Terminal Vulnerability [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 22:23:47 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Admittedly, the entire affair of being stuck on a prison in a transdimensional spaceship had left Elaine a lot to think about. Particularly, she still had trouble wrapping her head around the disparate decisions of those who lived in Hoenn at the end.

It was all too much to wrap her head around and given how late it was and just how tired she was, she was hankering for a nice night of sleeping on the office's couch. Of course, a shower and dressing her wounds came first before then, but the prospect of a warm shower in her own shower felt tantalizing at this point.

She just had to make sure she got her first aid box ready. It had been a while since she had needed to use it and she had only restocked it a month ago, so chances were, she was good for quite a while.


So, as she turned around only maybe a few minutes after returning through Palkia's portal, she had noticed a very familiar figure standing there in the office behind her.

"AAAH!" She had found herself starting to scream as she covered her chest with her arms. She may have still been wearing underwear, but she had tossed off her shirt only moments before. It was strange for her to be like this after the recent week of communal showers, but with freedom came some sense of dignity and some faint dregs of an expectation of privacy.

But, once her arms were up, she quickly shut her mouth. She truncated the scream before she could even hit a half a second.

She had realized just who was behind her. The familiar long, silver hair and figure and made it distinctly obvious despite the fact that her face was being obscured by the moonlight hitting her back.

She let her arms slowly drop to her sides again as she spoke. "Violet?"

In the next second, she snapped twice, causing the office lights to turn on, illuminating the entire area.

"Wait, the portal brought you here too?"

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 23:02:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

The portal could have just deposited them all right in the sun, a cruel twist of fate by the true evil mastermind behind all the assaults on Hoenn’s integrity all along. The thought was not exactly alien to Violet, but she mostly ignored it as she’d stepped through. At a certain point, between just immediately popping dead and spending another minute in that craft, she easily chose the former if need be. Hence, there was little hesitation. Mostly, she’d just wanted to go to a place that was ‘not the ship’, at least consciously. But subconsciously, well, she wanted to return to safety. And her own place did not exactly feel all that safe after being abducted from there.
Not that she knew any of that, of course. But her appearing there, despite all the other problems that caused, was at least consistent with her own logic for the moment. [break][break]
Yet, just because she felt safe there, she still found herself hesitating, remaining completely still as she realized two things. One, Elaine was there and acted like she knew the place, meaning it was probably her home of sorts. And second: the redhead had not noticed her.
It was something that Violet would usually relish in. And part of her did feel a bit elated, though she was mostly just relieved in general. Vio sighed quietly to herself, but found herself not capitalizing on all this. In a way, she just felt….kind of awkward? Pulling some kind of prank would just have been cruel, especially after what they’d just been through. So, she definitely would not do that. Yet, just standing there was also very much a problem, especially when Elaine started to take off clothes.
Vi really was uncertain whether or not she should speak up in that moment. But, fortunately, Ela did turn around and react before she could resolve that internal struggle anyway.
Instead, all she would muster was a weary, tired and awkward smile. “Ah…yes. That is me. I kind of just ended up here too?” Honestly, she was not sure how that worked. Given that the redhead did not find herself facing the whole of assembled league and rocket right then probably meant this wasn’t where everyone would be deposited.[break][break]
No, this was just kind of its own thing, really. Vio tilted her head to the side, slightly. “Since this isn’t my place, it probably is yours. Quite a ways off…” she was briefly considering just running off to end this awkwardness. But at the same time, she really did not want to.
Vio was way too tired for that. But not enough to not notice the other’s injuries. “But…since I am here, I would help get you patched up if you don’t mind?” They both had taken some abuse, though Vio had gotten off a bit lighter. Still, neither of them was in great shape. And that kind of felt like the right thing to do, given that she was imposing on the other there.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 3:01:58 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine chuckled at as she rubbed her hand on the back of her head. "Yeah, this place is mine. It's actually my office, though I don't think you've ever been here before."

As she stayed in that position, her injuries became more clear. The fact that she was wearing nothing but underwear and a skirt meant that she had left most of her skin bare.

"I thought that it would drop us off where we last were, but I guess there was some other criterion for where the portal dropped people off."

Her body had multiple cuts and lacerations of various length and depth. None of them looked too serious, but it was probably better that they not be oozing blood while exposed to air. It was clear that a good number of them were fresh, likely a result of when the ship had wrecked onto the megalopolis.

"All that aside, don't worry about it too much, Vio."

The were fresh purple splotches on the right side of her chest she had been holding onto just after they had crashed. She had been struck by Ogerpon during the first day, but she had also taken quite the deep tumble during the crash. One rib that was nearly at its breaking point had been fractured.

She had no problem with her breathing. Sure, it was a bit painful to breathe in, but she could still manage with the pain for now. As long as she kept properly breathing, a rib fracture would eventually heal.

"That being said, don't worry too much about imposing. We can tend to both of our wounds, but it might be best to clean off first. I have a decent amount of fresh clothes stored away here for...well, situations like this I guess."

She smiled as she let her hands back down, but something hit her in that moment. A wave of nausea spread through her mind and body as she found herself taking one step forward. Followed by another. She clutched at her head for a moment and as she began to take the next step, she started to fall forward.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 16:55:59 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, her office. That did make a lot of sense. Then it had to be close to the park from their little midnight soiree. She did remember Elaine describing that as being near said office, so all of that made a lot of sense. Violet was a bit confused as to why Elaine would undress here, but she figured that the other also would not feel quite comfortable in her home right then. Maybe that was why they were here?
Honestly, she did not know. And she did not care too much. Some secrets did not need to be unraveled for no reason. She had to focus on what was in front of her.
Which was a profoundly vulnerable look at Elaine, who did not seem to mind too much. Sure, she had almost squealed at first, but once it was clear that Violet was here, well, it very much seemed like Ela was okay with this. The communal showers probably helped, but she figured that was just to an extent. They hadn’t exactly had a choice there.[break][break]
Here, seeing this was…different. But not by much, since the wounds came into focus, which just reminded her of her own laceration and bruises. Come to think of it, she found herself chuckling. “Seems like we got very similar injuries from all this. That’ll make things easier, I guess. It is always easier to tend someone else than your own.” Especially those on the back.
Honestly, Vio was starting to see only upsides here, really. “But okay, I will not mind or worry,” she added, still wanting to communicate clearly. Then, she described the briefest of curtseys. “I thank you for your hospitality nonetheless. Though I probably should get out of this.” Briefly, she tugged on the collar of her prison overalls. She had not bothered to change out of those earlier, mostly to not have to run around in her pajamas during the fighting. “And besides I – “ Vio stopped herself mid-sentence when she noticed the sudden shift, when the other lurched forward.[break][break]
Despite her weariness, she had not fully given into a sense of safety yet and was quite alert. Enough to surge forward and seek to catch Elaine before the other could truly fall. “Now, now, easy. You must be just as battered as I am, after all. Take it easy, you are safe now, with me.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 23:55:30 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

"That was embarrassing." Elaine muttered before chuckling. She found herself caught in Violet's arms in the next moment. She hadn't lost consciousness, but she came pretty close to it.

She had been powering through it all in the later stages, but seven days of fatigue combined with a ship crash had ended up really taking a toll on her. Whatever strength she had was plumetting towards the floor.

"Thanks, Violet." Violet had caught her just in time. It was not the most graceful of catches, but she had found herself wrapped in Violet's arms and not planted into the ground. She counted herself just as lucky that Violet's arm didn't make contact with her broken rib.

She forced herself to stand back up again, but she was still wobbling more than she would like. There was no way she was getting into the shower at this rate. She was too exhausted to even get to the first aid box, let alone to the shower.

More and more, she was thankful for the fact that Violet was here. Otherwise, she would have been forced just to sleep off the exhaustion with still-open wounds. She wouldn't be clean, but the wounds could at least be left disinfected and dressed.

Instead of trying to take too much distance, she took a few steps back and sat on her couch. She still had enough energy to do that, at least.

"Despite calling it my office, it's more like a second home for me. It's fully furnished, has a shower, bedroom, and even a kitchen. It's basically designed for me to stay here when I'm too busy to actually go home or too tired to make the trip." In other words, it functioned as a safehouse as well. Though, the fact that she was taken from here did not make it quite as safe as she had hoped, but that information was best left out for now.

"The first aid box is there." Elaine pointed towards the other side of a couch, where a white box sat. Despite her calling it a first aid box, it was the same type of large latched boxes that someone would find on top of a crash cart in a hospital.

"But feel free to change in the bedroom first." Elaine offered, with a smile.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 22:19:39 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Not at all. We are both tired, after all.” She was just doing marginally better, probably because she had not been fighting up close, unlike Elaine. But that was about it. That and, well, her apparent need to appear stronger to those she cared about. But that was another matter entirely, as far as she was concerned.
For now, she just held the other until Elaine was able to get back onto her feet, helping her to the seating to make sure no other episodes would happen. “I see. It probably makes sense. If I had an office, I would want it to have all the amenities I might need too,” she replied, briefly thinking about the offices that the admins had at base. They probably did not come with all that equipped if the one she’d broken into was any indication.
But that was fully besides the point, really. Seeing the first aid box the other had pointed out, Vio made for that, first. “I might change later,” she noted as she picked it up and returned. “But I fear if I get anywhere near a comfortable enough bed I might succumb to temptation. And we need to get both you and I cleaned and bandaged up first.” As if realizing something, she briefly blinked, then chuckled to herself. “And we are both too serious and pragmatic not to do that, aren’t we?”[break][break]
They seemingly had that much in common. Violet was a lot more playful – at least it seemed that way so far – but only to an extent. They were both serious people at their core, at least after what had transpired on the bottom of the sea and later with those relics. Hence, she was putting down the box and started to sort the supplies she would need. “And before you offer to take the couch, I don’t sharing the bed with you. It’s probably why I ended up here. I don’t really want to be alone tonight after…that.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 3:39:45 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
“But I fear if I get anywhere near a comfortable enough bed I might succumb to temptation. And we need to get both you and I cleaned and bandaged up first.”

She was hardly wrong here. Hell, even the act of sitting on the couch made her expend a lot of energy just to keep herself awake and not just fall asleep right then and there. The adrenaline had clearly worn off as her body was telling her it was time to get some rest. But she still need to prepare for that at least.

“And we are both too serious and pragmatic not to do that, aren’t we?”

"PfftHaha--" Elaine found herself unable to stfle a laugh. But she stopped the moment a searing sensation jabbed into her chest. "Owowow..."

She quickly grabbed at the side of the rib fracture and took multiple shallow breaths. Her body was covered in a cold sweat for just a moment as she struggled to recenter her focus. After doing so, she was able to take deep breaths again. They were painful, but she would not recover if she tried to shudder from the pain.

"Yeah. We really are." Elaine let out a wry smile. She was a pragmatic and serious person, but often times she wondered if that consequently a fool. She was such a fool in so many situations, after all. But she could not let her thoughts linger on that. Not while Violet was present here.

Elaine looked down at the supplies that Violet prepared.

The kit was stocked to the brim with a wide array of supplies. Mupirocin ointment, multiple packets of gauze, medical tape, wound dressings, medical scissors, forceps, hydrogen peroxide, and multiple topical and oral medications were among the typical first aid kid items. But, the objects in that kit went above and beyond to an absurd degree. If one dug through enough, they could even find varying sized sutures, vials of lidocaine with epinephrine, bottles of sterile water, and needle drivers. One had to wonder what she had been through to keep some of those objects there.

