never let you down

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 3:32:12 GMT
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it's the same gym found her in, but this time the training dummy has been blasted apart. she stands above it, breathing hard, sword an afterthought in her hand. her throat is hot and swollen and dark tears dampen her cheeks; she brushes them away just as quickly and kicks at the remnants, thumb sliding to the mechanism on her sword that unfolds its leaves. 

the bow snaps together and she twirls, firing arrows into the other training dummies in the room. kerchunk, kerchunk, kerchunk

i'll still remain.

a presence folds over her, smothering, and she shakes her head, ignoring it for the umpteenth time. 

her assistant, several doors down, exasperatedly exclaims to someone that freya might not be coming back to her office soon and to please feel free to interrupt her training down the hall.
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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 3:54:54 GMT
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Annalise, at this point, can only be labeled as June’s best friend.

After all the near-death experiences, highs, lows, and shoulders leaned and cried on, there is no way in hell they could be anything but. June would die for Annalise, and while the ranger would never admit it, she’d likely do the same. What June would never admit is that she relied way too heavy on the other girl.

But after that damn report… was going to be left on read for a day or two. If she didn’t, then who knew what terrible thing she’d say. Another regret to add to the pile, one that didn’t need to get any higher.

Now Freya was knocking at her door. Of all the people to do it, the head of the military (or whatever her role was) for the League was one of the last people she expected or wanted. She fell firmly into the category of ‘slam the door on their face and escape through the back door’.

Yet as June excused herself into the training room, where Freya attacked fake people with the intensity of a trained killer, she knew that this was also the person who’d break down her door the second she tried to run. “Freya. You wanted to see me.

Not interested. Can I go now?

Didn’t mean she wouldn’t try.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 4:32:15 GMT
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anger trickles through her like a steady stream and her hair drifts, moved by the tiniest, most inconsequential breeze. she tucks her shoulder up, brushing the hair away from her cheek, brows creasing in aggravation. the door to the training room opens and she whirls, arrow nocked. 

gold eyes are molten as she regards the woman. 

oh. right.

how long has it been?

hunger gnaws at her belly. she'd skipped lunch. breakfast too, now that she thinks about it. when june goes to move, she pivots an inch and lets the arrow fly; it thunks against the glass paneling next to the door, leaving a scratch. 

she says, "i need to talk to you. have you had lunch yet?"
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 4:46:31 GMT
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June flinched. Slightly. A sudden, small recoil away from the path of the arrow. It wasn’t fear that emerged, or necessarily anger. Acceptance was the first emotion shown. She crossed her arms and sighed as loud and exaggerated as humanly possible.

That’s all you got? Nearly kill me and ask me if I’ve eaten? Of fucking course I–

Her own stomach rumbled. Louder than her attempt to show obvious annoyance.

... haven’t. Fine. You wanna talk? Buy me lunch. And not some shitty fast food stuff– I know you have cash.

If she couldn’t get out of it, then she’d milk it for all its worth. June moved out of the way of the door out and motioned for Freya to lead the way. “And if you pull that shit again, I’m walking out of this building and never coming back.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 5:51:48 GMT
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"i don't miss," she says dryly. she folds the bow with one swift jerk of her arm and then slides the sword into its scabbard. with the nylon strap of her quiver hooked with her pinkie, she scoops up the rolling arrow and tucks it away.

her figure pitches an intimidating presence - scarred from teeth marks and reddish-silver from numerous burns. two puckered scars on her neck and a nasty whorl of flesh around her shoulder are visible while she's in a workout tank.

she's far past caring about that.

"there's a kalosian place just down the road. lovely beignets, if you can stomach my company all the way to dessert." they pass her office. she tosses her things inside, fetches a shirt to pull over herself, and thinks, good enough.

