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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 1:01:29 GMT
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Facing off against the Underboss was nerve wracking. He had a deadly shadow aura that could strike at any moment and vicious claws that could rend Kokou's flesh. To say that Kokou was scared would be to put it mildly, but he didn't show any sign of fear. Kokou was strong and brave, kicking Cillian square in the chest and sending him back a few feet. Kokou was not going down without a fight, and his fancy footwork was helping him keep his edge in the battle.
With his first hit blocked, Kokou felt like he could get into a rhythmn in this fight. Cillian was an incredibly aggressive fighter, and leading the hunt, but Kokou was analytical and approached his opponent from various angles. Over the next few minutes, when Cillian closed in on him, Kokou was able to tag Cillian with a few more front kicks, establishing a boundary between the two.
As Kokou circled Cillian, he slowly unloaded more strikes on his opponent, swinging crescent kicks at his hands and even forming hand work. He was feeling out Cillian, and there were few openings to be had. Cillian had good head movement and was agile on his feet, Kokou certainly had his work cut out for him. He kept kicking at Cillian, waiting for the Underboss to make a mistake. Kokou was hunting too, he was preying on Cillian's unknown weak spot. He seemed to be an incredibly aware fighter and Kokou was beginning to doubt that Cillian would give him a headshot.
As Kokou kept his legs up, defending Cillian from closing in on him with his claws, he noticed that Cillian was open to a jab on the return, a bad habit of not shuffling your feet back to stance. Kokou started leaning in with his jab after push kicking Cillian, hoping to open up the Underboss for a roundhouse to the head. After a few times of opening up Cillian's sloppy footwork, Kokou saw the opportunity to come forward with a round house kick. The Grunt spun on the pads of his foot, swinging his hips into the strike and flinging his foot up into Cillian's headspace with extreme speed.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Free Bird
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 23:34:08 GMT
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Walking with Kouji, Kokou kept his eyes ahead. He was focused on the task at hand. Kokou wasn't sure if he was going to be using his gun for killing, but when Kouji asked him about it, he knew. Kokou was cool and calm, he had dealt with death in several ways throughout his life. When his mother first died, and then when he first killed someone. "Oh yeah. I've used my Pokemon to kill. I can't say my hands in particular have been dirtied, but there's a first for everything, right?" Kokou sounded almost cheerful. He was glad to be getting some ground under his feet. It felt good to work for Team Rocket.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 22:25:25 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

After he shooed away the Rattata, Kokou floated on Tekko, closer to Airi. She was much more nimble in the air than Kokou was, so he had to be careful as he was whistling to direct Metagross where to fly. Kokou shouted to Airi, "You're going to have to be more forceful. Wild Pokemon don't understand spoken words, show her you are willing to fight for the spot!" Kokou cheered Airi on.
The Swellow was getting frustrated when Dragonair put a rain spout on her. She squeaked and chirped, then landed directly on the power line. Preening herself, Swellow stood firm that she was going nowhere.
Floating closer to the bird now, Kokou started shouting at it. "Go on! Git!" He said, then pulled a PokeBall from his utility belt and released his Decidueye, Fu. Fu swooped out of the PokeBall and flew right next to Airi. Kokou let out a sharp whistle, commanding Decidueye to attack.
Drawing a feather and aiming, Fu charged up his ghostly powers and then released the arrow. The feather struck the bird and pushed it down towards the ground. The Swellow squaked some more and then the arrow made it's mark. The arrow phased through Swellow and hit the ground, cursing the bird to stay put for as long as Fu commanded it.
"Haha! Got her!" Kokou said to Airi and began flying over to the sidewalk where Swellow was pinned to the ground.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 2:03:16 GMT
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When Airi told Kokou that he could help her, he couldn't help but smile. Kokou loved helping women do various tasks. It made him feel good to be useful to the fairer sex. Kokou tossed his PokeBall on the ground and released Tekko the Metagross. Tekk roared loudly and looked around. Usually Tekko was Kokou's ace Pokemon, and he only saw action when Kokou was really putting the beat down on civillians. Tekko looked around, confused, and then grumbled to Kokou. Kokou let out a series of whistles, telling Tekko, "We are helping this woman. Fly me up to that bird." Tekko looked happy to oblige and folded his legs up, then started levitating above the ground using his psychic power.
Following the Pokemon Ranger, Kokou floated up to the power line. He held on tight to Tekko's various metal grooves, making sure not to fall to his death. Kokou followed Airi up to the nest. 
As Airi spoke to the swellow, Kokou did his best to shoot away the Rattata. They were real pests, stealing straw from the drunken Swellow, and Kokou didn't have any problem using force. He drew his gun from his belt loop, it was a snub nosed .38, and shot a round into the air, shouting at the rat Pokemon. The Rattata fled from the utility pole.
Drunk on fermented berries, Swellow ignored Airi. It continued to adjust it's small collection of straw and linen. Until Kokou fired his gun, then the bird turned around and lunged at Airi.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
processed shop
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:22:34 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

