Terminal Vulnerability [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 22:02:51 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, yes, that was what she had wanted. For…years now? Pretty much. Since most was fake about her identity, she tended to cheat on the age too. But that was irrelevant right then. Right now, she kind of felt like she was back at that place. Even though she was in a stranger’s place, as she closed her eyes while surrendering to the kiss, her mental images replaced the roof with a starlit sky, the walls of the office with the crumbling ruins of a castle of sorts.[break][break]
She should take Elaine there, she decided, then and there. But that, too, was for late. In the moment, she simply enjoyed the kiss not for some hormone driven need for certain kinds of actions, but as a culmination of a smouldering they had kindled for long. An affirmation.
A promise, of sorts.
While she did grow greedy, at least for a bit, she was not overdoing it. She kissed Elaine, deeply, strongly, but not overbearingly so. It was a moment she enjoyed – but in part because it was temporary, fleeting but beautiful in its temporal mortality.[break][break]
Yet, when it ended and she opened her eyes again, Elaine was still there. Violet found herself panting, slightly. She had good stamina in those sorts of things, but they were exhausted. The pain in her chest was a stark reminder of that, as well. “Elaine,” she simply murmured, her voice having a very different connotation from before. The same word, but a starkly different meaning.
“I am truly happy. Let us… let’s get me patched up. Rest. There is….so much I want to talk with you about, do with you.” She raised a hand again, this time brushing over Ela’s face. “But most of all I want to wake up looking at this.”



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 23:22:57 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine may have, admittedly, let herself get caught up in the heat of the moment. Though the act was the first act to seal their mutual love, she could not deny that she let her feelings and her hormones intermingle.

Perhaps, that was why she had almost felt a sense of disappointment as lips parted, leaving a thin line of mixed saliva that inevitably broke, and the kiss had come to an end. She had always tried to be a rational person, but she had thrown that all away for just a short time.

In the moment that she had realized this, she had blushed. Elaine was willing in that moment to let herself be taken away by more primal urges, but she had only realized how bad an idea that would have been the moment she saw Violet's eyes looking into her own.

Much like Violet had done earlier, Elaine had let a vibrant red blush form on her face in that moment. Much like Violet was doing now, Elaine was finding herself panting. Taking a moment to take one deep breath, she heard Violet murmuring her name. It was soft, but it was enough. There was a different weight behind it this time.

"Violet." And so, there was a different weight this time.

With one hand, she picked up the antiseptic that had been left with the remainder of the dressing supplies.

"Let's get your wounds dressed, then." The blush would not disappear and neither would the smile. "The faster we do, the faster we can...well, get to bed and fall asleep in each other's arms."

Elaine Highland was coasting along. Love language was something that hardly came to her naturally after all. But as long as they were together, she would try the best she could. So, even if the words she let out were awkward, embarrassing, and strange, she would stand by them. No matter how much her inner self was slamming her head against the wall.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2024 22:23:22 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

In a way, just seeing Elaine blush so cutely was worth it all, really. Well, that and seeing her panting after a kiss, that did touch something primal within, though it was easily weighed down by her own exhaustion. Plus, she had to dislodge herself at least a bit from the other, so that her own wounds could be treated. It was not something she was looking forward to, but they both had that stubborn pragmatism to them that all but forced them to keep themselves in check.
She sighed to herself, but let it happen regardless. Compared to all that happened this week, even this was child’s play. She quietly let the other do her work, the detective evidently being a bit more experienced in these matters. Maybe that was why she did a better, quicker job. Or maybe she had just suffered less scrapes. It did not matter.
Only once it was done and supplies stored away did Violet speak up again, by now having recovered a little. Though she was not budging from her general feelings there at all. “I was thinking,” she started as she took the other’s hand, first to lead towards where she had earlier gestured the bedroom to be, though gently nudging her to take the lead once more for the proper choice of doors. They had done that kind of thing before. Just not while…connected like this. Not quite like this.[break][break]
“Tomorrow will be hectic, since we’ve been missing and such. But…after that. How do you think about just taking a few days off? We both could use the rest. We could have that date we promised one another and kept putting off. Just you and me, none of that heavy stuff that keeps pulling us in like a black hole sometimes. I just want to get to know you better.” It was weird to say that after the words they had already exchanged. But maybe it was just that. They had made their intent clear, after all. Now they had to act on it, properly this time.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 3:59:23 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It truly was fortunate that neither of them had needed anything beyond some antiseptics and some dressings for their wounds. Elaine had been mentally preparing herself to use the sutures she kept in the box, but she had not even had to use one. Not on Violet nor on herself. They were truly fortunate that these were the worst of their wounds.

The second hand of the clock ticked away, counting out the time as Elaine let the her actions carry her meaning. In the silent night, she dressed each of those wounds without even a hint of force. Each move was soft, gentle, and tender.

But all of that would inevitably come to an end as she dressed every last remaining wound upon her body. As such, it came for her to place all of the remaining supplies in their proper places, toss out the waste, and put the box away.

Without too much effort, she eventually placed the box where Violet had taken it from. As soon as she did, Violet had come to her and taken her own hand. As she began to speak, she gestured to the bedroom. Taking the hint, Elaine walked forward, keeping their hands together as they walked towards the room.

Though she called it a secondary home, it was pretty well furnished. Between the Queen-sized bed, the end tables, the dressers, and even the closet, it was decently well-furnished--definitely beyond the bare minimum.

“Tomorrow will be hectic, since we’ve been missing and such. But…after that. How do you think about just taking a few days off? We both could use the rest. We could have that date we promised one another and kept putting off. Just you and me, none of that heavy stuff that keeps pulling us in like a black hole sometimes. I just want to get to know you better.”

It had been a long week. They had all been through hell and back. They all lived to tell the tale. Though she had seen some vile things that day, she had seen many things she could call beautiful. The efforts people went through to save someone in pain. The strength of a divided people united for the goal of survival.

But, all of that was moot.

"You're right. I...we could both use a break. Just a few days together. To put back the pieces and to be with the woman I love in the light of day for once."

Elaine smiled as she pulled Violet towards the bed. She was exhausted as hell.

"I think that would be lovely."

But though her body was weary, her soul would not be. Not here. Not with her by her side this night.

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Terminal Vulnerability [M]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 4:10:09 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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