training, feel free to ask for me by name. If I'm free I'll do what I can to help out."[break][break]

The second question is one both very easy and very hard to answer.[break][break]

"Love." It's not some deep betrayal by the League, some deep seeded plot by Rocket, outside influence...[break][break]

Tempest leaves his glove on, but he can point out where the form fitting black takes the vague shape of his wedding ring.




🔗 gardevoir season


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it's a long life full of long nights

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