"you came here of your own volition. why are you pissy?" she asks, almost amusedly.
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 20:59:53 GMT
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June rolled her eyes, the many scars of Freya Morningstar ignored for her blatant ignorance. “Let me blow your mind with a real crazy idea: Someone asks you for a meeting, there’s probably about 10 people where it’s not an option. Someone asks me for a meeting, and there are about 10 people where it is an option.

Position of power, duh,” she grumbled. “You asked me, anyway. I either come here of my own free will or find out what happens if I don’t.

Odds were good it would involve her getting some basic need taken away, or her being forcibly dragged and shoved into Freya’s company. She’d been through the process enough to know it only made things harder in the long run. Something Freya likely hadn’t realized. Or didn’t care about.

Anyway, if you're done getting ready, can we make this quick? I still have deliveries to make today,” she said. Time to find out what a ‘beignets’ were.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 21:54:24 GMT
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"you make our government out to be a dictatorship," she comments and whatever amusement she had at the entire situation drains away. there's so little she knows about june sleigh, other than the fact that she and annalise might be close. and that she's a delivery girl. 

a delivery girl who doesn't seem very well-liked, on account of what freya assumes is a repeat prank of parcel delivery requests filled with rocks. 

farmhouse wood tables are set with polished silver and sage green napkins. they're greeted with a carafe of water and slices of lemons. freya orders a croque monsieur and gestures for june to help herself, knowing full well there's a chance the girl squeezes every ounce she can out of her wallet.

"are you familiar with my history, june?" she asks when the waitress departs. 
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June Bug
April 21
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 0:56:58 GMT
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I’m saying to walk in my shoes for a while.

Fancy place. Nice decor. The absolute last place she’d visit– at least, of this specific variety. Looked more like a standard cafe than a dedicated coffee place. The kind she knew better. Here, looked like they specialized in the idea of ‘Kalos’. Certainly reeked of green and ‘home’.

But the menu gave her pause. So many words she didn’t know, and little time to decipher. But what she did know was numbers, and a lot of them looked very high. June pointed to the first one that sounded vaguely familiar, “I’ll take one of those, I guess. Oh, and the best espresso you have.

Once the waiter started, the idle small talk began. June sighed, then stirred her lemon water with a spoon, head resting in a hand, “Not really no. Bigger fish to fry on my end.

Grief. Work. Having any semblance of a social life (all of her two friends). Many things kept her out of the blogs and quite frankly insane deep dives into Freya's history.

Oh, and Regieleki too.

But, I assume it’s relevant,” she followed up. “And has something to do with either my current or past situation. That, or you heard that I wasn’t interested earlier, and you aim to bore me for as long as possible.

She was missing work for Freya’s past? Peachy.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 2:19:04 GMT
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"i was sixteen when i was adopted," she says. "before then, in kalos, i lived with half a dozen other kids in a foster home. and i'll admit to it - i was lucky. the morningstars are - were - a well-off family. they were affluent and gave me what i needed to sit here before you today, but i lived with very little for a very long time."

she props her elbows up on the table and laces her fingers together, tucks her chin on her hands, and stares across the table at the woman who seems to hate her. 

king hated her too, once, cocksure smile glittering as he claimed she preached down at him from her ivory tower. 

"mm, well, your capture in the ultra plant has piqued the league's interest, but surely you knew that." she tucks her thumb against her lower lip and then asks, "why did you do it?"
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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 2:50:34 GMT
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June raised her eyes to Freya as she assumed a similar pose after she relayed her very brief but very supposedly sad story. Believable? Enough. Sucky? Absolutely. Did she care?

Her attention returned to the glass, and then to the side. Towards the massive espresso machine, which came to life and promised bitter, delicious coffee.

It was only when Freya asked about her intentions that she returned her gaze to the military leader. With a long sigh, she finally let go of the spoon and let momentum carry it around the rim. Its ugly noise got a glance from the next table over. “Cause my Dad died, and I thought it’d help me move on. It didn’t.

It hurt to say, but not as much as it had before the fated encounter. Baby steps.

