never let you down

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 4:28:35 GMT
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Ah, there it was. June chuckled and leaned back forward. The coffee cup returned to her hands and she nursed it as Freya gave her speech. Something with gusto, and no middlemen, and no nice fake pleasantries. Refreshing, from a high-ranked League official. One that actually mattered.

Oh, never met ‘em,” she said. That’s the kind of name you remember, if only because of how of a mouthful it is. “But that’s good to know. That I remind you like a bunch of people you already know. It's always fun to see different variations of the same personality. It's what makes people so distinct. Unique.

Freya reminded her of a bunch of people she knew. Didn’t call them friends, though. But they were a dime a dozen, and all had their unique quirks that made them memorable.

But… are you sure you don't sell the used cars on the side? A hustle for when you're bored?

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
never let you down
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 4:42:04 GMT
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"birds of a feather," she says with a shrug. the flames are no longer fanning on their conversation, leaving her to pick up her sandwich again in peace. "but i like finding pieces of people in each other. reminds me that we're not all that different."

she laughs and has to cover her mouth, for fear of spitting out crumbs. their server, ever attentive, comes to ask after and make sure everything's okay. 

when she's gone, freya says, "i breed and tame dragons, but that's less when i'm bored and more when i want to run away from responsibility. some of them get leased out to the league rangers. the draciary's close by, actually, mmm, if you ever wanted to stop by.

"of your own volition, of course,"
she remarks dryly. 
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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 5:17:39 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
No thanks, I’m good.

But…” June smirked, “used car salesmen? Come in all shapes and sizes and creeds, just like me and your other friends. Probably like your dragon friends, too. All of them have their little quirks or sob stories they use on you, and they are just. Fascinating.

How they can all look and act so different, yet all do the exact same thing.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that,” she set the cup down gently, “because it sounds like you never had to worry about a car. How bad it can be to a single parent to waste money on a bucket of bolts and rust. And after enough lemons and bad deals, you’d start to learn what the tells are– have to, really. And they're always the same: might spray paint over rust, turn the odometer backward, or get it running just well enough that it sounds fine during a test drive yet breaks down after twenty miles.

But at the end of the day, they are selling you a spray-painted bucket of shit and give even less about who you are. That’s the line that connects you," she pointed straight at Freya, "with the rest of ‘em.

And the thing that makes me different from the friends I oh so remind you of,” June leaned forward, as close as she could get without rocking the table, and shoved a thumb into her own chest “is that I can smell the shit you’ve painted gold.

And you were right– I really do hate the bullshit. I hated it three years ago. I hated it eight months ago. And I’m really fucking hating it right now.

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the ascendant
November 03
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POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 16:02:48 GMT
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it's a hot summer day in hoenn. sun showers aren't uncommon occurrences, especially with the distortion rifts that have plagued it for months. peculiar are not the lack of clouds in the sky, but the fact that one moment the sky is a vast, empty swath of blue and then, very suddenly, it darkens. 

june and freya are inside and little changes there, save the waitresses move a little bit quicker to help patrons clear their food before the oncoming rain.

only, it doesn't come. freya's fingers twist in the napkin in her lap. light floods in as her pupils contract in a flash of anger and then it's gone in the blink of an eye as she regains her composure. the clouds dissipate. the room lightens. 

but her smile is not pleasant. it's a wicked thing, all teeth and curves. she has not been broken over and over again to be ridiculed by a snot-nosed brat who has never been made audience to all the horrors she's lived. 

"then let me make one thing very clear. no bullshit.

"you don't want me as your enemy."
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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
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POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 18:13:14 GMT
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Rain wasn’t on the forecast. Then how…

Could Freya control the weather? Had June overstepped her limits again, toe a line that didn’t exist, cause she was firmly over it? The doubts took over for a moment, then quickly disappeared.

If Freya could control the weather, and had some ace in her sleeve, then she was stupid to bring it out now. After June had thoroughly torn the councilwoman a new one, and before they even came to this café. That would’ve been a far better way to relate with her.

Power beyond understanding, and the sudden ‘responsibility’ it forced down their throats.

Then sell me something that isn’t the same bullshit,” June backed down and returned to her seat. The sudden snake appearance shook her, but not enough to take Freya’s terrible offer and beg for forgiveness.

