Fly, my Wings | Gym

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
Fly, my Wings | Gym
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 13:38:45 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Eddie nodded, satisfied with that answer, and found himself happy to have played any part in destroying whatever else might take the Traveler away from their ideal world. But then came a question that gave the Explorer some pause as he finished his repairs and stowed his tools away. [break][break]

What was his ideal world? [break][break]

Eddie stopped, hand resting on the side of his craft. That was a daunting question, to put it lightly. He felt a small twinge of panic, suddenly feeling like a child about to take a test he hadn't studied for, [break][break]

“Well, I – I hadn't thought about that, I don't think.” [break][break]

Calloused fingers curled against the black and blue of the Starrunner's hull. Maybe this was one of those things you had to answer from the heart instead of your head, so what did his heart have to say? When Eddie spoke again, his voice was a little firmer and a little more certain, [break][break]

“Fer starters, it'd be the sorta place where anyone could live however they damn well pleased,” Eddie began, “Be free ta be themselves, yanno?” [break][break]

Because his own life would have turned out rather differently if Eddie had been afforded a similar freedom in his youth. He had been making up for it now, though, in the last few months spent in Hoenn. He would never let someone tell him who he could or couldn't be, ever again. [break][break]

His hand balled into a fist, and Eddie turned back to face the Traveler again, [break][break]

“You wouldn't hafta go out to the stars if you didn't want ta. No one could make you do that, ever again.” [break][break]

Eddie smiled, [break][break]

“'Course, my ideal world would also have all the sorta mushy stuff you'd expect, too. No hunger, no war, no crime – just people an' their Pokemon, livin' peaceful an' happy,” he continued, “And as fer me, I think my ideal world would have a little place just fer me an' my Pokemon. Someplace by the sea, with a bunch'a olive trees and enough room fer my friends ta come and stay over, if they wanted.” [break][break]

He could practically see it, in his mind's eye; the call of Wingull overhead, the gentle crash of the tide as it came in. Salt on the air, and sea and sky for miles. The gnarled bark of a tree, rough beneath his fingertips. Fields of golden wheat to the east, and smiling faces waiting for him in his own little slice of Elysium. Eddie smiled wider, and moved to open up the cockpit of his ship, [break][break]

“Thanks fer everythin', bud,” the Explorer called, his voice as warm as the rising sun, “I hope this world keeps treatin' you well.”



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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Fly, my Wings | Gym
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 17:29:37 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar



[attr="class","puppycat"]Will You Give Them Peace?
One Last Question
The Explorer's ideal world would be a pleasant one: a peaceful world, where the many trials and tribulations people faced simply did not exist, and where one could truly be who they wanted to be. None would want for food, none would face the horrors of war, none would fear for a lack of safety.

And of course, the Explorer themself would have a nice little place to live with those close to them, and open to their friends to visit.

The Traveler smiled softly, nodding along. "
It seems that you desire a true paradise for all, not just for yourself. Some may need conflict in order to grow, but such a wondrous ideal would allow many to flourish."

Perhaps this world could have contained the Explorer's ideal - but they had already resolved themself to return to their life among the stars.

I thank you as well, my friend. This may be the first time we have met, and perhaps the last, but I will treasure the time we shared."

All that was left was for the Explorer to leave. Their ship would light up - perhaps with a warning or two about needing to see a mechanic - and they could take flight…but there would be one complication: they had been blacked out when they landed here, and that was after passing through an ion storm.

How would they get out?

And yet the solution would present itself readily: the yellow petals that had been disappointed by the Explorer's refusal rose up once more, this time in greater number. They completely surrounded the spaceship from all sides. The Explorer's view to the outside would be completely blocked, and even their sensors wouldn't sense from the outside.

But once they disappeared, the Explorer would find their spaceship floating out in space, well outside of the ion storms they'd entered earlier. Any trace of the petals was gone, as if they had never been on that world in the first place.

Save for a single petal sitting within their spaceship.

Their spaceship quickly received a signal: it was their Commander, inquiring first on their condition - their transponder had lost contact for some time - as well as if they had completed their objective.

For they still had their contract to complete; their objective had been to find the Traveler, and find them they had.

But what answer would the Explorer give?


Give your Commander an answer
Note: The Dream will end on the next post
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it's a long life full of long nights

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