Doesn’t matter now,” she turned to the waiter who returned with her cup of espresso and muttered a thanks. Now, she turned her attention to the steaming cup and smelled in its deep aroma.

Much like how your past doesn’t. Cause right now, you reside in one of the top government positions with a family name worth something in both prestige and wealth. All mine got me was a million in the red and cost me my future and the family business.

No, she did not.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 2:59:32 GMT
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we do a lot of things out of grief that don't always help.

i let the morningstars and my best friend die on a warfront with me. 

it gets better. 

it gets easier.

none of this will reach her. the only threads that tie them together are thin and strained; too much and freya might lose her altogether. she wouldn't want comfort from the likes of her anyway. 

but there is something she can offer her. 

the waitress returns, first with june's espresso and then with their food. freya's sits untouched for the time being. she hazards a thank you, at the very least, even if it is dismissive, when they're asked if they need anything else.

"we can offer you compensation. it wouldn't be an invitation into aqua, but you will be granted a stipend and protection. all we would ask for in return is your allegiance." she picks up half of her sandwich. 

"you don't even have to quit your delivery job."
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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 3:44:42 GMT
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June did a double take as the thing was set in front of her. The… sandwich? Abomination? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it looked stupid and dumb and only something rich Kalosians would ever consider food. Unfortunately, before she could get the waiter's attention, they were sent off by Freya.

All that was left was the military officer, the delivery girl, and a food item better left in the mind and away from reality. As Freya relayed the offer, June picked up the fork on the right and carefully slid the egg off. It plopped onto the expensive dishware like a bomb, and yolk spilled all over the pristine white.


That’s a high price, surveillence and loss of privacy, for an undisclosed amount of money,” she said. “And protection from the people that can’t even get Rocket out of the region.

It was a surprise, though, when her mouth bit into the hot food and her tongue didn’t recoil from a terrible sensation. An unexpected pleasantry, unlike the current meeting. Even worse was the assurance of the current status quo being maintained.

And I even get to keep my shitty twenty-four-seven working-hour job? Your generosity knows no limits,” the strange sandwich was returned to the plate. At least she wasn’t wasting the councilwoman’s money on bad food. “Seriously, I've heard better bullshit from used car salesmen. Sold it better, too.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 3:56:37 GMT
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the cheese of her own sandwich is deliciously melted, the ham thick and juicy. she tears through the delightfully chewy sourdough and swallows, thumbing some mustard from the corner of her mouth, and takes a sip of water while june shoots her down. 

"i'm not a car salesman," she says, "nor, as i've been told by many others, am i a 'people person.' i'm a war-monger and this region's most prestigious dragon tamer and i do not impress you in the slightest, do i, june?"

she tucks her fingers into her napkin and eyes the woman. 

"but now i know what you do want and i can cater the offer to those needs, unless you really would rather go back to lugging rocks for kids."
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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 4:06:20 GMT
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June smiled. “Well, of course I fucking don’t.

But, let me ask you a question, war-monger-slash-prestigious-dragon-tamer,” she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, “because I’m absolutely curious. Just dying to know.

Am I a person to convince, or an asset to obtain? An obstacle to overcome?

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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 4:18:35 GMT
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ah, now she's engaged. fire glitters in freya's eyes. she abandons the food altogether in favor of the battlefield. june's yolk continues to solidify on her plate. 

"for the league? undeniably an asset, but we treat our assets fairly well, not that you seem to care for consolations." they can fuck up over and over again, as is the case with , and still enjoy a cozy ranch life at home. 

"you'll only be an obstacle if you decide to stand in our way. and stand with rocket. then, and only then," she says, showing teeth, "will we be forced to 'overcome' you. and at the end of the day, we do not need you."

she sighs. smiles. "but personally? i like your fire. and you hate the bullshit, which we don't have enough of, in my opinion. have you met my a - friend, ? you remind me of her.
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