You said you knew what I want earlier? Can cater an offer to my desires? Now’d be a pretty good time to spill, or I’m afraid this first date won’t even get you to first base,” she took enough mouthful of sandwich, now soaked in the discarded egg yolk. She was right: the egg ruined everything.

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the ascendant
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POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 19:05:30 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

and just as sudden goes the violent curve of her lips, promising bloodshed. june sits and she takes a bite of her sandwich. she does not leave. she might put on a front, come at her with barbed skin and scathing words, but what about underneath that?

"here's what i can give you. the freedom to ask for what you want." she holds up a hand, knowing how it sounds. "you give yourself over to other interested parties," she continues, raising a brow, an implication between the lines, "and you're paying tithes the rest of your days. we have the amnesty program, but will be the first to tell you that walking away from them can cost you your life.

"i don't want to control you, june, and you've no reason to trust me on that, but i probably know better than most what it's like to be stripped of your freedoms."
 she clenches her jaw. 

every waking moment, wanting more, tasting power, but not enough to satisfy the craving, the wanting, the desire to protect him, bleed for him, serve him, love him.

"so tell me, in your own words, what you want."
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June Bug
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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 4:14:44 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
… Anything? Not anything– never could be. A pittance, if anything. But damn if the offer wasn’t tempting. June gave Freya a careful stare as she looked expectantly at her, furious yet willing to negotiate. After all, the ball was in her court and the proper warnings had been decreed.

Go to Rocket, and she might as well forfeit the rest of her days. What other interested parties existed in this Arceus-forsaken region?

The promise was enticing, dangerously slow. For the low low price of her freedom, she could be free from her current problems. No debt, no obligations. Hell, she could probably even get her Dad’s old shop back. Exactly what she had wanted three years ago, and desperately desired to this day.

And the idea even came to her lips, as they opened to relay the offer. But the words never left, never materialized into reality.

Sorry kid, but we couldn’t find a single lead on whoever did this. They were smart, left no trace. It’d be like finding a needle in a haystack.

We ain’t P.I’s or ghost hunters. You know how much shit we gotta deal with? Tough luck kid– hire someone who can give a fuck.

Any hint of a soft, willing expression faded beneath the sudden glare. June shut the metaphorical door in her face for reasons well beyond the councilwoman's control or even her responsibility. Any chance of another boon went out the window as she leaned back in the chair and considered her next words.

... Y’know, I wanted to say something really witty, or nasty, but… you don’t deserve it,” she spat out. “I wanted answers two-and-a-half years ago. I wanted to not fall through the cracks. I wanted help, and to be treated like a person rather than an asset.

But next time? Don't have a used car salesman try to convince me. I gave you my answer thirty minutes ago: I’m not interested. Just leave me out of your bullshit and let me live my life.

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the ascendant
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never let you down
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 15:07:47 GMT
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and there are the words she's said, dozens of times over when defending rockets from the extremists that exist within her own organization. that at the end of the day, they are people, and they have slipped through the cracks. they have been let down by their government, in some way or other, and they're driven to promise, to sweet wiles, even if the words are spoken behind a shark's teeth.

the region is too unstable. they don't know much about the regi legendaries. regieleki would be an incredible boon to the league for a multitude of reasons, but she can't do that. she can't do that to her. 

"okay," she agrees. "then that's what i'll give you." she fishes around in her wallet and withdraws a business card with her office number. after a moment of searching annoyedly for a pen, she adds her personal number underneath it and tosses it over to june's side of the table.

"but if you ever need me, call me, and i'll be there. now, how about those beignets?"
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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
never let you down
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 20:32:59 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
June eyed the business card, and raised an eyebrow to Freya. Even as she finally folded underneath the invisible pressure, it felt awful. Like a guillotine that hung high above. Ready to strike the moment she let her guard down.

Thanks, I guess,” it disappeared into her pocket and sat there as a stone. The odds of it ever seeing the light of day were not zero, but so were the odds of her utilizing the rope that dangled down.

It’d be a cold day in hell before she leaned on the League. After all they’ve done– or haven’t.

But… free food was free food. Innocent enough. And Freya wasn’t the biggest bullshitter she’d witnessed. It’s why she didn’t stand up and walk right out at the offer for dessert. Instead, she sighed.

Better be worth it.

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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 6:52:13 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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