“And before you offer to take the couch, I don’t mind sharing the bed with you. It’s probably why I ended up here. I don’t really want to be alone tonight after…that.”

Elaine's eyes widened. Sleeping on the couch here was hardly an abnormality to her. After all, she had been doing just that when she had been kidnapped. One could question why she even furnished a bedroom if she was going to be doing that so often, but that was also a question for another day.

But the wry smile of her softened as she heard Violet.

So, that's why...

She was letting herself be vulnerable here. To her. To snub those words would be beyond cruel. She had no intent of making that offer at this point, but any desire to make it ever tonight had burned out to 0%.

Were it not for the pain, she would have tried to lean in and look her eye to eye. So, instead, she opted for something far simpler.

"I promise." She dropped her hand to Violet's head and ruffled her head ever so slightly. "I won't let you be alone tonight."

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 21:16:40 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Now, now, don’t overdo it. You probably got something internal there, too.” It probably warranted the attention of an actual doctor. But given that things had worked out to an extent so far, it probably wasn’t something hospital worthy. At least she hoped so, for her own sake as well.
But still, she could not help but worry a bit as she watched the other wince there, giving Elaine room to recuperate on her own terms for now while she prepared the first aid. While Vio was no expert, basic first aid had been one of the things she actually had learned from her parents, so she quickly set up what she needed to clean some wounds, then bandage them. They both knew the first part was both necessary but also painful. Vi did not say anything about that, though, instead choosing to focus on their other topic as a distraction as she went to work.[break][break]
Hence, she was quite surprised when she suddenly felt something completely unexpected. No one had done this to her…potentially ever? Maybe her father had once, but ever since he’d decided that she was to basically succeed his son, he had treated her very differently. It would have to have happened even before, when she was really little.
And what did it matter, anyway? This was happening, now. Not a condescending headpat that a superior might give, not the kind of attention a parent gave to their child. This was…different. Unusual. She did not mind. In fact, she had to keep her head down a little since she found some tears without magical properties where they did not belong.
“I…. just, thank you, Elaine. That means a lot to me. I mean it.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 4:35:08 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine found herself startled for a brief moment as she saw the tears streaming down Violet's face. The fact that such a simple promise had brought her to tears was enough to bring Elaine to a pause.

She contemplated reaching out her other hand to wipe up those tears. But before she could move her hand even an inch forward, she heard something that brought that entire notion to a halt.

“I…. just, thank you, Elaine. That means a lot to me. I mean it.”

Wiping those tears were wrong. They were not from sadness. They were merely the shedding of such feelings held for too long. To wipe them clean would be to interfere with that catharsis.

"Take your time, Violet."

She would not stop this for even a second.

"I'll be here as long as you need." Her hand continued to rest on Violet's head. Her tender gaze continued to fixate on her. Even though she could feel a stinging pain from her chest as she continued to hold this position, she didn't stop.

She could only lament that she could not reach over and embrace her in this state.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 18:49:30 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

And take her time she did. Not a whole lot, admittedly, but that was just because she did not need quite that long. Just enough of it to sort out her feelings a little and to appreciate what was happening. To some extent, she could all but feel that this wasn’t quite what Elaine wanted to do. They usually hugged in these kinds of situations, but that was a no-go here for obvious reasons. The detective had settled for this and it was fairly nice. Violet enjoyed it for a bit longer, but eventually the same mental wanderlust that plagued them both saw her take a deep breath, harrumph slightly and regain some composure.
With a nod, then, she started to patch up some smaller wounds, her hands feeling surprisingly dexterous considering the kind of abuse they had gone through these past few days. Then again, she never was as delicate as she otherwise might have looked in that sense. Elaine had likely figured that much out long just from looking at said hands, even before Vio had alluded to having changed herself.
But it felt good doing, well, good. It might have hurt her friend a little, but they both knew it was ultimately a positive and necessary thing. Despite the earlier tears, she just found herself smiling, working happily until eventually, she found herself both a bit closer to the other and mostly finished with the initial steps of triage. Looking up, she simply tried to meet Elaine’s eyes without bothering to properly disengage. “And I will be there for you, as long as you need me. Or just want me to.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 4:32:23 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It stung quite a bit. With each moment of contact between the antiseptic and the larger cuts, she winced. It was a short moment as one eye would suddenly narrow and her teeth would clench, but it happened a decent amount of times as Violet cleaned and dressed her wounds.

