Rhea's Plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 6th
what say you and all your friends step up to my friends in the alley tonight?
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Rhea Armistead
Rhea's Plotter
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 12:24:56 GMT
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[attr="class","wiki-top-3"]Rhea Armistead - Hoennpedia

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[attr="class","wiki-name"]Rhea Armistead



[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Rhea Euphrasie Armistead

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Gender Female

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Age Twenty-eight

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Orientation Homosexual

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Status Alive

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personal Details

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Height 6'01"

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Hair Black

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Eyes Gold

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Occupation Mercenary

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Partner None

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personality Types

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Alignment Chaotic Neutral

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]MBTI ISFP-T

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Astrological sign ♎︎


[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Template Teal

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Art bekkomi on tumblr

This a placeholder, because this too is a work in progress lmao[break][break]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id. Donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat. Mi bibendum neque egestas congue. Non odio euismod lacinia at quis risus. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames. Posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra nam. Nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus. Consequat semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae. Lacinia at quis risus sed. Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor.


Lmao she's buff and has a sword (this is a placeholder)


Rhea is a braggart, a blowhard, and a real cocky bitch. She is incredibly proud of her physical strength, martial skill, and prowess as a Pokemon trainer, and she's not afraid to let those around her know it. She is also sure that she can beat you in arm-wrestling, in a drinking contest, and in just about any other physical feat she can think up. She can also come across as rather flippant and dismissive, a real “hit things first, ask questions later” sort of woman. On the outset, it seems as though Rhea chooses not to concern herself with the moral implications of her mercenary work, and is more preoccupied by the chance to prove her strength and earn a nice paycheck more than anything else. [break][break]

But the more you listen to her, and the more time you spend around Rhea Armistead, something might start to seem a little... off. There's something almost performative about the way that she insists she can take down an Ursaring bear-handed (haha), because at this point, she's told you that exact boast of strength three or four times already. That broad, cocky grin falters a little when she learns that the job doesn't involve just roughing some folks up, but involves taking the lives of hapless civilians or League-aligned do-gooders. The hard set of her shoulders tightens, coiled muscles grow more tense, and she barks back something about being “just fine” and to “mind your own fucking business” when the mask begins to slip. [break][break]

If you manage to find her alone and unguarded, somewhere in a dark corner of a seedy bar or in the bowls of the West Wing, you might find a very different Rhea. Tired eyes look older than they should for a gal only about a year shy of thirty. The sad slump of her shoulders speak of a burden weighing her down so tremendously it seems almost physically tangible. Nails are kept short not just because it is a matter of being low-maintenance, but because her fingertips have been gnawed into a bloody, calloused mess. [break][break]

Rhea is a braggart, a blowhard, and a real cocky bitch, and that is exactly what she wants you to think.


Rhea was born September 6th, 1995 as the second child and only daughter of Baron John Armistead and Baroness Elizabeth Armistead (nee D’Arcy). She grew up in the dying house of the Baron Armistead, located on an overgrown stretch of acreage just outside of Turffield. Once a small but prestigious barony loyal to the crown and known for producing some of the finest knights in service to its military, the house itself had fallen to financial ruin in the last half a century due to the gutting of its coffers by the former lord of the estate. [break][break]

In a bid to prove their worth once more to the crown, the eldest son of the household (Virgil Armistead) was groomed from a young age for military service, being privately instructed in many forms of martial training before he was to be sent to a military academy. [break][break]

Rhea, however, was desperate to take his place. Idolizing both the knights of legend and her own prestigious ancestors, she begged her parents to join Virgil in his studies. They staunchly refused, in part because they felt it was his birthright as the eldest son, in part because they did not have the resources to commit to both of their children, and in part because they felt as though Rhea’s responsibility was elsewhere. When the lessons in etiquette, cookery, and music began, Rhea discovered shortly after that she was to be groomed to be a bride and subsequently married off to a house of a better station in order to elevate the Baron Armistead’s own political connections. [break][break]

Rhea resented this deeply, and Virgil, for his part, was actually quite sympathetic to her plight. He taught her his own lessons in secret long into the night, and as it turned out, Rhea was very naturally skilled with a sword. In an effort to prove to her parents that her place was in the military rather than in some viscount’s mansion, she convinced her brother to stage a sparring match with her to display her martial prowess. [break][break]

The match ended in disaster and heartache. Not only were her parents outraged by the fact that both of their children had been lying to them, Virgil tragically lost an eye during their bout, preventing his enrollment into the military academy he had been set to join for well over a decade. As a result, Rhea was summarily disowned by her parents and kicked out of their home. Since then, she has used her capabilities both as a Pokemon trainer and as a sword fighter to fend for herself financially, and as a sword for hire, her services are sold to the highest bidder. [break][break]

With the tides of war beginning to rise in Hoenn, she has recently entered a rather lucrative contract with Rocket as a mercenary, and while she holds no particular allegiance to either them or the League, Rhea does greatly look forward to facing off against some proper combatants. [break][break]


For the most part, Rhea's family is dead to her, and her work doesn't really allow her the opportunity to develop lasting connections. While her current contract with Rocket may allow her more chances to strike up friendships and other relationships, there is still one person that preoccupies her thoughts more often then she'd care to admit.

[attr="class","wiki-subtitle"]Virgil Armistead

Rhea's older brother, who Rhea absolutely idolized for most of her early life. He is a kind, chivalrous individual who absolutely deserved to become a knight, but Rhea's jealousy and the genuine disservice her parents did her would color aspects of their relationship shortly before she was disowned. She does miss him dearly, though, and feels an almost overwhelming amount of guilt for what she did to him.

[attr="class","wiki-title"]Plot Hooks

Outside of just generally having common ground with folks from Galar and other members of Rocket, there are a few specific ways in which Rhea might be able to uniquely connect with others.

[attr="class","wiki-subtitle"]Sword and Shield

Rhea is always looking for people to spar with regardless of their political leanings. If you're good with a sword, your fists, or any other weapon under the sun, than Rhea would have a vested interest in testing your skill. Additionally, for those who are actually knowledgeable about weaponry both modern and historical, she would love to have the opportunity to geek out with someone over their arms of choice.[break][break]
  • Seeking people to spar with and people to talk shop about weapons with


Similarly, Rhea grew up enamored by stories of legendary knights and Pokemon, and is actually quite knowledgeable about various myths and legends surrounding them. From Unova to Galar to Johto, Rhea can't help but indulge in stories of all kinds, whether its listening to stories told by others or sharing some of her own.[break][break]

  • Seeking nerds to geek out over Pokemon lore and whatever mythology we can shoehorn into this setting with

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it's a long life full of long nights

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