Inudai, Kokou

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
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"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Inudai, Kokou
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 4:51:51 GMT
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[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameKokou Inudai
played byKing of Cats

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION Team Rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK Grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Kawaki - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER





When Kokou was born it was night time, and there was a full moon on display. As the moon hung in the sky, Kokou emerged into the world full of life. The child smiled right from the womb, eager to live a full life with Pokemon. Kokou's mother was a Pokemon trainer and he would always be surrounded by Pokemon for his young life. The little boy grew up fast with a strong gift for intelligence, he started speaking by just six months. Kokou was fit to be a well adjusted member of society, but that was when tragedy struck.
When Kokou was just three years old, his single mother fell ill with lymphatic cancer. It had spread from her lungs to her lymph nodes and she only had a few months to live. Kokou didn't understand it, but his mother was dying. When she left the world, all of Kokou's family was gathered at his house to mourn her passing. It was a truly surreal experience for Kokou.
After Kokou's mother left him, Kokou was simply not himself. He felt a strong sense of mourning, crying every morning as soon as he woke up. He missed his mother dearly, but no matter how hard he wished he couldn't change the facts of life. His mother was gone and he was now being taken care of by his Aunt Sango. Aunt Sango was the sister of Kokou's mother and grieved just as hard as Kokou did, but she was older and held it together better. Kokou fell totally apart. After a few years the once vibrant youth was a shell of his former self.
By the age of ten, Kokou had once again adjusted to the change of life he endured. He was a much more quiet youth, a thinking man. He seemed to always be contemplating something deep, and he often was. Kokou was a wise child, the pain of life striking his innocence early. The young man still managed to do good in school, despite his shattered poise. Kokou was a model student of Verdanturf and a sagacious acolyte of life. He did well for himself, but Kokou felt little joy in life. His greatest happiness came from the base thrills that were present in things like danger and desire.
For a long time, Kokou's greatest thrill was eating. He was a comfort eater and got his rocks off by snacking on sweet treats or chips. Kokou was a healing soul and it would take him a long time to recover from the pain of losing his mother. Kokou felt a myriad of emotions from the unanswerable woes of losing his mother to the unquenchable rage of never knowing his father. It was hard for him, but one day Auntie Sango came to Kokou with a poke ball. She told him that he had always been gifted with communicating with Pokemon, which was true. Kokou could get wild Pokemon to sit and stay with just a verbal command. He had a talent with Pokemon, and it was nice to be appreciated by his Auntie. She gave him a Pokemon. "I got him from a breeding union. Take care of him, Kokou. I'm depending on you." Sango told her nephew. She had no idea what would become of Kokou's relationship with that Rowlet.
After a few years of training Rowlet, Shinobu became inseparable with the Grass Quill Pokemon. Fu, as the Rowlet was known, was a mischievous Pokemon who liked to play pranks on people. The grass type Pokemon's antics entertained Kokou, and, for the first time in a long time, Kokou experienced pleasure. He enjoyed the time he spent with his Pokemon, but he was walking down a dangerous road. Kokou was getting into the wrong crowd at school, and he was developing a reputation among the underground as a strong trainer.
One day, after graduation, Kokou was approached by a member of Team Rocket. The woman had long, blue hair that was braided tightly to her head. She looked like a real punk, but to Kokou she seemed like someone who was hip and down to Earth. "You want to earn a living fighting for the right side? Join Team Rocket, we've heard about your talent. You can fight, you're lightning quick and filled with good ideas. We need a kid like you, Kokou. C'mon." Kokou was flattered and it didn't take much convincing. He agreed to work for Team Rocket. He had recently gotten a girlfriend, a fellow trainer in the Verdanturf Underground. Kokou wanted to impress her and move out of his aunts. "Alright, you got a new recruit. Just make sure I am paid well. It isn't easy winning Pokemon battles for a bunch of thieves." Kokou may have been edgy, but he was a realist. He knew what Team Rocket was about, but as long as he didn't steal anyone Pokemon, he didn't care. He could simply fight for them, no problem.
The Team Rocket member rubbed her gloved hands together. "Alright kid, now we are talking. I'm going to set you up on a score. Take your Pokemon, and wipe out these trainers. I don't care how you do it either, just beat em. Teach em a lesson for us." the Rocket member punched her fist in her hand violently.
With that, Kokou got his first job. He headed to a comic book shop later that day with his Rowlet and crushed three trainers. Fu had a vicious Sucker Punch and he wiped the floor with the novice trainers. Kokou reigned on top, and he left the comic book shops victorious. The next day Kokou met with the same Rocket trainer and got paid a thousand whole pokedollars. He was hooked from that day forward.
It didn't take long for Kokou to move out of his Aunts house, but she was worried about him. Kokou had lost his way and she knew it, though she didn't know he had sided with Team Rocket, she did suspect it. When he left she tried not to cry, but the older woman broke down in tears. "T-take care of yourself. And w-watch out for the p-police." She weeped.
With that, Kokou moved to Sootopolis across the region. He wouldn't see his aunt for a long time, but he held a good memory of her. He knew she loved him, but he knew his calling in life was with money. His mother had never had anything, and neither did Sango. It was a pleasure to have dollars, and Kokou was known for following pleasures.


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TAG WITH @shiv
Inudai, Kokou
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 5:29:04 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WELCOME TO HOENN!


congratulations on being accepted! ensure that you have read the site rules and view the getting started page should you require some guidance for the beginning of your journey. we hope you enjoy your stay in hoenn![break][break]

your character will begin with 50 pokedollars & 5 pokeballs,[break]which you can add to your personal computer (PC).


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