She was lucky that none of the cuts that littered her body had required any sutures to be placed. She was perfectly confident that she could do that to herself, but the fact that she didn't need to was a blessing at this point.

As wounds were dressed one by one, Elaine paid no heed to how delicate the care was. Rather, she focused on the visible wounds she could see on Violet and mentally calculated out how much of the supplies she was going to need.

As she did, she labored to maintain as much focus on Violet as possible.

“And I will be there for you, as long as you need me. Or just want me to.”

Elaine locked eyes with Violet as she, too, made no attempt to properly disengage. Rather, she moved her head further inwards until their foreheads touched. Never once letting her hand or head go, she closed her eyes for a brief moment.

It was strange. Like they were forever stuck at this strange distance. Close yet faraway. Together yet separate. United yet distinct.

The hand that sat on Violet's head slowly moved down until it caressed her cheek.

"As long as we need, huh." Elaine's eyes opened back up as she locked eye contact once again. There was neither hesitation nor anxiety. The tenderness of her smile and gaze were pure and honest, not holding even a single thing back. "The things that make you realize basic truths are sometimes so absurdly simple. You've been whispering those kinds of sweet words to me since the start. But...they all meant something. Perhaps that's why I came to love you."

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 16:55:48 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Well, I always start saying those things when I get interested. But even when that changed a bit, I still kept that last bit of distance. Last time I went too fast and boldly I got burned for it. So I –“ Violet stopped herself. She’d gotten caught up in the moment, just enjoying being so close, those more affectionate touches, that she had simply started to talk, her brain only processing what was said as she replied it, in a way.[break][break]

Hence, those last five words just kind of snuck up on her. Some kind of spy she was. And they immediately threw her for a loop, causing different impressions to rush into her mind. It was not the first time she had heard those words, after all. But so far, she had only heard them from marks, usually from people to whom that came easy and who she wanted to say them in order to scam them for money. It wasn’t necessarily a part of her past that she was proud of these days, but she had heard the words, regardless. [break]
Just never from someone she truly wanted to hear them from. Those other people cheapened them. When she had said them to someone and meant it, she had suffered rejection.
And now they were here. Suddenly. Causing cheeks to flush in a way she did not even notice. Though she did not recoil, fidget or frighten. There was a deepening to the light smile she wore, though she briefly found herself breaking eye-contact, looking down. “I…said this to someone once and got burnt by it. They did not feel the same way about me as I did about them. Even now there is that pesky sliver of doubt in my head, trying to tell me that you probably just mean a different kind of love as I do,” she ultimately remarked, eyes still cast downwards.[break]
But they would not remain so. She looked up and she lit up a little more as she tried to find Elaine again. This time though, her own hand was similarly in action, only she did not just caress the other’s cheek but sought to lift her chin, almost transfix it with a gentle touch. She wanted to make her intent clear, but would not simply go in for a kiss yet. Both just in case but also out of respect. “I have come to love you.” At least she thought so. But she did not want to say that because it would just diminish what she sought to convey.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 3:44:20 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was obvious that those last words of hers had caught Violet off-guard. Elaine had honestly been going with the flow while she was with Violet. Everything had a rhythm. Battle. Conspiracy. Even the most minute of interactions held that.

Elaine was not an expert in that kind of thing, but she had fallen on that kind of rhythm for quite a while today and let that rhythm do its work through her.

Perhaps, that was why she could be simply so bold as she spoke. She had never said it out loud, but she had, for a while, been cognizant of Violet's feelings. In that same way, she had wondered if Violet had been aware of her own.

It was never something she had spoken to or actively thought of. Between the time in the Cloud, the time within 'Galar', and the week in a torture prison they had just spent, they had been together an inordinate amount of times.

She could see her blushing. She could hear her hesitating. She could feel the subtle tremors she made.

“I…said this to someone once and got burnt by it. They did not feel the same way about me as I did about them. Even now there is that pesky sliver of doubt in my head, trying to tell me that you probably just mean a different kind of love as I do. I have come to love you.”

What was love? Was it the simple feeling of closeness that two people had? Was it the sense of security that one felt in another? Was it the desire to simply be in that person's arms? There was far too much that embodied that singular feeling that could not be expressed with mere words.

"It's fine to feel like that." With her hand, she shifted Violet's face ever so slightly so their gazes intersected once again. "Then, will you allow me to clear all your doubts right now?"

It was a simple action. But it was the seal that brought it all to a head.

The moment she tilted her head and brought her lips forward to Violet's. The moment she had endeavored to wipe away all doubts with a kiss.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 23:31:51 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

It was odd, given how much experience she had pretending to love that she was kind of clueless as to what the real thing truly was. Or maybe it was just natural. She had lived lies for so long that the truth sometimes became a difficult thing to parse, to understand, to believe. Love, most of all. Years ago, she had chosen to become someone else. She hadn’t quite chosen to become someone that conned people by faking affection. That had just naturally come to be, in part due to happening upon a tutor, in part due to talent.
Violet was a natural born liar. It came to her so easily, she had to make conscious efforts not to lie, sometimes. And it wasn’t like she was always truthful with Elaine, either. While she had not exactly said a lot of things that were not true in that week of torment, she still had lied by pretending that she was stronger than she actually had been. But that time had worn her down because of that. Even if lying came easy to her, keeping it up for so long was quite the strain.
It amplified her doubts even more – and in turn made the exhilaration upon having them dispelled even more potent. She’d made herself quite vulnerable, putting all the power to decide this in the hands of the other. But she was not punished for it. Vio heard those words and already understood. Hence, she only uttered a single word in reply: “Yes.”
And then, of course, she readily accepted the kiss. They were both still in terrible states, dry lips, injured bodies, all factors that should diminish things. But Vi did not care. Because those were Elaine’s lips meeting hers, easily parting as they parted their opposites. She leaned a bit into the kiss, her free hand simply seeking the other’s arm as if just wanting to add a little more of this connection.[break][break]
Her doubts certainly were wiped, for she would grow emboldened by this development, seeking to deepen the kiss right away, tongue seeking the other’s. There was a hunger within that had been kept carefully subdued for long, but it was now shining through.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 20:36:04 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine was beyond worn out. Her actions she had taken since returning with Violet had been all going with the flow. The endless stream of emotions that surpassed vitality and the physical condition had brought her to this point and as it did, her voice had uttered out five words that altered the course of everything.

Though it was not as strong as Violet's, her anxiety had been a constant gripping factor. Though she had acted in no hesitation, it tugged at her heart and mind as she had spoken up. But everything had changed the moment Violet had affirmed her.

Lips met lips as those persistent feelings melted away into nothingness. Pain, uneasiness, the discomfort of her dry skin and lips--none of it mattered. In that moment, there were only the two lovers under the cradle of the starless night.

As Violet's own anxiety melted and she grew more emboldened, Elaine took the opposite route. Rather than pushing back, she merely let herself give way. Free hand reached to free hand as the two held each other close. Tongue met tongue and intertwined as they lost themselves in that moment.

What had long been held back had erupted in that one moment as the world turned around them; two souls intertwined in intimate embrace as they expressed an authentic and mutual love. This was the comfort left towards them at the end of a long, disgraceful hell.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP