Kouji Matsubara's Plotter

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Kouji Matsubara's Plotter
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 15:01:30 GMT
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[attr="class","wiki-top-3"]Character Name - Hoennpedia

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[attr="class","wiki-name"]Kouji Matsubara



[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Character Name

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Gender Male

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Age 23(19)

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Orientation Heterosexual

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Status Active

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personal Details

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Height 5'11"

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Hair White

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Eyes Gold/Amber

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Occupation Rocket Grunt

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Partner You

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personality Types

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Alignment Neutral Evil

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]MBTI ENFP-T


A Rocket Grunt, goes by Kouma in daily life now after his aging up yet his previous age was well known. With everything the way it is, he doesn't expect that undercover role to last very long, not that he truly expects it to. Fool's Gold/Yellow Fake in terms of codewords, a pun on his name. Will put plot hooks here as I think of them in rotation, let's gogogogo.


White hair, that is closer to gray at the tips, having undergone a rapid aging up due to a time distortion, his appearance has changed. His two-toned hair has turned into almost white; he’s grown darke with time, a consequence of his mixed heritage. While not tall, he’s somewhat above average in height; while he’s on the slim side, he’s spent a lot of time on building his body. A shame he’s unable to put on bulk with any ease.


Brash, direct, light-hearted, that’s what Kouji is in terms of one’s first interaction with him. The kind of guy that usually sits around in a bar, and has other tables talking about how obnoxious he is. Kouji Matsubara is someone who seems to treat almost everyone as if they were a friend, even those sitting on the other side of a battlefield.
Still, he still carries the energy of someone trying to prove himself in a lot of interactions, whether that is proving he’s bad, he’s loyal, strong, or any number of things; yet it’s primarily aimed at himself.
Loyalty is the single most important factor for him, especially towards Rocket. His fanatic link to the organization, which even he considers a problem, means those who are part of the faction are automatically friends to him, and those who leave are a definite target. Or so he’d like to think, yet…


Born to Shuuji Matsubara, Kouji knows little about his mother, his father having kept that a secret from him. With three older siblings, Haruki the oldest is fifteen years older than Kouji, whereas the second is his sister Fuumi, with the second youngest behind Natsumi. His entire family has had at least some dealings with Rocket over the years, even if they had a store. Matsubara Generals was a front for smuggling things in through the various Rocket branches that existed in the world.
Still, Kouji’s life was intertwined with crime from a young age, to society he was simply a troubled child; but at home he was being raised to join the family business. His other siblings had gradually begun to leave the home, and “disappear” sick of having the lifestyle forced on them.
Eighteen years of age, with three older siblings that had left due to an abusive home, only Kouji was left behind. Shuuji had raised his children in order to act as stepping stones for him to reach the top, yet only one remained behind. Raised even harsher, tighter, his daily life was that of training, what was normal for kids was never even a second thought to him. He joined his father on smuggling runs to various regions, trained in combat, before finally being thrown back into society on the occasional breaks.
Still, he has some experience with what went on in Kanto through second hand experiences, as well as the occasional smuggling trip he joined in on, with less in Johto due to a short stint in a juvenile detention center when he was fourteen.
His life afterwards had turned oddly quiet, while partaking in petty crimes within the public eye, made friends, and cut himself a slice in society properly, Kouji Matsubara yearned to join Rocket. He was raised for it, that was what had been expected of him, and he wanted nothing more than to do it.
Yet without realizing his father had left in those years, their relationship began to normalize, become good, and then on the night of his eighteenth birthday…
Well, it’s better not to incriminate oneself, y’know? At least he has a comfortable hospital bed, maybe Kouji needs someone else to watch the shop, having his face known…Well, it’s not known anymore, thank god for skipping forward in age.


The type of person to be friendly with everyone, but in truth he doesn’t actually have anyone he’s very close with. While he’s gotten closer to others during his time on Rocket, and he’s had people he was close to in the past, Kouji Matsubara is the kind of person to push people away after a point.

Or perhaps they push him away? He can’t quite figure it out.


An unexpected ally, Kouji considers Kaname soft but smart, someone whose opinion he values, and yet they have a friendship based on give and take. Having come together as friends, then later as partners in crime underneath a transactional deal. Brain and violence having shaken hands together, Kouji has spent time cultivating this “friendship”.


A comrade, a superior and a friend, Tempest is someone Kouji has confided in and reversed. They’ve spent a fair amount of time together, and have taken numerous missions together. Functionally, Tempest is someone who can catch on with very little prodding, a step-lock instinctually due to the more unhinged parts of their personality. It helps that they have terrible luck when together.


A friendly enemy? Kouji has a lot of opinions on Navy, the man who shares a similar past to himself, and yet has taken an entirely different path in life. While there’s a fair amount of respect in the mix, he also cannot truly see eye to eye with the man due to their differing ideologies. While they have a tendency to meet on various battlefields, it’s been a while since Kouji has seen this man. Yet, he cannot quite consider it a rivalry anymore, which is bound to create even more complicated feelings.


While originally more of a mentor, and his superior, someone that Kouji held a great deal of respect for, that respect quickly turned into hate over the events of Goodbye Galar. While Kouji’s memories are gradually fading, his hatred of Zev is rather intense. Still, he can’t help but acknowledge that Zev is far too useful to Rocket. In truth, he’s simply terrified of the man, and knows he can’t do it even if he wanted to.


An ally from the past, a friend in the past; at present Kouji isn’t sure what to call it. A defector from a time long ago, when he himself wasn’t even part of Rocket. While younger than him, Kouji considers himself smaller than her. Their shared past experiences provide complicated feelings, yet their last interaction has solidified the fact that she is now an enemy, even if perhaps there should’ve been a different path. Yet, he cannot accept traitors, glory to Rocket.


Howard, someone he had given some advice to and is now his superior; yet Kouji saw that progression happening. Intrinsically smart; their interactions have generally been non-serious, light-hearted, and great for taking his mind off the more serious parts of the lifestyle they live. Definitely a person he can rely on, yet a partnership that isn’t transactional; Kouji expects this star to keep soaring.


Eris, a defector, and yet was a constant companion on his missions; where she dug him out of trouble left, right and center. Before he ever decided to rely on strategy, this kid acted as the one who saved him time and again. An ally he had grown to trust a great deal, even with her young age; but now is a defector who has left. While he’d tried to kill her at a point, the present him has basically taken a wait and see approach, perhaps hoping she’d rejoin. Still, traitors must fall, glory to Rocket. Yet, he’s unable to without being able to figure out why, perhaps someone else will?

[attr="class","wiki-subtitle"]With Character 2

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