1 Stage 2 Evolution - Rowlet -> Dartrix(50 PD)

1 Stage 3 Evolution - Dartrix -> Decidueye(50 PD)


do come again!

100 PD
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 0:47:25 GMT
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As Cillian feigned a strike, Kokou jumped back about three feet. He was leery of the Underbosses claws, and more than that, Kokou knew he was better suited to dance around the ring and wait for a knockout. Kokou immediately had a plan. He had incredibly strong, long legs that would be perfect to kick Cillian in the head. Kokou planned on making use of his strengths in this fight, he knew there was a lot riding on his performance. After pissing Cillian off, Kokou kind of regretted his actions, but it was too late! He had to hold his own at this point, walk the walk. 
With some space between him and Cillian, Kokou shifted his weight onto his back foot. He prepared to send a front kick in Cillian's midsection as soon as the Avatar got close enough. Kokou held his hands up high, protecting his face. He hadn't forgotten about the dark shadows that Cillian had used before, Kokou knew he was about to get his ass handed to him.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 0:31:19 GMT
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Smoothly, the two drove through the streets and made it to the blockade. When Gengar poofed outside of the vehicle and Mega Evolved, Kokou was in shock. "I had no idea your Pokemon was so powerful." Kokou said to Zev as the two sped through the former blockade. When Gengar returned, Kokou turned around in the seat and gave him a congratulatory fist bump. Kokou was geeked up to see such a powerful Pokemon at work.
When Zev gave Kokou the proceeding instructions, he nodded affirmatively. "I can do that." Kokou replied and grabbed the jewelry from Gengar in the back. "I'm sure I will see you again, General. Thank you for helping me score, and may fortune be on your side in the coming battle." Kokou gave Zev a half cocked military salute, the jewelry jingling on his back behind him.
Taking the jewelry with him, Kokou headed off to find Pier 3 and return home with all the riches he had stolen with Zev.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Free Bird
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 0:20:48 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

The life of a Pokemon trainer was most often, as expected, spent with Pokemon. Whether you were a League lackey, or a Rocket Grunt, you were always with your Pokemon. On thiss occasion, however, Kokou had left his team back home. He would be tracking down a fugitive, and using nothing but his bare fists, and whatever weapons he happened to bring along with him, to apprehend this scum bag. Honestly, Kokou was excited to see some action. He hadn't drawn a gun since his encounter with Cillian, the underboss. 
Speaking to Kouji, Kokou said, "You picked the right man for the job." Kokou pulled on his belt, revealing the snub nose .38 he kept on him. "Point me in the right direction, Kouji." Kokou was a trained marksman, he wasn't an expert but he had some adept skills with a gun. He also had a knife in his boot. Kokou was ready to bring this criminal to the bigger criminals. This guy was just a fish in a barrel, and Kokou was eager to reach in.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 23:58:12 GMT
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Pulling down his black mask, Kokou rolled the car window down. He put the cigarette in his mouth and replied to Zev, "Nah, no body saw my face. Heard my voice, but that's not going to hold up in court." Kokou finagled a yellow lighter from his baggy pants pockets and lit his cigarette. Inhaling deeply, he said, "I think that mall will be shot for future stick ups. Probably will increase security after I killed their Pokemon." Kokou exhaled deeply out the window, then washed his cigarette. "Your Pokemon are professionals, that's for sure." Kokou pulled the passenger selfie mirror down and looked at Gengar and Rotom, giving them a thumbs up.
Just then, Rookidee floated down from the sky above and landed on Kokou's open window. She tweeted noisily in the car, sporadically preening herself in anxiety. Kokou translated for Zev, "She says the police are mobilizing on the streets. Putting up blockades. Think we can make a smooth exit?" Kokou ashed his cigarettes again, between Rookidee's legs. 

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 22:59:48 GMT
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After phasing through the sky with Gengar, Kokou found himself firmly footed on the ground. The General's ghost Pokemon took off, and Kokou was on his own. He whistled softly to Ren the Rookidee, commanding her to keep watch of the streets, then he took off through the alleys. Dashing through dumpsters and hobo nests, Kokou made it to the rendezvous point. He saw Zev's unmarked, black sedan parked, and walked casually up to it, still a little out of breath. Kokou got inside and threw the heavy bag of jewelry in Zev's lap. "It went good, for us." Kokou smiled devilishly to his superior. 
After telling Zev about what happened during the mission, and the Riolu that lost it's life, Kokou told Zev, "They must have had an extra security system in place, by the time I was ready to go, two old fucks had their Pokemon out on me. I got all the jewelry in the front of the store though." Kokou wiped the sweat off his brow and pulled out a pack of menthol cigarettes from his pocket. "You smoke?" He offered Zev a cigarette. 

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 4:33:45 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

ToKokou's surprise, there was a noisy bark from down below. Turning his gaze from the bird in the power lines, Kokou looked down to see a little Mudkip roaming the streets. It had chosen him to pick on, and was looking at Kokou quite curiously. "Aren't you.. a little thing." Kokou said to the Mudkip named Bean. Fu get a hoot, alerting Kokou of what was happening in the power lines.
Next to where the Swellow was trying to build it's next, there were several rattata's forming a line going back and forth from the straw the Swellow had placed, and back to the ground. The Rattata were stealing the birds home! Kokou thought the whole ordeal as quite comical, but turned his attention back to the Mudkip.
"Where'd ya come-" Kokou was beginning to ask Bean before he was interrupted by Airi. "Oh good." Kokou said flatly when Airi picked up her Pokemon. As she apologized, Kokou recognized Airi from Trainer's Eye. She was the sexy older lady he had dropped a line on, to no avail. He wondered if she would recognize him. It was hard to miss him with the dyed blonde undercut and long mohawk. Not to mention the tattoo below his eye. Kokou looked like a ruffian. Trying not to give away the fact that he noticed Airi, and recognized her by name, Kokou said, "Oh, it's no worries. Some Pokemon like to run off, I guess." Kokou's Pokemon didn't act like that. They were strictly trained soldiers for Kokou, they had the utmost respect for him and protected him with their lives. If he said to stop, they stopped. But not everyone's Pokemon were just so, Kokou figured Airi was just another weak trainer.
When Airi mentioned the Swellow, he turned his head to look back at the scene above. "Yeah that's a nightmare waiting to happen. Power could go out for the whole district." Kokou paused for a moment, considering what Airi had just said. "And the Pokemon could get hurt." He scratched the back of his head. "I could help ya, I'm Kokou." He introduced himself with a handshake. Kokou's hands were rough from training with a sword. "I'm not much of a hero, but I have Pokemon that could help." Kokou retrieved a PokeBall from his utility belt and showed it to Airi.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 2:15:24 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

It was high noon in Rustboro City and Kokou had just got done working the best, and by beat I mean that he was beating the crap out of Rich Boy's for Team Rocket. Kokou was a hired thug for Rocket, he dealt with debtors most often, but he liked to call himself a mercenary. It wasn't honest work, but it was hard work and someone had to do it. Kokou loved being that someone. 
Walking down the loosely packed streets, Kokou noticed that there was little breeze today. Fu, Kokou's Rowlet, was flying somewhere high in the sky above him, watching his master and keeping an eye out for any funny business. Fu was Kokou's starter Pokemon, he had gotten him from his Aunt Sango when he was just a child, and Fu was Kokou's most loyal Pokemon. Fu was a mischievous prankster, always getting Kokou into trouble when they were young, but as Kokou got older and became more strict with his Pokemon, Fu took more of a leadership role in the team. Tekko, Kokou's Metagross, greatly respected Fu and protected him with it's life. All of the Pokemon loved Fu.
Flying high in the sky, Fu swooped down and landed on Kokou's shoulder. That meant that Fu had spotted something, and as the owl Pokemon was on Kokou's shoulder, he pointed up in the sky at the power lines. To Kokou's surprise, there was a rather large Swellow flapping it's wings above the power lines. In it's beak was all sorts of straw, and it seemed the Pokemon was trying to build a nest. It was flying in chaotic patterns and Kokou wondered if it was perhaps drunk on berries. Sometimes pecha berries over ripened and turned into alcohol. It taste terrible but some Pokemon found a taste for it. Kokou stared up at the power line with Fu, watching the bird Pokemon try to make a nest.

Mission: Cuckoos Nest
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay